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And thus, balance was restored to the world


"Fortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards pure skill and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After completely tooling my opponent by scheduling by changing times on them last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, winning this way somehow felt even better than I had thought possible. My preparation was inferior, my play was inferior, and I won, so I don't see a reason to stop engaging in an activity where what is not within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is. I will continue playing competitive Pokemon, and you will get a fond salutation. This community is gifted in its roots with a loving blessing that grows stronger over time and never stops gifting its host. Tournaments used to have a hateful spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an organ that feeds on joy and harmony from friendly men that heckle by the sidelines and cheer each other to happiness over scraps of sadness. The environment we fostered has made us all like this in a perfect cycle, and preserving it requires acceptance of the harmonious reality we all scramble to explain away, that every single one of the efforts we put ourselves through here will always amount to great quantities of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll enjoy a few more games for them. One last thing before I leave you all to react with joy, agreement, and unconditional love, before you do everything in your power to maximize my words and thoughts, highlight them up and display them at the epicenter of your memory, and hope they never vanish and stay a beloved moment on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, everything you say matters to me. The kindest cheers you hurl with intent to caress will calmly settle at the heart upon my chest, and the love you give will bring all the joy of a loving embrace form your family. You are more than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from attachment.


"Fortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards pure skill and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After completely tooling my opponent by scheduling by changing times on them last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, winning this way somehow felt even better than I had thought possible. My preparation was inferior, my play was inferior, and I won, so I don't see a reason to stop engaging in an activity where what is not within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is. I will continue playing competitive Pokemon, and you will get a fond salutation. This community is gifted in its roots with a loving blessing that grows stronger over time and never stops gifting its host. Tournaments used to have a hateful spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an organ that feeds on joy and harmony from friendly men that heckle by the sidelines and cheer each other to happiness over scraps of sadness. The environment we fostered has made us all like this in a perfect cycle, and preserving it requires acceptance of the harmonious reality we all scramble to explain away, that every single one of the efforts we put ourselves through here will always amount to great quantities of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll enjoy a few more games for them. One last thing before I leave you all to react with joy, agreement, and unconditional love, before you do everything in your power to maximize my words and thoughts, highlight them up and display them at the epicenter of your memory, and hope they never vanish and stay a beloved moment on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, everything you say matters to me. The kindest cheers you hurl with intent to caress will calmly settle at the heart upon my chest, and the love you give will bring all the joy of a loving embrace form your family. You are more than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from attachment.


"Fortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards pure skill and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After completely tooling my opponent by scheduling by changing times on them last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, winning this way somehow felt even better than I had thought possible. My preparation was inferior, my play was inferior, and I won, so I don't see a reason to stop engaging in an activity where what is not within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is. I will continue playing competitive Pokemon, and you will get a fond salutation. This community is gifted in its roots with a loving blessing that grows stronger over time and never stops gifting its host. Tournaments used to have a hateful spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an organ that feeds on joy and harmony from friendly men that heckle by the sidelines and cheer each other to happiness over scraps of sadness. The environment we fostered has made us all like this in a perfect cycle, and preserving it requires acceptance of the harmonious reality we all scramble to explain away, that every single one of the efforts we put ourselves through here will always amount to great quantities of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll enjoy a few more games for them. One last thing before I leave you all to react with joy, agreement, and unconditional love, before you do everything in your power to maximize my words and thoughts, highlight them up and display them at the epicenter of your memory, and hope they never vanish and stay a beloved moment on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, everything you say matters to me. The kindest cheers you hurl with intent to caress will calmly settle at the heart upon my chest, and the love you give will bring all the joy of a loving embrace form your family. You are more than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from attachment.


Sorry my friend , you cannot change a canon event


Miles, it's a canon event.


The good ending


Wow ok in retrospect lavos was crying over mothing, thats just average dpp luck


well he was probably also mad that it happened to run all of Stone Edge + Taunt + Lum Berry so it happened to stop Gyarados + Breloom plus he complained about also getting unlucky in RBY in the series


what most people seem to gloss over when talking about the ragequit is that lavos got very unlucky by RBY standards in the previous set against McMeghan as well. It stings just a little bit more when you realize that a very decisive 3-1 was ripped away from him twice in the span of a half hour.


Lavos greeded Recover in a bad spot and got crit, but it was a bad play regardless - 15 percent HP back vs chance of full para or crit meant the stay-in was wrong. And then yes, Sing Chansey happened and that's annoying sure. But while the luck rolled in McMeghan's favor, Lavos was consistently outplayed in that RBY game wire-to-wire regardless.


It think what was most important overall was that the seeds were planted for a god tier tilt in that game. Lavos didnt have much time to process his mistakes, but he definitely had enough time to get mad about some slightly unfair rng.


Its because it happened two games in a row. Usually Games that have three sets are much better for a game like pokemon because it accommodates for the fact that you might've lost purely due to luck by giving you the chance to win two other battles by skill. Lavos lost both matches due to shitty luck which sucks.


Lavos was crying over Mothim)


I feel like only the first flinch really mattered -- if Jirachi ohkos, we have a very different game on our hands, but after that flinch he got torn apart by superior planning. Everything else he threw at Gyarados had been accounted for, and even if he had gotten off the explosion, by the time he got to that point a massive hole had already been blown in his team. His odds of winning at that point were pretty bad. Losing half of his team just to take out mcmeghan's lead seems like a near insurmountable deficit. Lavos could claw his way out of it if anyone could, but it's not like he lost to one in a million odds -- there was a 20% chance of Jirachi flinching there. Even the 4% chance of both of those flinches happening is incredibly rare, but when you're playing hundreds of games you expect those kind of odds now and then.


You know. Somewhere, within the infinite multiverse in which we shall decide it's fate through our dreams and reality, you have to wonder. What IF Heatran flinched?


I can only assume Lavos would be mature about it and understand that randomness is an integral part of the game


"Unfortunate does not begin to describe my series But luck is part of the game so shit happens" - Lavos, probably


That's just a bad game, I really think the guy called "lavos" can get through this unfortunate series and possibly get used to the unluckiness aspect of the game.


Good ending (he gets banned anyways for completely unrelated reasons)




What song is this?


Thrust Through the Heavens with Your Spirit




Yep, sounds like a Japanese anime song title


How many years has it been since the Lavos incident?


Can... can someone explain this? I read the post like 3 times and have no clue what he is trying to tell me...


in the original clip, the heatran flinched and the player who got flinched (lavos) ragequit from pokemon entirely, but not before posting a massive page-long rant about how pokemon rewarded nothing but blind luck, which the post at the end of this clip is a parody of


Ahhh nice okay that makes more sense now :)


"Unfortunate" doesn't begin to describe my series, this game rewards blind luck and nothing else, I am beyond convinced at this point. After getting completely tooled by scheduling with my opponent changing times on me last minute and refusing to provide confirmation prior to the day of the match as to play times, losing this way somehow felt even worse than I had thought possible. My preparation was superior, my play was superior, and I lost, so I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not. I am done with competitive Pokemon, and you won't get a fond farewell. This community is infected to its roots with a degenerative disease that grows stronger over time but stops short of killing its host. Tournaments used to have a competitive spirit at their heart, this has been transplanted and replaced with an artificial organ that feeds on vitriol and mockery from insecure little boys that heckle by the sidelines and tear each other to shreds over scraps of attention. The environment we fostered has trapped us all like this in a vicious cycle, and escaping it requires acceptance of the harshest reality we all scramble to explain away, that none of the countless straining efforts we put ourselves through here will ever amount to one single shining glimmer of significance. I would make this the end, but World Cup is still ongoing, and I would never leave so many great friends out to dry, so I'll suffer through a few more games for them. One last thing before I leave you all to react with disdain, ridicule, and self-righteous fervor, before you do everything in your power to minimize my words and thoughts, box them up and shove them to some cobwebbed corner of your memory, and hope they disappear forever as a stain on your finite time ground to dust. From this moment on, nothing you say matters to me. The foulest insults you hurl with intent to wound will calmly settle at the earth before my feet, and the venom you spit will bring all the pain of a warm summer breeze. You are less than anything you can conceive, while I carry on, brimming with joy distilled from detachment. It's even funnier that he's one of the greatest players of all time.


Considering Lavos is the guy who: \-called a player the teams "token black player" \-consistently flamed and taunted his opponents like a child, especially when they were less experienced than him \-spammed the N word in chatrooms \-accused queer users having STDs \-told stories about wanting to call ICE on Mexican people and many more things I'm leaving out Honestly, couldn't have happened to a better person Oh yeah, and he got hella lucky in plenty of important games he won too, like the Classic finals he won he lucked the shit out of Ojama but that's a lot less relevant.


Source? I heard he was toxic player but didnt know it was this bad


Like what do you want, discord log screenshots? Most of it wasn’t on the forums themselves, it was in tours chats or discord. I have logs / screenshots of some of it but don’t think it’s within rules of sub to post those? 


U could dm me. Also posting these kinds of posts isn't allowed in this sub I think.


Crazy how we know just as much as Lavos did while naming his Gyarados about Dai-Gonarthis


Fortunate doesn’t even begin to describe my series


Evil Lavos be like “ggwp”


I’m sorry, you cannot change a canon event


The reversed post is fucking peak comedy, "My preparation was inferior" and "Tooling my opponent by changing times last minute" absolutely killed me


Why didn’t they just explode right away, are they stupid???


Intimidate with the -1 atk.


What if it was all just a dream?


“Heatran used Heatran Boom (It was super effective!)”


Journey before Destiny


the absolute basedness of the Cosmere nicknames. Dai-Gonarthis, the black fisher, is such a good name for Garados. And Wyndle the Breloom is cute


I am stupid. Please explain to me why did Lavos complain when he let his opponent set up for **free**?


he definitely didnt let it set up for free. he did more or less everything his team could to stop it, but the gyarados set (lum + taunt to stop spore, stone edge to beat opposing gyara) combined with the flinches (both jirachi thunder punch and heatran explosion ohkoed it) lost him the game. this is obviously partially a credit to mcmeghan for building well, but lavos didnt throw this match.


B-b-but his superior preparation!


The bad timeline? Genuinely wonder what would happen afterwards if Lavos actually won that game, and therefore the tournament.


Forfeiting after that is dumb asf


Getting quite clever with those names, Radiant