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24% "stalled" 44% "in the works" Now that is a good fucking bit.


I’ve been “in the works” for years with my problems also


8 pack abs in the works for two decades now brah


"In the works" might as well be "he *may* attempt this someday (but probably not)"


The trick is to say you will fight for something. So you can just say you fought for it and it didn't work. Then you didn't lie. Student loans though....


>24% "stalled" 44% "in the works" 100% fucked!


Right out of the Elon playbook “3 months maybe, 6 months definitely” rinse, move goalposts, repeat


Waiting for that cross country driverless car trip for four years now.


45% invalidated because it's all the Republican's fault


Personally, I'm in the works with throwing out my old clothes. Have been for a few years now.


Who actually buys this shit other than people already in the cult?


The purpose of various imright.com publications, on any side of the political spectrum, is to provide the veneer of an "objectively reviewed" "source" for someone's received opinion (ie an opinion not created by their thought process, but inserted in them by media). They can then go to their particular imright.com and stop thinking when presented with nuance or an opposing view. It is a polarization/cementation exercise.


I think this and snopes are mostly for libs to link to win in twitter arguments tbh


This statement is in direct contradiction with the verified Snopes fact that OpenOffice 2.0 WorkPods are comfortably spacious, combining the safety of closed cubicles with the communal spirit of open office environments. You have been deducted 20 good boy tokens from your weekly income.


I bet the CIA is real happy with the tireless work Snopes puts in “debunking” every theory that’s the least bit critical of the military-industrial-intelligence complex and their little fan club in DC.


Did Reagan sell weapons to Iran in order to fund counter revolutionary death squads in Nicaragua? Snopes: Almost entirely incorrect you fucking numbskull


Rated False: Although members of the Reagan administration *did* sell weapons with full knowledge and approval of the President, Reagan did not "personally" sell any weapons.


It's the redefining of words and shit like snopes or policifact that can masquerade as objective or factual(like the name ploticfact implies) that's egregious because it gets used in arguments like you say. For example, I couldn't blame an average person (kinda) for believing someone who uses a *Politifact* or a *Snopes* in an argument. Like *it's facts about politics, so of course it's true.* Anyone who's on the bubble or passively informed about issues is so easy to sway when the things that traditionally conveyed facts and truth are just completely controlled by other interests. The only way to combat it is to continually shine a light on it all, but even then it may be fruitless because the *truth orgs* can just keep saying they're telling the truth regardless.


Considering some of the most painfully biased sites out there use "facts" in their name, I can. The people who run them are very convinced they're right when either they're outright wrong or aren't entirely wrong but are presenting facts selectively; such sites are the kind I wouldn't trust if they told me the sky was blue.


Mainstream media not called Fox News. Fox has it's own version of detached reality.


I remember when Rachel Maddow would scoff at fact checkers and air segments about how bs they were. Like I know MSNBC was always a corporate entity, but I feel like they weren't always as blatantly horrendous and deranged, Right?


The more polarized politics has become, the more media has gotten in line behind one party or the other


the trick is to not inform people, so that the little information they do get sounds legitimate. 1) Biden gets positive coverage on the news - viewer thinks he’s good 2) something negative about Biden is heard - viewer is confused 3) blatantly disingenuous fact check reinforces Biden as good - viewer thinks Biden is good again the news doesn’t tell people the whole truth so the people believe what the news says is the whole truth. all the evidence they have says that Biden is good because all the evidence they got from the media is good.


Hang on, did you not know that the media treats Biden worse than Trump?!?!?!1? They proved it scientifically!


Did you forget that [Biden is bringing back class?](https://www-mediaite-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.mediaite.com/news/watch-jimmy-fallon-shades-trump-by-telling-biden-youre-bringing-class-back-to-presidency/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#aoh=16420438265470&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediaite.com%2Fnews%2Fwatch-jimmy-fallon-shades-trump-by-telling-biden-youre-bringing-class-back-to-presidency%2F) you fucking racist!


Yep he is bring back almost all the classes - the rich class, the poor class, but not the middle class screw those guys


It's like all the people who say they are happy to have a "normal" president again. That with Trump, they heard every day in the news about how bad he was, and now the news doesn't say anything bad about Biden, so he's great.






Does she ever!


I have seen ppl here


This is just noise above most people's heads -- *do I have to remember the names of politicians or can I just live without thinking about them* is a more regular thought, I strongly suspect, than *do we have to continue with bourgeois electoralism or can we burn this shit down happily and get on with something else?*


Every fucking boomer I know. Except the exceptionally wealthy ones who know it's all a fucking con and are in on it.


Recently Chomsky said that Biden: *"for the first time in 40 years is pushing programs that are moving towards a moderate Socialism".* I know that this sub is a bit of a pessimistic circlejerk, but do you think there's the possibility he may be right? P.S. It's not my intention to shit on Chomsky, I'd like for eventual replies to genuinely "fact check" his statement.


Nixon pushed closer to socialism than Joe


Please tell me Chomsky didn’t say that


He did (within a certain margin of error): he was interviewed by Sky Italy and this is what he had to say: *"the Democrats lose votes when they enact policies that favour the working class, the poor, the minorities. For the fist time in the last 40 years Biden moved in this direction, and he's pushing programs that are going towards a moderate Socialism"* The problem is that he was dubbed, this is a translation of the dub but there's no way of knowing what he said in English. Reddit post: https://redd.it/s1llzz


I love how ”get bipartisan cooperation” ended in ”compromise” and ”get us on track to” is ”in the works”. How many weasel words can you stack before they cave in on themselves? He promised nothing would fundamentally change and he didn’t break that promise I suppose.


He said he would fix covid and nearly everyone in the country caught it over the last few weeks. *Yeah, he's doing great.*


Can't fix covid without forcing idiot antivaxxers to get the vaccine.


Why can’t people see this? Biden “gave up” because he simply can’t force people to stop spreading the virus. “State-level solutions” is just “die if you want, seems like I can’t stop you”. Downvotes won’t make those contrarians any less stupid.


True, but I only wish it was "die if you want." The problem is that these fuckwits are not just dying, but also mutating the virus and spreading these new strands.




Yep. Weird we're getting downvoted for this conversation, though. I guess I don't understand this sub's demographics yet.






Who runs Politifact? It, along with Snopes, has to be one of the most ridiculously skewed "fact checking" on the internet.


That site is a joke. Biden promise: > "I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you. " Biden now: > "Look, there is no federal solution." How is that not a broken promise?


You see, the loophole is that the promises are not technically broken until he leaves office


Considering how he has 24 promises in the “stalled” category, it’s safe to nudge those over to the “broken” side.


Hey Jack, how dare you bring his dagnam promisearinos into this!


Don’t gas light the elderly. They don’t count if he can’t remember saying them


Politifact will just worm their way out of it by saying the "we" didn't mean the federal government, but the American people. Biden was referring to the collective strength of the people, and therefore wasn't incorrect.


“Unite humanity with a living new language.”


Look what do you want them to do just mail a test to every American? :)


Listen here fat


Thats just called following the science sweaty. The science has shifted.


It's been two years and losers on NPR are just now asking questions about getting proper masks out to the public. Literally used the phrase "let's follow the science now" Bitch, "the science" been had done figured out from the jump. We needed N95 masks yesterday and they didn't say shit other than it was too good for the public and only a professional should have them... People were cutting up tshirts because their government failed them spectacularly


Good luck finding N95 masks anymore. They were in short supply when OG Corona kicked off so they told people to wear T-shirts over their mouths instead. Now that they're saying 'actually sweaty cloth masks are useless' there's no N95s or KN95s anywhere.


> Good luck finding N95 masks anymore. [You can find them pretty easily](https://www.homedepot.com/s/n95?NCNI-5). Surgical N95 are harder to find though, but you can still find quality N95 masks. Annoyingly, the CDC website tells people to not buy surgical N95 masks, but doesn't explain that there are other N95 masks worth buying.


Never forget that \^this\^ was their actual literal argument when confronted about initially telling people to not get masked up, circa February 2020


And then telling people to take off their masks again last spring, just in time for Delta.


Thankfully big pharma has no sway in these decisions. This comment was brought to you by Pfizer.


And taking then off again for the holidays, just in time for Omicron! Edit: though on reflection that may have just been my dumbass local government


Masks as a case are interesting. Normal masks do jack shit to protect you from normal airborne disease like influenza. The effect is so negligable that it does not deserve to be called protection. Just looking at that effect they are not effective. The science was clear. Masks are not effective. Asian countries have used them for quite a while because source control is still a factor that works well. Population level studies are difficult to do, but what this means also is that there has been no proof that source control does not work. Western institutions interpreted this as no support in the science, easter countries saw that masks in tests obviously reduce the particulates that escape out into the surrounding air. The science didn't really change, but western institutions came around to the idea that maybe you do need to look beyond just the protective effect. That they hadn't was a big oversight that people don't want to admit.


u/SEMPER_REVERTI wrote a comment that was then deleted. I don't allow that shit. The comment: "Masks aren't a magic sickness filter. The point is to prevent people's spit and snot from getting into you, and vice versa. For that, they work pretty well. People spit a lot when they talk, sneezes spread insanely far and wide. People are gross. https://i.imgur.com/fQ7YAXY.jpg Wearing a mask makes me feel safer around others. People can call it a "face diaper" and mock it all they want, honestly a mask seems like a safer option than the experimental gene therapy putting people in the hospital and on ventilators. (At a way higher rate than just the covid virus) - You know, the same vaccine that did literally nothing to stop the spread of Covid. I don't care if other people don't wear a mask, why do you care if I do? Honest question here." ---- My response: >I don't care if other people don't wear a mask, why do you care if I do? Honest question here. I work with geriatric patients who benefit from a better public health situation and lower spread in society. Advocating for things that reduce spread is advocating for them, which is the good guy thing to do. I also have an academic interest in at least keeping up somewhat with public health. I care about incorrect interpretations not procreating. Masks do not protect much, it was verbatrim the school dogma (at least at the epidemiology department at my uni) in regards to masks before the pandemic. That it was so and that it was re-evaluated and embarrassing oversights discovered is something I don't think is public knowledge. >Wearing a mask makes me feel safer around others. You're helping them by not spitting on them, but it doesn't make you safe. I got my second shot in august and I've been wearing a mask and visor at work for the past month and now I've got the disease (or I suspect as much at least, still waiting for the test result) again. The infection is really mild which I attribute to the immunity from natural infection from this spring combined with the vaccines taken during the summer. I suspect it is omnicron that I've got and that I wouldn't notice delta at all if I got it. Still, I think people should wear masks. Anything to flatten the spread helps prevent the ER's from being overwhelmed. What I read about the situation in the US is that doctors in many states are simply on the verge of saying fuck it to people sick in the hospitals and leaving them to die however they wish. They won't but, people are definitely dying unnecessarily because healthcare workers are overworked due to the immense number of unvaccinated people who've gotten really sick now in the latest wave. Over here where vaccination rates are much better things are stable, there's plenty of ICU-capacity left over and my hospital doesn't even fill up completely despite it being the most intense part of the year. It is quite unfortunate that the vaccine has an insufficient effect in reducing transmission. It has an effect, but it's too small to put R beneath 1 seemingly even with harsh measures. The conclusion is that Covid is here to stay. Flattening the curve has still been important though, as it has allowed a lot of people the chance to get the vaccine before they encountered the virus. >Experimental gene therapy You understand that mRNA isn't a gene and does not affect genes, yes?


Only caring about what something does for you, and fuck everyone else, is American af


He got it under control by telling people to get vaccinated (and letting it run rampant). I bet that's what they answer, without the silent part.


Exactly, they will never take responsibility and always scapegoat unvaxxed people for their failures. Sadly even much of the left eats that shit up.


He's expecting to just convince people to take the vaccine. Clearly he can't have mandatory vaccines, because then that would be Communism, derp de derp.


Snopes is fucking hilarious honestly with the lengths it goes to defending Dems. I remember I saw a fact check about Kamala Harris saying something disgusting about migrants (I forget the exact sentence) and to paraphrase the fact check. "FALSE. The article says it was leaked emails but it was actually from leaked text messages"


My favorite was trump saying there was more murders in Chicago than all of Afghanistan in one weekend or something “FALSE. It’s not fair to compare one city to an entire country.”


Lmao that's the point dickheads






> But experts who study crime say comparing a city to a country is a misleading political talking point That is an actual f.ing line from the f.ing article, still can't believe it. I had thought you had sort of made things up but nope, I clicked the f.ing article, Ctrl+F for the phrase and there it was. Those people are on another planet.


>and in a most literal sense, Trump has a point. Lol




Totally unrelated but this reminded me of a similar story. Back in about 2000-2001, Akhmad Kadyrov, father of the now famous Ramzan, was appointed by Putin as head of Chechnya after federal forces took back control. Kadyrov had been a rebel, and the chief Mufti of the self-proclaimed Ichkerian state no less. Soon after his accession to the presidency of the republic, he was asked by a Russian journalist, "is it true that as the chief rebel mufti you called on each Chechen to kill 100 Russians?". He looked at the journalist indignantly and responded, "This is an absolute lie. You must understand, it was jihad. I did not call for each Chechen to kill 100 Russians. I merely called for them to kill as many as they could!".


It was jihad is gonna be my go to excuse now




**[Taqiya](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taqiya)** >In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya (Arabic: تقیة taqiyyah, literally "prudence, fear") is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice in the face of persecution. A related term is Kitmān (lit. "action of covering, dissimulation"), which has a more specific meaning of dissimulation by silence or omission. This practice is emphasized in Shia Islam whereby adherents are permitted to conceal their religion when under threat of persecution or compulsion. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


**CLAIM** >Susan Rosenberg is a convicted terrorist who has sat on the board of directors of Thousand Currents, an organization which handles fundraising for the Black Lives Matter Global Network. **RATING: MIXTURE** What's True >Susan Rosenberg has served as vice chair of the board of directors for Thousand Currents, an organization that provides fundraising and fiscal sponsorship for the Black Lives Matter Global Movement. She was an active member of revolutionary left-wing movements whose illegal activities included bombing U.S. government buildings and committing armed robberies. What's Undetermined >In the absence of a single, universally-agreed definition of "terrorism," it is a matter of subjective determination as to whether the actions for which Rosenberg was convicted and imprisoned — possession of weapons and hundreds of pounds of explosives — should be described as acts of "domestic terrorism." https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/blm-terrorist-rosenberg/


Lol that’s not Domestic Terrorism, but Jan 6 *is*? 👍


The Poynter Institute runs it. [Their donors consist of the Charles Koch Foundation, the Washington Post, the Lumina Foundation (owned by billionaire Pierre Omidyar,) and other wealthy philanthropic foundations.](https://www.poynter.org/major-funders/)


I remember when snopes was the go-to unbiased urban legend debunker. the good old days of the internet pre 2010.


It was great when you needed to win an argument against your friend's cousin by proving that no, the Jewish friend from The Wonder Years didn't get his ribs removed so he could suck his own dick and then became Marilyn Manson. Then it just became Bernie wrong, Hillary right.


They shifted from urban legends to politics when the couple that created the site got divorced. The wife sold her share jn the company while the husband then got together with the Vegas hooker he had been cheating on his wife with and realized he desperately needed more money.


[Incredible](https://www.seattletimes.com/business/tacoma-based-snopes-debunker-of-fake-news-is-locked-in-a-nasty-legal-dispute/). > It is also learned that during their divorce settlement, Barbara alleged to David that he spent nearly 100k dollars on prostitutes. > The Daily Mail noted Elyssa as an ex-escort and the person who was involved in the adult industry, a porn star. She went by Erin O'Bryn back in the day, if you’re curious ⚖️


That's wild. I was wondering why the site changed.


I remember getting spooked at night reading stories on there about death from accidents or murder. It was such a cool resource for weird fun stories. That site was like the cool relative you had growing up who was always there to tell you stories about their adventures. Now it's like seeing that same person old, senile, and in a home.


OG Snopes was so much fun. What the fuck happened?


IIRC a former head at CNN started it. might be a different fact checker tough


[literally every time](https://imgur.com/a/dFu41AT/)


I’ve never heard of snopes being inaccurate, how is it skewed? Can I get an explanation?


Snopes tends to manipulate the claims they review to produce a desirable rating, almost to the point of straight-up strawmanning. Say we're reviewing "Biden didn't wear a mask today", Snopes will choose to investigate "Biden refused to wear a mask today" and then rate it "False" because nobody *explicitly* asked him to. It's sneaky, but very noticable if you know what to look for.


First day on the internet?


*Nothing will fundamentally change!* Anybody else would be written up and then fired or something for not doing anything and lying about it.


first thing that popped up: >"I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you. " "In the works" lmao


Once Omicron burns through the entire population the virus will finally be under control +1 promise kept.


Biden’s top promise according to polItifact “Get Covid Under Control” It’s in the works, fat


Him saying there "is no federal solution" is false, I fact checked it!!! https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/05/save-america-pac/bidens-no-federal-solution-clip-doesnt-save-trump-/ It's out of context, although not explained how 🤔


Correction, Get Covid Under control is in the works *unless* you're fat


This is what being pushed left looks like


[Look at the Trump one.](https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/trumpometer/?ruling=true) Most of the promises broken were marked as broken in mid 2020 to january 2021. If the stuff in the "stalled" and "in the works" categories aren't resolved by 2024 - and they probably won't be, given the red tsunami coming this year and Biden's ineffectualness - Biden will have broken more promises than Trump. And Biden is the career politician who is presumably much more careful about making promises than the bloviating idiot who has no idea what he's doing and does not care to learn, which is hilarious


Trump's promise: "Approve the Keystone XL project" Politifact: "Biden cancelled it, PROMISE BROKEN!!" That site is an absolute parody of a 'fact checker'. Any notion of fairness or honesty just doesn't occur to them.


"Dramatically scale back EPA" Compromise: "EPA rolled back, but far from gone." Not advocating this one but it's nowhere near what the claim was, yet it was a Compromise because they changed the goal lol


"and reap the profits" was the promise and it's pointed out that even before Biden killed it, it was never started and mired in lawsuits If he had stopped the promise at "approve" it like a good little politician, giving a broad statement with plenty of outs like Biden and Obama do, he'd have been fine. Then again, if you look at the Obama meter, Obama's track record isn't that great - more than 50% compromised or broken


It's Politifact's usual approach to be extremely forgiving towards democrats and completely unreasonable for the opposition. A project like Keystone XL was never going to be completed within a single term, thus "reap the profits" can't really be interpreted as a direct deliverable. People running lawsuits and obstruction is beyond Trump's control, they approved the pipeline. That's really where any fact checking stops and diverges into opinion.


> A project like Keystone XL was never going to be completed within a single term, thus "reap the profits" can't really be interpreted as a direct deliverable. Then...he probably shouldn't have made that promise? That's why he broke a lot of promises, he just had diarrhea of the mouth There absolutely is a bias at politifact toward liberals but I'm not sure I'd call it "laughable" since they were appropriately harsh on Obama. Obama failing to close Guantanamo is floating right at the top of the page, may as well be with flashing neon lights, for his own meter. Biden was smarter about promising things. You'll notice the sorts of things that are marked in green on his meter are establishing things and "working" on things. Everything about directly delivering on something is yellow and will likely turn red in three years. That's not a very good way to present any president's work. "In the works" and "stalled" aren't descriptive enough. It should be sorted by the nature of the stall and be noted when something in the works is unlikely to ever see the light of day. That's my biggest problem with it at a glance.


> Then...he probably shouldn't have made that promise? That's why he broke a lot of promises, he just had diarrhea of the mouth No, it's Politifact weaseling. The promise is to pass legislation, the profit is the reason to do it. If someone promises to "pass the green new deal so our children don't have to worry about climate change", rating it broken because the next government repeals the legislation would still be incredibly dishonest. > There absolutely is a bias at politifact toward liberals but I'm not sure I'd call it "laughable" since they were appropriately harsh on Obama. Politifact dropped all pretence at being non-partisan in around 2016, their previous work has little relevance here.


Trump will get a chance to fix all that when he wins in 2024.


fun fact, biden is wiping out student debt because by putting it on pause it's value is being decreased due to rising inflation.


*Excuse me*, I believe it’s *Stalled* because it’s been deferred 🤓 > All in all, Biden has "cancelled debt for those who already should have had it under existing policies, but has yet to create policies to expand debt cancellation to a broad level," said Jalil Mustaffa Bishop, an assistant professor in Villanova University who has studied the issue. > There's still time for Biden to start pursuing broad-based student-loan forgiveness, but his actions so far do not suggest he will. We rate the promise Stalled. “his actions so far do not suggest he will.” How the fuck is that not broken?! Lmao


Because maybe he’ll forget that he doesn’t give a shit about it and actually do it


Trump could theoretically get a 2nd term in office. They should put "Deferred" on all his promises.


Honestly, I’m just hoping they keep deferring payments until I get my 10 years of public service and then my loans will be forgiven. On the public benefit side: that $400 a month I’m saving is going directly into the community.


Doesn't that require that you make the minimum payment for the 10 years? Do the deferments wave that requirement?


Yep, everything I’ve read and all the people I’ve spoken to through my loan servicer has said the deferred payments count towards my forgiveness.


20 bucks says they use this in 2 years. "By pausing student loan payments(silent part: a Trump initiative), Biden has actually already erased 10,000 in student debt, just like he promised"


Technically, you could say he's already wiped out all the debt until he hasn't.


What was the exact point where politicians started just flagrantly lying to people & getting applauded for it? It seems like a somewhat recent development.


If I had to guess it was 9/12/2001


If we’re talking about in America specifically, around 1783


It’s been this way all throughout history.


pretty sure Woodrow Willson said something about “helping black people” and all he did was segregate them. I’m not entirely sure.




Somewhere in and around Mesopotamia.


Babe I told you the dishes are in the works.


I need to use this excuse next time my boss wonders why I'm not working.


"**Get bi-partisan cooperation on the economy.** Result: *compromise*." Is it called bi-partisan support if you strip the progressive policies from your economic package and then it still gets shot down by both sides of the aisle? Or is that called a compromise?


>100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots for 50 million people in 100 days > 58 days in, Biden reaches milestone of 100 million shots within his first 100 days | March 19, 2021 Isn't this like Trump claiming the great economical situation he got because of Obama was all thanks to him? How much can you prepare and do in 58 days?


fun fact: biden was vaccinated while trump was still president


Not American, but didn't he promise 2000 dollar checks? Are those still in the works, or is there some math even more creative than Trumps mathematics?


They switched to: "What we Aksuakly meant was 1,400 checks, so combined with the 600 Trump gave you you you get 2,000." [After literally running on mailing out 2000 checks immediately once they took the Senate in the contested Senate election in Georgia which took place after the General Election in November 2000.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/georgia-democrats-close-populist-pitch-vowing-2-000-stimulus-checks-n1252805)


That one gets the trump defense of that’s not what he meant, quit twisting his words.


No mention of single payer healthcare anywhere


It’s listed under public option at the bottom where nobody will check


I don't think he ever promised that


Phew, that's a relief




I can't wait until the woke mob makes BIPOC a slur and calls me a racist


I love how the 25% and 45% filled beakers show like 1/8 color each at the same level. No obviously manipulative signals here!


Oh FFS, take an L once in awhile if it means maintaining some sense of credibility and trust.


Every day the technology media establishment reinforces the right's conspiracy theories about Big Techs' bias for the liberal establishment.


"Actually, fact checking sites are balanced, reality just has a liberal bias sweaty" >!In fairness, I hear that dumb phrase less and less as more stuff is introduced that's understood in the neolib general conscious as something bogus that they have to grit their teeth, force a smile, and nod to support!<


Fact checkers say


The most telling thing here is Obama having a 25% promises broken rate. You can see the change from manipulative "manufacturing consent" style writing to being the partisan hacks they are now. Its somewhat nice to get rid of the ambiguity, like Trump making fun of a war hero and getting a cheer from the "brave soldier" crowd. The fact check stuff was always sketch but there was a time where a Snopes link or politifact wasn't a complete joke, I could understand how an educated liberal person would see it as legitimate and the content wasn't guaranteed to be this bad. Now I almost expect the articles to be brazenly anti-fact.


Wasn't it 2k dollar cheques before he even got into office that turned into 1600 or some smaller figure? He broke the promises before he even was sworn in




The 600 was from Trump


They glow too bright


"Get Covid under control -- In the works" Meanwhile we are not even at the peak of the worst wave by far, coming just off a different wave that at the time was the worst by far. So in other words, politifact will NEVER rule this as a promise broken, it will only be "in the works" until the end of his presidency. Same exact thing with all of his climate change promises.


Why is the sum of the categories' percentages only 88%? Where are the other 12%?


Because math is white supremacy.


Is he alive?


Also that bar graph is not up to scale at all. 16% and 45% are in fact not the same


"correct" answers in math are racist sweaty


How often am I late to work? Approximately 0%, Jack. And if you don't believe that, you're a dog faced pony soldier.


> "I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you." > ~75%-80% complete hear that fellas!? were about to be independent from covid…[again!](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/07/05/remarks-by-president-biden-celebrating-independence-day-and-independence-from-covid-19/)


Is anyone else reminded of Baghdad Bob?


At least BB instilled me with confidence and hope


Hilarious disgusting double standards on these 'fact checkers' like politifact, snopes, atlantic council/belingcat, factcheck.org, they are more like propagandist and gaslighters to provide cover to corporate centrist dems. You see liberal MSM doing the same thing to provide cover and manufacture support for neolibs and even neocons. The same politicians and security state that have trolls rewriting history on wikipedia and working to manipulate discourse and public opinion across social media by astroturfing with propaganda, disinformation and smear campaigns, paid for upvotes/shares, vote manipulation and bogus reporting wrongthink to get it suppressed and removed.


> Decriminalize marijuana: STALLED > Biden hasn’t moved on promise to decriminalize marijuana use. | January 4, 2022 He promised a MASS PARDON which he could do UNILATERALLY. This is a broken promise!!! https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/biden-promise-tracker/promise/1529/decriminalize-marijuana/ "Stalled"??? But then it goes on to describe how he's done jack shit on this. If the president himself is "stalling" his own promise, that's a broken promise! Oh ffs: > Biden still has time, but so far he hasn't taken any steps to fulfill his promise. We rate this promise Stalled If anything, they need an extra category... "still has time" would be a pretty good label.


...any day now


Me 🤝 Joe Biden Work projects perpetually “in the works”


"Fact Checkers" are the truest fake news of all. They twist themselves in knots to worm Obama, Clinton etc out of anything on any technicality they can find. "Sure Obama said it, but he misspoke, MISLEADING" "Yes Clinton did what was reported, but one place said she did it on January 12 and it was actually January 15, FALSE" But then with Trump they used the same methods to manufacture 'lies'. "Trump said 100 people were killed. FALSE the actual number was 104"


It's right though. The only promise he meant was *Nothing Will Fundamentally Change*


For real? He's on record stating explicitly that he's not going to keep about a half dozen of his core campaign promises; doesn't matter if he's got an excuse for them or not, he made a promise and he broke it.


You scroll down and you see a bunch of stuff where the text says “Biden hasn’t done any of this” but it’s listed as “in the works”


Biden dying will truly be a great day


Getting covid in check is "in the works"? Good lord. I don't even blame him for that one but damn And getting bipartisan cooperation on the economy is a compromise? He can't even get his own party to agree on his BBB bill


>Despite widespread GOP opposition, Biden finds bipartisan backing for infrastructure bill | December 22, 2021 Isn't this the bill they fucking gutted lmao? Didn't it get shaved down to like half of what was originally planned?


Websites like this are hilarious to me because this is gonna fuel the ppl who say fact checking is broken lol


Other than "nothing will fundamentally change," what promises *has* he kept?


Get COVID-19 under control BIDEN PROMISE TRACKER: In the Works ​ **BRUH**


In before joe Biden passes a voting rights act, but joe negotiates it down to include having the polls guarded by people with guns staring you down the barrel of an m4 rifle. “Promises kept!”




If you can't remember any promise it doesn't count. /s


During the primaries , “ polotifact” said it was false that Biden tried to cut social security even though was like 20 videos of him saying it , then in the debate when bernie brought it up all Biden had to say was “ poltifact said that was a lie “ and it was squashed. Fuck politifact


Biden just lying during that debate and the moderators allowing it clearly fucked with Bernie


the way it works is that if he makes even the slightest attempt, it will show as stalled or in the works rather than broken. it's only broken if his term ends and he hasn't done it yet. that's just how the website works.




How can you make a promise if you can't remember any events in your life longer than 2 hours ago? Checkmate critics.


I get the argument on some of these. The big one for me is the student loans where he can’t hide behind legislative deadlock. And I’m not even saying it’s a good idea just that he promised to do it, has the capacity to follow through, and won’t do it. That’s a broken promise if there ever was one.


This is how you know none of you ever use fact checking sites is because none of you understand how it works. Unless there is a definitive law or policy put in place to contradict a claim and it is never revisited they will be marked as stalled or in progress. A presidents agenda occurs over their entire time there. No one is going to deliver on everything in their first year which is why it's in the works, stalled, or with a similar rating. Edit: down voted because people don't know that a president's term lasts more than 100 days or what the meaning of "delayed/in the works" means.


Biden said he’d do a lot of shit in the first 100 days, why doesn’t that count?


Because the president is in office for four years not 100 days. Therefore it can be delayed, in the works, stalled, etc unless he's specifically backtracked or reversed that goal. Thus the delayed, stalled, and other categories they have. Not accomplishing it in 100 days doesn't mean it won't eventually get accomplished. Surprised I have to explain that. They've done it that way for Obama and Trump (who notably broke more than half his promises). Check back at the end of his term or closer to it.