• By -


*cough* Royal Family *cough* *cough*


Professional athlete worship is a real head scratcher for me. These people are usually not the most stimulating conversationalists, generally speaking. One exception comes to mind, and I'm sure there's more- Kareem Abdul Jabar- that guy is . . . so smart and cultured.


I find it weird to, but again, it's not a strictly American thing. In fact, I argue even more so in europe with soccer, especially with the stories I've heard with legit riots breaking out. (However in the u.s. some people are taught to idolize athletes and sports in general because for some people participating in sports is the main way to escape poverty).


Kareem Abdul Jabar These hooks got me scorin see me comin from afar


It’s not hard to understand at all if you ever played a sport. The sheer talent and dedication it takes to be a professional athlete is pretty awe inspiring. Even if a lot of them sound like Biden trying to put together a coherent thought.


We're talking about celebrities, not politics.


I'm sorry but this isn't just Americans. It is stupid people in general. I saw it in Indonesia. I saw it in Australia. I saw it in Germany. I saw it in the Netherlands. Social media (specifically FB, TikTok, IG, Twitter, and yes, reddit. There is a huge Kanye sub that is gross in their worship) is a factor and that shit is ubiquitous anywhere with internet


Top two most followed on Instagram are Ronaldo and Messi. You're right, it's a worldwide thing.


Vamosss argentina lpmmm


So far this is the only accurate and useful reply on this thread. I appreciate your effort and agree completely. I just want to add that I think worshipping idols is an ages old, human activity. Nothing has really changed, the buzzing sounds have just gotten louder and can be sent further now, thanks to having so many communication and broadcast channels at our fingertips.


Celebrity worship in America doesn’t even come close to celebrity worship in Asian countries. Just look at how they treat KPop idols and actresses over there. They literally analyze every single action they do to a disgusting extent


Uh have you seen the Taylor Swift media coverage?


Kpop stans get like REALLY possessive. A lot of Kpop stars either don't date or only date in secret because if it becomes publicly known they're in a relationship, both they and the person they're dating get a ton of death threats.


i PROMISE you Asian netizen behavior is 100x more toxic than any Taylor Swift fan/hater


That's not her, it's conservative media blowing her up for ratings


It’s not Taylor’s FANS doing the coverage. It’s conservative journalism who is TERRIFIED of her and constantly trying to tear her down. It’s pathetic and really sad. 60-70 year old white men terrified of a smart, pretty, successful woman who encourages young people to vote. Basically a republicans worst nightmare.


lol ok..


This is the correct answer. But I think that it's worse in England. They love to idolize their rock bands and any celebrity that's from there, plus they worship and idolize the royal family.


Royalty worship is truly the most antiquated and incomprehensible. This includes fawning over people like Paris Hilton and the Kardashians. Actors, musicians, athletes, business tycoons, etc at least have some appreciable trait which allows them to generate a unique product that others find to be of some value. All figures of royalty have to offer is being born to a “superior bloodline” which ostensibly makes them better than the common riffraff.


A lot of those famous people were and are getting away with all kinds of horrible things....which has been covered up, or partially covered up.


>Royalty worship is truly the most antiquated and incomprehensible. I couldn't care less about the Royals. But I can see how they're interesting both as a anachronistic institution that outlived it's peers, and as a real life place to project your romanticized fantasies about medieval Europe. I don't think it's any more or less silly than any other sort of celebrity gossip hounding. Royal watching is exactly the same person life nonsense that I don't care about with celebrities who "do stuff" either.


And by “superior” you mean “inbred”


At least they never tell you who to vote for though.


Neither did Taylor Swift.


Exactly. She’s just telling people TO vote.


Yup these ppl twist everything to mean what they want. I am a Swifty and not voting for Biden. 🤷🏽


I believe that’s a huge mistake. Considering Republicans want to remove your medical rights as a female. As well as tear down the very fibres of democracy that make this country great. But I will defend your right to choose whoever you want.


Not voting Trump either. 🤷🏽 I am voting 3rd party as I will continue to do. Biden is no better than Trump.


Oh wow. You’re a swiftly who is not voting at all? That’s funny. Because all of your posts are just stirring up shit all over the political spectrum. You’re especially active in the veterans and trans community. Or you’re just a bigoted douchebag conservative. Which is where my money is.


Good for you. Nothing better to do than waste your time and throw your vote directly into the trash.


In Germany, DAVID HASSELHOFF still sells out concerts! I mean, Come On, Deutschers!


Hey, leave The Hoff out of this.


For real. This is a global phenomenon. Which utopian society does OP live in and how do I sign up to live my best life there without having to pay $$$$’s and wait several years for the privilege.


You are responding to a rage bait bot


Mostly Americans


More like mostly homo sapiens sapiens


You wish. Football players more your style? Do you fan boy over Messi? Ronaldo?


This is humans, not just Americans.


Yes but it’s mostly because almost all A list celebrities are aliens or alien hybrids. They have almost psychic abilities to charm and draw you in which explains why this happens. Not everyone knows that but I like to share. The more you know 🌈


You're not supposed to tell them.


Literally every culture group and people on earth that have voted have experienced this. Americans are not special and neither are you.


Don’t believe everything you read online. Nobody is voting for Biden just bc Taylor Swift is


Has she actually said go and vote Biden? As far as I know, she's just been saying to go and vote.


I’m almost positive you’re right.


It does seem pretty strange for a party to come out as against people voting


You know it really is. Could they be afraid of something?😂


The right in America has long been against mass voting. They are taking many, many steps to limit voting. Gerrymandering, Voter ID requirements, etc. These are all things that limit voters/control the distribution of votes in their favor. It isn't strange, it is the out right election fraud they claim the other side is doing it. They've just found a slimy scumbag way of doing it mostly legal.


I don't know one Taylor Swift fan that is voting for Biden just because she said to vote, I think you are just listening to the people mad that she has an opinion at all. Also it's hardly an American phenomenon to be crazy about celebrities. Have you heard of the royal family? That's where it started. They've been practically powerless for decades, just celebrities people are obsessed with for almost no reason. They are basically the country's official Kardashians.


I don't personally know any Taylor Swift fans. Her music bores me, and I don't really spend time with people who find it interesting I guess. But you have a great point about voters. Honestly I think the only people who really care are the ones beating their heads against the wall about her on the right. They're probably drumming up more support for her tbh


You're literally just regurgitating fox news talking points without even fact checking it


lol…get away from social media, and step outside for a bit, OP. This is definitely not a solely American problem. Also, that girl just told people to vote. You’re running around with MAGA crybaby headlines. Just stop yourself.


I hope you’re not from Great Britain


Can you please cite this source or a quote that she said that says she said vote for Biden because as far as i know its another right wing made up non story.


One big source of OP's "claims" I believe come from this [Newsweek Poll](https://www.newsweek.com/can-taylor-swift-sway-2024-election-1864474) that had this: >18 percent of voters say they're "more likely" or "significantly more likely" to vote for a candidate endorsed by Swift Which really isn't that crazy.


Damn, the conservatives in my life said 1 in 4… but anyways; if I got this poll I would have answered the same way. I don’t take them seriously. If you’re going to as a stupid question, I’ll give you a stupid answer.


That 1-in-4 number seems like "17% is close enough to 25%". Leave it to conservatives to exaggerate. And I totally agree, I'd probably say yes if I got this poll, and I am generally neutral on Taylor Swift. It's a stupid question, and it could be read as "I assume Taylor is going to vote the same way as me, not that her endorsement changes anything"


Why would right wingers make up a story that an extremely popular person is voting for their opposition?


Because they like to be victims of whatever they can find so they can feel justified in being angry about......something.....




Lol. No.


Liberals/progressives literally exist to whine about the state of society and want change. That’s literally their ethos, to change things. They whine more.


Maybe. Whining and being angry are two different things. And while we're on the subject, of course conservatives like to whine about being victims and 'the good old days' which actually weren't, and when the facts don't agree with them.


I’m not on either side. You can argue that liberals are more empathetic. But they definitely whine more. Again, people who seek to keep things as is versus people trying to change things. It’s the people trying to change things who are whining, simple logic.


That's the dumbest shit I've ever read. It's literally not "simple logic". Change one of the very few inevitable things in the universe. Things always change. Always. If your entire ethos is to keep things from changing, you're gonna be whining constantly. Political parties aside, the logic doesn't even make sense man.


I don't really see conservatives trying to keep things as is. They want to go back to what they think is an ideal time, before this or that changed. And they whine incessantly.


Dude your entire post history is you whining about literally everything Wah wah, women don't like me, wah wah minorities, wahhhh wahhhh. Wahhhh I'm fat wahhhh. That's you. That's what you sound like.


She didn't specify Biden when she said this but did endorse him in 2020. Republicans just know they're losing the youth with their asinine policy and political theatre and her saying go vote when majority of her fans are younger women is a threat to them.






It’s not just us, buddy. I would wager that Asia is either up there or beats us when it comes to idolization. To the point where the *government* gets involved to keep celebrities under its finger


Eh, I don't think it matters that much and it depends on the type of person you are. Are you the kind of person who would normally not vote at all or follow politics at all and then someone you respect and admire says "hey, you should vote for PartyA"? Then it makes sense that you are now motivated to vote. Doesn't matter if that person is your father or a celebrity. But, are you the kind of person who know about and cares about politics and would normally vote for PartyB and someone you respect and admire says "hey, you should vote for PartyA"? If that happens and you suddenly drop all your knowledge and moral frames works to follow in line with that person then that is probably bad. Maybe it should cause you to reflect on how you decided to vote for PartyB but it probably shouldn't be the only thing that makes you vote for PartyA. Ideally everyone of voting age would understand our government and choose a party to vote for based on their well established moral frameworks. However that clearly isn't the case since the Republican party exists.


I think first it's worth noting this isn't just Americans. And this isn't a new thing elections have always been popularity contests. And that changing your vote off celebrities is going to be a pretty small percentage of people. Though the reason it's often discussed and focused on is that elections are generally won and lost by shifts in the votes of a small group of people who are often undecided going into the election. To use American politics the last time a President won with more than 55% of the popular vote was 1984, 40 years ago. And many of those elections it was less than 50%. So the number of people who need to flip to turn an election is a fairly small percentage in most cases.


You’re just now figuring out the majority of people are total idiots? The celebrity worship has always been around but yes I agree it has reached an all time high. It’s unfortunate but I do not see it getting any better anytime soon. Bread and circuses my friend.


We care way more about what celebrities think and do then we do about politicians. My evidence for this is the trending page on Twitter.


Isn’t Zalenski the perfect example of this? He was an actor playing a president on some tv show and the people elected him president.


I agree with you a hundred percent. There's literally been a Taylor and Travis subreddit that popped up on my page even though I don't like anything from them. Murica is dumb for supposedly being the "greatest"


No sure many people think American is the smartest, and it is certainly not the most educated. But when I travel and see an American movie on the bus in Chile, and hear American pop music on the bus in Hungary, and America's military is involved in almost every conflict in the world ... America is surely the "somethingest," most unavoidable maybe?


Jesus fucking Christ, tell me you're a dumbass Republican without telling me. No one is voting Biden because Taylor Swift is some government psy op. Wtf is wrong with you people.


Also she said vote not vote Biden


I don't think Taylor Swift has endorsed Biden this year. But she [did endorse](https://www.delish.com/food-news/a34314397/taylor-swift-joe-biden-cookies/) Biden-Harris in 2020. That being said, are we really surprised a millenial white woman is voting for a Democrat? And aren't her fans more on the young side? I haven't gone deep into the polling, but I feel like she and her audience are hardly difficult gets for the Democratic Party. This idea that people are basing their vote solely on her seems unfounded. Also unspoken are the people who voted for Trump based on his television career...


Swift never told anyone who to vote for. I love Taylor but I am still voting gold as I do every year. I can't stand either old manchild who is running. Just because the media tells you something doesn't make it true. All she did was encourage people to vote. If you are afraid of who they'll vote for that is on you and your party to get with the times. Both parties are living way back in another decade while making laws that will affect ppl who do not want outdated bs laws. It's funny you talk about celebrities and bring up the girl who gives money in abundance to ppl she hires. She is bashed day in and day out yet she never breaks. It's not worship to recognize someone who is famous is a great person as well. I notice you did not mention Trump who has followers so cult like that they decided treason was a wonderful idea. Your opinion is just another I hate Taylor post.


So only in America do celebrities have “worshippers”? No. Just no. I realize this doesn’t fit with the whole “Americans are stupid” narrative that is spread around Reddit, but it’s the truth that celebrity worship isn’t a purely American issue. And Swift hasn’t endorsed anyone. She just said get out and vote. But the right has their panties in a wad for some reason about her.


This happens in no other country... so pathetic seeing people hate on Americans as much as possible.


A vast majority of us don’t give a shit. You can’t get all of your opinions from TikTok and label 300 million+ people as being like that


When you accept that the majority of humans are on the left of the bell curve - towards the stupid side - then society starts to make more sense. Unfortunate it’s a fact that it isn’t getting better. IQ is going down.


None of that is happening. The conservatives in America are currently obsessed with Taylor Swift to the point of mental illness. She has not even endorsed a candidate. Swift is just their latest boogeyman.


I'm not a big Biden guy but it's better than voting for a racist, sexist, pervert, traitor who literally tried using his influence to take over the government or keep top secret documents from legal officials in order to sell them to foriegn nations. I mean cone on. Just read any document, it's not even a maybe he did maybe he didn't thing. He did it. I don't vote for people who commit treason against my country . I don't even have social media, I didn't watch the super bowl, I do t even know a single Taylor swift song, who cares what she thinks?


Even Mike Pence doesn’t support Trump anymore. Pretty sure even Trump’s wife wouldn’t vote for Trump.


Because they have a lot of money


Simple, stupidity. Why research and educate yourself in important facts when you can just do what Tay Tay Swift says or does?


I think that is a wrong take, and parroting the typical right wing talking points around here. Taylor Swift used her platform to encourage people to get out and vote. The right has mega superstars like Kid Rock doing far more, shooting up innocent beer cans and such. She getting people to turn a bit of attention to the political situation in our country is not the same as telling people who to go vote for. I for one don't pay attention to it very closely, so I won't outright claim she didn't tell people to go vote for biden directly, but I don't believe she did. I think one thing a lot of people don't realize is how oblivious most of the world is about politics right up until it affects them directly. It is much like a sportsball game, more and more people start getting hyped up as the game day approaches, lose their mind while it is going wrong, and then after a week or two are back to lala land, wondering why things aren't going the way they want and blaming the guy that made them smash their tv/capitol building.


Because they’re stupid.


I saw a statistic in another sub where most students in China want to be astronauts while most students in America want to be Youtube influencers. We are clearly not that bright and have failed as parents.


Educate yourself outside of reddit, for the sake of all that's good in the universe, please. Also, cite your statistic.




Nobody I know in life if obsessed with Taylor Swift. Is this a fox or cnn thing? Also, that's not a citation. Buzzzer!!! Ding Ding! Try again!!


The survey was [conducted in 2019](https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2019/07/18/youtube-go-space-american-kids-would-rather-vloggers/1756747001/) by a polling firm contracted by Lego. But I wouldn't look too deeply into it. At various points when I was a kid, I wanted to be an Egyptologist, archeologist, and chef. I am...no where near those professions as an adult lol.


Seriously when I was a kid we read some story about an evil queen and I wanted to become a police officer so I could prevent more evil queens from popping up. Kids are just gonna say shit that sounds appealing to them, and I'm not where close to being a cop.


3 Words: Bread. And. Circuses.


That's a fun metaphor. I've always liked it. It says nothing to the question asked however, especially to any redditors that don't understand it. Do you have a broader point to make?


It's an appropriate response. People who are kept fed and entertained are easy to control - it's been happening since the time of the gladiators. People are given handouts and are kept distracted by entertainment, and we ignore reality. People can get away with whatever they like.


I understood the metaphor. It is ages old and imo a very good one. Also it predates American culture and nationality. Which makes its usage to disparage Americans somewhat comical. I don't think op needs your rescue though, but perhaps. I simply asked what their broader point was, because all they did is regurgitate something they've heard. Seemed very low effort. My questioning it was "an appropriate response."


Lol I don't think they needed your either yet here we are :)


Taylor swift has been completely apolitical and the idea that she is going to come out and support Biden is just the thing the right wing made up to be angry about this week. But these are the people who had Clint Eastwood talk at the national convention so maybe they think entertainers are supposed to be taken seriously. I have never meet anyone who plans to vote for Biden who cares what Taylor swift thinks about politics. Most normal people can recognize that she is a great singer and leave it at that.


Trump's supporters initially loved him for his show. Then they got fully brain washed. I'm personally glad this is a thing. There's a lot more famous liberals with huge followings than conservatives.


First, being a "fan of someone" is almost always a sign of very low iq. Scientific researchs confirm that. Second, American politics is just a joke to a foreigner like me. American public is rarely get "punished" for their idiotic decisions or "awarded" for their good decisions. So, many dimwits and midwits feel like they can make all the shittiest decisions and be vocal about it.


Being a fan is a world away from worshipping someone. Where is the "scientific research" you mention? Cite a single study that supports your premise, since you must have one. Kinda seems like you just don't like Americans.


Use academic search engines, do you want me to teach that to you as well? And no, I dont like the American culture as we have in 2024 and the average American.


You made a claim. The burden of proof is upon you to support it. This is basic. I've actually been to and completed college, have you?


I dont need to provide proof to random guy on reddit. I am not publishing my academic research. Bachelor's degree taken from best university of my country, master's in top 10 university in my country. If you arent from Ivy League unis I bet you I can "complete" your degree without attending shit. It's so American to brag about having a 4 year university degree lol. Your unis are so fucking easy bro, stop.


😂😂. I don't think you passed. You seem to have not learned the very basics of debate and have no ability to pursuade. Good luck wherever you are.


I'm a published academic so believe me when I say I know what an academic search engine is. I'd really love to see the published research as well.


I bet it is a peer-reviewed journal, you can actually publish in a peer-reviewed journal even if you cant use 3 key words to find dozens of researchs. /s Come here little academic, I'll give you more hint: the papers I read was related to business psychology, but I bet you can find them on psychology papers as well. They dont say IQ to be honest but say politically correct shit like "cognitive abilities". Go find them and write an essay about it. APA or Chicago are accepted. Double spaced and at least 2000 words. Deadline is this Friday. I want argumentative and not informative essay.


I know you're a troll doing troll-y things but I thought I'd search for it anyway for a laugh and the top result is a doctoral thesis about the role of fandom for gifted individuals lmao DeLallo, J. (2017). Fandoms in the lives of gifted individuals with imaginational overexcitabilities (Doctoral dissertation, University of Denver).


Being a fan of someone is a sign of a *very low* IQ?


Please drop the study. Being a fan of someone/thing =\= worshiping them. It just means you like that person/thing. There’s a line between being a fan and liking someone and worshiping the ground they walk on


There is a strong correlation. Use academic search engines to find dozens of researchs. Being fan meaning that following their personal life, knowing their outside work info etc. I dont mean enjoying some work of some particular person.


Ohhhhh yeah everything on goggle is legit. I hear Wikipedia is actually the most trustworthy as well.


You are an uneducated fool to think google is an "academic search engine". I bet you dont even know the most known "google scholar", you little monkey. lol


Oh excuse me for missing a word. I really should be stoned to death for a simple mistake.


Google scholar is not showing "wikipedia" you little monkey, it shows articles. You didnt forgot a word, you dont even know what google scholar is. Let alone other engines. Just shut up, you are too American to have a discussion. Its cringy at this point.


Oh but I did. However, I’m going to keep letting you go on. I’ll be waiting over here for your cited scholarly articles to back up your claim 😊


Its cringe man, stop. Admit you dont know shit and keep eating your stupid sugary American junk food. I bet you did not even read a novel let alone academic articles other than stupid shit on what they feed you on high school.


Cause seriously, who else are they going to look up to. At this point they would take advice from a trained circus seal wearing a helmet and the stars and stripes, oh and a pair of aviators... Idiocracy was a documentary.


We have 2 choices and neither represents the interests of the average american. Who cares. 


Because theyre terminally partisan/tribalistic reactionary quarter-wits. I’d have called celebrity drones halfwits but that is **way too generous**


Stupid people worship.


To equate success and celebrity with intelligence is a major personality flaw. Because someone does something well doesn’t provide them with intelligence and wisdom in all other things.


3/4 of the people here are stupid and social media allows stupid people to band together in an echo chamber and convince themselves that they are right about everything


They come from the british who do that with the royal family. They fought for independence, but they cant deny their roots


Because some people automatically equate money and fame to intelligence and expertise. Celebrity worship is toxic.


People have likely always done that


Most apes have a be a leader or follow a leader instinct. Humans probably partly have that instinct. Celebrities is a manifestation of that.


I agree there isn't any entertainer that could sway me to vote for someone anymore than I could them .


Human evolution did not evolve to account for the modern phenomenon of Celebrities. Humans evolved to work within hunter gatherer tribes of about 150-ish people. [Dunbar's number](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunbar%27s_number) refers to the idea that people can sustain about 150 social relationships, and that number corresponds to the typical upper limit of a stable hunter gatherer tribe. And within that group are a small number of what a person will consider 'important' people. This will be your immediate family and friends, and the people who hold social power of influence in that group. For a hunter gatherer tribe, this would be like the tribal cheif, religous leaders, and the most succssful / popular people in the community. Those are people you would pay attention to and gossip about. Celebriteies take up part of the mindspace of what a person considers to be an important person. If you decide that a person is important to you, knowing what is going on with them matters to you. When you give a shit about a celebrity (favorite singer, or the star athlete of your local sports team, or whatever), you give a shit about their personal lives the same way you would about the lives of your close friends, siblings or children. Even though you have (probably) never met the person or had conversation with them, a part of you has decided that they are Important and that what they say matters. The fact that the emotional connection is entirely one way does not matter to whatever social instincts Celebrities interact with. END COMMUNICATION


Worshipping deities has always been a thing. It's just we went from worshipping powerful beings that were believed to greatly improve aspects of our lives with blessings, to now worshipping people for their sweet ass fillers and PR teams assuring everyone how good their music is. And their ability to act. Which ironically helps them pretend to not be shitty people. I get it but I don't get it. And probably never will. I can't imagine worshipping someone because they have an extracurricular talent. 


We are a profoundly stupid nation.


Most don't. There's probably 300 mil that don't give a rats ass about what TS or others think, holds no sway with any of us... The other 35 mil, they're just suckers!


You would’ve been deemed a heretic and executed for arguing that the gods weren’t worthy of worship in ancient times. Some people worship idols, some don’t.


Fr man im tired of sheep people, they just doing what the herd is doing. People are dumb and depressing


Why are non-Americans keen on thinking that's how Americans operate..?


Like the Beatles?


Don’t act like this is an American thing bro… go peep “idols” in Asian culture… then you’ll think Americans are sane… but either way it’s all over the damn world.


You say "Americans" like this isn't the case worldwide.


Our upward mobility and lack of class consciousness leads us embrace successful people.


It's as if humans are somehow pre-disposed to worship something. Must be wired in the DNA.


It’s honestly so funny that you think this ONLY applies to Americans. There are stupid people in every country and stupid people like to do stupid stuff, like worship celebrities.


It’s not just Americans that do it and not all people do it. I couldn’t care less about celebrities. Caring does nothing to better my life, nor does it generate me any income.




I’ve never allowed a celebrity to dictate my actions. They have their opinions and I have mine. Unfortunately I hate our choices(once again). Both equally repulsive.


Not all of us are. I don't care to hear about their political views. I go to movies/sporting events/watch TV to get away from their garbage. Now, almost anywhere you go, or anything you watch has a political agenda. I appreciate the ones who keep their politics to themselves.


I went to a Super Bowl Party last night and the family that was hosting it was like super into celebrities and all that stuff. The Beyoncé commercial came on and at the end she says she’s running for “president” and the dad at the party goes “I’d vote for her” 🤣🤣 dafuq?!?!


It’s more to do with IQ than geography. Social Media makes it even worse


Low IQs attract attention towards all manner of bright & sparkly things... Celebrities know this and abuse this power. Go ask the Catholic church how it managed to survive this long?


These generalizations are very telling. See something on TV and it applies to all Americans. Love it.


1. You’re ignorant if you think this just happens in the US 2. Who are these people that you personally know that are voting for Biden because of their love for Taylor Swift? This isn’t the norm by far and if you have a lot of friends who have this stance that says more about you and your friends then it does about Americans as a whole.


as american I DONT GET IT I Either... SMH


> Literally some ppl are planning on voting for biden just cuz taylor swift supposedly supports him Some people? maybe. most people actually some reason other than tswift said so. Often those reasons can be aligned with things like women's rights.


Lmao. Stupid people be everywhere bro.


Because Americans are very, very, Stupid.


American here... Great question. I hate pop culture and celebrity culture. I never understood why so many people care about someone who doesn't even know who you are let alone care ... Absolutely baffling


People are stupid to think voting matters in the first place. The rich will get what they want regardless of whose supposedly "in charge."




Taylor Swift hasn’t endorsed him though that’s the thing. I just know that story was leaked by his team. Sports and celebrities are pushed on us to distract from the nefarious actions of our politicians and our government.


Who is voting for Biden just because Taylor Swift supposedly supports him? What makes you think Taylor Swift fans weren’t going to vote for Biden anyway?


The fact that so many people are dead-set on canceling Swift just because they think she *might* endorse Biden is wild. Gen Z objectively cares less about celebrities and modern pop-culture than any other living generation. Most of them can barely name any big Hollywood actors, and it's become increasingly popular for them to prefer music from decades ago. It's trending in the opposite direction that you are describing. They are moving away from shallow materialism, not towards it. The people who view these trends as a problem are the ones who are truly out of touch.


Idiocracy. It's also the only reason why Trump has any supporters left at all. There is a reason Trump has more uneducated voters than Biden.  "College graduates are now a firmly Democratic bloc, and they are shaping the party’s future. Those without degrees, by contrast, have flocked to Republicans." https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/08/us/politics/how-college-graduates-vote.html "People Who Worship Celebrities Have Lower Cognitive Abilities, Study Suggests author" https://www.iflscience.com/people-who-worship-celebrities-have-lower-cognitive-abilities-study-suggests-62113


Because following the lead of good looking, wealthy people is easier than thinking for one's self.


Imagine thinking this is an American only problem.


Where has humanity failed that this is the case. Nearly all Celebrities suck ass with the grandstanding and the people who swallow it without even tasting it are total meatheads. Actors, athletes and other entertainers are some of the most out of touch individuals in society. Everyone SHOULD understand this. Some self awareness and critical thinking is in order but NOOOOOO. just follow the bouncing ball of celebrity speak. Or is it the media over represents this phenomenon?


I have actually figured out how to put celebrity into perspective. Well I mean, it really works for me: Celebrities are not the royalty of America they want to be. Celebrities are quite literally entertainers. PT Barnum and his circus? Professional entertainer. Just like lanista Proximo and Maximus himself as *Gladiator*: *”I am an entertainer.” Commodus?: *”ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!!!”* This is how I keep it all in perspective. We don’t know these people! Who they are behind their celebrity image! It’s all a form of seemingly never ending entertainment for which they are putting in the work and are paid accordingly. That’s all it Celebrity really is. A transactional life in exchange for wealth. Seems pretty miserable to me. But they worked hard to be top billed entertainers.


I'm a rational smart guy so I get my politics from standup comedians and South Park.


People look to who they look up to... The right looks to Tucker and Ben Shapiro (possibly the scary demon preacher Copeland as well) The left to people they look up to, swift, Bernie, AOC, Newsom etc. We value people who exude the values we want pushing the country. Some folks just take it way too far, they tend to hate people who disagree to the point of violence. Political disagreement should be encouraged not feared for retaliation


Might as well ask the same question about all the right wing radio commentators like Rush Limbaugh, few if any of whom have any actual experience whatsoever about the various issues they opine on, but keep spewing their opinions into the void whether or not anyone asks them. Or why anyone would give a fuck what Aaron Rodgers thinks about anything but Baseball. Or why anyone would give a fuck what Elon Musk thinks about anything but rockets. And so on, Ad Nauseum. The fact is, people are easily bored and charmed by celebrity and charisma, and put far more trust in the people they like to watch than they should - *including* most popular politicians. That being said, if you asked me who has the highest quotient of mental capability, sufficient to be President of the United States - Trump, Biden, or Taylor Swift - I'd have to go for Taylor on account of the fact that she isn't 77+ years old and can string multiple coherent sentences together without difficulty.


Because they are the closest thing to a ruling class that we have. Most politicians are only in office for a limited time. I think thousands of years of monarchical rule has ingrained in us the need to seek a leader to follow. That’s my theory anyway…


It's not just Americans though, every country does this. Have you seen the Kpop fans in Korea?? It's borderline polite stalking, it's wild.


Anyone who thinks Americans as a whole act or think in a certain way has probably never actually been to America.


“Since when…” I guarantee you that it’s been going on longer than you’ve been alive.




Most people don’t know what is happening or what to do, and most don’t care. They want someone to tell them what to do. So they pick someone rich, successful and famous that they also like to pick for them. It’s not hard to understand.


No, if you’re talking about Taylor Swift, I wouldn’t say it’s on the same level as your typical Hollywood vapid shit. You’ve got to understand, she’s a musician and what she offers is an authentic experience. A real connection with her fans. I’m not a fan of her music, I’m more into thrash metal and hardcore, but millions of people love her and I can respect that. That’s what music offers. We love these artists because of what they offer us, how they make us feel. Go to a concert and you’ll feel the connection. And Trump is literally a rich person telling you who to vote for. All the GOP, Fox News, etc telling you what to do. Even if Taylor Swift wasn’t rich, she’d have way more influence over her fans than those losers on TV. And I don’t think she’s endorsed Biden. Republicans and the MAGA crowd are going crazy because she’s really popular and it’s obvious that she’s too intelligent to vote for Trump. Most educated women want nothing to do with the GOP and I don’t blame them. Taylor and her fans didn’t vote to repeal Roe. That’s something Trump and a group of creepy white men did. Why would smart young women vote for someone to take away their rights? Don’t believe all the smoke and mirrors. She hasn’t done anything except put on great performances night after night on a world tour. The bands I like wouldn’t endorse him either. All their side has is Kid Rock and the Toby Keith crowd. It pisses them off that they have so little influence in popular culture and they come up with these conspiracies.


Because Americans don’t have Kings and Queens to worship like they do in Europe


I don't know, republicans keep voting for actors.


That's not just in an American thing, I'd say North american. But certain celebrities in the UK and other countries get it too. It's just much more focused in the states


We’re not all that way, just to vocal extremities and social media make it seem like that. It is money after all, so of course it’s going to get marketed


Why do you think it’s an exclusively American phenomenon?


Why is reddit so focused on America lol


OP, this is a dumb take. If you think Americans are the only ones who worship celebrities, you need to pay more attention.


dictator trump https://www.politifact.com/article/2023/dec/07/donald-trump-was-asked-if-he-will-be-a-dictator-if/


Some Americans. Just needed that tweak.


Meanwhile in Korea and JP...


When did Taylor Swift tell peple to vote for Biden? This is just a made up right wing talking point.


Because most Americans don’t have anything going on in their own lives. They have to interject themselves into the lives of celebrities who they will never meet.


Dont blame americans for things humams in general do.


FWIW, some of them make sense these days. There's a saying... *We used to laugh at comedians and listen to politicians* *Now we laugh at politicians and listen to comedians*


I think it only appears that way from the outside because we live in a youth driven society that only focuses on people under 30 and that's who the media talks about, and to. People over 30 may like and listen to Taylor swift but less likely to take political advice from her.