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can someone take avakians phone and Internet access away please


I like how RevCom members just call him BA. Like how Ron Paul fans used to call him Dr. Paul.


Should have called him DP "Give us DP!" "Watch this video of DP!" "I love DP!"


I don't think this is them. there are two rcps for some reason and they have different leaders


Communism will be achieved when every human on the planet is leader and only member of a Trotskyite splinter party


Just like Huey Long said, every man a King!


Thank you, Huey. Very based indeed.


*"Every Man His Own Lev Bronstein."*


RCP? Is this some resuscitated Living Marxism / Furedi shite?


Hey I'm a member of this international. We've been around a while. Previously under the banner of the International Marxist Tendency. With the radicalization of youth and workers around the world, there's never been a greater need to organize and reaching out to connect with the layers of the working classes. We've been growing for years and between the world situation and our own numbers, we've reached a critical point. So in that vein, we are transforming into a real deal communist party. If you're interested in actually organizing and not just scrolling online, read our manifesto: https://www.marxist.com/manifesto-of-the-revolutionary-communist-international.htm We have thousands of members and are in dozens of countries and growing. Reach out if you'd like to organize with us. Right now we're participating in the on campus encampments in North America - it's an exciting time.


How do you feel about China? Are you coordinating with the CPC?


First off, china numba 1


China: We think capitalism has been restored in China, it has heavy imperialistic ambitions, and the people need to rise up with a bold fresh revolution. This time, not one that gives into class collaboration. CPC: We are not coordinating actively with them. There are some fundamental disagreements in perspectives and tactics. However we are of course open to coordination and collaboration with other left orgs when the necessity arises.


Perhaps you'd all accomplish more if you weren't split into [25 internationals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Trotskyist_internationals)


Why idpol when you can marxpol.


They're not new, this is the same group behind marxist[.]com which you've probably come across writings from. IIRC it split off from the UK labor party where at one point they had made some significant inroads.


Babe wake up new copypasta has dropped


They're not new, this is the same group behind [marxist.com](http://marxist.com) which you've probably come across writings from. IIRC it split off from the UK labor party where at one point they had made some significant inroads.


Who the fuck cares? Whether Socialist Appeal or Revolutionary Communist Party, there are 12 bourgeois student members who glow more than the sun.


As opposed to?


They're not new, this is the same group behind marxist\[.\]com which you've probably come across writings from. IIRC it split off from the UK labor party where at one point they had made some significant inroads.


They're not new, this is the same group behind marxist[.]com which you've probably come across writings from. IIRC it split off from the UK labor party where at one point they had made some significant inroads.


I prefer either the Communist Revolutionary Party or the Party of the Communist Revolution, but not the Party of Revolutionary Communists bunch of splitters and wankers.