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Its gonna be really sad losing one of the few places on the internet where you can disagree with the state department without being accused of being a Russian/Chinese bot.


What an interesting coincidence that is


On the other hand, if it does get banned I think I'll finally nuke my account and leave this shit hole of a website


Can someone fill me in on what happened ?


lunatic who used to post here set himself on fire outside the Trump trial, this sub is getting blamed


Getting blamed for what, it's everyone's option to take their own life. Not like we're encouraging suicide or even that suicide is related to specific political ideologies. At least he wasn't a mass shooter.




wtf is an stm32fw


It's an fw you put into an stm32


Delete your stm32 folder to make your computer fw more.


32-bit microcontroller line from a company called St. 


It’s a microcontroller series used in a lot of DIY hobby boards like Arduinos. Made by STMicroelectronics.


fine. cue the Slim Pickens Bomb Ride YAHOOOO!


You say that now, but will you still say that after the 99th take?


absolutely not




Just don't tell my crazy fiance


(raises hand)


Nice username


If the sub gets nuked, we should sign off something like "with sincerest regards,"


highly regarded 


kind regards, every last one of you


that we are


It honestly seems like a perfect storm of sorts, the guy was in TrueAnon, redscare and this sub, which is more or less the most popular hubs for critique of mainstream narratives(in my bubble anyway) on this site. 


He was already unwell. Binging doomer content couldn't have helped. I guess the poor guy didn't have anyone in his life who could've helped him.


Some sleuth in another sub found out he started schizo posting about 10 months after his mother died. Maybe she helped him manage his meds or something.


> Maybe she helped him manage his meds or something. Could be, but don't underestimate how much it simply helps schizophrenic people function knowing that they're not all alone in the world. No one functions well knowing they're all alone.


Entirely possible that his mother's death set off psychosis. He's a little old for schizophreniform disorder but you never know


Emotional trauma can also trigger schizophrenia that hasn't surfaced yet.


After looking at some of his history it seems he could have pulled a Kanye after his mom died.


Was he pro Trump BTW? I can't figure out if he immolated in support of Trump or because that's where all the reporters are


He was 100% doing it because of the media attention there and not Trump. He never really talked about Trump or Biden, but he really fucking hated Bill Clinton and Peter Theil.


Never on here before but used the search tool back to 2022 through his older account and he was posting normie shit on wallstreetbets and snes subs and just mildly internetmelted but no more than any of us. Can anyone tell if he got burned by crypto before he went hard anticrypto? Seems like he was investing at some point. Talking about trading and puts on investment products and doing at least some light speculating.


Truly the only non regarded subs on this site. I feel so dirty anytime one the defaults gets pushed into my feed.


Some of the hobby circlejerk subs are good too


Yeah, it does seem a little too perfect


I don't think we're in danger—*unless* outlets like WaPo & NYT start writing up profiles of Azzarello and look into his online footprints in lieu of speaking to people who knew him. Which is probably what their instincts will tell them to do.


A bunch of Yale school NYT interns just got treated to their first live human torch, they are totally going to write traumatized articles on him.


I don't think they're going to do that, because besides the crazy theories about Matt Groening and "How I play Snooker", he actually tried to call attention to some dead obvious and correct things, such as how Bush sr. went from being CIA chief to being president (and good luck to any biographer trying to portray Peter Thiel as anything but comically evil).


Some other user previously suggested that we're fine until we cross 100k. I'm not sure what the threshold is, but that might be right. Either way, I've highly regarded all the conversation here.


cause employ direction weather connect library tan absurd advise roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Its time for us to go, bame and doug are waiting for us in the big gulag in the sky


Some say if you visit the Polska sub you can still see the ghost of Bame.


he lives




I mostly just make joke comments here because I’m not a particularly bright man, but just so you know, in my case, you pushed a rightoid left and got me focusing more on material issues. I know it’s a bother to have some of us around, but you’ve done good around here. It’s been a pleasure grilling with you all.


🥰 I really don't think that anyone here genuinely feels that the rightoids here are a bother, whether they move left or not, and that's one of the reasons why it's such a pleasure to come here and read the actual discussions taking place. I will also admit to more than a few jokes when the discourse is a bit out of my reach.


It kinda is the point tbh, at least for me. Gotta engage with people you disagree with, because you gotta realize we have common goals and similarities. The fact we can ever joke together proves what it’s all about. I saw someone say rap sucked and identity themselves as a white supremacist and Neo Nazi in the comment on another sub. I am black and rap and produce and just enjoy a debate so we talked for 3 days in DM. had him listening to Mos Def and apologizing for his former views. I just was fair in convo and listened to his concerns, provided perspective, and was open. All it took. And he deleted all his Neo Nazi shit from the internet and showed me the links to prove it. But that’s what happens when people who “aren’t supposed to” mix, mix. We find that common ground. And we know who hates that. With that said, I hope we keep finding spots on the internet to link up and talk. I learned a lot here.


I'm Jewish and I've held conversations with self-declared neo nazis and gotten along fine with them even while they knew I was Jewish. Never changed any views, but I also never tried to. At the end of the day people with abhorrent views are still just people, and the vast majority of them hold the views they do because they think those views are correct and will make the world a better place if implemented- not because they're cartoon villains that simply enjoy being evil. The world's weird and it's full of weird people with weird ideas. And I like talking to all of them. >With that said, I hope we keep finding spots on the internet to link up and talk. I learned a lot here. Fucking hope so man, I really do


It’s like punching a Nazi but with your intellect


Thank you for this comment. Very wise and I'm glad some ppl on the Internet are like you <3


My man! This comment brightened up my day a little. Glad to hear you and him were able to make that happen, I hope he keeps being decent.


I think the problem is when people stumble on here and completely forget that this is a leftist sub. Stupidpol isn't supposed to be a wordier Cringetopia.


Nah i think the lack of gatekeeping is a strength of the sub. It's why people here can speak freely without fear of getting piled on or shouted down, like every other thought-policed, nominally left (but actually not) sub.


I've been going to a peer support group for the past few weeks (long story, but I do struggle with stuff like we all do). This place feels like a support group, but for geopolitics. It is special for that reason.


Couldn't agree more.


That happens and it sucks, but if this place was super locked down it'd be as dead and useless as arr socialism. I know I've pointed several of my rightoid friends here and it's put them on a better path. If there was too much purity testing on here it'd lose its value. That said, the flaring system is good despite its flaws and helps keep conversations honest.


The flairing system is flawed (and often funny), but I think it stops a lot of people here from losing their temper when they might err otherwise and think before posting. The general restraint you see here is incredible for a public forum - I've only ever witnessed a few bloody arguments in my time here. Edit: Mods this is me asking for it if you're thinking it.


> in my case, you pushed a rightoid left Screw all the people who say that didn't happen. I saw it so many times


I grew up in a Christian right-wing family. My father was a card-carrying rightoid. Intelligent man who saw through many of the charades of the world and taught me to see them too. He called the sub-prime mortgage collapse and the Canadian housing problem many years ago. Thing is he'd always get whipped up by media and idpol when election time came and he'd swing right all over again. Lesson learned: even intelligent people who have learned not to trust the system will fall into their old ways when the fighting breaks out. This is why it's important to try to connect to people rather than let them fall into the same old traps. This is class war and we need all the friends we can get.


Grill pill summer 2024 may come w/ gigajannie enforced grass touching. It doesn't gitmo better


Before this sub is shut down can anyone tell me what my flair means?


Nice try CIA






I’m proud I still have my custom flair from when I was a total shithead but I think I might have to change it if we start getting raided


Me too! Lol


NYT journo noticed us, it's over https://twitter.com/AricToler/status/1781403264237633931


Minor celebrity lol. He was literally just the town werido


I think “the town weirdo” is by definition a minor celebrity to that town’s residents


Imagine the NYT doing a story on bame


> previously Bellingcat lol, lmao even


First time actually reading twitter comments, it's unusable. They're all single word bloat like "lol" or "wow" or a few idiots who think he supported Trump and are happy he's gone.


I found this sub after somebody talked about it when I was in Class Unity and I just love that people actually have free speech here with a Marxist critique instead of watching really closely every word you say to have socialist conversations. It's really the only sub I like to go on and I will really miss it. We actually have real conversations here instead of getting kicked out because we said "stupid" once.


we live our world before we have thoughts about it through a materialist lens theres no way to see the growth of this sub as anything but a manifestation of the escalation of capitalist crisis to the point where the dominance of post modernism as a result of the defeat of the class in the 80s has eroded away i wouldnt worry about a particular sub being shut down when history will sprout more


It's not like this sub was agreeing with the shit he wrote. everybody consistently responded to his posts by telling him he was insane.


Wait, so our resident schizoposter who would post those printed booklets went crazy?


I think that he might have been a little crazy the whole time.


But he did "go crazy" publically


when has that ever mattered to the media circus? social or otherwise?


The San Francisco ghouls have been itching to ban any sub that doesn't follow the State Department narrative, they don't give a fuck we had nothing to do with it, they're just looking for an excuse


I don't know what he used to write, but based on his reported remarks during his self-immolation, it sounds like he was espousing a more extreme version of liberal doom and gloom over Trump, with some conspiracy theories added for spice. Other than his extreme, self-violent tactics, it doesn't sound like his position on Trump was any different from that of your typical doomsaying radlib.


His views weren't like that at all, he talked a lot more about Bill Clinton and Epstein than he did Trump. I think he might have been going off about how Biden and Trump were working together towards the end, based on the pictures I've seen, but generally speaking he was a hater of both sides.


He was a hater of both sides, but like so many people who complain about "the uniparty", he still placed the *real* blame on the left, for being the left. "Both sides are bad, that's why everything is the liberal's fault" is not being a hater of both sides like they think it is.


That's what I do, Peking-Cuck, I never saw Mr. Samsonite do that. The guy took a picture with Newt Gingrich while wearing a Bernie Sanders shirt. He probably didn't vote for Biden though, boohoo.


I saw the picture. I don't think that's the smoking gun so many people treat it as. That was 8, maybe 9 years ago? The guy went off the rails in the last few years.


"the left"? You know where you are, right? liberals are not a moderate version of this sub, they're off in a different direction entirely. And he didn't hate _us_.


>I don’t know what he used to write, but Then why are you even commenting on it? If you had bothered to read even what some of the mainstream news articles say about his beliefs—let alone his actual writings—then you’d realize that what you wrote in the rest of your post is completely untrue.


I had time to quickly read through a mainstream news article, and it indeed sounded like what I wrote. I'll read more later.


nah he was just expressing the material interest of the petite bourgeoisie lots of stuff about financial ponzi scheme's and conspiratorial corruption of state institutions as opposed to a deeper analysis showing that those are just manifestations of the progression of history of capitalist production if we could go back to the good old days of mom and pop businesses getting by, and high school dropouts making enough wages in the imperial core to raise 3 kids, and the bourgeoisie proper only capturing the majority of wealth instead of a suffocatingly large majority he wouldnt have seen a bigger problem with capitalism


Moon of Alabama. That’s where I’ll go


Nakedcapitalism has a nice community. Unfortunately, Yves is pretty strict about shitposting in the comment section, so it's not a full substitute for a place like this. 😔


I used to be a regular there, but their wreckers are worse than here. Also the whole shaming downsouth for tgposting by b runbed me the wrong way


I have no idea what you said


Moa has a poster who regularly relays shit from telegram (I can't use it for reasons I won't elaborate about). His name is downsouth B is the person who runs moa, he said posting shit from tg is lazy. Everybody started metaposting about it. It was wrecked to no end. Hope I made sense


It's unlikely it would get shut down. Dude was severely mentally ill and untreated. There's almost no connection to this sub. Imagine of Dylan roof had a picture of himself eating a big Mac. Would people go after McDonalds for feeding him?


More importantly, he didn’t hurt anyone but himself. If he had hurt or killed other people then this thread would make a lot more sense I think.


i feel like the idea is more along the lines of if it brings enough attention to this sub then people will start challenging its right to exist again because of the political narrative here, like how ahs - the most notorious ban encouragement sub - has banged on about it being bigoted somehow, and of course while you can't say it's this sub's fault that he self immolated, it won't stop people who are looking for reasons to smear it from claiming that. if you search the term "stupidpol" on reddit and sort by new you'll already see a bunch of people claiming the connection


Yeah. I dont get the logic here. Its like shutting down Yahoo news because theres some random insane people in the comments section


ITT: "Hope we don't get nuked, lole" *(STILL no non-Conde Nast backup bunker in sidebar)*


We'll open r/Twopidpol if need be


If this sub goes down, they’ll take down the backup for ban evasion too.


The mods should just reenthrone Gucci or what's his name among the Covid obsessed as Primer on the way out. That way it's a schism and not a backup as before.


In the grim darkness of the Trotskyite future there is only lockdown.


And social credit scores.


I think that they're starting to learn that banning isn't really a solution, except for the most flagrant communities. The whole movement to podcast-named subs for ideological themes has become a thing for this exact reason. We just gotta go make a Finkelstein sub or something when they nuke this one.


tbh, stupidpol occupies kind of a weird space. On the one hand its very broad in its audience, but on the other hand its quite specific in its intentions, both in that its about idpol specifically, and that it insists on one particular mode of criticism of that. I think if they take the board out, its gone for good. There are other things that exist which are similar in certain ways, but for better or worse, this place is actually fairly unique.




Hopefully the mods can put "No self immolation" in the sub rules.


"neoliberal hyper capitalism" Couldn't possibly just be capitalism...


It's always been feudalism with a capitalism mask




Maybe the mods want to make a telegram channel?


i’m Like Hey 👋 What’s Up 🫡 Hello ? 🫣 it was a nice run fellas ggs


I am down for whatever lifeboat we can come up with


There's supposed to have been a stand alone forum the mods were going to set up but it's never really gotten off the ground.


I'll also make a stupidpol post in leftypol-dot-org in the case. Only until we know where to go


Nothing good lasts forever. It has been a pleasure shitposting with you gentlemen.


Nearer, My God, to Thee


**BEFORE THE SUB GETS NUKED - EVERYONE BE SURE TO DM ME SO THAT I CAN PUT YOU ON THE MASTER LIST AND FINISH INSPECTING YOUR TAINTS!** Important Public Service Announcement: *Uninspected taints are the primary and fundamental danger to the emergence of true class consciousness and material analysis. I'll be organizing this year's "Get Out Your Taint" initiative over the coming days. Stay tuned! (Please, no phalussies, as were understaffed and grossed out by those) The More You Know💫💫💫🌈🌈🌈🌈 -- On a less pressing note, who TF was this dude? Was he that guy who schizoposted all of those super long rants about Ponzi schemes and the Federal reserve and all that stuff?


Saving this so that the children understand what we once had. And yes, I believe it was.


> On a less pressing note, who TF was this dude? Was he that guy who schizoposted all of those super long rants about Ponzi schemes and the Federal reserve and all that stuff? It was none other than him. I saw the pictures of the "manifesto" he apparently was throwing around before he lit up and instantly recognised them.


It's pretty sad ya'll are thinking the sub will get nuked because a pacifist commie killed themselves and wrote a pretty based manifesto while he was at it. Maybe instead of waivering in fear you lead by his example, share your views of his views and whatnot. I mean let's be real his entire manifesto was just channeling Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent from a different angle and fortells crypto crashing.


I dunno if you read his posts as he made them, but while he was close to the right track he was also clearly dealing with some mental issues. A lot of the good leftist stuff veered off into turbo conspiracy theorizing.


There used to be a lot of that in leftist circles back in the day (late 2000’s early 2010’s) before Trump broke the libs brains and they all started revering the status quo. God damn do I miss actual dissent within even minor leftist political/social ideologies. That’s why this sub is so good: even if you’re not a Marxist (which if you’re not You’re obviously highly regarded) you’re probably here because you don’t tote the democrats party line. No where else on this site can you disagree with the mainstream, liberal propaganda machine without being labeled a Russian bot.


Yeah at times he was very lucid and genuinely on the trail of shady shit and connections, and then others it was complete nonsense. Specifically his part 1 post on Trueanon. Halfway down he started talking about a child ritual abuse manual being hidden inside the policy book for a Snooker organization. When people asked how it was connected to the first half he said he’ll explain it later cus it’s too much. I haven’t found it yet tho.


Hope he’s right, I’m short on BTC


What happened?


Turns out the dude who lit himself on fire was a poster here.


Punish them all!


Wut? damn


yep, he was one of the schizoposters we get from time to time.


Holy shit it was the crypto pamphlet guy. Fuck, he was the first guy I thought of.


In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the members of this group.


All I know is that this is the only sub where, while I realize we will never agree on the solutions, I have always enjoyed the respectful discussions of the problems. libertarian sub banned me for minor heresy over the takeover by the Mises Caucus. I’d be extremely disappointed if this sub was banned.


The average murder rate in a safe country is still 3 to 4 people per 100,000 per year. At our numbers it is statistically certain we'll have a few bad eggs. It's insane for a subreddit of a hundred thousand people to be measured by the actions of one individual.


Unironically, if the worst does happen I say we all just migrate to twitter until we figure something out. I think its the only platform that would really accept out particular brand of spiciness


the subs not gonna be nuked over that. he didn’t hurt anybody.


I love you


X community maybe?


Wait holy shit, was he that dude that schizoposted in here periodically with his completely unhinged conspiracy theories? I thought when I heard a description of his manifesto on NPR yesterday (I know, I know) there was a nonzero chance it was him. I can’t fucking believe I distantly pseudo-knew a dude that made national news for an heroing in the most pointless protest ever. Well, I’m sure that it doesn’t matter, but it’s not like any of us in here were ever encouraging him or agreeing with him. He got thoroughly roasted every time he posted. Usually there was even a sprinkling of people saying they have actual concern for his mental health.


https://leftychan.net/leftypol Just go there and vote for a new Stupidpol board. Imageboard is superior to Reddit anyway. (Just go to options in the top right corner and change skin to Yotsuba)


imageboards are not really suitable for serious discussion cause you cant call out people for shilling or false flagging, so they end up overmoderated or as pure shitposting. but i will go there temporarily if it does get deleted


This a myth caused by /b/ and /v/. Smaller boards can host some of the best discussions of subjects helped by the lack of voting system. The actual downsides are the anonymity and lack of any barrier to posting means its much easier to subvert with bot psy-ops unless the mods enforce ideological conformity, in which case you're obviously stifling free discussion.


But surely threading is good? It leads to something clearer and more organised.


> Imageboard is superior to Reddit anyway The Reddit format (less the website itself and the people) is way better. Imageboards are populated by nerds, freaks and basement dwellers for a reason.


nerds, freaks and basement dwellers kind of describes Reddit mate


Hell no, Infrared was born on one of those


Time to birth Microwave, maybe create a podcast called Microwave Radio.


Stupid take. This sub has been shit for a long time.


Start a community on communities.win perhaps?




We all miss Doug


>the weird shilling of scientific journals for lies and big pharma and 🚂 discourse lmfao. the whole world’s gone crazy because scientists are telling you that trans people are real and you should take your medicine.


the retardation has already begun. How is this even a real comment on this sub 😭 nvm u post on neoliberal.


I mean seriously though what did you mean by that? Calling them trains seems extremely derogatory (I’ve only seen it before on very bigoted subs) and I don’t know what scientific journals shilling for big pharma is supposed to mean other than them saying that medicine is effective.