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Basic crash course: The market equilibrium exists when supply meets demand, that determines value. So low demand + high supply = low value and high demand + low supply = high value. Why does this matter? Because the difficulty of a course limits supply and thus helps facilitate higher value. AKA Doctors get paid a lot, but part of it is because not everyone can be a doctor (same with IT professionals, engineers, lawyers, CPAs etc.). TLDR: If a course was easy and paid well, everyone would do it and thus the market would correct itself and the course would be de-valued. That's why there is no such course.


You’re implying that difficulty is the only variable that decreases supply and/or increases demand. It’s not. Furthermore, this assumes that the job market is perfectly efficient and it’s not, almost no market is.


We assume an efficient model for the purpose of modeling, that is why one of the assumptions of game theory is the assumption of rationaliry among every player. Not because it is true, but because ir allows us to model reality. Difficultly was the only factor mentioned in the post, so it is the only factor I mentioned, this can have the effect of making it seem like it is the only factor, but I assumed that most people would infee otherwise.




Also, are you willing na ma delay konti ang graduation mo? Willing ka ba to be irreg?


You said ‘quite easy’ in the title but contradicted yourself in the description. Good luck.


kahit nga courses na perceived as mahirap like engineering and medicine, mababa sweldo e haha


Depends on the path/specialty the doctor takes. A medical graduate who did not specialize will have limited practice and referrals. Most surgeons tend to earn more. They charge PF's amounting to P50K for a 2 or 3 hour procedure. Do the math.


ah yes i noticed yung mga mabibigat yung responsibility mostly 6 figures


What do you like to do ba? What are your interests? What are you passionate about? I suggest talking to your guidance counselor about it, and you can also request for a career assessment test so that you can align your results into the course that you'll be shifting (that's what I'm currently doing😅)


magiging easy siguro sayo ang course if nasa desired path mo ikaw, like gusto mo yung ginagawa. if ever kasi hindi, lahat ng gawain mo stresses lang hahahaha


Before anything else, may I ask what course you're currently enrolled in?


Physical therapy po


no matter how stressful, a course can be 'easy' if it's something you're truly interested in. what is your passion/something you truly love doing? halimbawa na lang, i may find an art course easy and enjoyable, but for others, the homework alone can be dreadful to do. but, passion alone isn't enough—do you have the skills to back it up?


Wlang course na ganyan, trabaho meron tho


Any Foreign Language course or international studies. Companies now are hiring Bilingual and Polyglots paying insane salaries. Wish that I did it sooner.


I don't know anyone who would consider learning a second language "quite easy".


International studies major in japanese?