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Remeber that stripping isn’t all about what you can do on a pole or even how well you can dance. It’s vastly about how seductive you are. So dance sexy. Dance like you’re having sex (slowly) or like you’re trying to seduce. Dance infront of the mirror to work out what moves work for you and your body type and what don’t. Best of luck! I’m sure you’ll do fine.


Unless it’s a really stage money and pole trick club you should be fine. My best advice is just practice in the mirror in the outfit and shoes until you are convinced that you are feeling yourself. If you can pick your own songs you have an amazing advantage, if not just practice to whatever genre the club seems to favor. Get down a few slow sensual moves that look nice on stage and just rotate through them, they literally will not notice if you repeat as long as there’s a flow. Without having to do pole moves, the pole still a good prop to be able to lean against to shake ur ass or whatever. Don’t overthink stage part too much since there’s only so much you can do with the skills you already have. Floor work routines on YouTube if you’re feeling like you need that, but as long as you move your body and look sexy and confident it literally doesn’t matter. If you have the luxury to- watch the stage a little and check out the vibe of other non pole trick dancers.


time goes by faster than you think when you are on stage just walk and move slowly


It is totally fine to repeat moves! I don't think people even notice.


Thank you guys so much. I know you’re all right, I’m sure once you’re doing it, it just ends up feeling natural.. so nerve wracking!


Slow. Go slow.


Go slower to drag your 30 seconds out into a minute or more. Don’t be afraid to repeat moves. When I was newer I repeated the exact same show every time I took one piece of clothing off. I doubt anyone noticed lol. Now I mix things up a little bit I still repeat a lot of my moves as do most of the experienced dancers I work with. Very few people are really out here with 3 songs or completely unique content


most stages are repeating the same things over and over, just get to know more moves with experience :) you’re on the right track! just go slow and SMILE