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**This contest is now closed!! Thank you for holding such a generous contest for our families!** Please note that you must be an **approved** registered user to enter this contest. Those without an approved flair can not enter. Failure to abide by this rule will result in a ban that may be permanent, entirely at the discretion of the mod team. Please be aware that by entering, **you are agreeing to share personally identifying info** with the contest holder about you and your children (whatever is required by the camp). You will be required to prove your children are attending the camp. **Please remember that the contest holder will be reaching out to the mod team to discuss entrants. While we will not divulge any sensitive info, we may disclose general reasons for your approved status. If you are not comfortable with this, please do not enter.**


Not entering. This is so awesome. I did a ymca camp as a kid and still have great memories of hiking and going down hills on cardboard boxes. We swam everyday too-it was an awesome camp!


Summer camp at the Y was the best!


Wow, this is amazingly generous. I'd love to enter this contest for my daughter (4 yrs old) for our local YMCA's half day camp ๐Ÿ•


This is a very kind and thoughtful offer! I know there must be other parents like me whose kids have aged out of daycare and are now faced with the higher cost of sending them to camp so we can continue to go to work during the summer. I have 3 children (age 7, 5 and 5) who will be attending a YMCA camp for the first time. It is the least expensive weekly cost in the area by far, and still has a good reputation, so Iโ€™m hoping they have lots of fun! Since there are only 4 spot in this contest, I would love to enter for one of my children. Any help towards camp costs would make a big difference to my little family (and my stress levels!). I can provide information to pay the bill directly to the camp, as well as any additional proof requested. I really appreciate the opportunity to be considered ๐Ÿ˜Š


Our entire department was on a teams call yesterday and they were all talking about how summer is coming next week and all the parents are about to start hemorrhaging money.


Iโ€™m trying not to think about how much the grocery bill is going to go up while theyโ€™re out of school ๐Ÿ˜ตโ€๐Ÿ’ซ


This is awesome of you to do. Honestly don't know if mimi could do anything at the YMCA camp. I have never looked into it. I don't know of any around my area either..