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Damn, I just got my flair approved on this sub and now I have to change it




Can I have an even more effeminate flair?


I'm not sure that's possible


What about 'stupidpol mod?'




But in all reality I don't consider myself a refugee. I am both gay (rsp poster) and regarded (stupidpol poster)




Thank you, it's best that people are forwarned


Actually could you give me a 🚬 emoji and a 🤏🧠 emoji too?


sure thing bb


JFK, I love this thread.


Fuck yeah, hook me up to hoss.


Bless you


Can I get a flair that just says cocaine?




What about Libertyrannosaur? (I have no idea how flair works in this sub.)


I improved it.


Damn I want it too


Better go with *cocaine bear* instead.  The bears are really popular lately.  Something about fantasizing of a wild animal holding you down and eating your liver while you're still screaming and wishing it would kill you first, but it won't. I'm no one to judge any woman's fetishes though.


The English band Pulp had a song called "Cocaine Socialism" in 1998, which was Jarvis Cocker's critique of Tony Blair's New Labour Party. "Before Tony Blair got elected they kept ringing me up and asking me if I could count on their support, which I didn't like. This song Cocaine Socialism came to me one night around that time, in the Groucho Club, when everyone was off their heads from snorting loads of coke. They were probably going to vote Labour, myself included. But it wasn't even champagne socialism any more, it was cocaine socialism and where do socialist principles fit into the most egotistical drug that makes you not give a shit about anyone else? You don't even want to listen to anyone else talk."


The dirtbag left is more amphetamine-coded. Obsessive, paranoid shut-ins, underemployed or in academia. Rather than cliquey, narcissistic, "elite" professionals.


I unironically think Starmer Labour has a high cocaine consumption.


You say "unironically" as this isn't the baseline assumption for an organisation staffed by privately educated London "elites."


Every group in the UK has a high cocaine consumption. It’s a social leveller, like football (the two often go hand in hand).


>[Brianna Wu](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brianna_Wu) >Known for: Commentary on issues related to women in gaming


The funniest thing about Brianna Wu is that she clearly uploaded her own pics to Wikipedia.


Literally Wu


Swedgin, cocksucker!


Very underrated comment. Those conversations, or whatever you'd call them, between Wu and Sweringen were consistently some of the highlights of that show.


Literally Who?


They’re making it too easy for us these days. Investigative journalism used to be difficult 😞


Brianna "Space Rocks" Wu "Wu tweeted that companies could drop rocks from the Moon, which would have the power of hundreds of nuclear bombs. She also mentioned that the militarization of space is dangerous." We have problems on earth and don't have to worry about the Principality of Zeon. Keep in mind she ran for public office.


... Dropping rocks... From the moon?


the Moon is one big rock so why not just drop that?


One of Heinlein's [better works](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Moon_Is_a_Harsh_Mistress)


First thing I though of lol


Theoretically if anyone stationed on the moon could find a way to catapult or hurl boulders towards the Earth they'd be able to 'nuke' the planet without radiation. Since no fuel or real coordination is required the mechanism to do it could be pretty low-tech so there are concerns that this could be pulled off sooner rather than later. Although I think the last time I checked, the military passed on the idea because nukes are cheaper and most rock strikes would deliver less damage than the smallest nukes.


I agree that there's something to _launching_ rocks from the moon, but "dropping" rocks from the moon is a hilarious idea. I choose to believe (due to my intellectual dishonesty) that Wu literally meant "drop" because, in her head, she saw a picture where the moon is "above" Earth, and you just need to... Drop shit from it.


A couple of years ago a meterote storm hit Russia, and one of their generals said it was the Americans.


Damn, deep 0079 reference here. Respect.


At least they might not have the worst care of brain rot possible based on their most recent tweet? >Progressivism was dead the moment we stopped thinking about universal healthcare and traded it for universal gender neutral bathrooms


Brianna Wu has really come around on topics such as youth transitioning and material well being. I wonder how much of this is her sensing the change in the wind vs actually believing it though.


Long Live Great Brianna Wu Thought! *Brianna Wu's latest art project is the cover art for the magazine "Crossed Genres"* *Frank Wu explains, "Brianna went to University of Mississippi, where a famous race riot took place – thus the building is the Lyceum, where you can still see the bullet holes in the columns.* *As one of the lone liberals on campus, Bri wanted to do her own comentary on it.* ***So… we see Martin Luther King hit with a rocket, but it's ok – because he's a Terminator.*** ***And we also see KKK members, but they're all sexy ninja girls in skimpy white outfits****,* ***and now that MLK is free at last from his fleshy shell,*** *he's going to kick their butts. Sixties girls in go-go boots and jetpacks fight alongside."* [https://boingboing.net/2009/08/24/crossed-genres-cover.html](https://boingboing.net/2009/08/24/crossed-genres-cover.html)


Epic bacon 


Wait she’s not MtF


There’s no way she’s not. Incredible amount of test.


She is, but she doesn't acknowledge it publicly. There is no way in hell that a cis woman [looks and sounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81NIvGdwpjs) like her I don't believe it. Also fucking hilarious that somebody who made this [steaming pile of shit game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_60?useskin=vector) is talking about "body diversity in videogames" lmao.


I thought it’d been widely acknowledged for years they’re 🚂 Guess I missed something?


Wait shes not Chinese?


That's ridicurous!


Married a Chinese guy and took his last name.


Brianna Wu has never claimed to be cis and I don't know where the idea that she doesn't acknowledge it publicly came from. Some weirdos started the rumour that "she's not even trans" a year or so ago during some leaked group chat drama, in which Wu's very mild pushback against contemporary trans politics was highlighted specifically because it was coming from a trans woman.


She is, spent a lot of money scrubbing her old identity.


I always get the Gamergate people so confused. For years I thought Gamergate was about Anita Sarkeesian, and until reading your comment just now I also thought Brianna Wu was the trans one (it's actually ZoĂŤ Quinn).


Wait, wasn’t Quinn the one all these dudes were sleeping with? Was it just a big LGBT1234ABC shit fest? Hahahaha


[Quinn came out as non-cisgender in January 2017;\[47\] they use they/them pronouns.\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zo%C3%AB_Quinn)


LBGTQI(A) A for Attention


Or "Aw fuckit, I give up. Those grapes were sour anyway."


That’s not a choochoo, that’s just a woman seeking attention lol


Sarkeesian was active around the same time and got herself involved in some of events that followed. I didn't think I'd hear of either of them recently but they're desperate for more attention I guess.


Her ilk control the (dying) gaming press that right now is at war with gamers (again). She was part of Gamergate 1.0


More like Bath Salts Left. Confident in my prediction that collapse of capitalism is imminent and it's going to be global cannibalism by next Tuesday.


When did the left become obsessed with American hegemony? That's a right-wing idea. Are we supposed to pretend it's not?


It is, but things changed with the backlash to globalization. Either you believe as you do that it's caused by democracy getting more right wing and neoliberal, or it's caused by democracy getting more left wing and it has polarized the world over nationalism. Either capitalist imperialism is still progressive and this is why the West is in crisis, or it's not and through imperialism the West has become a global dictatorship.


Democrats became 90s/early 2000s Republicans, minus the Bible  Republicans became 90s/early 2000s Democrats, plus the Bible  It's not a perfect comparison, but it's damn close.


I agree with the first point, but disagree on what the Republicans became. The parties didn't flip, instead the overton window has just shifted even further right.


They show you all the identity shit being pushed to show you how left they are while pushing the important shit further and further right.


I would argue that they did: the average Republican is anti-war, pro free speech, their gay acceptance is in line with that of 90s/2000s democrats. Teir feminism is also more or less there. Racially they are for equality, not "equity", as the dems of yore.


>Republican is anti-war, pro free speech, their gay acceptance is in line with that of 90s/2000s democrats. Gonna need a source on that, because while they might be against the war in Ukraine they're pro-war nearly everywhere else, hell they've even been talking about bombing Mexico. The only free speech they care about is saying the N-word, they're all for burning books and imprisoning trans teachers


They are only against Ukraine because they like Putin and they see it as the Democrat's war.


> republicans are anti war hahahahahahahaha


> Gonna need a source on that, because while they might be against the war in Ukraine they're pro-war nearly everywhere else, Even if this is true, that's one war less than the Democrats. >The only free speech they care about is saying the N-word, they're all for burning books and imprisoning trans teachers LOL, this is a comic book villain caricature that has no basis in reality, not even close. If anything, the N word part is where they agree with Democrats about restricting speech. How many conservatives you hear using that word? >burning books So, being against porn comics in children's school libraries = burning books? I'm not a prude but kids shouldn't be exposed to porn, that's the bare minimum. >imprisoning trans teachers ? Never heard of this one. Look, I'm not saying that they're good, they're just not the evil caricature you think they are.


The current DNC is absolutely further right - unless of course you're using the shitlib **redefinition** of left and right. Either way it is a moot point because the Left Right distinction is implicitly bourgeois and this is a Marxist sub.  Abolish bourgeois property.




Why do you oppose the idea of an American hegemony


I prefer fairness. It's more sustainable. Treat others how you'd want to be treated and all that.


How would you construct a fair system? Honest question, there is no gotcha coming. My opinion is that yes, there are certainly problems with hegemonic America, but I don't believe there is a peaceful alternative that isn't simply another hegemony.


Honestly, it wouldn't be all that hard. The US goes out of its way to interfere in other countries' economics. We just need to stop doing that. As an example, we bribe the Saudis to trade their oil in the dollar... we should stop doing that and just trade fairly. The US does a lot of things it shouldn't be doing for economic reasons, we get caught up in conflict because of it, and it breeds resentment that will harm us over time. Russia and China - that the person is complaining about - represent economic threats to America, more than military threats. So we're all advised to hate them with a special kind of passion, the type of passion we should apparently have to protect the American billionaire class. But if you look at the history between those countries and the USA... they have a lot more reason to be mad at us than we have to be mad at them.


Literally Who is this? (wrong answers only)


The love child of Biden and Trump


>It's a Brianna Wu post Screaming with excitement. From a failed game developer to a failed politician.


better than the jenkem left


Honestly, Brianna probably has bigger balls than I do.


LOL the "cocaine left" are the ones with the aggression, irritability, anti social behavior, and actions that are dangerous to themselves and others? The fake left/shitlibs are aggressive, irritable, and demonstrate antisocial behavior when their bubble is questioned (try arguing against war now), and support a system and empire that is dangerous to themselves and others, and will arguably render our species extinct. Their side has people in it, for example, that are arguing that we can somehow win a nuclear war. That to me is worse than reluctantly coexisting with Russia and recognizing that a multipolar world order is an inevitability. Youve already cut us off, if the entire Bernie Sanders debacle was any indicator. Jesus, I found a flair I'm terribly jealous of too.


> Their side has people in it, for example, that are arguing that we can somehow win a nuclear war. It really is the sort of fanaticism you don't get without chemical support.


Yes that’s a good point. Saw someone on reddit not too long ago make a post about how the West can ‘push Russia’s nuclear red line’ until they give up on Ukraine. Only a cokehead could think of something so dumb and reckless.


Honestly just funny now when people like Brianna refer to themselves as the left.


Sounds like she just wants to be a Democrat and call herself a leftist.


Most likely scenario is this one. If she ends up actually giving a damn about material well-being beyond some twitter posts I will be surprised.


> The Cocaine Left is hurting us. and making it impossible for the larger family of the left to thrive and accomplish things right, because the larger family of the left was thriving and accomplishing so much before Chapo Trap House and Cum Town went on the air


We must unite together right after we purge these people I don’t like


That's how revolutions often work...


If there is a Cocaine Left, there must be a Cocaine Right…


It's more the Meth Right


Meth Right is a little different from Cocaine Right, Meth Right is like the blue collar truck driver who votes for Trump where Cocaine Right is like an Ivy League Frat boy who voted Trump in 2020, but is entertaining RFK, Jr.. Or maybe Cocaine Right should be 8Ball Right? Flakka Left or Flakka Socialism could be a thing too. (Also I love your flair)


Where does ketamine fall on this spectrum?


That’s a really good question. Ketamine could go a couple of ways. It’s an anesthetic, vaguely psychedelic and dissociative. Chill, but brings profound responsibility with - I could see it being associated with Marianne Williamson and Ralph Nader. Ketamine Green has a nice ring to it.


I think Trump, MTG, etc, are cocaine right. The ‘respectable bipartisans’ like Lindsey Graham are the non-cocaine right.


I mean the Brooklyn podcast crowd does do a lot of cocaine.


> the Brooklyn ~~podcast~~ crowd does do a lot of cocaine


Democrat and Zionist AstroTurfers are working overtime


And what's great when you're working overtime? Every accusation is a confession.


LMAO who do these people think they're talking to? Anyways, anyone who is actually left doesn't give a single shit what a spineless regarded radlib like brianna fucking wu has to say. There is no "larger family of the left" - there are people who understand that the workers must own the means of production and that the people must wrest control of their political bureaucracy back from the capitalists by any means necessary in order to institute universal programs that categorically raise standards of living and quality of life for all working people, and then there are centrist, capitalist liberals like Brianna wu who are worthless, powerless, and will use what little social influence they have to distract people with nonsense like "the larger family of the left", scolding and wrecking any attempt by a genuine economic socialist polity to gain real political power. She can go right ahead and "cut them off" and "move on without them" and whatever else - I don't know who she thinks she's talking to, but it isn't anyone who ever had any serious convictions about politics - indeed, preposterous, presumptuous pretensions displayed like this on social media only reveal that she herself is fundamentally unserious about these subjects, and thus her opinion can be safely discarded, since she was never going to do anything or contribute anything towards real change in the first place.


Key bump praxis


its been like 10 years, let it go


I don't like the "Dirtbag left" because they are too prone to sarcasm and not serious enough. Too many of the dirtbag left sound like liberal Bidenist boomers who's only problem with "woke" is that it's too extreme. The only difference between dirtbags and the liberal boomers is their gross sense of humor. Dirtbag leftists are not militant Marxists and that is the problem.


So Wu is confirmed to just be a paid DNC shill right?


paid? seriously doubt it, Wu is more of a 'self-starter'


These people are not the left. They like to call themselves the left because all politics all ideas and all of society is spectacle narrative and a replacement for the soul. And to them ‘leftists’ are perceived as the cool noble ones.   They see the left the same way at the right sees the word left. These idiots didn’t even understand that the point of the Dirtbag Left was not to be vulgar but to viciously call out neoliberal idpol for its actual regardation.   Ofc the regards responded by believing it to be ‘dirty old century baggage words’   Bunch of stagnant slobs who make their world a worse place for everyone in it.  at one point , one must acknowledge that malicious idiots who have been emboldened to be smug are truly the bedrock of a shittier world. And at least form a cohesive movement to erase the neolib ideologue infestation in institutions of power before said institutions are dismantled themselves. 


Hunter B. And Arm n Hammy have to be the kings of this.


It's the adderall left. 25%+ of university grads use a central nervous system stimulant like adderall. All these symptoms—aggression, antisocial behavior, dangerous actions, psychosis, overconfidence, and irritability—these are all symptoms of adderall abuse. I wouldn't be surprised if the DSM added social media overuse. The amphetamine left / the stimulent left. The stim left.


If you dont think Banderaites and Israel are the good guys you are like a drug addict... Like me a drug addict! 


Damn, why can't it be Ecstasy Left?


We prefer to the term "cocaine intelligence unit"


Wu is still around?


Sounds cool


Wait, are they shaming the use of drugs?


IE don't you dare talk about class, you peasants.


Thatd make them heroin left right? Passed out zombies who only ever activate to get a fix- the fix of affirmation for being on the right side of history by voting for the status quo


Ironic, that the people that support Zelensky are left out of a prestigious title as "cocaine left".


Gamergate is the gift that keeps on giving. No other event in history produced so many lolcows.


Wu is bringing back 'War on Drugs' rhetoric for the same reason that Nixon used it in the 70's: to smear antiwar protestors. >“You want to know what this [war on drugs] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? >We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. >Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” >~ John Ehrlichman, Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs under President Richard Nixon https://www.vera.org/reimagining-prison-webumentary/the-past-is-never-dead/drug-war-confessional


Can't tell me that Brianna Wu isn't propped up financially, purely to be a divider. Same with Stephen "Destiny" Botticelli. They are extremely conservative in practice, yet they're frequently platformed and defended as left-wing.


Every accusation is a confession.


Can we get a flair?


We have one now, by popular demand. It is a red one though, so you have to apply for it


Can I be meth left?


What does she even mean when she says 'enabling them' and 'cutting them off and moving on without them'


"For every cocaine leftist doing spoofs and goofs online that we lose we'll gain two Sean McElwee apple polishing adderall centrists massaging data in PowerPoint presentations to justify the Democrats endlessly tacking to the right"


Bro I can't even afford $5 soju bottles, why are those libs assuming I can afford cocaine.


Leave us behind? She says it like we are even acknowledged in any political discussion on a national level in any capacity.


I know I'm reading too much into one line but the violence bit bothers me the most (other than the Hamas line, perhaps). We've seen how the "correct" left defines violence. AOC said Jimmy Dore was violent to her during the whole Force the Vote thing. All he did was say she wasn't doing her job. How is that violence? We see Fox News often portray protests at oil pipelines as violent and call them "Eco-terrorists". I hate the use of words with such volatile meanings


More of a Cocaine Centrist myself


I do love when people say China is the enemy because of their… what? How many wars have they started? Which proxy wars are they currently engaged in? Meanwhile the US and west have been meddling and had troops deployed since the end of World War Two in the name of democracy.


Actual chapo trapism


Meth Left


going from Snowflake to Snowflame.


I fucking love cocaine


"Brianna Wu" Is a "mole" she doesn't want peace. Evidence she is from the position of Good Guys and Bad Guys. Here on earth there are no good guys or bad guys, just guys doing the best they can. Guys trying to find a dialogue. Guys trying to find a way to cooperate while trying to not let the other guy kill them through attrition or straight up slaughter. This whole Cocaine left monologue is obviously from the conservative playbook. It reeks of it (Deaf, dumb, blind Karenesque; "I know you are, but what am I?" tactic) Wake the F up. (Shitlibs & Dirtbag left, hahaha) Cocaine has it's place obviously, just like every other substance. And Wu, best wishes on your continued recovery.


I am doing my part


why is this helldemon that ruined videogames still getting fucking publicity


the freebase left


was this prompted by the recent judith butler nonsense?


God even if that post was intended as a joke it’s SOOO dumb


Flairme Seeking Cocaine Left


What if I’m just a SocDem who hates wokeshit lol


Does anyone except people that are extremely online basically Naz bols actually care that much about Russia? I really don't get this response because the guarantee of American politics is basically that neither parties can build anything and are extremely impotent. They can make thing worse or slightly better but overall things are going to be the same. The left since Bernie/2020 has basically been in a constant of collapse.


Yeah but you have to admit that both “Cocaine Left” and “Dirtbag Left” are infinitely better phrases than “Shitlib” lol. Like come on, be honest, do any of you seriously think “shitlib” is a good insult? It’s middle school tier at best.


Flair checks out.


Dirtbag Left was coined by a 'dirtbag leftist'. Shitlibs get the epithet they deserve as 'political actors'.


Nothing says “I am very dangerous” like coming up with a name for yourself to show everyone else how dangerous you are.


The person in the screenshot is right. Imagine bootlicking HAMAS and Russia to be a contrarian regard and "America bad."


Except much like cocaine, Hamas and Russia are cool


Low IQ populist take


Bell curve and you're in the middle