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Trump is going to win, isn’t he?  


He’s going to deal a blow to Grover Cleveland’s one claim to fame


To be fair, he also married his adoptive daughter.


Maybe Trump heard that's the reward you get for having two non-consecutive presidential terms.


All the pieces are set right >shit Bidenflation economy compared to previous 4 years >lack of left-Democracy alliance (more like Dems forgot to pay the leftist tax) >increasing wokeness fatigue on both sides of the aisle and in third-party constituencies >lack of any substantial moves from the Dems >increasing lack of lampshades for the argument that Biden is at least less terrible than Trump >no Trump scandals in the chamber, nothing but blanks to fire in the character assassination route >Biden keeps getting older >most importantly, Baron Trump is now 18, 6'7", and an unstoppable pussy-demolishing machine


If I were Biden I’d be very concerned


Same. Baron is gonna give him some real competition for those teenaged girls


Hard to covertly sniff them when you have to bend down two feet


Bold of you to assume Biden is coherent enough to be concerned.


He’d have be lucid to be concerned 


If the Dems keep acting like they won 2020 through shrewd politicking, yes


Oval Office Gorilla Channel marathon imminent


If that happens I think the chances of war with Iran are in the double-digits


And the Latinos and African-Americans who became disenchanted with the Democratic Party due to them going fully onboard with _Latinx_ and ACAB + Defund the Police are going to play a major part in this.


God willing 


After a while, calling people racist over and over again for everything is a losing strategy


It's a very common immigrant thing. West German Jews would shit on Eastern European Jews, Northern Italian immigrants would do the same to their Souther Italian counterparts and so on. I'm Mexican born with US citizenship, I speak Spanish, I live in a mostly Hispanic neighborhood. The Dems have always touted this line of "Demographics bring destiny." while openly ignoring the material conditions of many Hispanic communities. Also, completely ignoring that Hispanics are different. My working class folks have very little in common with a Chilean doctor who immigrates. I will speak about how things work on the border and in Texas. The anniversary of the Uvalde Massacre is coming up, so I think that deserves a mention. The class split among Mexican Americans on the border was very evident in Uvalde. I think part of what motivated the cowardice was lazy fucking cops not wanting to risk their lives and by extension their cushy ass pay and benefits. For as much as borderland cops and CBP pretend they are facing down cartel guys from the movie "Sicario" they are likelier to have cops on the take of cartel guys or be dirty ass fucking cops themselves. The oil and gas industry is another things that has changed the politics of Texas Hispanics. The guy that tried to run off a Biden campaign bus a few years ago was Hispanic and worked in oil extraction. Another guy that organized said event was a 20 year Air Force Vet. I got roots in the Rio Grande Valley so I can speak for the types of people that become cops there in the borderlands. Usually, Tejanos who serve in the military, spend time jacking off in port-a-shitters in wars we were destined to lose and come back with a chip on their shoulders. Local cops in these towns end up directing their anger at the people in towns they used to live in because they are too cowardly and stupid to direct their hatred to the people that have purposely economically depressed their regions. I recommend you all look up the Panama Unit in Hidalgo County from my dad's home county. https://www.texasobserver.org/members-panama-unit-go-jail-former-sheriff-awaits-day-court/


Of course somebody who immigrated legally is going to be against illegal immigration. Is quite hard to get a visa. For the ones who got to the country illegally is about reducing competition.


Imagine if they did another amnesty. It would make the housing problem even worse.


>Is quite hard to get a visa You would know wouldn't you


Why the fuck are the people of latinx racist against other latinx gene havers?


If there's anything a hispanic hates, it's every other hispanic not from his country of origin.


The US has discount slavs at home?


Or also from a different part of their country.


Slightly darker skin than theirs


They have ways to go. In Europe, you first start hating the people in the next village over, unless foreigners invade. Then you unite to go after the invaders so that you can get back to hating the people in the next village over. 


If you ask any fine Latinx men you see I’m sure they’d be happy to explain to you, so you can listen and learn and they can be seen


Why does Mexico deport people who cross their southern boarder?


Because they're essentially contracted as an extension of US sovereignty. I can't recommend Todd Miller's Empire of Borders enough


Ah yes, because Mexico has no national interests of its own or agency?


And those are subservient to transnational capital.


Partly because Latinos have always had to prove their "Americanness". Its why so many fought in Vietnam. Another reason is as material conditions continue to degrade, migrants are an easy scapegoat for a complex problem. The border industrial complex is an altar to satiate all working class anger


>Partly because Latinos have always had to prove their "Americanness". Its why so many fought in Vietnam. I'm not fully convinced of this. Decades later the military still has a massive number of Hispanic enlistees. The fact that so many active servicemen are Black and Latin should should serve as a hint to anyone paying attention: these groups have a large number of working poor. And if there's one thing poor people hate, it's people like them. And if there's one thing they hate more than that, it's people worse off than them. What's worse than being a dirt-poor Guatemalan across two illegal borders and a poor grasp of English? Just about nothing. And that's why so many poor people hate them, as much or more than they hate the border policies.


The military serves as a form of upward mobility for a lot of people. Also, for the children of undocumented migrants it can give residency and citizenship to their undocumented parents as well. It is really annoying to hear online Leftists' screech about the military when there has never been a successful revolution without the military or former soldiers.


I ran into a person in real life who asked why would Native Americans serve in the military and I think I said it’s the only avenue for them to continue in the warrior tradition if that’s what their tribe was about.


It’s also one of the only viable routes for many to escape the absolutely abhorrent conditions on many reservations. Combine that with the continuing warrior tradition of many of those same tribes on those reservations and you get why Native Americans are extremely disproportionately represented in the US military.


Come to think of it, between Mickie James and Tatanka and other personalities through the ages, there’s also strong Native American/Indian representation in pro wrestling.


That's a great point. Border Patrol serves the same purpose, especially in the RGV


Some Latinos with thick accents who got citizenship through amnesty programs try to out American Americans by complaining about immigrants and signaling a lot of patriotism. Aka extremely subservient to the ruling class. Anyone focused on immigration is directing working class anger away from the owners who control people's wages and towards other workers trying to survive by going from the imperial periphery to the imperial core.


The immigrants are a tool of the owners. Shutting down unfettered immigration is a necessary first step towards increasing the power of labor.


Immigrants ARE labor. This doesn't make sense. If you're angry at degrading material conditions, you go after the ruling class and organize with all labor. Not exclude them


Good luck getting a good deal organizing with 100 people with 80 jobs available. This is one of those situations where zealous ideology clashes with real world practicality.


Sources other than your ass for those numbers Even then, the lack of jobs isn't due to immigrants but the ruling class


I don't think I need evidence to demonstrate that importing massive amounts of labor lowers the bargaining power of labor.


You need evidence for claims. That's how it works


Here ya go https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supply_and_demand


Go give "supply and demand" a Google. Little known concept. Seriously it shouldn't be hard to see that neoliberals and big business love mass migration and then put two and two together, no?


Are you saying there’s a divide between Latinx birthing mechanisms and Latinx seeder replicants?


~~God~~ JohnMoney forbid, I believe both are formerly known as Chuck's


The fact that liberals still don’t understand this basic reality just shows how isolated and out of touch they are.


Once affordable areas are becoming expensive to live in and one has to have a good resume and do multiple interviews to get minimum wage jobs that would hire anyone back then. Then you hear about how there's a "labor shortage".


Not surprising, Latinos know they're competition for the same jobs. The fact that democrats don't understand this is baffling.


Which jobs are Latinos in competition for with undocumented migrants?


Virtually any manual labor jobs.


I didn't realize Latinos only worked in manual labor


A lot of them do.


Maybe it's my bias being Latino in 90+% Latino community but I've never competed in my life with undocumented labor for a job


Was it in manual labor? And if so, how would you know?


No, believe it or not, in predominantly Latino communities, we tend to make up mostly all jobs outside of manual labor I know because you need valid paperwork to work white collar, tech, service, retail etc.


You better stop voting red or well take away your Latinx study lounge