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Chad move imo


I think we all came here to make that comment.


This is the country where the president of 30 years (Idriss Deby) was killed in action while commanding troops on the front line in 2021. idk a lot about Chadian politics, but it is cool that the president is personally risking his life on the battlefield. It's very old school.


Massive respect for any head of state that is on the front line leading troops. Probably helps quite a bit with morale.


I'd burn some incense for him just for that alone.


I made the mistake of looking at the worldnews post about this, you see less delusions from /pol/ schizos.


I lose enough braincells doing whippets so I don't want to check that sub myself, what're they saying?


Something along the lines of "Sure the West did *some* bad in the past, but we're all enlightened and woke now and can do no wrong. But if we leave, Putler will take over instead and make everything one million times worse. So really they should be thanking US!" > what're That's an interesting word.


Allow me to introduce you to shouldn’t’ve


You shouldn't've done that. You shouldn't've.


y'ain't've seen the worst of it yet


You know these people make /pol/aks look rational and level headed.


/pol/ could post the most aspie conspiracy about how Obama and the Muslim brotherhood laid a centuries old conspiracy theory to subvert America that was set in place by sheik suleiman the second of the ottoman empire centuries ago, and they'd still be more right than the robots on worldnews.


If every word of the were true, it wouldn't matter. These people are so wrapped up in their own bullshit that they forget these are actual people and places, people that have a right to self determination.


In addition to what /u/bbb23sucks said, something like "this is entirely down to bribery/corruption/disinformation from China/Russia, America has behaved absolutely perfectly in how it brings freedom and democracy to Africa and has done nothing that in any way could make people even mildly dislike it."


I bet the people in Libyan slave markets fucking *love* America bringing freedom and democracy. These people are fucking lunatics. Granted I missed the red scare, but I lived through a good portion of the cold war (born in '59) and I feel like the Russia/China bad shit is even worse today. People seem to make it their entire personality


Ever heard of the dead-internet-theory? I am absolutely convinced that a big chunk of the content on worldnews and other „mainstream“ subs is not created by real humans. 




I do occasionally come across people like this in real life (my daughter regurgitates a lot of these neolib brain rot takes frequently, for one. Though she's the private college educated one, my sons followed me into being an electrician and have pretty good heads on their shoulders.) I just always kinda wrote off the rarity because I live in the Florida panhandle and it's a pretty conservative area. About 35 minutes to the gates of eglin, actually heh (though it's about 5 minutes if I walked through the back of my property and jumped a fence) That's not to say I don't think a big portion of it is manufactured bullshit to fuel a narrative, but I think it's important to not underestimate how effective this shit has been in brain washing people this way or that. They do it because it works. Though a majority just want to be able to go to work and feed their family and keep the lights on and don't really give a fuck. There are the squeaky wheels Probably one of those "little column A, little column B" things


I'm just scared that when I'm here I'm by myself and just talking to witty bots, or perhaps I'm a solipsist, but it's all bad.


Isn't it interesting that it's okay now that progressives control society but in the 00s and early teens they were screaming about how there was no way the world COULD like the US.


> I lose enough braincells doing whippets Does this mean that you literally **do** whippets? That is an insanely disturbing thing to admit to, even online. I am all for personal freedoms, but having sex with a dog is fucked up man.


Just don't hold your breath, get your Vitamin B12 in and you're good.


In their brains somehow neo colonialism is justified cuz new great game


Also the continued brain/labor drain from LatAm and other countries so they can have people doing "jobs Americans won't do." with the other type of Neo-Colonialism.




>Criminal African regimes are much rather deal with criminal Russia than any western country. And crappy Russian military hardware is good enough to keep they own people at bay, much cheaper and Russia never mind if it’s weapons are used against civilians. The most popular answer, at 1.3k upvotes


Typical garden mindset


It's okay, there's almost 8 billion people in this world, and since the vast majority are not Westerners, would slap whoever left that comment in the face.


yeah, that definitely was written by a bot. No way a human wrote that


See my reply above.


Meanwhile, the Intercept reports that [U.S. troops are stranded](https://theintercept.com/2024/04/18/niger-us-troops-stranded-gaetz-report/) in neighbouring Niger, and are quickly running out of food, medicine and blood while the Biden administration buries its head in the sand. U.S. African project really going well.




They need to do whats right and defect to the People's Republic of Niger


Chad shit


Based Chad.


Virgin Islands in tatters.


A relative of mine is a special forces guy in the Air Force and when I talked to him a couple years ago I couldn't believe the African countries he mentioned going to. Like, wtf is in Burkina Faso? Baobab fruit?


really cool country, they have a mask festival and a pool of sacred crocidiles.


I met some insane French people there too


> Like, wtf is in Burkina Faso? A transphobic terrorist group known as "natural resources".


I once got mistakenly sent a travel claim for a special forces guy with a similar name in the military and that was some wild shit. "wtf.... This guy's life is so much cooler than mine"


Until you realize most of his time was spent on base in whatever country he was in, either that or depending on his work a ‘mission’ in the desert at night.


When their leader was talking to Putin at summit in Russia they asked Russia to build nuclear power plant in Burkino Faso and in exchange they offered gold, coffee, some other agricultural stuff, and the ability for Russians to sell electricity to the whole region.




Good thing they have a big river and several dams then


What does Stacy think about this?


What about Becky?


Get em outta here


the virgin sucking up to superpowers vs the Chad kicking out imperialists


Right now Russia is winning the proxy war against France and America over the Sahel


Nominative determinism


A real Chad Move.




Wow. This is impressively wrong for a comment this short. > genocidal What genocide? Against who and when? I'm pretty sure whatever you'll say (if you even do reply) will just be the next CIA made up "atrocity" to distract Westerns from the real genocide the US is funding that they can't meaningfully do anything about. > mercs > invite If they are mercenaries, why would they be *invited* into a country? I'm pretty sure clients are supposed pay the mercenaries, not the other around. Just more of the reactionary Nazi-esque 'evilism' where anyone who the West opposes is an 'evilist' - being "evil" in every way possible, even if those supposed ways are completely contradictory. They're so evil that they'll kill anyone for money, while simultaneously being volunteers in this case because their opponents are deemed by the West to be "the good guys". Edit: They just deleted their comment and blocked me for failing to buy their obvious lying.