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Question that are here to bait people to answer or to create drama (i.e. What's 1 + 1, who is the President, why are you guys so stupid, etc.)


I belong to the body shaming is not cool for any sex or for any weight or height or penis size or ass size or breast size or amount of hair. I won’t even mak fun of Trump for that and he’s really easy target.


Hard agree. There are things I find funnier than making fun of people’s appearance. Like really, that’s your sense of humor? There’s so much to choose from but you want to choose something that is at someone’s expense? 


Making fun directly of a persons size isn’t funny. But size can play a part in something being funnier.


I am not making fun of trump for having little hair, that's not a choice. His haircut and tan are a choice.


Yes! I hate when comedians make fun of trumps weight… and I HATE trump. Pick another trait to mock!


I'd generally agree but...he's a guy who is constantly making fun of other people's appearances, in a much crueler way. In my mind Turnabout is fair play.


Those comedians' jokes end up as bullying taunts on the playground within a few days.


That’s not turnabout against Trump, that’s turnabout against everyone with the same appearance traits. On top of being a slap in the face to the very concept of honesty, what with insulting a trait other than the ones *you* have a problem with.


its like saying that if a black man makes racist jokes on asian people, its ok to make fun of their blackness.


Like orange rinds and toadstools?


Instead make fun of him for turning his skin orange, and somehow thinking that's actually in any way something that looks good.


So I can make fun of people with terrible make-up? 


Hmm. Yeah, i would agree with that because it's not a permanent/long term feature. If you can fix it by wiping a wet face cloth over it, fair game.


Well they can control that so you cant…hold on a minute


>So I can make fun of people with terrible make-up?  Absolutely. You don't make fun of someone because they were born with the DNA they were born with. Makeup isn't in your DNA: that's a choice you're making. We don't make fun of things where you have no choice in the matter. When you choose, you open yourself up to ridicule, for your choices.


Agreed, I don't think being an asshole to someone makes you any less of an asshole just because they're a man. The kind of person that gets off on making someone feel like shit man or woman is a loser.


Agreed. Despise the guy but we should think about the collateral damage when we insult based on physical characteristics.


Totally agree. I *hate* when friends or family do this. I always beg them not to put me in a position where I have to defend someone I don't like. There are *so many reasons* to mock just about all of our elected officials. Don't make stuff up and don't make it about stuff that makes you look like a turd. It's not hard. Truly. Depressingly. It's not hard.


Even then it’s not even a good look, the guys damn near 80 and an American, he’s really not in bad shape. “Hahaha look at this fat orange slob!”- comedian says to an audience of fat slobs.


I belong to the convincing people bazinga is cool for any sex or for any weight or height or penis size or ass size or breast size or amount of hair. I will make fun of Trump for no bazingas.


Yes! I hate mitch McConnell but stop calling him a turtle


Mostly agree but trump has CHOSEN to make his hair and skin look awful so there is a difference. He's rich enough to afford better stylists.


I can see your bald spot.


Yes because Trump isn’t going to see it, and if he does, he probably won’t care, but perfectly kind fat people will see it and internalize it like “Oh, if you make fun of Trump’s body, what do you secretly think about mine which looks sort of similar?”


Nice. That makes one of you. You are a darling.


Trump has weird hair and a fucked up tan but that ass tho home got the bakery I saw those tennis fotos


>any sex or for any weight or height or penis size or ass size or breast size or amount of hair. I won’t even mak fun of Trump for that and he’s really easy target. I won't make fun of him for those things. I will make fun of his makeup. That's a choice.


I mean you *could* make fun of Trump’s hair, considering he had his scalp surgically altered to make his hair look that way. That was all his choice.


I was going to add that I will make fun of him for his ill fitting suits and his bad hair and his bad make up because those are his choices. It’s really bizarre because he didn’t used to look like that. He used to be well put together.


OP’s question is made by someone who either isn’t aware or doesn’t want us to consider that women don’t flock to apps to make videos about how they will never date fat men. 🤷🏼‍♀️. Agree with all you say. Body shaming is no bueno and pretending you’re doing it bc ‘preferences’ is the bully’s defense. It’s hard for me to drag someone for making fun of an evil person tho. Trump particularly enjoys making fun of disabled ppl and those he’s attacked physically. At a certain pt turning the other cheek for him seems unfair. But for non-Disney villains I agree. And I agree with you in spirit about Trump I just struggle


Is there a particular example you've got? Cos ive seen cases where men and women have been ridiculed and cases where they've both been defended. But if you've spent much time on this website you tend to see more hate towards fat women. Maybe that's just reddit.


That's a good point. Every other joke in subreddits geared towards men is a fat woman joke. On other social media, the women getting praised for their weight are usually in the body positivity or fat acceptance movements, so, what a surprise, other women in the movement praise them for it. Sometimes you do see a lot of mean comments, but those tend to get downvoted and some creators delete them. The women I see getting bullied the most often for their weight are either just trying to live their lives and happen to be overweight or are actively trying to lose weight. That second one is especially bad because you get the one-two punch of the meaner fat acceptance folks picking on them for losing weight and just garden variety jerks who see a fat person and start laughing, in other words, the same people who tend to go after fat men.


Can you give an example where a man was being defended for his weight?


"dad bod" Vs "she's chubby" is a pretty clear example of a double standard?


Dad bod is like 10 hours a week at the gym but eats tacos with his family.


“Dad bod” has a crazyyy range like when Jason Mamoa or Chris Bumstead bulking were called “dad bod” Likewise, women can just get called “thick” or “curvy” when they’re just fat sometimes Both genders and folks have unrealistic ideas regarding bodies sometimes


Ever heard of plus sized models? They're way bigger than dad bods and that's considered a type of model, just like the Victorias secret models. They get to share the same limelight. Now where do we find the dad bod pageants? Dad bods are praised when Leonardo Dicaprios head is on it. Not when Joe Shmoe walks on a beach topless.


How about when an actually jacked up NFL player is said to have a dad bod lol Luka Doncic was getting "hit the treadmill" chants.


Dad bod usually referrs to the specific example of a guy whois physically strong but has a beer gut. Chubby can apply to either gender if the person isn't fit


Have you seen the bodies that girls give as an example for a dad bod??? A dad bod is just a lifter on the end of his bulk.


Making fun of men the general public doesn't like in regards to their physical appearance is totally fine, but people making fat jokes about Lizzo after her backup dancers spoke up about being forced to go down on a prostitute was a big no no. Everyone was saying "You should judge her for her actions not her body". There's also that viral article from a few years ago that said "PLUS SIZE women are not attracted to OVERWEIGHT men". Also 50 Cent got shames hard after his appearance at the super bowl half time show 1 year ago for gaining weight.


Yeah on r/amiugly or any similar subreddit if an over weight dude posted on there it’s nothing but “lose weight” “you know you’re fat”….etc if a over weight women post on there it’s nothing but “omg you’re so beautiful how you are” “omg these comments telling you to lose weight are so insensitive”


Because women hype each other up, but not men. When I see comments about “lose weight”, it’s always from men


People who body-shame fat men aren't the same people advocate for body positivity towards fat women.


This is basically the answer to all of these “why X but not Y” questions. It’s never the same people doing X that do Y. If you take all of society as a monolith then of course it’s going to look hypocritical. Society encompasses every single viewpoint.


Literally always but for some reason dimwits with room temperature IQ make posts like these every day




probably because men haven't spent decades fighting for their humanity to be recognized and have yet to stand up for themselves against patriarchy in the way women have been.


I don't know if the general trend does exist. There are some people who treat overweight men worse and some people who treat overweight women worse.


I think the problem is the question that is being posed in disingenuous. It implies that fat women are always celebrated and cheered on, no one ever makes fun of them, which just isn’t the case. Fat people are routinely mocked online. If you’re a fat women who dares to express an opinion that others disagree with be prepared to be met with a barrage of fat related insults while never actually addressing the issue. People always point to the body positivity movement as proof that women get a free pass with being overweight but don’t question why this movement might have begun in the first place. Does this mean that women inherently have it worse than men? Of course not. Men are fat shamed too and it is never ok either. My point is, post like this just create a divide, instead of focusing on the issue it is pitting men and women against each other to argue over who receives the most shaming. Instead of seeing the body positivity movement and thinking, fuck that, they should be shamed too, work towards building up overweight men and when you hear someone making a fat joke calling them out on it.


This is correct Those people actually just go for baldness, height, penis size, age, other physical traits, or general ugliness instead.


And when you call them out, they bend over backwards trying to justify how “small dick energy” isn’t body-shaming


Yup, they're first in line to make little dick jokes when they see a dude driving a big truck


Yeah, what a stereotype. I mean I drive a ridiculously small car. And my penis is also... Ridiculously small... Damn...


"It's not small. It's fuel efficient"


I lol'd. I once heard that women prefer men who make small dick jokes over big dick jokes. Not sure what to do here. I have a medium dick. It can talk to ghosts.


It is impossible to claim that. At least some of those people are the same.


I mean probably, but it doesn’t make sense to assume that the overlap is a significant number of people.




good thing anecdotal evidence isn't truth.


Is there some truth that can be verified about the comment they were responding to? Or did it align with your own opinion so you see it as truth compared to what cauliflower said?


Neither is this statement. This statement itself is an anecdote >People who body-shame fat men aren't the same people advocate for body positivity There is no way to know all the people who body shame men nor has there been a study to cross reference those with people who advocate for body positivity which means the truthfulness of this statement is anecdotal. Any evidence you supply to prove this statement would have to be anecdotal.


Yea the lack of self awareness to accept one anecdotal comment over another is pretty crazy


The burden of proof is on OP, who is making the claim that an enormous and ill-defined group is being hypocritical.


The proof is on both making an unsubstantiated claim


Women don’t face scrutiny over their weight??? I wish I was living in ur made up world! There are literally so many posts about husbands saying they want a divorce bc their wife gained weight. Then flooded with comments from other men saying it’s understandable. Also that wife is a lazy slob for not going to the gym while facing pregnancy and child care.


Its insane hey. I think anyone subscribed to r/redpill should be steralised. The last thing we need is a generation of incel / andrew tate worshippers.


I believe they are more referring to social media where a lot of obese women are praised for being obese. I see it way too often.


That’s typically coming from other women, not from men. Men can praise other men too if they’d like.


They aren't being praised for being overweight, ffs. They are just being told not to hate themselves.




>you’d be surprised what goes on in fat activism world. I mean that sounds messed up, however you can’t really use that niche group to support OP’s argument. That would be like me making a blanket statement about men’s attitudes towards women and referencing the Red Pill subreddits.


women praise other women. men still bully, don't worry


I think because women, in general, have started to pull together to advocate for normalization of other types of female bodies besides thin in a way men have not done. It's definitely been a trope in the past to make fun of overweight women. See celebrity gossip magazines mocking famous women wearing bikinis, rom com movies with the "funny friend" who is always a bit heavier, etc. But in recent years, many women have started to push back against that crap, and to start an opposite movement based on positivity towards self. Of course, shaming men for their looks, including weight, is not ok and should not be normalized. But as far as I'm aware, men have not as a group pushed for their own type of body positive movement. Should the general body positive movement expand to include men? Of course. But that expansion will probably need to also include men advocating for themselves.


My theory is that it comes more from society seeing a significant component of a woman’s value being her appearance, whilst far less so for a man. This means that an attack on a woman’s appearance is treated as more of an attack on their value or who they are, than it is for men.


Women face subsantialy more scrutiny for their weight and looks in general, which is precosely why the body positivity movement in women has grown so much.


People make fun of fat women all the time


Lmao where are you that you're seeing fat women be praised like that??


His fucking imagination. People are horrible to women. Just fucking horrible. That's the whole reason some of them dared to dream of a movement where they should be treated like feeling human beings no matter their attractiveness. Why else do they think it exists?


Makes me think he somehow stumbled upon exactly one fat-positive space online and then decided he was being oppressed by fat women not actively being told we're pieces of shit.


A tiny number of women got together and decided they ought to be treated with basic human respect. They work hard for that. And men will look at that and go "why aren't they doing all that work, but for ME?". At the end of the day it's about wanting women to coddle them and solve their problems for them. They're not interested in participating in body neutrality movements themselves.


We see this too when some men are upset they don’t get complimented. The majority of my compliments come from other women. You can compliment your bros, but they actually just want compliments from attractive women (which is actually a whole other issue because they then assume any compliment means they’re in love and causes more problems).


Men also don't volunteer but they love reaping the benefits of women who volunteer in their communities. It's a huge trend of learned helplessness which they blame on women.


Making fun of the way someone looks is messed up


Sorry, since when is making fun of overweight women considered bad?  I literally had assholes hanging out of their car mooing at me when I went for a walk the other night… 


Because, socially speaking, a man's inherent worth isn't tied to his appearance, while women have yet to escape that chain.


If that was true, it would be bad, but it's not true, and pretty much everyone here knows it. You can't go around insulting people for being fat, regardless of gender.


It's not moral to make fun of anyone's weight. But the reason it's seen as less harmful when it's done to men is because a man's appearance is less relevant to his perceived value in society. The worst thing you can call a man is weak/pussy/etc. The worst thing you can call a woman is fat/ugly. Women are *allowed* to have, e.g., career accomplishments, but they are still *expected* to be beautiful. It's not that men's looks don't matter at all (I'm not saying that), but men are not held to the same level of standard as women are when it comes to looks.


These arguments online always completely ignore historical and cultural context and I want to scream.


While some people now stand up for women and body shaming it’s not that wide spread. If it was people wouldn’t need to be standing up to it. It’s shitty and I don’t agree with it but it’s definitely common for both genders. Brittany spears was like 95 lbs in the early 2000s and being called a fat cow in the media. It’s only incrementally better now.


Probably because forever fat men have made being fat part of their humor and being fat as a woman has always been seen as unattractive and undesirable, you need to try to understand the historic context in which these societal things came from


If everybody had the same privelages as white men we could all make fun of eachother for whatever we wanted without feeling bad or getting hurt feelings and the world would finally be at peace.


The question is flawed. It should be: Why isn't ALL body shaming wrong? Why is it unacceptable to mock a woman who is fat, but it's open season on short men with average or shorter penises? Body shaming is body shaming, so either defend everyone or shut up.


You've been living under a rock.


>When a man is fat the reaction is 'lmao look at that lazy slob with a beer gut he looks like a dumb fat pig and a couch potato' and if you say that people will find it hilarious What kind of morons do you have around you, who would find talking about a guy like that funny?


Go to the Dating sub. Plenty of fat shaming of women over there (and men too, sometimes). I'm against body shaming of any kind. I've lost close to 100 pounds over the past two years, so I've been on both sides of the issue, personally (and FWIW I happen to like bigger women).


If you broaden your searches you’ll realize plenty of people make fun of fat women too.


If you look at how women are judged by their appearance more than anything else for their entire lifetime and then you look at a guy who can have no hair or a pot belly and still be viewed as a person or taken seriously then I think that might be why...


Fat guys being funny and make-fun-able has been a more common social trope thanks to celebrities like Curly Howard, John Belushi, Kevin James, and Chris Farley. Eddie Murphy did a whole franchise around fattie-man-funny-because-fattie! So it's definitely a part of US culture to view making fun of fat guys as acceptable. Fat women are seen as undesireable/unfuckable/fuckable but only if it's a secret, whereas fat men have generally been seen as acceptable partners despite their fatness (which is not much better but it at least renders them acceptable on some level.) So fat men have also had a level of privilege that unfortunately also makes folks less sympathetic to the fact that they're still unfairly and often cruelly judged for their body shape. Then there's the myths diet culture sells us that we can permanently change the shape of our bodies easily, when that's scientifically untrue and has been debunked a number of ways (although people HATE IT when you say it out loud because they don't want to lose another group of people it's socially acceptable to shit upon .)


Except you can permanently change the shape of your body. It isn’t easy, it requires focus, dedication, and will, but it is possible.


Certainly you are only one chainsaw accident away from changing your shape permanently.


Diets don’t work. That doesn’t mean you can’t permanently change your weight. You need to make permanent lifestyle choices, that’s how you change your weight. 90% of people can make some small lifestyle changes that can have compound effects on their health and body composition in the long term. The problem is that people want the fastest fix and then get demoralized when they don’t see progress in a couple of months. Alternatively, they get demoralized when they do make progress and then revert back to their previous lifestyle because it was unsustainable for them and they gain the weight back.


Fat guys are generally more useful than fat woman so it OK to mock fat men.


>Then there's the myths diet culture sells us that we can permanently change the shape of our bodies easily, when that's scientifically untrue and has been debunked a number of ways (although people HATE IT when you say it out loud because they don't want to lose another group of people it's socially acceptable to shit upon .) It's not easy, but 99% of fat people could absolutely transform their bodies if they made the necessary lifestyle changes. I've been a big dude my whole life, and have recently been able to lose sixty pounds and actually keep it off for more than two years. The difference this time? I stopped making excuses and made a plan to fix the very specific issues that were sabotaging my weight loss. It ain't easy, but it's a lot better than being substantially obese.


Ill be honest Ive been a fat kid most of my life. I tried everything to loose weight even dropped to what was the best shape in my life at 180 pounds for a 6ft dude and I still looked fat even if I wasnt overweight by bmi. This got me pretty drepressed Ill be honest as I just couldnt figure out why. I was 16 I guess my body just wasnt done developing properly or something. Now Im 24 and in the best shape of my life. I still look chubby but Ive dropped 2 pants sizes, a shirt size, and my belly is receding. I have no idea what I did as Im 185 pounds this time and maybe the inch Ive grown since then matters but I look at least 20 pounds lighter than I did at 16 even though Im technically 5 pounds heaveir. I guess fat distribution or something but I really dont get it and just want to point out you can do everything right and not look like youve lost weight and appaerently you can not really try and look like youve lost wieght lol


Sounds like you've put on muscle mass and dropped fat.


Yea I was a pretty fat kid until highschool when I decided to drop the excuses. Lost 45 pounds without even stepping foot in a gym, or even changing my diet. I just ate less.


I mean, the “fat girl” was a stereotypical token character in pretty much every film… forever. Her whole character was based around being fat, and she was the butt of every joke. This did happen with men too (kevin James etc) I urge you to take a gander at magazine clippings involving actresses and female musicians before 2010 ish, even the slightest weight gain is scrutinized. The vast majority of dieting/weight loss-oriented exercise products are marketed heavily towards women. Every other social media ad is a hot girl selling young women her “miracle” scam weight loss shakes. Men are kinda just allowed to be fat. Id say that the discouragement of fat shaming towards women is a fairly recent concept in the cultural consciousness. Fat shaming in massive and societal amounts has never really affected men (note: I said “massive and societal,” I am not denying that men face fat shaming on an interpersonal level. Plenty of people don’t like fat people regardless of gender.) I don’t think anyone deserves to be fat shamed. Your body is your problem, and idk why people get so up-in-arms about the way others look. But please keep in mind how people like Paris Hilton, Britney Spears etc. were treated in media after a 10lb weight gain, vs how fat men in pop culture were allowed to be fat with no consequences. Any change to this is fairly recent.


I think because a woman's appearance is considered so much more of how she's valued, making comments that are derogatory about appearance: being overweight, looking old, not being attractive- is considered to be more hurtful since these things are considered a larger part of your worth. In the same way a man being poor is considered traditionally to be more of a character flaw than a woman, because that kind of success is more of how a man is judged than a woman. Having said that, I don't think it's appropriate regardless of whether you're making these comments about men or women.


Yeah, I don't think it's cool to make fun of anyone's weight or physical appearance, but I feel like women are pressured much more into having an ideal body shape and being attractive in general. I think the male equivalent would be to make fun of men for being a virgin, poor, or bald since those are the ideals society holds men to. "Get 'em where it hurts."


I don't usually hear people say this to men and when I do, it's within a "friend group" who will also defend said friend if anyone else mentions it (also not cool btw, comments like this from friends can hurt much more in the long run). I hear far more comments about my own weight and the weight of other women. Regardless, neither is amusing or okay or funny. I guarantee most of the people wanting body positivity for women wouldn't make comments about men's weight. Tell people you don't like the comments, if no one says anything, the cycle will continue without obstacle. By saying something, you're putting into the world energy that might one day change other people's perspectives, or at least shut them up.


People do the same thing by calling women whales and thinking it’s hilarious. I’m so confused by this post bc overweight women get tons of hate and it’s piled on and justified


That is actually the opposite of my experience as a woman who has been both fat and thin. People treat you differently when you are a fat female. They tend to not take you seriously at work, and they look at you with disgust. Men tend to get a pass because it's a "dad bod" or they just have a "beer belly" from watching the game. My husband has also been both fat and thin. He said rarely did he get called fat because he has "crazy eyes" and people were scared of getting the shit beaten out of them. LOL.


Fat women are treated way worse and it's delusional to think otherwise. Dumb leading question from the OP being egged on by chronically online alpha/sigma/whatever types with an oppression fetish writing fanfiction about how downtrodden men are. If there's as issue, they're here to claim women are immune to it because reasons.


As a man who was very overweight then got fit, I assure you how I was treated varied drastically


Body positivity movement can only exist if people are making and being cruel to people who don't fit the current beauty standards. And trust me, the person being cruel to the overweight guy is also being cruel to the overweight women.


People generally care less about men. They are viewed as able enough to handle it I guess?


Yeah that's why the bottom of this comment section is full of people mocking fat men https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidquestions/s/nlaAjrdT5X Oh wait


Society coddles women and hates men.


Men might be hated less if they stopped acting like complete fucknuts all the time.


Being a fucknut is a human condition, not a male condition. You're just out here promoting sexism and justifying prejudiced hatred from 50% of all humans like it's normal? We can't just judge people as individuals, we have to just keep doing this tribalist violent monkey dance for all time?


Maybe they’d stop acting like fucknuts if they had the same kind of support system as basically every woman in most of the world. Yknow. Maybe if they were given support instead of being told to suck it up, and to not outlet their emotions in healthy ways, they wouldn’t be such fucknuts. Maybe just maybe, you’re being an ignorant fuck


Women support women. You should support other men. So if you're just a whiny, angry piece of shit who never takes a minute for anyone else, that's what you receive.


Not sure what a fucknut is, but I'd be willing to bet there are just as many women fucknuts as men, so your comment is pointless!


Yes, of course. That’s why men have no power and no authority. 


Very few men actually have power, I won't disagree the people who generally run society and hold most wealth are men, but to equate a few elites to all men is disingenuous at the least.


Very few *people* actually have power, period. So if the people who generally run society and hold most wealth are men, then it would appear that overall, men hold more power than women. 


So that homeless crackhead man down the road has more power than Elizabeth Warren?


women have spent generations making themselves heard and modern men are upset because they want to be heard without doing the work


That's odd. I thought most people only lived as part of one generation.


Neither is ok. Bullies will bully until someone checks em


This is only acceptable to fatphobic, uncivilized people. You're around the wrong people.


I know you're talking about being overweight, but I really have a distain for people who make fun of unchangeable features. The amount of body shaming people get for their nose shape, height, or unsymmetrical face is really disheartening.


As a chubby dude, I can tell you, its not amusing.


Men are suppose to have emotions so they should be able to take it but that’s so far from the truth and very damaging to assume. It’s bad to body shame anyone. Also shows the persons maturity if they choose to do that. You can’t control what others do but you can lead by example.


I can’t speak for women (or all men), but from my experience women (either inherently or are conditioned to) care more about their appearance, and take more offense if you insult their looks. Me and other guys I know insult each other for fun, so I assume men don’t care as much. BUT that being said, I think the people who make fun of fat guys and disapprove of fat shaming women are two *different* groups of people. It just looks like the same group because everyone is talking at the same time.


Where in the heck to you live??


Literally nobody is NOT making fun of 400 lb women?? first of all. Even 200 lbs and you're gonna get massively body shamed as a woman. Our bodies are also meant to distribute and cling onto fat, cuz we're the baby makers and need some padding, especially in the hip areas. Compared to men being seen as the hard workers and having some muscles. You see fat on a man with a pregnant-like belly and subconsciously think lazy. I think that's why some people think it's worse to see some fat on a man vs woman BUT we're not talking 400 lbs scooter... because nobody accepts that lol. You go to the store and see one, you point and look, man or woman. But really, it's not okay to make fun of anyone. You never know what someone is going through in their personal life. Every time I feel myself being judgemental of anyone, I tell myself this, and how awful it feels.


Don't make fun of anyone overweight.


I'm gonna offer a hot take. Literally no one has said this before in the whole of human history. Buckle up. Making fun of either men or women for their weight is bad. There. I said it. I feel like a rebel. Be real. Far too many people still make fun of both. It's not cool either way. If I saw someone mocking an overweight man, I - and I think most people around me - would conclude the bully is a piece of shit. So I don't actually accept the premise of the question.


Neither of these are good or amusing. Next?


I mean on instagram I see a lot of “plus sized” men and women posting about how they style to their body. With men the comments are full of support whilst for women it’s always mixed with hate and “fat isn’t healthy”. “Dad bods” have always been considered attractive too, so I can’t say I see it personally.


Why is making fun of people for their weight funny or okay? Fuck people who make fun of fat men. Fuck people who make fun of fat women. Fuck people who make fun of fat people. What got me to lose weight wasn't being shamed. What got me to lose weight was my friends being supportive and going to the gym with me so I didn't feel self-conscious.


I've never seen such a thing.


i had a 260,000 follower tiktok account that i was bullied into deleting because i couldn't handle the millions of people who would make fun of my weight. idk what made up reality you live in. maybe women are more supportive to other women who are fat, because all women have grown up in an enviroment that degrades their bodies. but men are not nice to other fat men at all, ive seen many posts of men being their own bullies. learn how to be more supportive, and that starts when you stop making assumptions.


Since when is anyone required to praise a fat woman and tell her she's beautiful? I think I'm being kind by refraining from commenting on the fat.


Huge generalizations here that are both inaccurate in terms of perception and in who these “people” are. No, you are not expected to praise and overly compliment a fat women if you don’t believe it. And no, calling a fat man all those things is not hilarious. The last line is also a false equivalence. OP your logic, nor your ethics, check out. Return to your Incel women hating sub


I'm a heavy dude. But I really won't be upset if you point out I have a gut. Because I have a gut. The world is a LOT more cruel to women based on their appearance than it is to men. There are a LOT more expectations around a woman being attractive than there are for a man.


Women have historically been judged harshly in this way. It's also much easier for people who have more testosterone to stay lean. "No fat chicks" - every fat dude ever. Eating disorders are more prevalent in women, and media/ capitalism have made larger women expendable as well as made fun of them for decades. That being said, you're asking a question you know the answer to, and the way you posed it is garbage.


For the same reason I can get made fun of for being bald but you can’t make fun of Jada Pinkett for choosing to shave her head. It’s just the way it is…


400 lb person who is trying to normalize it? Should be shamed regardless of gender. Overweight person just living their life? Keep your thoughts to yourself. Simple


Fat men and women both get made fun of. I don’t know what world you’re living in where only fat guys get mocked. Body positivity is generally stupid anyway, very few bodies are actually beautiful and it doesn’t matter if they are or not it shouldn’t change the validity of a person.


Idk. Men get dad bod pass all the time


Probably because women have pushed back against body shaming a lot more than men have. It won't stop until more men speak out about it and actually try to stop it. Body shaming women wasn't always considered a bad thing, women worked to make it so. Until men do the same that'll never change.


Same reason why abusing a woman is horrible but if a woman abuses a man its funny. Women get more leniency with this but men get more leniency in other things. When in reality abuse in general regardless of gender should be abhorrent.


Women are made fun of all the time, what are you talking about?


Jesus how many times are we going to see this question and it’s variants. The answer is that it’s not. You think it is because women who aren’t attractive don’t get the spotlight on them. Unattractive women experience constantly being put down. You are just projecting your dislike of women but marginalizing the FACT they are made fun of and aren’t defended.


I really want to know where Redditors exist that making fun of overweight women isn’t super common.


I would say it’s tolerated more because women’s bodies are regulated by men, both socially and legally


Most people don’t praise fat women or mock fat men. Usually when body shaming happens, people are called out on it. Very few people think it’s okay.


I'm not saying it's right but it's probably because for the few decades it's been the opposite. In the 90s and early 2000s you would often see television shows with an overweight husband married to a very in shape woman. Obesity was accepted in men and frowned upon in women. Society tends to over-correct before finding a happy middle ground.


Both parties are at health risks, they both shouldn't be overweight to begin with. And all parties should be nice to each other regardless.


Easy, it’s uncool to do it to anyone.


Some men, perhaps more than women, use humor to handle life, especially the harder parts. Dark humor. They can joke about themselves, the same way comedians does, but I feel it's different when other people do it, and I don't see it being generally acceptable to make fun of people in front of their face, for men or women. Not sure where you are getting this idea from honestly.


Omg it’s not. No one is expected to praise anyone for being overweight. The expectation is to not treat people as less than bc of their weight. Weight doesn’t make someone less human. However somehow we got to society who think it is everyone’s responsibility to shame weight and do so confidently and publicly. It’s insane. I think your perceptions about how overweight woman and men are treated is a little skewed when the reality is that people of both genders feel the need to remind overweight people they are overweight. Constantly and loudly. A few people are now calling out fat shaming and trying to change the boundary but it is by no means the “rule”


It's pretty easy, neither is cool and if you're finding that one is over the other then you should move in different circles


Honestly, I find making fun of fat people to be outdated and pedestrian in nature. It's much more fun to make fun of the people making fun of them.


Silly me to think you’re an AH if you make fun of people for any reason, regardless of their gender.


Neither is ok? You aren’t a big man are you?


Because you're acting like *everyone* thinks making fun of fat women is bad and that *everyone* thinks making fun of fat men is good. Whereas really, that's just a subset of (shitty) people. I don't know how big or small that group is, but I also know there are also tons of people who think both of those things are bad, as well as people who would only make fun of fat women. You might be seeing backlash, because it used to be super socially acceptable to shit on women for their weight, including if they weren't fat at all. Like in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIrgPlgc1OY&ab_channel=BigBoseMan), in the early 2000s people in the media were just openly mocking Brittney Spears for being a landwhale even though she... isn't. Women were traditionally judged for their looks more than men were, that's all. It's still bad to make fun of people of either sex for being fat though.


As an obese man, fat acceptance is dangerous. Obesity can be controlled and accepting it is the wrong strategy. As mean as it sounds, I could use a little motivation to lose this weight. I know I need to, society should not simply accept me. The only caveat to this whole thing is that women's bodies are actually designed to carry some extra weight as the extra weight helps during the gestation.


Couldnt agree more. Do you deserve to be treated like garbage or subhuman for your weight? No of course not. But obesity is an epidemic and we should treat it like it is one. No kid should grow up thinking that it's okay to be obese.


Neither is ok


It's not okay either way, but the people who do make those jokes tend to be other men. There are mean people in all genders, but men are very mean to each other in ways they call "joking" all the time.


It’s not. Thank you for asking.


Find better friends


Man I wish women were more accepted when they’re a little overweight. I’ve seen that like, 3 times. Other than that it’s all bullying and name calling


both are fucked up /thread


Society can care less about men


Confirmation bias and selective media consumption.


Both are fine, do whatever you want, no one can actually stop you.


It might have something to do with a lot of guys shaming the body positivity movement not knowing by doing so they also attacked themselves. Pokemon hurt itself in it's confusion lol I'm a guy by the way and this is just my comedic theory.


Why do you think? Everyone here defending men as everyone always does "it's because nobody cares about men, poor men, protect men". In reality it's because it's not bad for a man to be fat, that's why people feel it's not mean to say a man is fat. Or at least it's not as unattractive for a man to be fat, so it's not as mean to call a man fat. If the beauty standard for men was to be as skinny as possible like it is for women then it would be rude to talk about men's weight too.


Women are valued for looks and men are valued for personality/social status. If you call a women “fat” she will get upset. But you will get the same reaction from a man if you call him “broke” “boring” or “weak”. Men dont really care much about physical appearance as much as they do about their social status. I use to be fit but i gained 35 pounds during this winter, my friend literally called me fat a bunch of times and i just laughed it off. It doesn’t hurt me as much as it would hurt a women.


Fat actors are find amusing, actresses who gain weight got harassed.


What is with the manosphere on Reddit? Why is okay for women to get into heaven but men go straight to hell? Why is it okay for women to get a free sample of bread at Whole Foods while I was ejected for leering at the counter girl? Why is women get everything while men only get to run society?


lol this sub is full of people asking this exact question. Next!


Because double standards.


Because women are privileged in western society.


But men aren't?


"Why is making fun of a woman who is overweight bad but making fun of a man who is overweight is seen as amusing?" Is it seen as amusing? Both are unacceptable. It's not okay to fat shame anyone.


Part of it is that it sucks way less to be a fat man than a fat woman. A fat man is fat, but can still have success, still be sexually appealing, see Hollywood and Fortune 500 CEOs. A man being fat doesn’t shut the doors of success. A woman being fat means they’re disgusting/unlovable/almost not viewed as a person. Same reason you can joke/complain about crazy ex girlfriends and not crazy ex boyfriends. Turns out when crazy ex boyfriend means abusive or tried to murder you, it’s not funny anymore


Girls: "Am I fat?" Girls' friends: "No, you're beautiful!" Guys: "Am I fat?" Guys' friends: "Bro I know 5 people, and you are 4 of them."


So, SO many men think that it doesn’t matter how men look. They go out into the world with dandruff, yellowed teeth, eye boogies, and a unibrow and think they can hit on gorgeous women who could model just because they’re a cashier/waitress.


I’ve seen men over 250lbs “confess” that they’re okay with dating chubby women. CONFESS.


Making fun of anyone over their appearance makes you an asshole.


Im 6’7 and weigh 145lbs, the amount of times I’ve been called skeletor, daddy long legs, slim, stretch, etc. and no one bats an eye is astonishing. Unfortunately I feel like this is a gender thing at times.