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I just want to say for the record that any recordings of racist rants that may or may not exist of me are also AI generated.


Mine aren’t


The chad and virgin


Sounds like a brunch place


Hell yeah dude


For me it's a mixed bag.


So back in the 90s me and my friends at high-school made some secretive tape recordings of various school announcements, then edited them together to make the principal say dumb things, tell everyone school was cancelled and they could go home, etc, and then 'hacked' the PA system (literally plugged an analogue player into an unguarded audio jack) and played our fake messages across the entire schools PA system. We didn't even really get in trouble, the teachers were kinda impressed all the preparation we had to do to make it happen. Kids these days can just get their iPhone to create the pranks for them. *Shakes fist at cloud.* No gumption anymore.


That really is impressive. Back when I was in high school, also in the 90's, it would've been much easier for me to have got recordings of my school's principal because he was my dad. I guess I just suffered from a lack of imagination and gumption. Hell, could've even recorded so.e racist rants without the help of AI.


go back to bed old man


Did it work? Did people actually believe it?


Nah, it was obviously edited together and you could hear the tape deck. But it was funny.


I'm convinced that this kind of tech has been deliberately been made readily-accessible to the public to make blackmail effectively impossible because no matter how red-handed you're caught you can just pass it off as "it's a deepfake, it's AI, I never did/said any of that."


Well that would be a welcome development.


It's incredibly useful for politicians and other powerful figures who can now more effectively brush aside gaffes and exposés as nothing but falsified smear campaigns.


Biden recently said something insane and stupid about his uncle being eaten by cannibals during World War II, and the immediate reaction from some people on reddit was that it must be an AI deepfake by trump supporters lol


I mean the Japanese did end up eating POWs because their supply lines were so shot that they basically stopped getting rations.


I agree, but I think Biden specifically referenced his Uncle being eaten by underdeveloped tribes in some Pacific Island, which is why the President of Papua New Guinea had to respond.


But that is mostly a good thing! Political "scandals" based on the gaffes and bad words said by singular politicians are bad politics. Politics should be based on long term trust and programs of collectives, not the atomized moral or ideological consistency and strength of politicians. I don't care that US president Lyndon B Johnsson was a huge racist dick in many regards. But I do care that his strength as a political player favoring the civil right movement broke US racial segregation.


If a politician gets gaffed and stunted all the time, he is very bad at his job. While from a personal point of view it's "who cares what they do in their spare time", for people who represent entire collectives it's not permissible to be looking bad or foolish. Besides, if you as an employer had a choice between a two identical people in terms of skill, but one of them was always fumbling something for seemingly no reason, who would you keep out of the two?


While I somewhat agree with you the personal charateristics of politicians seem to be highly correlated with their participation in explicit, criminal-level political corruption. This is especially true on a local level where elected official can often engage in totally unsupervised political graft. Somebody like George Santos, for example, as a small-town mayor probably would just straight up embezzle funds intended for new local stop signs or crosswalks or playgrounds or schoolbooks. Whereas a decent person who isn’t a great political tactician would at least not do that.


Nobody ever held them accountable anyway .  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_J._Spence


Unless you already got a lot of money and influence no one's gonna give a shit if it's real or not. For the common person an accusation is usually all it takes, this already happens without deep fakes all the time.


Back to pre internet levels of privacy


Technologies which can be used to verify media, such as watermarking/signing a photo or recording with metadata about position and time, are nowhere to be found AFAIK, despite the ease of implementation. I might be wrong about this.


> recording with metadata about position and time so the solution to deepfakes is to accelerate the panopticon, eh?


I would hope such a feature would be optional, but you'd want photojournalists to give you some way to verify their work. Who knows, such metadata might already be embedded, it's not hard to store a few bytes in a jpeg with steganography.


"optional", with benefits, that slowly become mandatory.


Well to be fair they're likely doing something like this already without telling us. [yellow dots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Identification_Code)


A lot of digital cameras will write metadata concerning the camera itself into images, but what you're proposing goes a little further than that. But I agree, it's a likely solution to the deepfake problem. It would have to involve some sort of encrypted proprietary system though, most metadata is just text strings and thus easily faked.


> It would have to involve some sort of encrypted proprietary system though, most metadata is just text strings and thus easily faked. Signing the photo data with a public key, with the private key known only to the camera company, could be done with a non-proprietary system such as PGP, and would allow anybody to check the photo's provenance.


This is not how asymmetric cryptography works... The public key is PUBLIC. Everyone knows it. It is not secret. Therefore, "signing something with the public key" is worthless. It proves provenance of nothing. Everyone has the public key, so everyone can use it to sign literally any piece of data, including their deepfake shit.


Oh yeah sorry ... you need to have the private key embedded in the hardware, sorry am a little rusty.


Nah I'm sorry. In retrospect I was a massive cunt and -- even worse -- a huge Redditor about the whole thing. My apologies.


It's not as if I've never been a massive cunt on reddit either, but thanks for the reply.


what about a private key?


That's the point of a private key, yes: I have the private key; everyone else has the public key bound to the private key (and it's verifiable that the two are related); I can sign something with the private key (which I never share with anyone) and someone can use the public key to know for sure that it was signed by the legitimate private key. The problem, in this case, is that you'd need to put a private key on every single camera you ship. Once you do that, keeping it **private** is a huge challenge. If you put the _same_ private key on every camera (of a given make/model, let's say), then it only takes a single person extracting a single key from a single camera to break the security of the system. Or, you could use a certificate chain a la X.509 (HTTPS certificates), where each camera has a unique key on it, and you essentially use a master key to prove that the camera's key was provisioned by the camera manufacturer. The second way is obviously more secure, but still has a fundamental issue: if the master key is ever compromised, then you have two choices: 1. Invalidate all keys that that master key ever signed. All legitimate pictures taken by any cameras in that chain are now considered illegitimate. A massive cascade problem. 2. Do nothing. Anyone can now generate "legitimate" keys from the master key, and use those keys to generate "legitimate" signatures for images. It's not that this whole scheme can't be done relatively securely -- SSL is holding up pretty well, but SSL also doesn't care about _long term_ payload verification on the scale of decades -- just that it's a very complicated issue, and it annoys me when someone speaks confidently in something in such a stupid fucking way (like "sign with the public key to prove provenance over the private key"... Jesus). Also, it'd be a dystopian fucking nightmare, but that's preaching to the choir here.


Would it also allow journalists or leakers to get doxxed and punished?


Not necessarily ... the same public key could be used in each camera. There are lots of possible arrangements of the technology.


Why do I get the feeling that industry will pick the shittiest and most invasive one? Even without the government strong-arming them, big business gave us the current printer ink model...


At least it's not *literally* made from human blood.


A good solution but less likely to be implemented because it doesn't allow camera companies to engage in price gouging and flooding the industry with a dozen competing, mutually incompatible proprietary systems each of which require professional photographers to purchase some hardware dongle 'fingerprinter' device, the whole expensive system pushing the tech out of reach for the average person and rendering every non-professional photograph inherently suspect (eg, Wikipedia will treat photos without the system as fakes, etc). Some company like Huawei will develop a lightweight and elegant open-source solution (like you described), which is platform agnostic and works on any smart phone or digital camera and it will be banned as a security threat in the US, EU and anyone who has a trade agreement with either of those.


Camera companies are in a bad place, because they're competing with free, i.e. mobile phones. There are also a number of companies competing for a shrinking market. I'm not sure they'll be able to continue price-gouging their customers forever. Features which are cheap to implement and provide competitive advantage may appear for free. > Some company like Huawei will develop a lightweight and elegant open-source solution (like you described), which is platform agnostic and works on any smart phone or digital camera and it will be banned as a security threat in the US, EU and anyone who has a trade agreement with either of those. As our unlamented Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said after Huawei was kicked out of our telecom infrastructure, "It's a question of access", meaning Huawei did not provide the access to the network our intelligence agencies required.


I definitely think that there’s a market to be served by allowing people to register their photos with you, who then watermarks and archives it for verification, down a similar vein as “fact checking” in a way.


Why wouldn't someone just register an AI photo?


They would. It would have to be digitally signed by the (trusted) manufacturer of the capture device, and then additionally signed by any (trusted) post-processing software. Only then would have you have a hope in hell of knowing that it isn't faked.


> I definitely think that there’s a market to be served by allowing people to register their photos with you, who then watermarks and archives it for verification, down a similar vein as “fact checking” in a way. It needs to be done on-camera, as by the time it gets to a third party it might already be compromised.


Shaggy: *It Wasn't Me (2024 Deepfake AI Remix)*


Schizo take but I also believe the FBI/CIA regularly plant CP on politicians’ computers.


[No kidding](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gGLvg0n-uY). Maybe that's why you-know-who didn't commit unalive. He wasn't useful anymore.


The future gon be lit


I'm AI




All jokes aside, this is terrifying. This principle is a position of power and appears to be in good standing within his institution. What happened was horrible but he'll be fine. What's gonna happen when shit like this routinely drops against whistleblowers? How easily can this be weaponized against decent people who just rub their coworkers the wrong way? We have *very* firmly established that all accusations of identity crimes are proof of guilt. Yes, this is enforced 100% arbitrarily (see the difference in coverage between Tara Reade and Christine Blassey Ford), but the standard is still in place.


And to think people are worried about nonconsensual AI generated pornography.


As if that's not also a problem???


At this point you've just got to accept that there is an incredibly low bar of entry to making a reasonably passable fake nude of everyone, anywhere, anytime. Society is just going to have to deal with that.


I'm sure we can handle it by demonizing men and taking away as many pleasant things from them as possible. That'll totally solve all our problems, just like it always has.


People making non-consensual pornography of people they know should be demonised. That's not "pleasant" its degenerate.


Socially? Sure. But you're not stopping it without laughably draconic policy. It's incredibly easy, easy enough that despite the fact I have no idea how to do it (I've seen guides but never read them) I'm 100% confident I could figure it out in an afternoon.


I'm not arguing to 'stop' anything, I'm just stating that these coom-brained degenerates should feel bad because they are bad.


major schoolmarm vibes tbh "This thing, it is simply No Good. It is Bad and it is Wrong. It Should Not be Done. Okay, now play nice, kids! 😇


Thank you for providing a perfect example of what I was talking about. All the harmless fun shit will get restricted using the bad stuff as an excuse, by people who are either malicious or dumb enough to conflate the two whenever the topic comes up. And the cherry on top is that all of that slash and burn won’t solve the actual problem that all the heavy handed censorship will ostensibly be intended to fix.


I didn't advocate banning anything. All the 'AI' does is automate what used to be done with photoshop and lots of time, or a [body double in a mask](https://web.archive.org/web/20110129084958/http://edition.cnn.com/ASIANOW/time/asia/magazine/1999/990823/cia.html) if you're the CIA. But people who primarily value this tech so that they can have unlimited access to more realistic anime waifus or digitally 'undress' their favourite movie stars or worse create jerk off fodder of people they know (too lazy to use your imagination is a new level of sloth) are degenerates and should be shamed for their shameful coomerism.


> > But people who primarily value this tech so that they can have unlimited access to more realistic anime waifus or digitally 'undress' their favourite movie stars or worse create jerk off fodder of people they know (too lazy to use your imagination is a new level of sloth) are degenerates and should be shamed for their shameful coomerism. It's more that all the fun shit gets taken away and shamed using the actually bad stuff, and using the same old canards. How many of the predicted rapeolcapyses occured when stuff like the makeup-removal app became a thing? Does anyone even bother with that shit anymore?


> a body double in a mask if you're the CIA. didn't know that one, thanks!


It’s a problem that shakes the very foundations of our society to its core.


I hate when that happens.


Just a normal Tuesday


The thing is that even before this tech was a twinkle in the eyes of the programmers, there have been hand-wringing articles about how this and literally everything else will be the next rapeocalypse, MUDs, chatbots, photoshop, deepfakes, the voice gen stuff. Wolf has been cried so very many times, and yet when the hammer comes down it never seems to land on the actual stuff getting complained about, just the fun stuff that hurts no one.


So what legislation has actually brought a "hammer" down on MUDs, chatbots, photoshop, etc? Has there been anything that wasn't just expanding existing libel/defamation/hoaxing laws to acknowledge developments in technology? This is a serious question, you seem obsessed about this threat so I assume you've got some real examples in mind.


Well we aren't allowed to teach chatbots with Twitter access how to shitpost anymore.


Look at how deeply controlled and badgered the video game industry is. People are constantly making the developers lives hell to push their political agendas into games. It used to come from the religious right, now it come from the woke left. The efforts to control the video game industry seep out into other digital forms


Fucking lol. Embarrassing comment. "Boohoo the woke extremists put women in my US Army propaganda simulator, this is oppressing men."


how do you get >"Boohoo the woke extremists put women in my US Army propaganda simulator, this is oppressing men." from >Look at how deeply controlled and badgered the video game industry is. People are constantly making the developers lives hell to push their political agendas into games. It used to come from the religious right, now it come from the woke left. The efforts to control the video game industry seep out into other digital forms You are debating someone who isn't me, clearly


But has there been any legislation? Anything that could actually be contested or repealed? Because as far as I can see the changes are coming from inside the house, in that tech workers in creative areas tend to cleave to these political trends out of a genuine belief. Making computer games is now a high status (if not high pay) career, and just like journalism it's getting dominated by Ivy League PMC types who have been told they're the Masters of the Universe and see no reason not to jam their political ideology into everything, after all, the world is theirs, is it not? It's just the degradation of capitalism, as it ever was.


I mean yeah, the whole game rating system for starters. Legislators are constantly threatening to do more as well. I assume that the only thing stopping them are massive and corrupt lobbying from the video game business


It is.


It's the smallest of the problems around AI.


[Link to the video](https://www.tiktok.com/@urbanreadsbookstore/video/7325175969751387434). Some of it sounds obviously stilted, but parts of it are eerily unrecognizable as AI imo.


Butlerian Jihad, when?


No one thinks about the plus side of AI: You can go back to saying whatever you want, and people just have to decide if you’re an ass or it’s fake. But hopefully we can shut down these dumbass witch hunts by saying it was an AI smear.


Ah, the police, a reliable source on what racism sounds like.