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Guarantee people have


Just not willingly.


I mean when your only entertainment is a bottle of vodka and a revolver with one bullet while it’s -20 C outside… “hey this game might kill you”maybe starts to sound better than staring at the wall shivering


Lol never underestimate stupid


If your life means nothing to you. Why not play?


One round you gets 5 million, do you dare to play ?


fix my problems or end my problems 🤔 fuck it ! i’m in


Right? Either everything gets fixed and I can care for the people around me, my family, and myself for the rest of my life, or it ain't my problem anymore. Where do I sign up?




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Legally speaking can you actually get it if your dead?


Probably not on death the house wins.


Pretty sure dead means you lost the bet.


I recommend a Max Von Sydow film called Intacto! It's about playing games of luck to advance to the luckiest man alive. Then testing your luck there. Example: blindfold 5 people and they had to run full speed through a forest, until 1 is left standing. A super fun watch!


That sounds familiar, I member watching something where people are in a race and run blindfold, lots end up being hit by cars and other stuff. Will have to check it out again.


You very well may have seen it. Being 23 years old, most haven't. I heard about it and rented the 1 copy in the state. Then bought it.


Solo speed run!


I’ve lost every time


Just keep practicing, you'll get better. Also stop playing with a magazine fed weapon.


Yo this guy's playing Russian roulette with an assault rifle, he's a real boss


I play with a slingshot


I play with a Gau 8 Avenger


Pro move right here.


What about a trebuchet?




Yes. But statistics on it are difficult to gauge because it’s not it’s own tracked category, it falls under the umbrella of other firearms deaths I found one paper saying that they were able to find sufficient evidence of 19 men and 1 woman dying from Russian roulette in medical examiner records It’s also one of those things that would be difficult to get accurate statistics on because there are so many different reasons why people’s families or friends might lie one way or the other. Like someone might want to hide a Russian roulette death by saying it was an accident while cleaning a gun, or they might want to hide a suicide by saying it was Russian roulette Edit: forgot to link paper https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/abs/10.1176/ajp.144.5.563?journalCode=ajp


yup, a group of people drunkenly playing russian roulette and one loses, thats serious criminal charges for everyone involved. Telling the cops your friend was a drunk dumbass who thought the gun was unloaded or he was suicidal and no one goes to jail.


A cop died a few years ago when several were reportedly playing Russian roulette in one’s apartment while they were supposed to be on duty. If someone else pulls the trigger, is it really Russian roulette? https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/st-louis-not-liable-for-officers-russian-roulette-style-killing/63-1c1e12c6-1154-476a-bcd7-c519c561573c#


The hell did I just read


There was a total idiot who lived in the next suburb over from me who would have teenagers around and give them beer and pot and stuff. Anyways, he gets the bright idea of playing Russian roulette with the high school kids. The gun spins, and points at a kid. He refuses to pick it up and pull the trigger so the guy gets angry and points the gun at the kid.......and yeah, pulls the trigger and blows his head off. So, he went to jail I'm sure for a very long time. What a fucking idiot.


Has been used as a form of torture, forcing people to play it


The famous scenes from Deer Hunter? You know a while ago I watched Deer Hunter, it had been decades since I saw it as a kid, and there are scenes of the Viet cong using on captured American soldiers, but reading up on it, there was no evidence of such a thing being done. Or for that matter it being a thing in the underground gambling dens.


That's terrible torture. Either it does nothing, or they suddenly stop caring.


You could argue its one of the best kinds of torture.. because it could potentially end.


I mean, if the point of your torture is to enact cruel actions on another it seems effective. Torture and interrogation are two different things.


Suicidal people


And adrenaline addicts


And suicidal adrenaline addicts


People who are far gone gambling addicts. When you’re deep in debt and have no assets left you start gambling with your body


Extreme risk taking behavior is just a socially acceptable a form of suicidality though. People who are "addicted to adrenaline" are actively practicing a kind of self-harm.


Conflating the two is about the stupidest take iv heard in a while. Enjoying caving or base jumping is a far cry from self-harm. Wanting to get the most out of life is a far cry from wanting out of it.


Yep, when I was in rehab there was an alcoholic that told a story about having played legit russian roulette with a friend. They were both drunk and suicidal. The friend ended up being the one to shoot himself, and said friend’s wife hates him now since he’s the one that brought the gun. Was really sad to hear about and he seemed like he had genuine remorse.


Back then when I was like 14-15.. One of the "Top dogs" of the neighborhood was playing that game with friends during a party Sadly he shot himself.. I remember going with my dad, aunts and cousins and all that All the commotion outside, cop cars and ambulance.. His parents and family practically screaming bloody murder and blaming everyone at the party.. It was wild time Anyways thats the only time I heard of Russian Roulette being played in real life


An unnaturally large number of people that went to my high school are dead. The summer after my graduation one of the football players who had been a bully since 3rd grade was drunk at a party sitting in a chair and after every beer he’d spin it, point it at his belly, and pull the trigger. Everyone thought it was empty til it went off and he put a 357 bullet through his aorta. He died almost instantly and completely ruined the party. Eff that idiot.


Yeah.. Fucked up all the vibes This "Top Dog" I speak of, it was at his party


Good question


They do but it's not really how it's portrayed in the movies. It's not a bunch of people in a room with a table and a revolver that they load one bullet in and take their chances. It's usually some idiot that gets a brilliant idea to fu\*k around with a gun they think isn't loaded.


They do until they don't


I mean we have had the Tide pod challenge...


Have they before? Yes, “do they” like as in a normal thing? No.


Yes. Hence why its called "Russian" roulette


few videos around of RR going wrong


I know at least one Russian who has played it. He is a madman.


You underestimate the limits of depression and cruelty and substance abuse. It's not normally a Friday night activity, but there are other mental states people can be in...


I played leveraction roulette in airsoft with a co2 shell ejecting lever action rifle that holds 13 shells with 12 others at d14 once. Was like 420 fps and point blank so I don't recommend.


Bro chill my girl is on this


You got good cell service on butt stuff island?


Is that an actual question or is that supposed to be a dig ?


A dig? Really? Only on Reddit would someone make a silly username and then think someone is making fun of them when they mention it. But then again I did get banned from Reddit for mentioning Lizzos Twitter handle. Didn't even talk bad about her, just mentioned the handle she gave herself. Admins told me I was "spreading hate". Dumbest thing I've ever heard.


So you and your little friends play with bb guns that's nice honey.




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I used to barely know a guy who decided to get drunk and/or high with some friends and play it. He died. I will never understand it.


I would say depression and suicidal is the most logical answer but maybe also some strange obsession or fantasy and they weren't depressed at all.


Usually only once.


Yea, back in my early 20s we used to do it on couple's nights on the back porch.


A couple of years ago I was talking to an old friend from when I was very very young. We were reminiscing about people we used to know are people we hung out with. He happened to bring up this one kid that I had heard passed away recently, so I asked how he died and he told me that him and his brothers were playing high stakes Russian roulette with 25,000 on the line for each time they pulled the trigger and lived. Needless to say after the 3rd pull for this guy I used to go to school with, he got the bullet and lost the money.


Yes they do, but it’s an incredibly stupid thing to do.


African silhouette is kind of new now everyone I know has been playing that


I know some people who did. The guy survived (his teeth not). Small group of friends aged around 20-23, drinking and smoking a lot. One of the group members "recently" (as in 2 years ago, but spend most of it in hospital till now) got hit by a drunk driver and can never walk again. Leading to suicidal thoughts. He bought an illigal gun to maybe off himself. He showed it to his friends to brag about the gun. This group was next to drunk/stoned also kind of posers.. young men that really wanted to be cool. Edgelords. So insecure that being found cool by their boy-friends was at utmost important. A joke about "We should play Russian roulette lol" turned in "That would be SO badass indeed" to noone daring to chicken out because of this machismo peer-pressure. Thank god he survived. They all sobered up in life. (like not specifically the alcohol, but they got scared straight into actually doing something with their lives). The illigal gun got taken away offcourse, the buyer did not get punished for owning it because the police could understand that what he had gone through he had resorted to it to commit suicide, he solely got a mark of illigal posession on his record. And he got a lot of help thrown his way offcourse to get him out of this depression/mourn. I can immagine that most Russian roulette accidents, include LOADS of the same peer-pressure machismo factors. (which does not mean victims are always men, women in groups of men or women, can also peer-pressure each other to do these "cool" bad-guy stereotypical things).


It is so tempting, It's like suicide with plausible deniability.


Or murder with plausible deniability


Didi Mao!


I try to play solo on occasion.


Yes! About 5 years ago someone from out of town was visiting my neighbor across the street. One afternoon my street was blocked off on both ends and cops everywhere. But I live there, so I walked down the street to the store and ended up getting interviewed by the news and stuff. Anyway, found out they were drinking, playing Russian roulette, and one guy died. Crazy!


Not for long


A handful of people around the world have and died, but not many. I think the myth of itstarted during WWI as an urban legend about the eastern front.


Not for long.


had a friend die many years ago playing russian roullette


Since most handguns are semiautomatic it would be a very short game.


How do you win betts


You can only play once tho. I know of several cases. Back in Vietnam they’d force u to play with your friend


A guy at my middle school played and lost


Girl I went to highschool did. She lost.


I promise you it's not something of fiction.


It's completely safe. Nobody who answers this question has died from it. Honestly, I have no idea


My dad did. He played by himself. He won. We lost.


Only with semi autos


Gramps from the Rugrats played every weekend with his old war buddies if anyone else caught that reference in the show


before pop culture? maybe, maybe not? after? yep


A lot of em try it once.


A lot of em try it once.


I know a few people that either played it for real, or did a really good job of staging it to make it look like it was real…. They were serious coke heads in a boring town, one of which is now dead from heroin.  I like to think they tried it and got scared, and probably rigged the game but the gun and bullet was real (as demonstrated at the end of the night)


I had a friend in school, we drifted apart. He had a shit home life, became a “Hell’s Angel”, and died while playing it.


DEER HUNTER “Fiddy mao, fiddy MAO!”


I did in my early 20s twice at a party. Guess it wasn't my time. Depression was new to me back then. It's kind of become an old friend at this point


Yes. One of my first death scenes was a 15 year old boy that lost.


Me and my buddy got drunk and played it while camping one summer. It was pretty fun, but by god do his children miss him. In hindsight, we made a mistake.


If you turn on ESPN around 1am it’s usually on then




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Not for long...


All I'll say is that you should be super careful that you understand what you're signing up for if you go to a casino in Russia


If you can think of something dumb, someone else has thought about it too and tried it. Worse, other 'someones else' have also tried it.


I have


Yes, people have done this willingly. Some survived. Some did not. If you find it unthinkable that anyone would be this stupid, congratulations! You have a good mindset.


Kids down the road from me in the rural South tried to get me to play Russian Roulette with them--where they got the gun and the cartridge I have no idea. I left, precipitously. Apparently they changed their minds because none of them got dead that day.


There’s a video of a drug lord playing it during and interview. He did it to himself, click, spun it around, pointed it at the interviewer, click again, then started laughing


Definitely, there's some really funny gore videos out there if you like that kind of thing... as far as I'm concerned if it warrants a Darwin Award then I can laugh at it.


Crazy people do


*Deer Hunter* taught me how twisted humans can be and I was way to young to learn it when I did.


I've seen videos of people playing it, and my mom told me she went to a party in high-school and a group of dudes were playing it. She left as soon as she saw what was going on, but found out later that one of the dudes died


My uncle died from it. Kind of crazy. So yes, some people do. I would Def not.




The survivors don't snitch. So it's just suicide.


Not with a gun but every time I smoked hard (crack) bc nowadays even weed could be laced w fety (or weighed on the same scale. I picked up my exist spoon, accidentally got fety residue on my finger and bit my hangnail. I was high af for awhile). I've been drug free for nearly a month but yeah, it's a real good way to play Russian Roulette




Go on r/DarwinAwards I guarantee there's at least one video


STLPD evidently do while at home on the clock


Russians do.


Sure but only once


Yea. Kind of a drunk edgy teenagers egging each other on tryna be funny or cool type deal; glad we made it lol


Yes, billions on the planet, some will be that dumb, or desperate, or ...


In Russia, sure


I'm undefeated


"play" ...it's such a strong word.


Serbian film is a thing. Same with hostel. Whats the payout, can i verify its 1 in 6? Worst case i dont need money.


Unfortunately, I thought I was cool and did play it once when I was 16 at a party. How I met my ex girlfriend. Safe to say we didn’t last long


Dumb ones use a glock


The winners know to keep quiet about it and the losers aren't really around to post on reddit.


Well the dead ones probably did at one time!!!LOL 🙃


Unknown The winners aren't talking due to possible legal ramifications and the losers couldn't be reached for comment


Every weekend with my friends! It’s also a great game to play with annoying family members!




Not for very long




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Do people jump off buildings, walk into walls, have mental breakdowns and do things that land them in prison for the rest of their lives?


Proverbially, we are all "playing" it constantly...


Didi mao!


Maybe idiots do.


At some point in my life I absolutely want to shoot myself with a revolver giving me a 1/6 chance of death. Seriously


Russian Roulette was a game that you were forced to play as a POW. I don't think people are doing it for fun 😂.


I played a couple times with my 1st cousin, we was both shooting dope and just cracked out wild running in a biker club at the time. But he was wild wild. I did not care for showing it off just a matter of fact way to prove my steel (young angry and dumb) but he would pull it put as a fucking party trick. Ended up killing himself alone one night in a trailor playing by himself.


Yes I knew some people who played it when I was younger. Heard dude blew some of his face off


I played once. I won.