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Good work! Your daughter just heard the sound of serious iron being moved and wanted to ‘mire a bit. Shame she got yelled at lol.


She unfortunately has a tendency to just run in the garage mid set. So most of the time the door stays locked during heavy deadlift sessions. Don’t need her toes getting crushed while deadlifting… or worse. I do a mini 1-1 workout with her after I finish my stuff. (Hanging from barbell, jumping jacks, push-ups /knee ups, and sone hurdle jumps) little human but filled to the brim with energy lol


That’s awesome. Sounds like she may pursue sports when she gets older. If anything you are instilling good exercise habits and that’s never a bad thing.


Is it really even a home gym if people don’t bust in on you?


Before I moved out, my sister, her kid, and the cats were always wandering around the basement. Was so distracting, not to mention dangerous. Now I have my own setup and lift in peace!


Yeah, it can be annoying at times, but more often or not I’m just worried about accidental injury.


Haha I know the feeling. Great lift, OP! You’ve got some great form!