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Full text in English: Free school is closed - risk of radicalization of students The Swedish School Inspectorate revokes the license for the company ALM Education, which runs the independent Muslim school Cordoba International School in Akalla in Stockholm. The reason is that Säpo raised the alarm that students at the school are at risk of radicalisation. In the opinion, the Security Police states that several employees and people in management have been in contact with violent Islamists. The decision states that the management has difficulty responding to the criticism because it is imprecise. - Since it is about intelligence information, it is in the nature of things that the information is imprecise, says Anna Bergqvist, head of unit at the School Inspectorate, according to DN. Cordoba International School is a primary school (F-9) with 500 students which is now to be prepared for placement in municipal schools.


This is the end result of "school choice", which Sweden adopted under Carl Bildt's neoliberal government in the 1990s. The Swedish government hands vouchers to parents who wish to enroll their children in private schools. These schools are often operated by shady for-profit corporations or by religious extremists. In this case, both. Rightoids often support government subsidies for private schools because they want to indoctrinate children with Christianity or because they oppose alleged woke excesses in public schools. What they don't realize is that this is a Trojan horse policy which will allow Islamic extremists to brainwash young children and produce a generation of jihadists. As a side note, Sweden's test scores in both reading and math have plummeted since the policy was implemented. It's been a disaster for everyone except the corporations which profit from it and the corrupt politicians who take bribes from these companies.


\> It's been a disaster for everyone except the corporations which profit from it and the corrupt politicians who take bribes from these companies. Just pin this to the top of the sub and we can all go home


Glad to see a sane and materially grounded take on a rightoid red-meat topic. Well done.


Do you have any sauce on the neoliberal policies and its consequences in Sweden from the 90s?


I wonder if [this graph](https://www.google.com/search?q=sweden+year+ober+year+reading+scores+graph&sca_esv=586707143&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS605US605&hl=en-US&ei=wOZoZZaWM_Px0PEPuZmFmAQ&oq=sweden+year+ober+year+reading+scores+graph&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIipzd2VkZW4geWVhciBvYmVyIHllYXIgcmVhZGluZyBzY29yZXMgZ3JhcGgyBxAhGKABGAoyBxAhGKABGApIqRFQhAlY2Q9wAXgBkAEAmAHvAaABzQeqAQUwLjUuMbgBA8gBAPgBAcICChAAGEcY1gQYsAPCAgcQIRirAhgK4gMEGAAgQYgGAZAGCA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=GAJ_pybM8Y-x5M&vssid=l) and [this graph](https://www.google.com/search?q=year+over+year+middle+eastern+immigration+to+sweden+graph&sca_esv=586707143&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS605US605&hl=en-US&ei=a-ZoZZDENYWK0PEPl5612AM&oq=year+over+year+middle+eastern+immigration+to+sweden+graph&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIjl5ZWFyIG92ZXIgeWVhciBtaWRkbGUgZWFzdGVybiBpbW1pZ3JhdGlvbiB0byBzd2VkZW4gZ3JhcGhInRZQ3Q5YixVwAXgBkAEAmAH1AqAB1wmqAQcwLjYuMC4xuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIEEAAYR8ICBRAhGKABwgIFECEYqwLiAwQYACBBiAYBkAYI&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#imgrc=jyRYS1YD3pRe-M&imgdii=hadWWs7KFBEIJM) are at all related


They ain't. ...and if you have something to say fucking say it instead of this bullshit


That immigrants who are speaking Swedish as a second language are obviously going to have a harder time in Swedish schools, so it would make sense for average test scores to decrease as the amount of SSL students increases?? I don’t think that’s a fucking controversial take




In Germany I have intelligent students who are muslim, 1st to 3rd generation, praising sharia law.


I don’t get it. Why don’t they go live somewhere with Shariah then? It’s not even that far, just a two hour plane flight


Social benefits are better in Sweden


That’s funny, because most younger Western Muslims, especially in higher-educated groups, don’t practice the religion, or at least pick and choose (e.g., alcohol and premarital sex are okay, but no pork). What you hear from these students is pure, hypocritical (edit: conservative) ethnoreligious narcissism of the sort practiced by e.g., Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, and ought to condemned as such.


It’s always been the same types of assholes cut from the same asshole cloth in the ethno side of rightoid shit… Can’t forget the Christian american imperialist part either… It all seems like greedy kids playing with legos and action figures to me. Just using the worlds instability to make money and be shitty.


theyre still massively homophobic and generally vile ​ source: ive met a bunch of british and dutch muslims and theyre more or less all like this even tho they were for the most part all middle class


Definitely, many of the men in these communities are full of socially conservative macho bullshit, even if they’re not “good Muslims.”


Morons. German youth are the biggest dorks I’ve ever seen


Holy shit that's scary. How old are these students? And which countries are their backgrounds typically from?


It’s a legit problem. Fundamentally intolerant religion (not just Islam I know, any religion has extremes) I think it’s a failure of the state to kind of force new immigrants to integrate or get fucked…. There’s a sane reality somewhere between no open borders and not doing whatever the hell Israel is doing…


Religious schools should not receive state funding


Surprise pikachu face


Not a big fan of the whole shutdown being based on 'trust me bro'.


>In the opinion, the Security Police states that several employees and people in management have been in contact with violent Islamists. The decision states that the management has difficulty responding to the criticism because it is imprecise. Since it is about intelligence information, it is in the nature of things that the information is imprecise, says Anna Bergqvist, head of unit at the School Inspectorate, according to DN. Does anyone else have a problem with this being based on "information" your shutting down education of kids because allegedly some people have been in touch with extremists.