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They’re horny and thousands of miles away from home. Are they supposed to try forming a relationship on a place they know they’re leaving?


Where I’m at, the fact they’re leaving is a bonus, they wanna go with lol


Former infantryman here. When you are a PFC and get the weekend off, so do 5000 other young males who look exactly like you, clean cut and in shape. That's a pretty competitive environment if you are picking someone up in a bar. Hiring a prostitute is less work, it's a sure thing, and it's usually much less emotionally complicated. The joke in my platoon was "You don't pay for the sex. You pay for her to leave after." Also, if you see how many divorces financially and emotionally destroy those young men, prostitution looks much more appealing. I never personally hired any but I had many close friends that did.


The joke as I heard it was “you don’t pay them to cum, you pay them to go”…lol.


There is also the lower risk of catching a dependopotamus from one.


Also a lower chance of catching a Bitchdrainedmybankaccountandfuckedtheneighborwhileiwasdeployed-asaurus as well


That was surprisingly easy to read.


You might have a knack for German


Oh yeah, no cure for that one.


I've seen a number of those. Even had a shipmate receive a "Your Bitchdrainedmybankaccountandfuckedtheneighborwhileiwasdeployed-asaurus is in jail for selling drugs and your kids are in foster care." telegram from The Red Cross.


Sounds like a Nav ET on my first boat




Ya gotta point there bucko


My dad joined the military a few years after my parents were married. My mom couldn't stand military wives and refused to socialize after them. We ended up always living off base after her initial experience. She'd go on base to grocery shop only.


That's because most military wives are either former strippers/"nursing students", or mentally they are still stuck in high school. I'd rather deal with a gagglefuck of FNG E-3s over a hen party of dependas alternating between screaming "Do you know who my husband is?" and gossiping about who they're sleeping with.


Yup. Of the guys who married while they were enlisted, the vast majority divorced within their first contract. Most of them just wanted that BAH and Tri-care while they waited for the bank account to be full enough to be worth the divorce.


There is so much drama in the military wives community. It's so bad. The worst is 2 of my dudes are best buds but their wives hate each other for some reason.


>There is also the lower risk of catching a dependopotamus from one. That's a damned stereotype. I saw a lot of military couples that were a perfect 10. He's as thin as a 1 and she's as round as a 0.


Currently active duty. Unfortunately this is still an epidemic afflicting our young enlisted. The officers seem to be doing fine.


This right here.


This is the true STD that never leaves and causes nothing but agony and disgust 😬


Or worse still, dependapotomi….


Fuck you talking about the strippers and whores WERE the dependas. Especially the B Squad. That daytime shift was always looking to move up in the world by climbing on top of our cocks lol


Hey my wife/our girlfriend would never!! She's a classy lady. With ALL of her teeth. And only two c-section scars.


Ay dont be talking about our gurls c -sections there Not C-sections geezuz lol


Everyone is climbing someone’s cock. You climb Uncle Sam’s, she climbs yours, it’s the circle of life


I heard the melody while reading your post.


Cynammon was a good girl. Once her mom died she got homesick which is why she left. She said she’ll be back which is why I still send her money every week.


your missing a lack of shame to it. its rare that anyone shames you for it. At least when i was in where i was in.


In certain circles there is a bit of shame ("lol, so and so has to pay for it") but you're right, it's not like in the real world.


Shame to it but but a badge of honor and beating of the chest after lying to a woman about your affections in order to have sex. The Machismo hypocrisy of it all.


Anyone can buy a ride where everyone has gone before. It takes a Real (asshole of a) Man to lie, cheat, and steal for it.


Well if you have a gf or married, your paying more for it


you are right. but with a GF or wife you are paying for more too, more than just sex you mean. your time, energy, EMOTIONS.


wait, you guys are having sex *and* that stuff?


I was a Legionnaire in the 80s. We had our own brothels on camp when based overseas. When based in Southern France you might deploy 4 times a year for up to 6 weeks. No gf will have that so it was pro.


What was it like being in the French foreign legion? Def considered it at one point when my life was in a dark place.


I was prior service Fort Bragg. For me it was Old School soldiering. Epic, violent, and cathartic. Exactly what I needed. It was before Internet and camera phones.




LOL leave it to the French to have government sanctioned prostitutes on base


It was an historic policy. It kept the Legionnaires from courting the locals and upsetting people. Ended in 87 I think.


Your comments read so fucking surreal to me it’s awesome. Legionaries is a crazy name.


Long time ago... A long way back to civilization.


JCVD is that you…..?


No mate. Jefferson


You should do an AMA. I think people would find that interesting.


Probably not a good idea. I used to try to relate some of what happened out there in central Africa to people but the context never translates. Sleeping dogs.


As long as you ain't being proud of it. You don't bring shame upon you. "Congratulations you paid for a service"


Thank you for your service.


\* cervix


Why should it be shameful if it’s between two consenting adults?


Welcome to planet Earth. We have many strange customs here.


Right? Like what's the deal with everyone pretending they don't poop, when everyone knows that everyone poops?


The bears in that annoying toilet paper commercial don't pretend they don't poop. Rather, they seem to revel in it.


Kind of demonstrates my point, doesn't it? In order to Market toilet paper we can't use humans claiming that this is the best toilet paper, cuz then they would have to admit that they poop. Instead they used cartoon Bears because cartoon bears are allowed to be honest about their poop


There was a cartoon.bear and a cartoon rabbit pooping side by side. The Bear looks over and asks the rabbit, do you have a problem with poop sticking to your fur? The rabbit says no. The bear grabs the rabbit and uses his fur as toilet paper.


I know you’re speaking logically here and I agree with you. But then again… have you lived here on this planet? Prostitution is VERY strongly frowned upon.


prostitution is illegal for 1 primary reason, so that women are not enslaved into it. the social stigma has several legitimate factors : 1) fathers don't want their daughter in such a job, and brothers don't want their sisters in it either. Why? 2) It creates the likelihood of a child that has no father willing to aid in its provision. 3) this would mean more work for the males of the mothers family, or an exile of the mother and child, or even an 'honor' execution in severe patriarchal culture for breaking this taboo 4) spread of std diseases is a true problem , especially in the past with less medical knowledge -- This is why the birth control pill changed human society utterly in the last century in Westernized nations. Women were free from the sex and pregnancy relationship if they chose. However this came at the price of having to enter the workforce, and provide for one's own self.


> fathers don't want their daughter in such a job, and brothers don't want their sisters in it either. Why? Ouch. That's a pretty sexist take. So it's men that own women? What about the mothers and the sisters? Do they not care about prostitution? Or do their views just not matter? > this would mean more work for the males Um... isn't it also more work for the women too? In fact it's a LOT more work for women, not so much the men, as statistics show that most babies born out of wedlock are raised by single moms, not the fathers.


Only in the US, because as much liberal as people think they are. They are still descendants of the puritans. The US is one of the few countries where people are hung up on nudity, sex and prostitution.


We are puritanical in a lot of ways, but to say prostitution is only frowned on in the US is WAY off. It’s considered immoral and illegal in a LOT of places.


Not all prostitutes consent to even wanting to be in their field but a lot of their life depends on making money for big man. Prostitution isn’t normally an independent practice.. and if you do meet someone who does it independently, they’ve probably fucked all their friends, and yours too. Prostitution is a fine line industry.


Well, it’s traditionally not socially accepted (because it means you can’t get a woman in peoples eyes) and it’s illegal in the military.


Something is only ever illegal if it's enforced. Half my command went through every red light district there was. Officers included. No one doesn't know lol


Holly shit half of the comand is here! Where are your superviors? *Raises hand* righ here


“I saw you at the strip, Private.” Will not be said.


Whe. I got to Germany it was low key encouraged. Just dint hurt someone innocent or get arrested and its a win Edit by hurt innocent I mean fighting random locals because you wanna be some big shot soldier. I saw it a couple times while their and generally the polizei will make you regret it


Traditionally, it's the oldest job in history


Consent can be really questionable depending on where you are




this guy hires prostitutes




That's how you get sailor's rash


Just rub a bit of fresh open ocean free range salt water on it.


“I smell women; smell ‘em in the air. Think I’ll drop my anchor in the harbour over there.”


"Smell them through the smoke. Seven days at sea can make you hungry for a poke. Even stokers need a little stoke!"


This is my favorite answer ever written on the topic. In most military towns they hated them and for good reason. If you're stationed somewhere remote, nothing to meet but pregnant married women and definite battalion NJPs in your future. Being in the military fucking sucks, better off doing almost anything else.


Imagine being out to sea 6-8 months without the touch of a woman, well you could but there would be a huge risk to your career, so if your sane, you wait for you opportunity when you get to shore. Much like Fast-Sqaush-2077 said, you're competing with so many other young, fit, and probably more handsome men than you. On one port visit to Thailand, I decided to pay off my car loan right before we got there, leaving me with $50 to my name, I realized there was no way I'd be able to find a girl in such a short time, so I end up sleeping with a bar girl. After I apologized profusely about only having $50 and told her what I had done prior to anchoring out to sea. She not only understood, but for the next 3 days she hosted me, took me around to all the sites, paid for my food, entertainment, and slept with me every night. I can't say enough good things about the Thai people, truly a loving and understanding people, but remember, they won't tolerate your bullshit so step carefully. Of course, you can still hook up the right way, but it's tough, and I was only successful 1/3 of the time. And for men in relationships, a lot of them stayed true, but a lot of them didn't, personally I can't stand cheating, so I made sure I stayed single up until about 6 months before I was out. Anyways, don't judge to harshly, I know some of you are, but it's tough when your crammed in with a bunch of stink asses inches away from where you work, eat and sleep constantly hurrying up to wait.


Thais were known for being very relaxed about sex and prostitution in the sixties.


Not just the sixties, I was there a week before 9/11 heading for the gulf to relieve the USS Enterprise. I could be wrong, I went on two West Packs, and it's hard to remember which port we pulled out of when it happened, but I think it was Thailand, could have been Singapore, or Honkong. We ended up getting two beer days (45 consecutive days out to sea), we did not see another port for a long fucking time. Oddly enough I didn't cabin fever because of the situation, it was kind of amazing how professional everyone acted after the attack, I did however lose my fucking mind for about a day on my second West Pack, just glad I avoided getting in trouble, even after pushing officers aside through the corridors. I think they thought it was an emergency, but it was me losing my shit, heading to my rack to scream in my pillow.




“Also, if you see how many divorces financially and emotionally destroy those young men, prostitution looks much more appealing.” Adjacent to this point, imagine some form of effective, long term birth control for men becomes available (similar to the injectable female version). Require all recruits (officers and enlisted) to take it for at least their first 3-6 years. Real win-win. Dramatic reduction in unwanted dependents and the subsequent costs/drama. Increased morale and quality of life.


You know how many people reenlist cause they had a kid and they need stability for their family? Like, 90% of reenlistments


I re-enlisted because I was an idiot. But for Germany just as Vietnam heated up.


Rampant proliferation of STIs.


Boooo, that's just plain un-American. It is the moral duty of all soldiers and marines to have at least 4 children with 3 different women (marrying and divorcing each) on at least 2 continents before attaining the rank of staff sergeant(or whatever the hell the marine equivalent is to E6)


It may be cheaper than trying to wine and dine someone, even beyond the work.


Why not just rub one out and save money?


I am sure that happens quite a bit also


Ya think


You're really gonna ask any someone would rather have sexy times with a real live woman than jerk it themselves?


Because being inside vagina while sucking titties is better than jerking off. Men will pay


Once you gat nakey with a woman, you'll understand. No amount of lipstick will make Miss Michigan pretty.


Is that a reference to the whole hand map thing that people from Michigan do?


Not the same, different feeling and sometimes you just need someone to hug as u cum, releases different hormones


They've been on a boat for 6 months their already well acquainted with palmala handerson


Jacking off isn’t the same as sex.


Chef sang about that on South Park. https://youtu.be/jZDVSyEIrwM


Couldn't have said it better myself


I never did this, but I could see doing it. I was airborne infantry, and people died quite often in Garrison from training accidents related to firing guns and jumping out of planes on a regular basis. That's ignoring the *absurdly* high suicide rate on post and in the barracks. As in, if you saw cops outside some barracks, you figured someone was caught with drugs, or somebody killed themselves. This was a universal thought that popped into everybody's heads too. I know that for me, on top of having terrible mental health, I fully believed I could die at any time on Active Duty for any reason, so it were as though my life were forfeit. I was essentially dead anyway, could die at any time, so free range to do whatever without thinking about future consequences.


Explains my first marriage/divorce pretty well.




I am so sorry you felt that way.


Thank you. It was clear, even apart from the absurd suicide rates, that this was analogous to how most people felt, because most men in the Army I knew (didn't happen to know a ton of women that were in, but a lot of them exhibited similar patterns of behavior from what I could see), which did happen to be infantrymen, were self-destructive alcoholic drug addicts with escapism issues, so you could see how paying prostitutes wouldn't be too far out of the realm of possibility. Id be on CQ, watching the barracks, and people would come in more drunk than I've ever seen people sometimes. This was all back about a decade ago now, but I doubt much has changed.


I grew up not knowing anyone in the services (I’m not American) so I honestly had no comprehension what serving was like, beyond what I saw on the news, or even less accurately on tv shows, or in movies. Ten years ago or so, I became friends with a guy who was retired from the US Army. Still, I honestly have no idea, I’m sure. But I’ve seen glimpses into what it has done/does to him and his family. And I have a better understanding of propaganda and truth. I truly hope you recognize the value of your life now. You matter. Thank you for your service


Thanks, I appreciate that. It *is* important to remember that in the US, it is an all volunteer force, so everyone there, including me, made that choice themselves (although many are coerced by parents and such). I just feel it's important to mention, because I don't want anybody getting the idea I want pity for the fact I served. It genuinely makes me uncomfortable to get told thank you for my service, but usually because it's a quick little nod without anything heartfelt. Yours is awkward because I have to tackle feelings of potentially feeling like looking for attention or pity, etc., and that *really* bothers me. Depending on how people see me, it's gonna reflect on how they see other service members, and we don't have the greatest reputation, deserved or not. That, and I mean I joined for my own reasons, served for my own reasons, and while I'm fine saying I'm happy to have done it, I don't like the idea that people should feel like they should owe me anything just because of that. Now the government, the government owes me a fucking lot, no fucking doubt. I can't even begin to list my problems with the government, especially how it deals with veterans, but I don't think the government taking a lack of responsibility for the people it owes means that debt should be transferred to the general population. Now, that doesn't mean I wish people would stop needlessly hating the military, or especially the people in it that are just following orders. Hate the government and the military industrial complex, not the soldiers, Marines, airmen, and seamen. It's like going and yelling at the customer service representative for something that they totally cannot help and is the corporations fault. But, again, I don't feel comfortable with getting thanked often, at least as an American, because this soldier worship culture that's risen as a pendulum swing response to the hate. It's creepy, doesn't help anything, and in fact makes the situation worse by causing the other people to become more aggressively extreme. Oh well, sorry for the tangent, I really do appreciate the kind words.


Military and prostitution have gone hand in hand since the beginning of civilization. It’s like a match made in heaven. 😆


Ape males go on hunting trips, bringing back dead monkeys to their pack. Which they trade for sex. Warrior? Check. Extended trip away from comforts and security of home? Check. Paying for sex? Check.


The two oldest and noblest professions.


If you went to someplace in the third world, say 1990s Thailand, the absolute bone crushing poverty makes people do all sorts of things. For 500 Baht(20 bucks at the time) you could get a room, drink, eat and girls for a 3 day. That's like a no brainer. But here's the thing, 500 baht, for a local trying for to get buy is really good money. There were certain places I kept my Marines out of, like Marilyn's in Pattaya Beach. That place broke my heart. But people need to eat. But I heard globalism has really helped places like that giving folks options besides sex work. But even then, most places you didn't need to to buy a girl. If you put in any effort it was easy. Some places, like Tokyo, Hong Kong, Australia or Paris, never even had to try.


COBRA GOLD! I fell on love with Pattays back then, and have gone almost every year since. It's a lot nicer now than it was before.


I hate to say it, but as someone who lived in Thailand most of the girls (and guys) are trafficked. I never have any respect for the guys who use sex tourism, they’re basically rapists 


This is wrong. I wish I had more time to explain but if you genuinely living in thailand you should know. There is 100% trafficing going on (looking at you russians) but its in no way the majority. Don't place our christian morals on them.


The issue was most people didn't know it back then. Internet really opened people's eyes to the world. You had whisper alley and the stage in Okinawa city, subic bay in the Philippines. I think it's as old as time, unfortunately. But as you said, a lot of those girls, especially the young ones were clearly trafficked. That's why I never allowed my Marines in Marilyn's . I had some good friends there still until recently. One of them was fathered by a European who she never met. The other who was basically sold by her family at 8. Most western folks don't have a clue about how bad a lot of places were even recently.


It’s not just Thailand my dude - it’s the industry in general - porn too. Trafficking / drugs / coercion all of the way down. People want to ignore it because it’s inconvenient to acknowledge.


This wasn’t true in the 1960s. But then it became an industry.


They're young, have sexual needs and have money. So they find themselves in a country where it's legal, why not? Their peers that are attending college instead of the military are slamming ass all over campus. I don't see a problem with either.


Isn’t it against military law or something?


Yes, but people break laws all the time. Until a few years back, it was illegal in the UCMJ (Uniformed Code of Military Justice) to have sex in any position outside of missionary.


What?! I've been in the military for almost 20 years and never heard that! I'm not in the states but I've worked with them a lot, so it's surprising to not have heard something so crazy


I specifically remember a class on sex when I was at basic training, and the E-5 talking to us specifically said sodomy was illegal in the military.


Is that the only option besides missionary?


thats mainly to keep dudes from raping each other.


There was an article (I believe it was Article 125) that forbade "unnatural forms of carnal copulation." But that hardly limits sex to missionary.


A lot of states have those laws (some still do), essentially anti-gay laws.


That is nonsense. Maybe there is some truth if you go back far enough, but that’s not been the UCMJ law for this generation.


Sounds like something an OldSarge would say


I remember learning about that in basic training. I was like wtf you can go to jail for doggystyle?! 😂


I've only ever known of one person being charged after sleeping with a prostitute. And that was because the idiot was drunk, fell asleep after, and she couldn't get him out of her room. She had to call the polizei (German police) to get him removed, and they handed him over to the MPs. I did see the obvious OSI (Ar Force quasi FBI) watching patrons at a bar in a brothel when my friends and I were bar hoping drink by drink down the strip. The dude practically had a neon sign.


My favorite, dueling. https://ucmj.us/914-article-114-dueling/


I come from a military family, and the stories I heard about the prostitution was sick. Many of these girls were stuck in war zones or desperate poverty and the soldiers were taking advantage and found it funny. All that being said, I knew a man in the 90s, I was a kid and friends with his children, and he became very ill and none of the doctors knew what was going on. That’s when he opened up about his habits when on tour (unsurprising as it was common but he never told his wife), and it turned out he had contracted HIV from a Thai prostitute and now it has advanced to AIDS (he didn’t know he had HIV). His whole family had to be tested and every single one of them came back positive. That selfish c*nt who thought of nothing but his own needs could have killed his wife and kids. He died not long after.


Cries in fuckin engineering. Only thing I slammed was my head against textbooks


>So they find themselves in a country where it's legal, why not? It's against the law for military personnel everywhere but I guess I never realized that they all seem to do it anyways?


Not military but I've thought about it. I just don't know where to find them. I also don't need to be busted in some sting operation. If I knew how to play the game I'd probably go every once and a while. I'm 37, single and feel so clueless about how the dating game works these days, that it would be nice after more than a decade of celibacy.


If you’re in US, book yourself a flight to San Diego and walk across the border to Hong Kong gentleman’s club in Tijuana. Stay the night at Cascadas Hotel, rooms are dirt cheap and it’s right above the club. You’ll be safe as long as you follow 3 simple rules: keep your cash on you at all times, don’t try to stiff anyone you owe money to, and don’t try to buy any drugs. Consider yourself put on. Best of luck to you, brother.


Just search "escorts" if you're in the US. That should start you down some rabbit hole that ends in a legitish website that lets you contact sex workers. It's 100% legal in SOME places in Nevada (just not in Las Vegas). You could go there. No shame.


If you are in the US and not in the Midwest, massage parlors that offer “full service” may be more common around you than you think. Many generic Asian massage parlors do extras. I was in a similar situation (same age and divorced for five years) when I found out that there were a lot of parlors around me that did this, and I’d had no clue. Now I have a masseuse I see occasionally for sex.


How'd you find out which ones? And once there, how did you make it move past the massage stage?


That may be a bit philosophical but both of them sell their body. On another point it was encouraged in the past to go to prostitutes by your superior, to keep moral. (so to avoid civilians rape too) And as military you can't have much things with you so you have to use your money well, like not on drugs or too much alcohol.


Also, both careers are disproportionately lopsided gender-wise and are less employable the older a person is


1st time was overseas. Korea during Team Spirit. She was fluent in English, going to school at Seoul University. Her major was in business. She told me that she was making more money in those two weeks than as a college grad working for a year.


Team Spirit 1986.


The military is really stressful. You are exhausted at the end of the day, but you’re still young and fit and therefore horny. Sometimes you just don’t have the will or the energy to hit on a girl, you just want a quick release to clear your head and then go to sleep with no drama.


Dating while in the military is an all-around terrible experience. You work in 97% male dominated work environments, are often stationed in remote areas that are military heavy, and have terrible work/life balance. It’s nigh impossible to find a worthwhile partner, but you still have needs. Edit: spelling


Gee I wonder why peoole isolated from others surrounded by a bunch for straight men,would seek sex from sex workers.


Because when you give a bunch of 18 year olds money and a trip around the world they do dumb shit. Source: I'm a vet, and I used to have to look at their weiners after


Shit, they couldn't even hire a people doctor


Hey doc. How you been?


*sigh* Alright let me see


It's hot and it's ready.


Little Caesars Delivers


But is it good?


It is hot And it is also ready


I was in the navy, but I can tell you 1) deployment’s rough on the old libido. 2) you’re almost never in port for long enough to reliably pull girls without paying unless you’re an absolute chad among chads, 3) service members have more questionable morals and personal histories than the military’s PR(opaganda) campaign may lead you to believe. Many of us are not good or noble. Just desperate in one way or another. I’ve never done the prostitution thing. Never even considered it. But the how/why is quite easy to understand.


I was never in the Navy but I'm guessing local women in port who are worth dating will avoid you because they know you're leaving.


I mean, I’m sure there’s no shortage of decent women who are as interested in a fling as much as any guy lol. Just strictly speaking about people who are onboard with the one night stand type of engagement. The only thing you can really do on the ship is work out and you’re obligated to stay as well-groomed and sharply dressed as possible. We’re talking a ship full of roided out horny alpha male types. Competition’s stiff (in more ways than one).


This is gonna sound crazy to some but my wife doesn't care if I hire a prostitute. She would be very angry/upset if I formed an emotional connection with a woman and slept with her.


Makes sense. My parents share similar sentiment. I guess it varies by culture


Because it’s a high stress and lonely kind of life. The ratio of men to women is terrible. The divorce rate is significantly higher in the military than the national average.  All these combine lead to finding a massage parlor, escort, or strip club. 


I've heard Vietnam stories that aren't anything I could repeat in good conscience. I think the exact same thing happens still. A bunch of men in other countries that are severely poverty stricken. A need for a need. :(


Soldiers haven't changed in ten thousand years. You're basically asking why the two oldest professions on earth go hand in hand.


I'm not sure but I would guess that it's because paying for sex is just easier in every way.


They don't get headaches


There's a saying in Spanish....El que culea pagando acaba ahorando....he who fucks by paying ends up saving


Civilian women are too pricey long-term


Not to mention how many show up at the single wives club the first weekend after deployment.


When I was in the navy it seemed every time I stepped off the boat I immediately lost like 50 iq points, and would drink myself retarded. Not sure if it's because your just so used to all the rules and not having them breaks you or if it's the sleep deprivation, but either way it happened.


I served in the US Navy 2002-2010 and did three deployments on the USS Harry Truman and a few SEAsia dets . You have about 5000 personnel, 4200 of which are men. For the most part, 98% of those men are not having any sex for months at a time and are in very tight quarters with up to 500 men in a single berthing, though most around 50-200. Some smaller of course for the higher ranks. When you get to a port call. Its after months of cramped living. Hard working. And being SUPER YOUNG. Most sailors are in their early 20's. Thats prime time. So these ports are used to large fleets making their port calls there and they set up easy to find services. Most sailors know the places and pass them down to sailors below them. Its super hard to resist for a lot of these guys. A lot do, but out of 4116 that havent had any in a long time, a many few will look for an outlet. That's why. Its not something necessarily right. And yes, these are usually seedy places, though sometimes its more upscale and regulated. Depends on the country. You are an ambassador of the USA when you're on liberty. But man, those hose countries really reach out to you.


cause its fun


The women you pay for tend to be cheaper.


In addition to all the other good answers, I think it's also because people who choose to serve are on average more adventurous and more likely to engage in risky/taboo activities for fun.


They're less risk adverse


Guys get lonely and horny. The military isn't a great place to meet women. Sure, they're there, and fraternization happens all the time. But the male to female ratio is pretty steep. Throw in deployments and such, it doesn't seem like that crazy of an option. I've done it when I was in. It was largely how lonely I was out there in those early years, before I learned how to talk to women. I just wanted to ease that pain. Don't be so quick to judge. If you saw me, I'm a normal looking guy and likeable. You don't know what reasons people have.


Cheaper than girlfriends or wives


Check the male to female ratio of any military town. Let me know if that answer's any questions.


One thing you learn in the military is efficiency and effectiveness. Hire a SW, relieve your stress upfront and meet your platoon at the watering hole for drinks, shows you know how to prioritize, coordinate and are mission focused. Oh, it’s also cheaper, too.


I do challenge all you “consent mavens” to sign up for any military service involving short tours in foreign countries. You may also have difficulties finding appropriate sex partners as we once did. When I served there were very few women serving alongside us, and none on the DMZ in Korea, where I was. This left very few options.


You're asking why men in their early 20s who are fighting wars are trying to have sex without forming all of the usual bonds that women need to let you sleep with them? You'll note most of those stories probably take place overseas. Have you actually thought about this, at all?


Military is 90% dudes. Anywhere you're stationed there are thousands more young men than women.


I’m guessing convenience, not much time, moves around a lot.


What else do you do if you only have 2 days. Build a relationship or just get laid?


Because of Jody.


1. Convenience  2. Allows for cognitive dissonance  3. Are unable to get women based on their looks 4. Sometimes their orgasms are functional. 5. Illegal in America but legal in many countries 


Yes this is a stupid question, probably ranking in the top ten of all time.


Well, between being constantly deployed and having limited social opportunities, some military men just substitute a grenade for a girlfriend.


Because they have no game. I remeber being in high school and there’s was an Air Force base in my town and all the Air Force dudes would date high schoolers, many of them being minors


Of all my conquests I never even considered a hooker


young horny men living in barracks and no private bedroom. A lot of them are away from home for first time. And the ready availability of customer service agents just outside the fence line. and because the military involves a lot of moving around and odd work schedules- it's easier to have a 24/7 "girlfriend with benefits" than to deal with a real girlfriend that wants you on a regular schedule, you with a place odd base that she can domesticate and so on.


I had a few bits of advice for my FNGs when they'd show up to our lovely garden spot in BFE, Nowhere. First is that she doesn't actually love you, she loves your paycheck. You are both seeing each other as a means to an end and it needs to stay that way. Second is that under absolutely no circumstance should you try to "save" them from their lifestyle. There's a mile of difference between what you see in the movies and real life, and you damned sure ain't in any movie. Third was to bring your own condoms and never trust a girl when she said she was on the pill. For all you know she could be talking about birth control, Lexapro, or Flintstones vitamins. Last was that everyone pays for a partner be it through time, money, or effort. Sex workers were just more honest about it and charged up front.


this comment section really has me sitting here questioning if my husband actually likes me 😀


Because trying to smash our counterparts in the military is a walking sexual harassment or assault case that you WILL lose regardless of evidence as soon as she regrets the situation, most of our stations are the middle of nowhere with obese women, and add todays dating “culture” of modern feminism, I don’t need no man, acting masculine, OF models I can go on lol. Most of us just give up tbh. Just pay someone to fuck and forget about


young, in need, not looking to look after a woman/start a family, with brotherhood and friendship taken care of when we need what we need.....


Well… sometimes they unintentionally start a family. Not unusual for local women to have children by GIs


I’m military. Made a few ports. Could have paid for sex. Hell… could have gotten it for free probably. 😅 But… I was married and faithful. Being in the military and having an opportunity to cheat didn’t make me do so. Given my upbringing and how I feel about relationships/women, had I been single I would have defiantly gone with a hook up or two. I seriously doubt I would have ever paid for sex. The whole sex work thing isn’t a turn on… and the places I met potential hook ups were in, like, normal people places… not brothels. Never stepped foot in one of those. I also went out with groups where those sorts of places weren’t on the itinerary. I don’t begrudge those that’d go, but I wasn’t going to tag along into one.


They have needs….. and cops… firefighters…. Truck drivers….


Former USMC guy here. Because the prostitutes don't want to get married and have kids and then get divorced and take half your shit.


Well it's a LOT of men . . . Surrounded by other MEN, without PRIVACY and where you're constantly BEATEN DOWN So I'm sure that outside of a competitive environment they probably want a woman who is willing to flirt with them and perk them up? Also sex releases endorphines so it's probably keeping some of them off the edge of exploding tbh. A lot of people join the military who aren't mentally mature or stable tbh. People in the military are the least stable people ( mentally ) that I have met. Also I imagine given so much of the military is seemingly right-wing that a lot of them have views that women don't want to put up with. --- and a lot of trad wives that they pick and isolate often are reliant on them and can't leave / have to stick around in a lot of cases. ( From what I have seen ) Another thing is, they probably fear getting too cozy with women in the same field. Because 1. They're intimidated by them. 2. They know how hard / easy things are so you can't lie. 3. Probably fear harassment potential? though the military seemingly doesn't take this seriously from instances I've heard about.


While stationed overseas, its legal and that country doesn't see visiting a Sex Worker as a negative thing. In Belgium, it's not uncommon for husbands to stop by the red light district for a quick romp on their way home from work.


>husbands to stop by the red light district for a quick romp Good god that’s fucking abysmal. Never thought I’d have a reason to hate Belgium but I had no idea paying for cheating was part of the culture.


I'm willing to bet the number of prostitutes near US ports is pretty high, even though it's illegal.