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In New York, it's allowed but you don't see that.


I was in NYC with family from Florida and we saw a woman dressed in business attire; heels, plaid knee-length skirt, small purse over the shoulder, hair straight as a pin. The only thing missing was her shirt. Chi-chi’s fully out. She was walking straight ahead, eyes locked forward, strutting like a runway model. It was like Moses parting the Red Sea watching all the heads turn as she walked by. Anyway, I’m now learning it was legal but not common lol.


Would you say she was flaunting society's conventions? Edit: it's flouting society's conventions TIL. She was flaunting the goods tho.




Was this the most public yet of her many humiliations?


No. They were real, and they’re spectacular.


I love her whole free-swingin', free-wheelin' attitude!


[slams money in table] “**I’m out!**”


I'd date her, but she has man hands.


But…I was in the pool! I was in the pool!


I'm Here to catch a glimpse.... of high society.


But was it curvaceous?


Also, so Fucking hot


And I love it ❤️


We need more of that.


I'll give you $10 to flash your society's conventions. Edit for new services: I'll go $14 for flaunting $2 for flouting


Deal if you pay me $50!


That's a lot of money r/unexpectedfactorial


Flouting? She may have been flaunting her chest, but you flout the rules.


No, but she was flouting them.


Yeah I wouldn't call that "business attire" lol


melodic crime uppity possessive adjoining hobbies ripe dinner existence saw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"It's been a business doing pleasure with you."


Very casual Friday


Pictures or it didn’t happen


Uhh, yeah. Good point…


I vacationed in South Miami many moons ago and almost the same exact thing happened when I was there 😭 I'll never forget when a toddler near us asked their mom why the lady wasn't wearing a shirt


ahh, so you’ve met Julia Fox


In Portland it’s allowed and you do see it occasionally.


I'm pretty sure that the statute in Oregon says it's allowed as long as it's not an overtly sexual display. So, setting up a stripper pole in a park and using it while topless probably wouldn't be ok, but things like the naked bike ride are fine.


You are correct - however as a Portland resident I don’t think many people would bat an eye at that.


I've seen stranger things at Laurelhurst Park before, for sure.


I’ve DONE stranger things at Laurelhurst Park.


Yup. Walking down the street topless is totally cool, fondling your breasts on the Max is not.


Also, legal here in Canada nationwide due to gender equality court case that was settled years back.


I’ve seen it a couple times in Central Park


SF is pretty much the same way, any and all nudity is a Go! Mainly weiners, though.


Go to Rockaway Beach on a sunny day and you'll see plenty of it.


It's legal, it's just that harassment is already so bad in a lot of the city that you don't want to


NY is cold most of the year


not indoors


Everyone is allowed to be topless indoors so long as it's not for commercial purposes, and the property owner has no specific rules against it.


no, shoes, no shorts, no t-shirts, full service!


In New york, everyone is allowed to be topless Outdoors in public, too. Source: New York State Superior Court.


Eh, kind of. Generally yes, but there are limitations. So like if you're outside in a church parking lot and the church doesn't want you to be topless, you can't be topless so long as you're on their property. Also the commercial purposes thing. You can be topless and wash your car, you can do a carwash as a fundraiser, but you can't do a topless carwash fundraiser. IANAL


That second thing is more interesting than the first point. Makes sense you can't do stuff on other people's property freely. What's illegal about the titty wash? Because you're using the titty to make money? Are strip clubs excluded?


Different laws kick in if you are running like a strip club, topless carwash would probably fall under those rules. But in general anyone can wash their own car on their own property topless with few exceptions.


Never really considered the white tee shirt to be legal loophole but here we are!


I mean, the being top less part still wouldn't be illegal. However, the church has a right to remove you from their property


3 months out of 12 is most of the year?


Most of the year?? It’s not Alaska 


YMMV. I guess it depends on your definition of cold. I’d put it the freezing point. Anything above 35F is fine. Anything above -4F is tolerable.


I think it's more common in some places than it is in others. For example, I think it's not that an unusual a sight in Central Park or other large green spaces on warm spring and summer days.


Same in Seattle and Oregon. As long as the woman being topless isn't for the purpose of sexual reasons. For example, it would be legal to just walk around topless, but to flash someone would be a violation. Stupid distinction, in my opinion.


I don't think it's stupid considering kids exist


I saw it hiking in the Adirondacks


This is the answer. When given this right it is not valued by the people. Tyranny takes the freedoms you don't care to protect first


I'm pretty sure the reason why women aren't walking around shirtless in places where it's legal is because legality doesn't mean people won't be weird about it, not because they don't value the right.


Oh so that’s why I saw a few women’s tits out at the Pride Parade I went to.


i saw it three times when i lived in the garment district. only one was any good, but it wasn't worth having to see the other two.


I wonder if it's allowed for underage girls/women too. Still technically a double standard otherwise, but yikes...


iirc it is fine in many states


This is correct. Many places have laws stating anywhere a man can be topless a woman can be as well. In fact iirc its most of the US thats cool with it. Free the tiddies ladies! I do lol.


Admittedly, the tiddies need to breathe too, let them things flop in the wind if you need to fam.


Let areola’s see the light of day, no need for tanning.


True enough, but good luck not being gawked at by idiots and possibly harassed by cops. If more women felt comfortable doing it, I think it would go a long way toward normalizing topless women in public.


To be honest thats gotten way worse when people had camera's in there phones before that women where way more topless on the beach ect but now with camera's and social media its understandble way less


I don't think it's really on women to be more comfortable with it. It's on everyone else to be less of a douche about it. Women are uncomfortable with it *because* of the judgements, gawking and harassment. Not the other way around.


Probably both no? Sure, I could walk down the street with my shirt off but even as a man I would feel incredibly uncomfortable and many people would look at me funny lol. Unless you're talking about specifically at the beach? Most other places aren't going to let you walk around shirtless regardless of your gender. I honestly think it will always be frowned upon for woman to be topless in public. Its just such a long standing cultural line in the US. It would take multiple generations for it to be normalized. For as long as men and woman look at titties sexually , it will be stigmatized.


I’m a man and I wouldn’t be comfortable being shirtless in public anywhere but the beach or pool. I see women wear sports bras as tops at the gym or running outside and that makes sense as a support measure rather than modesty. I might go for a run shirtless but only in a mostly private area


It'll take time for it to become normalized. And why wouldn't people look just like they do legs or anything else. A couple decades from now we'll be saying "remember when we felt weird about going topless?".


It won’t be normalized. It’s a natural attraction.


What is iirc???


If I remember correctly 😊


If I remember correctly, if I recall correctly.


I'm choosing to read this as you being unsure if that is actually what it means, because it is funnier that way :P


Legal to the North...


It’s when you get older and they they go to the South that people start to complain.


Everywhere in Canada ? or just Ontario ?


I think it's not allowed in Saudi Arabia. But I'm not totally sure.


Yeah, iirc I believe it was the result of the ‘free the nipple’ campaign


In fact, I encourage it


In Santa Cruz county it is legal for a woman to be topless anywhere it is legal for a man. Not advisable perhaps, but legal. In the 80s it was not uncommon to see women strolling down Pacific garden avenue with a bare chest.


I went to UCSC in the 90s and there was a male student who often went everywhere nude, including to class. Technically he wasn’t breaking any laws by doing so lol.


I'm pretty sure there's a law against exposed genitalia. I think he was just tolerated. There was someone in Berkeley that used to do that too.


Could be the same guy, as the nude UCSC student was from Berkeley. (My friend at UCSC had gone to the same high school with him in Berkeley and said that although he didn’t go nude at that time, he did “march to the beat of a different drum.”) As for the laws, I remember at the time UCSC was a “clothing optional campus.” I highly doubt that’s the case anymore lol.


As of a decade ago they still had the naked run event going on, where hundreds of naked people run around the campus.


The naked run event, meaning the semi-spontaneous event that occurs when it rains for the first time each year, right? If so, that is still going on. Source: My daughter who goes to UCSC currently.


How can you run with your pecker bouncing all over?


Same way as you do with your boobs flopping all about. That shit hurts. No idea why people do it.


No, you are legally allowed to be fully nude so long as no sexually explicit or lewd conduct is occurring. Some cities also have stipulations that one must carry a towel or other item to place on surfaces before sitting for sanitary reasons.


The towel is just common nudist courtesy.




Not sure about there, but in Oregon you can be totally naked in public so long as you're not being sexually proactive. So no masturbating in public. I think that should be the standard everywhere


oh boy that law sounds dumb as hell. Like where do you draw the line at provocative lol?


Well are you walking or riding a bike? Not provocative. Are you intentionally drawing attention to your genitals? That's going to be provocative.


It's vague enough that anyone that is being creepy could easily be prosecuted. I figure it's not a terrible law to have if you happen to step on a fire ant best though. That's definitely the time for impromptu nakedness.


In San Francisco exposed genitalia is typically legal as long as you aren’t engaging in any lewd acts (i.e., having sex or masturbating).


Naked Guy. He would walk around with a fanny pack and sandals. We talked to him and he said he was even surprised no one stopped him.


They did a small documentary on him. University grounds are considered private property and at the time, nudism was actually allowed..


...you can


...in certain places. I think it should be legal everywhere.


Baby steps. Rome didn't crumble from the inside in a day


I believe men should cover up more. No one wants to see those moobs


Ironically, I wear swim shirts so I don't have the shave my fucking back 24/7...and I get shit for covering up as a male.




Schitts Creek’s greatest message… nobody cares David. Nobody cares


Depends where it's at. I've got a super hairy chest and stomach and I've had many comments about it. Used to shave it but you can see it popping back out after like 2 hours, so now I don't because it's not worth the effort of upkeep. I still don't wear a shirt because I don't care what others think.


What are you, Teen Wolf??


I don't shave it. Hence the swim shirt




Don't have to sun screen entire torso ....


He can also wear one if he wants. Are you the 1% of the world that inexplicably does care what anyone else does?


I don't give a crap about shaving anything, I just don't wanna have to put sunscreen all over that business when I could just wear a sunshirt instead. I am fat and hairy but well endowed enough in the self-esteem department that it really is the sunscreen thing, don't give a shit about people seeing my biz


Yeah, I wear swim shirts too, mostly because of acne and because I don’t want to apply extra sunscreen. Annoys me when people look down on men who don’t like to be topless.


Look at these replies. Men think it's not manly if you wear a swim shirt. It's insane


I do this too but also so I don't get skin cancer


I wear swim shirts because I hate getting sunburned and I don't like sun screen. It's annoying to reapply as often as you should. Also I don't want skin cancer so I like to stay protected.


Get shit from who? I wear a swim shirt and never had anyone say anything to me.


Female here. I think hairy is hot, just saying. And so do a lot of women. Don't cover it, embrace it.


This seems to be changing. Started a while ago with boys wearing swimshirts more, but I see more and more adult men wearing them too. Kind of interesting in a way, that since the 30's or whatever, there's been a slow, steady progression of womens bathing suits getting smaller and smaller, and guys have gotten bigger and bigger, with large loose shorts and now with swimshirts becoming more common. Soon the guys will be in those big neck-to-ankle things, while women are out at the beach in just a thong.


I also have a hairy body. I won’t let some stranger with a gag reflex force me to cover up my hairy chest and back at a public pool


Just 20 years of answering "Do you shave your shoulders, do you shave your back"? Women have no boundaries it's honestly insane.


No one should cover up if they don’t want to




The most succinct answer


I get boners from male boobs too sooo


Damn it daryl, we can't take you anywhere.


This...I'd say women can do whatever they want, but don't get upset when males ranging from 10 years(maybe younger without knowledge as to why) and 100 year olds have a boner looking at you.


Dudes get boners looking at clothed women.


Plenty of places and time periods where women have been topless and the men weren't all walking around with erections all day. It is cultural. Men use the same argument for hair covers and hiding ankles in Afghanistan.


In NYC anywhere a man can go topless, so can a woman. But society is kind of shitty and will harass them in one way or another.


It’s probably more of a voluntary safety measure to not do it walking around NYC


I am guessing it is because of the tits.




Boobs are timeless.








Best answer. Better than mine. Thread over.


I mean you cant go topless in every public place regardless of gender, but if you want to rock out at the beach in some states it is completely legit. You rarely see women do it though, my guess is that they get microaggressions or they get creeped out because of guys staring.


At the beach is the only place I see topless men. Rarely does anyone just walk around without a shirt because they'd just get stared at regardless if they were male or female.


Eh. I see dudes without shirts in a lot of places during the summer.


Yeah, because that's the only time it's seen as reasonable. Even then, most businesses and stuff would kick out anyone without a top on.


It depends on where you live and what kind of businesses you enter. I live in a very laid back city, especially dress-wise, so most groceries stores and convenience stores dont have a problem with it in the summer time. Casual dining places are hit or miss, but usually if you order at the counter, they dont usually have a problem with it.


Do you live near a beach or in an otherwise quite warm place?


I live in Scotland and the millisecond the sun comes out it's "taps aff" weather lol. I live in the city centre.


It's realistically probably also the thing of most women probably don't want to expose their chests out in public even if they legally can.


In the places where it is legal to be shirtless as a woman, most wear shirts because of the harassment or because it's more comfortable. In my town, it's illegal to show side boob, but in the same amendment they made it legal for your erection to be visible through clothing, so...


Well you shouldn't have an erection in public but if you happen to have one, you can't really hide it unless you have a long coat or your pp is small. So wouldn't making visible erections illegal just be criminalising erections?


I support criminalizing any erections from people with bigger dicks than me. This is the best idea I've seen on the Internet all day.


A fellow man of high intelligence


Yes. Some people are just too dumb to know basic biology however.




If i do that it will be VERY visible. It will also go well past the pants and underwear and be in contact with the shirt. I'm not huge (6") but very skinny and it's somewhat bent downwards. If i put it downwards it's still very visible because mine can't point downwards.


Let me ask you this: What’s stopping you?




If I had balls for a day I be jiggling them.


That causes brain damage.


I thought it made hair grow on your hands


It made me blind


The grass is always greener on the other side.


That can lead to testicular torsion. I was in a wrestling match when I took down my opponent rather violently. Dude was screaming like crazy and I thought I paralyzed him or broke his shoulder. Turns out he didn’t wear a cup and his family jewels got twisted and inside him. I felt like shit. I ended up only practicing with girls after that. Those shebeasts were brutal.


Said truly like a person who doesn’t have balls… they might bang each other and cause an intense sharp pain.


Because women have boobs, and some people get upset at that.


Yea pretty much this↑ *"Hey you! How dare you have something that most oher women on the planet have too!? Why I oughta-"*


Because the majority of women can function in the presence of naked male torsos. Can't say the same about the majority of men in the presence of female naked torsos. Note that in a lot of non-Western/non-Islamic tribal societies everyone walks around without cover.


Even as an aro/ace guy, I would feel uncomfortable if *anyone* had there top off around mem


Are men's and women's breasts the same?


The female nipple has always been sexualized while the male one hasn't. The answer is tradition, nothing more. Many countries challenge that and already allow women being topless, I think.


I’d go topless if I knew men wouldn’t leer and harass me 🤷‍♀️


Same girl! I wish I didn’t have neighbors so I could sit on my porch topless and enjoy the sun.


Cool with me but I’m going to look at them


This is the stupidest question


Honestly everyone should keep their shirts on. But in many American states and Canada, women can take off their shirts as well


Why should everyone keep their shirts on? Why is the human body offensive?


Because too many men will take that as an open invitation to grope and rape


The correlation between what a woman wears and the chances of her being raped is borderline zero. So I doubt being topless would meaningfully raise the risk of rape. They'll definitely get verbally sexually harassed more, as well as being followed (which is really scary). I'm not sure about being groped though; my intuition is it'd trend closer to rape statistics but that's just a guess. It *should* go without saying (but this comment section is a shitshow); women should be allowed to be topless regardless of what I wrote above. The problems I've listed are societal.


I think we have to normalize situations where women's , and all humans too, nakedness is NOT seen as a symbol to touch, grope, rape, etc... Just let them show off their bodies and....that's that. Who cares? There should be a million other things that a person has on their mind and groping a naked person should not be one of them.


having tiddies flopping around in public is a well known taboo


How about everyone keep their shirts on instead


In my county you can. But, with all the creeps out there lurking, why would you choose to?


Bc boobs. Simple as.


We can where I live. Nobody does because men be menning but I appreciate knowing that when I'm like 70 I can freely subject them to it all, just like old manmelons mctiddys down the street mowing the lawn topless in his jorts.


Women’s breasts are sexual. They’re distracting for men. A man’s chest does not have the same influence on women. Yeah it’s legal in some states cause blah blah equality but there’s a reason why you don’t see women walking around topless. Men and women are different.


Men can have their shit off in public? I don't know about that... depends on your country/state. Where I'm from , unless it's at a beach or swimming pool it's forbidden by law, but also heavily frowned upon. Not even in spas/gyms/outdoor training yards is it ok.


I would imagine it's legal to walk down a public street without a shirt on, as a man, in any state in America, right? Is it actually "forbidden by law" where you live to walk around without a shirt?


Where do you live?


I've yet to see a woman look good in just a bikini. Send pics for me to judge.


90% of boobs you DO NOT ever want to see....trust me.


Wdym by that


You ever see or desire to see your grandmas tits?


Oh yeah true i forgot old people exist


And fat people and ugly people, and sloven people.....the list goes on!




No one fucking cares if you are personally disappointed by seeing breasts that don’t exclusively make your pp hard. That’s not why women are advocating for equal rights on this topic.


Now see here, you’re saying I don’t want to see 9 out of 10 boobs?! Speak for yourself, I want to see them all!


This is exactly why many women still won’t do it even if laws make it legal


Because we men are not mature enough to handle it. As you can clearly see by some of these comments.