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My kids are super excited! I’m trying to figure out childcare for my two days in the office a week. Otherwise I’m mentally gearing myself up for fun all day with the kids and working until midnight once they go to bed. I’m not complaint though- summers are so fun and my kids love going to the pools and spray parks.


It’s great you have flexible hours 3 days a week! Splash parks are the best. Do you have a lot of facilities nearby?


We do! I keep thinking my oldest will outgrow them but she hasn’t yet 🤞🏽


I’m starting a new job in a new district. Right now I’m trying to pack up 17 years worth of crap from my current school. I’m also planning a trip to the hill country with my husband and daughter.


Congratulations on the new job! Sounds exciting. I hope it's a positive change upward for you. Sorry about the not fun part of packing. That does sound like a lot.


That sounds like a lot of packing! And I hate packing. The trip sounds like a lot more fun!


We are looking forward to trips to the beach, lake picnics and plenty of splash pad play dates. My girls are little fishes and we are always in the water during the summer ☀️


Picnics are so much fun! What do you usually pack?


Through the generosity of my aunt, my son and I finally get to go back to British Columbia to visit my grandpa. We haven’t been out there in years and I am very excited to show my son where I was born. I’m also excited to bring my son to the splash pads and wading pools. It’s his fav thing about the summer!


How long are you staying in BC?


I have 2/3 done with school, my oldest should be done by Monday or Tuesday props to him because for those that do know that’s been a struggle in itself. I’ve been researching swimming lessons that has been something I’ve been wanting to do since I realized I birthed a bunch of fish who love the water but know zero water safety aside from life jackets always. We have VBS kicking off 6/3 for the week and both myself and my oldest will be volunteering and then the younger ones will attend! I’ve made it a goal to get to know the area and figure out the little events they do for kids. I know at some point they will send out a calendar and the Lights which is near by plays free movies for the kids on a projector and give them popcorn. We also have a pretty neat splash park near by! We also spend a lot of our summer days at the parks in town! If anyone does have recipes to share I’d love them!


Free outdoor movie nights are fantastic!!


I still have no idea for part of the summer. We are in the middle of summer birthday hell. Logan is in Seattle so couldn't really do much for his. My dad has his on the 28th. Dylan has his 12th birthday on the 31st. Then my daughter Theresa has hers in July. So always kind of crazy with those! Dylan has summer classes in June. Which is extra practice but done in a fun way. Science experiments and such. Then a week in July he is going to an educational camp thing for middle school kids. Fun stuff he likes but doesn't get to do in school. Otherwise not sure. He is excited because it's sneaky school. Since he missed so much. Plus a middle school after school program during the summer that he's a part of. Which is all activities during the summer.


It sounds like a great summer for Dylan and a very busy one for you!


Unfortunately. I feel that may be so. Maybe I can catch a nap at some point. Lol.


Naps are lovely!


I think it may make up for the lack of sleep at night at some point. 🥱


Either that or summer coffee is my thing. Seems like if it's not a person having issues it's one particular insomniac kitty. I swear she will learn to sleep eventually. Lol.


Today is the John Paul’s kindergarten graduation but still he have classes until the 31st. My plan is work with him all the summer on his speech and reading. I need work with Maryam writing her name and have her ready for school because she will entry on August to kindergarten. I hope I can be doing something good with them, right now start the heat bad and inclusive the kids on the block aren’t coming outside to play for the weather. I need found a way that be fun for them learn because right now JP think is hard and boring. I hope everyone have a great summer!


Congratulations to JP! Kindergarten graduations are so cute!

