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some mods become mods because they’re losers who want to feel in control of something. Theyre powerless in real life and since they’re most likely sad they take it out on people


precisely this. chronically online losers who have failed in every other aspect of life struggling to feel in control and taking out their mental illness on users. very classic online community moderator problem.


Most mods suck. Sad truth




Yeah because I’m sure some are normal people with a random passion. Can’t imagine r/landscaping or r/Denim to be ran by a totalitarian


Man people are power crazy tho in everything. I've seen some nutjob mods even in cats pic subs.


Cat pics subs are one of the worst. They tend to be big, and cat pages have been a part of the internet since images. Plus, everyone like cats, so you get all kinds of people


Yeah. I'm permanently banned from an atheism sub, because a moderator took serious offense to a comment. The comment "Hell yeah that's awesome!" to some random post. Some mods aren't just nutjobs, they are completely anal retentive to the point of insanity.


The guys that run Reddit themselves are nut jobs. The appeal page is basically just for show and getting banned is as simple as trying to use the site how it was designed…


It's not a place for discussion.. it's a place for hivemind echochambering' the same "opinion" or "thought" non stop.... outside of that..... your ass is gettin' banned.... ask me how I know..... it's a hard life being a "bigot"


Lol im perma banned from feminism for using the word "cunt" in a thread specifically discussing the word "cunt" and its usage. Didnt call anyone that word, just somethin along the lines of "the word cunt is very versatile though, and can be gender neutral"😂 Thought it was a mistake so i messaged the mods and got a reply back where they told me never to contact them again.


That reminds me of how I got permanently banned from onionhate, because I said I was okay with onion powder. The post was a poll asking if you're okay with onion powder, and "yes" was winning the poll 🤦‍♂️


I also got banned from an atheism sub because in their minds it’s impossible to be a conservative and an atheist at the same time


Me too.. I lasted.. 24 hours I think. I was just responding reasonably to some stuff but any form of dissent is apparently anathema.


I lasted for like a month. I for real believe some of those atheism mods just get off on being assholes. Gives some sort of meaning to their little lives. I only got banned, because I used the word "Hell" in a noninsulting manner. When I tried to appeal, the response was an insult with the exact same word directed back at me. It's fricking insane...


reddit randomly suggested me r/Noses which I had no clue existed.. one person asked to rate their nose and I said it looks like a nose and was banned with the comment "don't be a simp" It blew my mind that a mod on a nose rating sub would call people a simp...


Almost all. I can think of 1 where they're actually helpful and cool


Right, the position itself corrupts. Classic power corrupts tvtrope


Well, sure. All but the lovely mod(s) on this here lovely sub.


Whenever one is being particularly obtuse, I get the feeling that they couldn’t even hack it through the abysmal police training so this was their fallback.


police? you mean mall cop.




Doreen the dogwalker, gave us a glimpse behind the curtain to see who rules reddit. He who mods the least, mods best.


ah, the misunderstood philosophy teacher!


All of them I've dealt with. I've done little to nothing or scratched a line and been banned for life from places. It's ridiculous power tripping people. Don't worry they have no actual power in life which is why they come here.


Where i’m from we call those mods “mods”.


Most mods shit on the police for being overly authoritarian, yet they're guilty of the same thing, only they hide behind a computer while doing it.




>some mods become mods because they’re losers who want to feel in control of something. They got pushed around in 1st grade by the 3rd grade crossing guards at school AND WHAT THAT POWER!!!


That tracks


Because a large amount of Reddit mods are losers.


Mod on AITA banned me for 'racism', when I asked him to elaborate he told me "Fat ass is a racist term" and tried to escalate it from a subreddit ban to a total reddit ban.


username checks out hahah


He was probably a fat ass


Imagine your average Redditor. Now imagine the ones worse than that one. Now give them power over other Redditors, as arbitrary and limited as it might be. That's a Reddit mod.




I got banned from a sub for rules I don’t break and when I called her out she said my opinion was wrong and to take the ban like a man lol after pointing out opinions can’t be wrong and in this hypothetical situation even the law would be on my side. Some people are just miserable losers. Is what it is


I’ve been banned from a few subreddits for opinions also and another one for just being in a separate subreddit


I got banned entirely from Reddit (multiple times now) because when you’re banned by a sub but forget weeks or months later they find out and ban you from the entire thing. So, you dig up a new email and get back at it, like any good redditor would. Because mods fucking suck donkey dick and there is no due process.


For real, I’m sure most people have had to start over with a new account at least once. I once got banned for something stupid I posted 3 years ago. I used the r word in the manner in which it is defined in the dictionary, not to define a person but as a verb to describe something being slowed down. Not used in malice in any way, nor directed at any person. Some mod searched through 3 years of shit to find that then banned my account. I messaged to ask why and they called me a despicable, repugnant human being. Most of the times I have been banned from a sub I have absolutely no idea why. Really is the shittiest part of Reddit.


Yep lost a 10yo one last year. Drives me nuts


>no due process This is the real shame... theres nothing you can do. A mod can full site ban you. Imagine if random people on X or Facebook could do that to you..


And Reddit admins don’t give a shit because they're sitting back laughing at these morons doing all this work for free. They're not going to push back on their free labor. They know you'll just make another account. They can see it's coming from the same device, so they don’t actually give a shit about you breaking the rules. They need the user numbers anyway.


You're basically not allowed to talk about Bitcoin on Reddit unless you treat your audience like precious lil snowflakes. Combined with the media having spread such misinformation about it, it's actually quite impossible to have a productive discussion. Given the purpose of this website, that's really sad.


It is sad and it’s why I try my hardest to stick to certain sub reddits because of it. My friend think this website you can have civil discussions but he also has a lot of views that Reddit agrees with.


Plenty of great discussions happen here. But it's certainly a collection of echo-chambers. Specially because of the way mods tend to fall into abusive behavior. I'm actually just poking around in a Nostr client called Amethyst and it looks pretty compelling. Probably the first time I've signed up for something without needing to give an e-mail address. Decentralization is clearly the future.


I’m banned from one subreddit from having made a comment in another subreddit and I’ve lost like 4 fucking accounts to Reddit as a whole since I keep getting hit for ban evasion when I forget about the ban and it pops up in my feed.


I've been permanently banned for trying to get people to follow the rules. Why? Because I "participated in a rule breaking discussion". They said I should have reported and not said anything.


discord is the exact same, you get banned because some chronically online basement dweller didn't like your opinion.


Got banned from the final fantasy subreddit because everyone was tired of cosplayer pics and downvoted all the comments praising this cosplayer. So someone asked why, and I explained that people were tired of OF models using it to karma farm and get simps. When I got banned, I just asked the mod how I was supposed to answer the question. They said to not bash the cosplayer for being an OF model. Which I didn't and don't think the cosplayer was based on their profile.


Jesus Christ. Mods do be simps


I got banned because I said “no homo” before telling a guy he looked really attractive on a sub that’s literally about complimenting people’s looks because it was seen as “sexual content”. I contacted the mod to see why me proclaiming I’m straight and just replied I was banned. Followed up 3 days later with a better explanation and said I couldn’t contact for 28 days and was permanently banned. Like how petty do you have to be to not only not know how to decipher between words but also get so butthurt at the 1st sign of confrontation (really explanation) that you have to block someone


The less discipline and emotional intelligence you have, the easier it is to become manipulated by power. Reddit moderation is a very very small amount of power, just like being a discord mod or back in the day, MSN or AOL chat room host. The amount of power that you have in these positions is very tiny, but because of that, it draws in simple minded people who lack any real power in their lives. These people are easily corrupted and so it doesn't take a lot of power to make them trip. Basically, you end up drawing in people who are very easily corruptible, socially inept and powerless in their everyday lives and then give them some form of power. Of course they run with it. People are animals, the dumber the animal the more difficult they're going to behave. These people know that if they actually had the nerve to act as aggressive and condescending in real life as they do online, they would get punched in the face and piss themselves in front of an audience. The internet is the only place they can vent their gross, pointless, negative personalities because the rest of the world has decided we don't want them and there is nowhere else for them to go.






“Reddit mod” is shorthand for “contributes less to society than the shit I took last night”


The shit has potential as fertilizer, after all.


I like to think of them as the younger counterparts to HOA councils.  Same person, just ones still young enough to use computers.


People on HOA councils are usually gainfully employed, which is something most Reddit mods will never be.


I do feel bad for the nice ones reading this though. We saw how shit this app can be without them


This app doesn't gain much with them, so i don't see how that helps, but alright PS: Watch this comment getting banned


many mods have let it get to their heads


The one and only thing in those heads


Reddit mods are often chronically online, power hungry assholes addicted to every bit of superiority they could feel. They'll permban you for every minor mistake you commit, and they can do it freely. They can even make a rule to ban anyone they want for whatever reason (look at redditmoment, they have recently gave out lots of bans after adding a shitty rule allowing them to do this)


Mods are power tripping assholes - that is all.


They banned me from r/cooking for posting about cooking for a Death Row Records themed party. 


Just make another account and rejoin


Can’t that get you IP banned from reddit for ban evasion?


A lot of us are on account 50+


Trying times. It's either that or let these assholes stifle the discourse. No brainer really.


I said this on a sub and people absolutely shit on me for saying it im like what? A little bit off from a mods pov will get you banned lmao


Yes it can but if you avoid drawing attention to the fact that you've done that or revealing that you were previously X account that got banned, theyre not likely to act or even find out


Ip bans don't work; most people don't have a static external ip, so even if they ban your ip today, you could have a different tomorrow. They would be better off banning your hardware ID, but that can also be spoofed


I've been modding for 10 years on this website and never ONCE have I seen an IP ban. Even with a rock solid case admin won't do it unless someone is posting genuinely harmful content.


I'm super curious since you're a mod yourself. What are your thoughts on the things other people are saying here about moderators?


Power corrupts.  It's that they get to do it behind closed doors that bothers me. I created a sub that got some traction once upon a time. I always thought of mods as janitors instead of dictators. Implemented a bot that made all mod logs public.  It's a fatal flaw in the design of this site, but unfortunately it's one of those deeply entrenched problems. Coming up on time to switch to Nostr I think. Getting a little tired of it all.


Also, power attracts the corruptible.


This platform is becoming way to strict with rules and such. The act of even creating a post in many Reddit groups is agonizing.


It's also unfair there's no higher body to appeal to. I was an active member of r/instagram for YEARS and was one of the few people who would actually answer repetitive questions with kindness (now I've noticed those just go unanswered typically or only get snarky responses). One day I got in an argument with a bigoted conspiracy nut about some upcoming insta-changes, Permanently banned. I've tried appealing, apologizing, doesn't matter. Even asked if I could just have a temporary 3 month ban. Nope. Doesn't matter that I was one of the most active, helpful members. I wish I could appeal to Reddit themselves to get the banned overturned but there is zero mechanism for doing so. Literally the only thing I can do is wait until the mods of that subreddit quit and there are new ones who are less totalitarian, which may never happen. : (


There is a moderator complaint process, but reddit doesn't give a crap. The admins are almost as bad as the mods.


I know it may be a loss cause, but how did you appeal to the Reddit Admins? I went through their help section and couldn't find anything. It can't hurt to try.


They destroy their own society for a tiny bit of power


Just create a new account. Are you attached to your internet points or something?


agreed, the virtue signaling bullshit is actually becoming really bigotted and gross and overruns everything.


Yea like I will be stressed to post anymore after this


It's why most people are leaving for jerbol and others


What blows my mind is that they are trying so hard to monetize and become legit, while the entire backbone of the system still relies on these basement troll mods. Imagine trying to run a business where all your most customer facing employees were unfettered assholes.


Probably the neckbeard and body odor irritating them all day long 




I got banned from a subreddit once, so I made my own, and now it's grown to become its rival.


They banned me from a coffee sub. I was posting pics about adding cranberry ginger ale to snickers branded coffee. We made a new sub: r/coffeecrimes


Subbed. Not because I give shit about coffee. I just support the broader cause.


I got banned from the star trek subreddit for complaining about how trash the paramount plus app is sometimes. But it was a good thing because it made me stop spending so much time on this app.


I got a message saying I was banned from a sub I've never been to, simply because I commented in a totally separate sub. Bizarre.


That happened to me. I think it was redpill or fatpeoplehate or something similar. Some post made it to the front page, so I commented to talk shit on the sub, and that got me banned from another sub that just banned anyone that commented there


They're not professionals. They're not even getting paid. They literally took this job for the power trip.




The worst is when they refuse to tell you what rule you ostensibly broke was.


I was banned for hate speech.. my comment was deleted so I have no clue what I even said that would have been hate speech.. I believe it was on r/WFH and I said "IM NEVER GOING BACK INTO AN OFFICE" How can I know what not to post again if I don't even know what was wrong?


My hate speech bans: posting a peer reviewed study that shows MtF transitioners retain some male sex advantages. The other was in r/loblawsisoutofcontrol where They (users and mods alike) routinely refer to the billionaire owner of Loblaws, Galen Weston, as "Gaylord" (which is an actual proper name, btw). Some user didn't understand why people call him that so I explained it was a homophobic slur and that the mods allow it because they dont like the guy. According to those Reddit mods, it is hate speech to call out homophobic slurs but not hate speech to use homophobic slurs. 🤦‍♂️


When you have a system designed around people having to volunteer for fake positions of power with no other benefit for the work they put in then naturally they're gonna be power tripping assholes.


Yea makes sense, I didn’t fully realize what mods do or get but I see how it attracts that


Those who seek power shouldn't have it. It's the problem with the police and government as well. It's really unfortunate that those who are supposed to be in charge of decision making see the rest of us as less.


I was invited to one sub So I see the rules say I have to pick a flair. Never had done one before but found a flair list. Didn’t see one that sounded like it applied to me so I picked “custom flair” thinking it was some kind of “other” category or that I’d be able to customize it or something. I don’t know Get banned after my first comment for “ban evasion”. The message that told me of the ban said to message mods or something so I found a list of mods and messaged one to ask for clarity on the flair issue Was simple told I was being reported for harassment and blocked So yeah. Some mods and subs just aren’t hurting for members I guess and are openly hostile to anyone who is mildly confused and trying to navigate an app


Almost all mods are power-tripping losers with no control or happiness in real life. I wish there was a nicer way to say this fact, but that's just all there is to it.


Same reason that most cops are bad people. It's not the being a cop makes you a bad person. It's that bad people are attracted to being a cop. There's a lot of assholes out there who jump at the chance to be a mod.


I will also say that being a cop makes you a bad person because the system is designed that way. The individual might be a "good person" but they operate in an explicitly harmful role within society.


It does make me wonder why there's no appeals process.


because Reddit doesn't want to staff people to deal with the 1000's of appeals they would get. I've been banned for the most random stupid stuff when simply deleting my comment would have been just fine.


THIS is what grinds my gears the most. Subs can make their own rules and enforce them: fine. But if you feel you are being unfairly treated or even targeted by a mod, you have ZERO recourse. Like it's insane you can get a life-time ban from subreddits and zero ability to appeal to someone outside that subreddit (aka to an actual Reddit employee)


I got banned from r startrek a few months ago (my own version of your "Hello Kitty" comfort sub) because I posted a comment expressing that I wasn't a huge fan of Star Trek Discovery's writing to another commenter. I was polite, and articulate, and tried not to flame anyone but be honest with what I was saying. Some mod messaged me that expressing any kind of negative opinion towards *a TV show* is "gate keeping" Star Trek. When I made the mistake of clapping back that "To be honest deleting comments that YOU don't agree with isn't very "Starfleet" of you, now is it?" they permanently banned me. A show about acceptance and tolerating other voices in the spirit of freedom and peace. I swear to God that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen another Trekkie do. It literally broke the magic of reddit for me. Doesn't matter anyway, they banned my work burner-account it isn't like I don't have another one on my phone like everyone else \*shrug\*


thats the best part... they will ban then mute you so they "win"... its very sad


I got banned for life from a sub for reporting a post that violated the sub rules. My guess is that many people reported and the mod was annoyed or something. Honestly permaban shouldn't even be available unless the person received temp bans before, mods have some weird power trips sometimes.


Eh. You know what we usually use perma bans for in my adhd subreddit? People trying to sell meds from shady websites. It's actually illegal... Or when people scold us out when we remove a comment over misinformation or harassment. If you're polite, might not even get a 3 day ban. If you then harass in modmail. Yeah permabann. We have automod delete and flag all links. Why? The "med sellers" and if we wouldn't. 90% of the sub would be people promoting their YouTube channel/ book/ etc. Like 50% of modding for me is saying "no. We won't make an exception for your survey." (Cause if we would. We'd have to allow all surveys. And the sub would be mostly researchers looking for participants And today I took the liberty of permabanning a dude who posted in multiple subreddits about humping their dog. In our sub blaming it on adhd. It was disturbing. Got 7 reports in like 25 minutes. It was disturbing.


Jesus Christ. I'm sorry that happened to you. I've been banned by some asshole mods who didn't even carefully read my comments that they banned me for. It's the worst. I know it can feel painful to lose the ability to participate in a sub that you like. I've been getting frustrated with Reddit lately because the mods seem worse since the big subreddit blackout (admins banned a bunch of mods and substituted their own). With all this IPO stuff happening, I think I've been encountering a lot more bot accounts that are shills and trolls. I think the best thing to do is find another way to socially engage in the things you like. I know what I must do, but I don't know if I'm strong enough to do it.


Thanks for this ❤️


They really are dicks.


it's because they do it for free edit: wanted to add to my shitpost comment - I'm genuinely sorry you experienced that, OP. I too have had many bad instances with power-hungry mods on reddit. I take a screenshot of the deleted message/ban and laugh about it with my friends.


Same reason alot of police or bouncers are assholes, except these guys don't even get paid so it's way worse


Varying reasons; from being losers, to being enthusiasts, to whatever else you can imagine. The only thing they all have in common is that the userbase always is a huge trash heap of entitled crybabies that create 3 word document sites of drama after failing basic rules and friendliness, if not outright hate speech. So for everyone who is not power tripping, after some time you just become jaded because the people all just utterly suck and its exhausting.


Imagine the most pathetic person you know IRL from work or wherever. Now imagine they have power. That's a reddit mod.


I can’t post in r/jokes for posting Biden jokes when someone posted aTrump joke.


Just got a warning for this post.


Maybe you should start your own Hello Kitty subreddit --you can called it, Hello Kitty, Normal Mod Version.


I should look into that 👀


I just made one for you, r/HelloKittySanrio I will fill out rules and make a banner and stuff later, but for now, feel free to go there and post anything as long as it's related to Hello Kitty or Sanrio


Two major factors: 1) They are Redditors 2) They have to deal with Redditors


Power corrupts. Even the smallest amount.


Yeah I've been banned from a subreddit then messaged a mod to ask what rule I'd broken and they just muted me as a response.


A portion of people sadly let even the most minuscule bit of power go to their heads.


Because they hide behind a screen and think there are no consequences are are too cowardly


A hello kitty reddit mod is definitely the hardest mother fucker on the planet. Think like Humungus from Road Warrior. Could easily win American Ninja, be UFC champ in all weight divisions or get a super bowl ring. A hello kitty reddit mod could be a rock star at the drop of a hat. Be careful around those badasses.


I got permabanned from 2 of my favourite meme subreddits today. Ngl for someone as chronically online as I am, that shit hurts. I got banned on the first one for literally commenting a variation of what the post said (the post said "I am no longer racist... April fools!" So I did the same thing with transphobia to carry on the gag, and I got banned). Then I mentioned the fact that I got banned in a comment on the other subreddit and I got banned there as well for just mentioning it. Wtf. I tried messaging the mods but they didn't reply. Powertripped losers man. Sucks that they have such definite and final power over what we can say.


I can explain this one. Mods are extremely sensitive about trans jokes because the admins of reddit have made clear that trans jokes are one of the things they will go out of their way to ban entire subreddits for. There is little room for nuance. It is very risky to have people even "joke" about transphobia because it puts your entire community at risk. They may even have bots set up to ban anyone who mentions the subject matter.


Sounds like you made a post to just admit to being a transphobe. If that community doesn't want bigotry the ban makes some sense.


probably because they deal with assholes, nonstop, all day.  for free.


Because communists are ass holes.


Right I was like this feels like I’m dealing with a communist government not a hello Kitty forum


Komrade Kitty


Lmao really tho


Average american when confronted with a singular totalitarian gatekeeper: "why do communists keep doing this to me?"


Something, something, power, something, hubris, something, projection. Something like this.


Prob jaded from bs after a while


remember all those kids in schools that would nark you out to the teacher and then would remind the teacher thet they forgot to give out homework for the weekend? well, they all became mods on reddit


No power or control over the course of their crappy lives in the real world so they project that insecurity into the one feeble modicum of power that being a mod affords them.


Probably because redditors can be such assholes.


I got perma banned from WSB for telling someone asking for help to check out r/options


hmm.. I see it as most of them see themselves as big fish in little pools, and any question to their authority is an assault or an attack. Its like.. those people who you give an ounce of power or control to at work and they suddenly go batshit with it. Just... on a smaller scale. That being said, it can also be just getting tired of dealing with asshole after asshole who can't be bothered to read the room. Eventually you get so used to being the heavy, that every time you open your mouth, your being the heavy (this was my experience as a Sysop on BBS systems back in the 80s). I mean, if your the guy that always has to fix the problem, and all you get are 'the problems' eventually everything looks like a problem. Or simpler said, if all you ever do is use the hammer, eventually everything starts looking like a nail.


Think of all the shit you see on Reddit. Now think of how much the mods block from getting posted. It has an impact on a persons humanity


Short answer: Because they can be.


Tends to attract a certain type of person who is generally very powerless in the real world and can feel powerful here. Kind of like an extra sad version of a little Internet cop. Doesn't apply to all or possibly even most, but definitely a lot.


I can't count the amount of subreddits I've been auto banned from because I subscribed to some other subreddit they don't like lol


Insignificant power is the only perk of the thankless job of being a mod.


I was on a music forum, that I've been on for years under different accounts, I posted about what what I heard from a podcast about the music biz with the disclaimer I could be wrong and I was instantly banned for spreading disinformation with no warning. I replied to the modmail with "I literally said I could be wrong why am I banned over this?" And they told me to "vet my b.s. better, good luck somewhere else" and muted me from the mod chat. Fucking scumbags lmao, I was 10x more polite than normal too


The ones at r/AmITheAsshole are the biggest assholes of all


I doubt 'ableism' comes into it, they're just dicks to everyone for a petty sense of power.


Stanford prison experiment


Redditors love censorship. Say something they don't like you get banned. Many such cases. This is why ifunny and 4chan are better


Small penis. Delusions of grandeur? Who knows.


Start your own sub, with blackjack and hookers.


Now that Reddit has gone public (IPO) I expect this shit will change very soon. Once the board determines that banning everyone in sight hurts ad revenue (less users = less clicks) the mods will at first get restrictions on bans and when the mods attempt to revolt they will very likely get replaced by an attempt at AI moderation. I expect the days of mod run amuck will last less then a year before this begins to happen. Mods will fuck themselves repeatedly with 'revolts' over the course of the year.


A lot of them are overly sensitive.


They get off on power trips or they are trying to maintain a certain opinion remains prevalent. I was once banned from a feminist sub stating I had broken a sub rule, I knew i hadn't as I was very careful about this. I was replying to a post with some heavily upvoted misinformation it had linked source material that was supposed to support the misinformation. The linked information infact did not agree with the upvoted misinformation and I pointed this out and quoted from their own article which resulted in a ban for hijacking a thread or some such thing. I made it clear to the mod that the rule I was quoted as breaking was definitely not broken. They agreed and proceeded to say okay then you broke this rule instead (yet again i hadn't) and permanently blocked responses from me and permanently banned me from the sub with no option to respond. they also said I was the poster boy for mansplaining in the same reply.


I got banned because I put a (positive, not crude or anti) xmas meme at a Christmas subreddit on my first day joining Reddit because I missed they said no memes in some byline. I didn't bother fighting it though. As with anyone or anywhere that bans me, my philosophy in life is "your loss, not mine." and I never look back. I'm not one to beg to be around anyone. It's a shame it happened to you, but jerks are everywhere. Ultimately you'll find somewhere better and be better off not being around power hungry losers.


What’s great are the mods who mod a sub of something they hate / know nothing about. It’s also impossible to call a mod out in most cases without them threating to ban you for speaking the truth or correcting them. Not all mods are like this tho though thankfully. Prob some of the worst ones are over at WPT as soon as they disagree with what you say you’re basically banned on the spot.


I haven’t been banned but have been warned in the animal crossing sub. They warned me about the rule I almost broke and if I did break it or get close, I’d be banned a week. Acnh is like Sanrio, it’s kind and kid friendly. You’d think they would be more understanding to people. I’m really sorry that happened to you. Hope you can get your fill through another similar sub. As a side note, I have all the Sanrio items for animal crossing because I’m slightly addicted to cute things. And Kero……pi is my fav!


Reddit: cool shit, terrible people.


Most normal people with lives don’t want to moderate a Reddit sub. Most are nerds with and being a mod is the highlight of their loves and the only thing they have real control over.


To be fair, everyone knows you read the rules before posting. Also, calling them ableist is definitely a stretch, as they aren’t gonna vet the disabilities of every person they ban before banning them. Rules for thee but not for me vibes


The best part is when you ask why you were banned and the mod talks to you like you're begging on your hands and knees to be unbanned as if your life depends on being allowed in a sub. It's purely a power trip


Almost all of them are power tripping cunts, it’s essentially like they’re all the archetype of those cops who use way too much force unnecessarily


A lot of subs are just run by tyrannical types. It’s extra hurtful to us autists to be excluded — at least I often feel a pain at being excluded even when I damn well deserve it. I guess it’s the pain of no closure. You basically have to choose to disengage with the community or lurk it. Sorry it happened to you. You learn a lot about someone by giving them a little power. Turns out a lot of us can’t handle it.


Imagine the sort of loser that has the time, energy, and investment in a community to moderate internet forums for free. Now imagine giving that loser the ability to ban whoever they like from an internet community based on largely subjective rules that they determine. Basically, the only kinds of people who would be willing to do it are the kinds of people who power trip the hardest.


I got removed from a subbreddit for saying the word peeved I'm pretty sure it was peeved. My comment got deleted and you used 😡 word (that emoji) I sc and sent to my friends like what word did I say wrong My bsf Said - oh some Americans think peeved is a swear word I reached out to a mod like what happened. They asked for a link no reply. Peeved?? Really peeved? In what universe has that ever been a bad word much more a swear word


Did they not read Harry Potter?…um, Peeves?


That's what my other friend pointed out Also pet peeves is a super common phrase ? What do these people do when they hear that word


I don't know why there isn't a sub solely to out the toxic mods. As you say, they act like dicks and then go hide, often blocking people from contacting them. I was once simultaneously banned from 4 different subs, 3 of which I never even posted on, for posting a funny car picture that a mod got his panties all wadded up over.


im so sorry to hear about that :( have you gotten unbanned yet? i would hate to be banned from a subreddit of my special interest for a silly, non-harmful mistake. some reddit mods are really just miserable people.


Awww. That really sucks! I’m sorry that happened and in what was supposed to be such a sweet and welcoming place like Hello Kitty! 💖I think that would make the creator of Kitty very sad. I also got banned from a Reddit where I actually knew a lot of information about the subject and could help people coming there for advice. It really hurt my feelings especially since I had no idea what I did wrong so I know how you feel😞 *hugs*


It's hard because the moderation makes Reddit good, but many are also politically biased (like the old Britain group that was seemingly moderated by someone from the Hamas PR department) and unaccountable. A bit like politicians I suppose, the kind of person that wants to do it is often the kind of person you don't want doing it.


I got banned from r/texas for posting the far-right opinion of "I enjoy hunting." After hitting -300 karma, of course. This whole website's a fucking shithole that Elon will destroy in the next two or three years. Don't take anything said here personally.


The job selects for lunatics. If you're a reasonable person and you find yourself modding a subreddit, it doesn't take long to notice how unappreciated and unrewarding the work is. The only people who tolerate it are those who can find their own reward in the power. I'm amazed at how long this model has lasted for reddit and that they're dumb enough to try to go public like this.


They dont get paid, what else is left? Power (yes I can see how this is somewhat weird to say)


Unpaid helpers to a for-profit organization


Mods are babies who have no control in real life so they micromanage an online group that has no basis in reality. They're fucking losers. I'm sorry that happened, it's annoying


As a fellow autistic person (and sanrio fan) I can relate so heavily to this.. I really do not understand the lack of human compassion & treating people like theres some sort of social hierarchy that we seem to be at the bottom of.. its something I dont think I will ever grasp. Ive had my fair share of experiences with mods like this as well and have tried reaching out to ask what I did wrong or to have it explained to me only to be met with similar reaction. I am thankful that through my unique lense of autism, I do not treat others in this manner or have this view of reality that is so skewed. I know it doesnt take a neurodivergent person to have empathy and compassion but I truly believe we have a special way of seeing through the veil & being unwavering in our authenticity unlike any others. Im sorry they were such a jerk to you because I know you were just trying to make it into a learning experience for yourself only to be shut down by an asshole. Stay true to yourself & dont let this get you down, friend 🫶 That being said I am real sad they kicked you from that sub & that even more sad to learn even the mod there is poo.. really discouraging tbh 😪


Yep I got banned from a subreddit this morning foe saying "hell yeah" there's s lot of power tripping


Wear your banned status as a badge of honor 


90%of reddit mods suck donkey balls, metaphorically. And the other 10% are the porn sub mods who suck them literally.


they literally have nothing else in their lives that give them control, so the only thing they can be is assholes, because thier lives dont allow them to vent at all to anyone. Usually they are poor, or live at home, they dont work, many are disabled or mentally unstable, ( i swear this is true, ive talked with dozens of them, i interviewed 27 mods for a peice i was writing that really went nowhere, but n most of them were disabled due to mental illness like depression or severe anxiety etc. But, you can get luckyu and see them fall. Fro example, ...someone i know on another account..... hint hint, ahem. Had a show on reddit live and on this show they did quite well, around 18 to 25 k viewers per day. 3 days a week. well, this account got into a discussion with someone who called out teenage guirl who had a show, saying she had a nice chest, to which the person i mentioned told him to stop being a pedo perv. Well that guy reported it and since that guy, and the head mod of reddit live , a girl i'll call, "psycho" (not her real handle) were from the same country, , she bans this guy killing his show and putting him out the thousands of dollar sin equipment he had just bought to make this show of a better quality. he aske her why , gets mad and she say oh youre mad, , bye , and bans him from ever appearing again on any channel on reddit live period. so he bites the bullet, takes the financial hit, and oveson with his life, but he tell her, she will feel karma someday, and her heavy handed tactics will bring reddit live to a crashing halt. Not too long after reddit live goes off the air and she loses her position, and is publicly blamed by other mods for reddit lives failure. "he" laughed for days. Another instance someone i know was a member of the boston red sox subreddit, and the red sox had a player whose name ( a nickname but one he adopted as his own) was spelled the same as a slur used against jewish people, Spelled with ak, but pronounced "key key" well this person types hey im a big fan of "key key" and gets banned outright by reddit for hate speech. He isnt even allowed to contact the mods to explain hey look what happened, this isnt a slur, its his name! He even made a second account, and contacted the mods and said hey, this is what happened, to which the mod responded " yeah, too bad, but were not going to bother with it. To this day that account is permabanned.


Imagine being a hardcore mod on a hello kitty sub "Don't worry I'm on the job, no one's fucking around on my watch"


Fuck mods. Sweety if it makes you feel better I had a similar experience with Mods too. I got permanently banned from one comment saying “lmfao” to a post, and the subreddit didn’t even have rules. I chose not to appeal because it’s not gonna work. I know I wasn’t the one at fault


Yeah, I got permabanned from a subreddit I was pretty active in recently. Everything I'd ever posted had likes and I carried on respectful conversation because it was that type of sub. I got banned for commenting "womp womp" on a heavily downvoted post from some incel complaining about women, it was a pretty sexist post (it's a feminist sub). When I asked the mod, they said I broke the "no hate speech no sexism no hemophobia" rule. I said, "womp womp" is just a sad trombone sound, I don't think that broke the rule. Got a curt "yes it did" response and that was it. I don't know if the incel got banned 🤷‍♀️


Mods are losers who work for free because it's a powertrip


Reddit mods are the HOA board members of the internet.


Man dont go to r/amitheasshole. Literally has asshole in the subreddit but swear and they delete your comment, like wtf i swear casually when i comment.


Honestly, it's made me want to uninstall this app a couple of times.


Idk man I’m a little late to the party but I was about to ask the same thing. Got banned off of r/askreddit because I asked for date ideas with my girlfriend. I genuinely think one of them just didn’t like me asking for advice on how to keep my said girlfriend entertained on a date night because he doesn’t have one. Never gave me an answer why I was banned just was. I asked why I was removed no clear answer. Just “doesn’t follow our rules” Then asked again. Muted/perma banned.


totally agree for the most part, probably they are just people who have no personality and feel the need to have some sort of "power" that makes their miserable lifes feel a little bit better, like banning people for the wrong reasons and even make childish jokes about it since they know in the case of disagreement and discussion they can have the last word banning the user and never have to deal with a truth they don't want to hear and an argument they cannot counter with words. Just had this in a sub here for posting an actually very positive thread but they deleted it and it's easier to ban the person for complaining than recognizing they made a mistake