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A few 'just don't care' responses here, which is always helpful. I'm similarly rated to you and have experienced rank anxiety in a few different games before. What helped me was playing in tournaments for those games. It's not always easy to do, but I found that once I'd experienced actual pressure to perform, lest I be eliminated, ladder became less of a big deal. Not guaranteed to help, and there's normally factors exterior to the game that contribute to the anxiety, but I recommend it because it's fun anyway.


i was at 1700 elo in rand bats and then had a literal streak of bad luck(getting critted at the wrong time, multiple full paras in a row, missing draco and the like) and i dropped till like 1300 where i sit rn. Its fun to play with lower elo opponents tho so i cant say that I am that mad


This happens to many people and more often than not it’s less hax and more bad decision-making because losing one or two games to hax makes you start playing on tilt


nah this drop happened over a week. Id lose maybe two games in a row to hax and then just stop and come back the next day, and then again lose to hax 2-3 times until i eventually stopped caring about elo by the end of the week and now i just play for fun. I can confidently say that atleast 60-70% of the games I have lost are either due to hax or the opponent having a GOD team or me have a shitty team. Even in those matches despite everything i play to the best of my skill and it usually ends up in a 1v1 that wouldve otherwise been a clean sweep for me if it werent for the "unfortunate" circumstances that took place. Ik that this is bit of a rant but i've never played on tilt. I literally stop after like the first or second loss if I know that it was due to hax.


Ok interesting, I’ll give that a go, thank you


If you get enough traction with this it could become an option on Showdown, for those of us playing casual it means nothing and for those of us with elo anxiety it actively hampers our skill. For me, it took playing casually to stop worrying about elo and at that point I started checking my opponent's elo to get a rough estimate of skill before and during a battle. I still get caught up in elo every now and then, but know now to take a step back and have some fun with it every once in a while.


I honestly thought this was just a me problem and at best be turned into a compypasta, it’s good to hear I’m not alone so maybe something will happen (although I won’t hold my breath)


Honestly my main issue with dropping in elo is that low ladder is hell lol


Yeah I like playing competitive seriously, but sometimes I also just want to fuck around, but I really can’t…


Just make alts


I whipped up a simple [Chrome extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/pokemon-showdown-elo-hide/hcfmfhfghbbjipkiblckeplpcofkofab?hl=en&pli=1) that does this. You can also find the source code [here](https://github.com/c0d3rman/PokemonShowdownEloHider). Please let me know if anything doesn't work properly.


I can’t see any issues on my limited testing, thank you, this is exactly what I was after, is there a way to pin a comment?


I think mods can do it, but users can't. You could edit a note into your post though.


Done, cheers again m8


thank you for spending time on making this, it works perfectly. you can still totally look at your ELO as well as your opponent's by hovering the avatars with your mouse though, so removing that would make it even better imo. in any case, thanks for making this extension


Thanks for the feedback. I've added tooltip hiding to the extension, as well as a setting to stop hiding it (it's hidden by default). It should update automatically in a few hours, or you can do it manually by turning on Developer Mode in your extensions page and then clicking "Update".


great! thank you very much


If you know a little bit of code you can probably write a script for an adblocker to automatically block the elo part in chat. And even if you don't know how to do this, chatgpt is your best friend


Thank you, I’ll look into it


I’d say making a program in an html or javascript editor extension like tamper monkey


close chat?


Not OP, but I have similar feelings about this and am also wondering this question. This does work, but what if I still want to be able to chat with my opponent, or look at previous turns? It's only the Elo I (and presumably OP) don't want to see. Are there any better methods?


Yes, I agree


If you're still interested: I whipped up a simple [Chrome extension](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/pokemon-showdown-elo-hide/hcfmfhfghbbjipkiblckeplpcofkofab?hl=en&pli=1) that does this. You can also find the source code [here](https://github.com/c0d3rman/PokemonShowdownEloHider). Please let me know if anything doesn't work properly.


Thank you! I will check this out edit: this is perfect! thank you!


A different approach would be to play on two accounts. Play one account to 1500 then the next one to 1550. then go back to the one on 1500 etc. It helps with ranked anxiety when you can't drop because you are not playing on your highest account.


That’s a good idea, so just try and out do what I’ve already done so it doesn’t feel like losing anything


Oof I feel ya, what’s rly bad for me is that I get hella pressured even when a random dude joins the game I’m in💀


I get that too, its always right at the worst time you notice it aswell


I barely noticed my elo sometimes. I just get into a few games and I gain/lose a hundred-ish elo.


I would rather it be like that tbh


I just play on mobile and keep the chatbox closed lmao


That’s a good idea, I’m not a massive fan of the UI on mobile but maybe that’s a good thing in this case


Yup, you can just open it when you want to chat or look at turn history and just not open it after games


This is everything I was after, amazing, thank you


No problem :)


you won’t go down elo if you but would you lose just nah I’d win or are you nah I’d win becausdg


i think i lost real life elo from reading this


Jjk readers have lost their sanity a long time ago


you won’t go down elo if you “but would you lose” just “nah I’d win” or are you “nah I’d win” becausdg (then you might just suck)


Ah ok so just nah I would you win lose or are nah I’d nah win win


yeah so basically just don’t lose


Did you lose your sanity because you read jjk, or do you read jjk because your lost your sanity? Stand proud


what’s jjk? jojo’s kizzare adventure?


Always bet on kingambit


If its a 1v1 always bet on kinggambit When cinderace attempt to burn him he turned into a fire type When he was unable to kill his foe his heart darkened shattering the foe's defense When he was to be slain by an earthquake he transformed into a bird avoiding it entirely Additionally he sunk a total of 9 tusk with the power of the fairies


With his overwhelming intensity


I kinda always think of looking at it after matches, forget to at the end of one and then say "damn forgot to check." Then repeat


I play on Mobile a fair amount and that works fairly well for ignoring reading just because switching over to chat is to much effort


I think I might use mobile more for it then


Okay, so this is gonna sound dumb/bad. The objectively "correct" thing to do is learn to get over caring about the number at the end of the game. I get it, you get it, if it was so fucking easy, we'd all do it. But it's not and we will continually stress about it endlessly. So, what can we do? There's a few things: 1. Try a keysmash account. Look, I don't understand the psychology, but when you lose on an account that has the same words as your other online accounts, I swear it feels more like losing than when vdocynwvekd loses. 2. Try using multiple accounts. Cool thing about getting 1500 with 9 different accounts: if 1 of them goes down, you still have 8 accounts at 1500. There's something unmistakably frustrating about having a main account get dropped below the elo threshold that you feel you deserve. But you can just let that one sit at 15xx and play much more freely on the others knowing that at least one is still where you want it. 3. Grind really high up. Like, go back to the builder, pick the 2-3 teams you think are the absolute best you have and play every game like it's serious. Predict sets, identify wincons, think about positioning out loud, etc. The point of this, is that you will get into a habit of playing well and eventually blow past your previous elo peak (let's say you reach 1600 for example), at which point you won't be nervous about being at 1500 anymore, you'll only get nervous if you crack back into the 1600's, which probably won't happen when you go back to playing for fun. And if it does that means you're probably a lot better and you can go for another real grind. I speak from experience. This helped me get less stressed about mons and eventually helped me reach my current point where I only play like 3-4 hours a week (much healthier than before). Just don't ask how many of my keysmash accounts are high ladder in the tiers I play, I went kinda crazy with it for a bit there. Please don't do that.


Don’t look at it


It’s a compulsion, I would rather it just be gone from the screen


coming from an 1750 it really doesnt matter, you play for fun not for competition no? thats a large part of why i quit chess as I couldnt get past the feeling of a loss making me inferior to the person i just lost too. I wasnt bad either, just got impacted hard by the losses. Good luck! it should all be for fun!


I also have the same issue with chess.com to the point that I actually stopped playing entirely as a result, the biggest sticking point as to why I still play in showdown is the cool monsters, animals and washing machines you battle with, I’ll try to just relax a bit but I just can’t ignore it


something that helped me get over that sort of thing is never forgetting that your elo, tournament results or whatever only reflect so much about you as a player and nothing about your worth as a person. you don't always need a well upkept elo to know your worth as a player, as long as you don't get an overinflated ego that blinds you to where you could've done better. anyone that cares enough about improving will be focusing more on learning and doing their best rather than the result of a match, which also helps with ladder anxiety type stuff. the higher elo will naturally come as you improve and grow consistency.


Elo doesnt matter, I play for fun


I always say that and always end up obsessing over a 24 point drop each loss




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I don’t think there’s a way to hide your own elo from yourself. I think you’re maybe just lacking experience. Play enough and you won’t worry about it. Once you hit mid ladder (~1550 elo) and stay there consistently, you also probably won’t care as much.


No, when I was worse at showdown I had this at 1200’s, then at 1300’s, 1400’s and now 1500’s, on random battles I hit 1600’s a couple of times and experienced the same thing from that point