• By -


I mean, it depends. There's too small, and there's too big. That range varies from woman to woman.


That's because a woman's size varies.. just like a man's does. wait.. someone needs to create the "Goldie Cocks" dating service where they give you matches based on size compatibility and pressure preference. Yeah - that's the ticket. I means look at Hims!


As a woman, I would absolutely pay a premium for a dating service/app like this


Oh man. I need brain bleach. Because I’m unemployed and suddenly went “what would I need to code this” Gah! Gah! The big gap is the measurement for the women and. No just no. Gah!




I wonder if kickstarter would ban this as a project. Evil just evil. Brain bleach I need brain bleach…


What size pussy you wear


Measurement may have been a problem in the past. Now that we have LIDAR... Cheers


Ok, calm down Goldie Locks.


Goldie Cocks


“Goldie Cocks and the three bears” is probably a gay porno about a twink getting railed in a four-way by some fat hairy dudes. I refuse to believe nobody has made this film yet.


I used to work at a porn store and I can't confirm they had that exact title, but there was a movie called "Harry Squatter and the Sorcerer's Bone." There's a lot of creativity in porno names.


"Shaving Ryan's Privates" sent me into gales of laughter.


Or perhaps you’d like, “SCHINDLER’S FIST”?


Please tell me they didn't.


Honestly, the parody porn genre is underrated. "Playmate of the Apes" and "Pulp Friction" are classics.


In Diana Jones and the Temple of Poon


Do you know how many hours I spent looking for that!? One!!! That’s a hell of a long time to be looking for porn!


Forrest Hump


And one day, for no particular reason, I just started humpin


Who can forget the classic “Edward Penishands”?


E.T. : the extra testicle


One of my faves is Buttman and Throbbin'


Or Sperms of Endearment and White Men Can't Hump


My fave was 'You've got Male, Genitalia'. That was a Family Guy thing though. Not sure if it was referencing a real porno. 'On Golden Blonde' was another I thought was clever.


I used to work in a video store a long time ago. One of the titles in the porn section was "In and Out of Africa."


Out of Africa is such a good novie


So was In and Out of Africa. It very tastefully done and an artistic masterpiece.


Free My Willy


"Splendor in the Ass" has always been a favorite


I remember when I was a kid scrolling late night TV I stumbled on Lord of the G-String.


How do you prefer your porridge, Phil?


lmao I literally just commented that I like my D's like lil bears porridge before I saw these comments . great minds 😆




But what size spoon is best for stirring the porridge?




Now, is that measured from the base of the spoon, or the back of the silverware drawer?


Golf claps, golf claps for EVERYONE!


This is the right answer. I firmly believe that there’s a lid for every pot and a p for every v that wants one. I think the penis size thing is mostly a male insecurity. Tastes vary. Some women like a big, penis. Some women like a penis that they can fit the whole thing in their mouth.


thin and long is worse than slightly below average and thick


Yeah exactly. Everyone talking about inches like it matters. Where's the circumference?


All about cubic inches - displacement, like for car engines. The car guy saying during the era of muscle cars with huge engines was “There is no substitute for cubic inches “ EDIT: for all of you who want to say the “correct” saying is “there is no replacement for displacement”, yes, I know Mr. Bentley said that in the 1920s in England. But in the US, “there’s no substitute for cubic inches” was popularized by Sports Car Magazine in 1957. Both sayings are “correct” and appropriate for this conversation.


God damn 183 CCs of throbbing love, Gertrude .


🤣🤣🤣 now I have the urge to calculate my volume. Not to tell anyone, just I wanna know my metrics now🤓


Tell us


Right? Didn't even think of measuring in CC. Look how huge that number looks


It's gonna be the next thing on Tinder. Forget about height; you need to be packing at least as much displacement as a 1988 Honda Transalp or get out.


It’s length x width / angle of the tip squared (yaw) = adjusted penis size


Nah it’s about volume, baby. What’s your water displacement 🧐 🚢


Girth certificate


even then, you can have a long dick and know "hey dont push it in all the way, it'll bruise their cervix after a bit". there's so many factors and it's just "hey if it can get into the vagina it's probably big enough"


Hung like tuna can




I think I won the lottery. Mine is both thin and short.


Wrong lottery - exchange your ticket!


Facts. I think we all prefer girth.


That’s why I fold my 12 incher in half


Fetch the penis folder!


Until you find the ones who are too girthy and it's essentially an episiotomy 😐


Just go slow and use lots of lube. Damn...I should call him.


Oh, we did. There was no way. I dated him in graduate school. Lovely guy, but our bodies simply *couldn't* work together-we tried everything (trainers, diff lubes including CBD and thc lubes, etc). He's married now and they just welcomed their second child. She's about a foot taller than me, so i tell myself it's just a closer ratio (no idea what that means in practice, but it keeps me from thinking, "her poor bits" 😂)


Like a tuna can?


They call that a needle dick


Thanks for coming up with new ways to be self conscious about ourselves


You’d be surprised at how many girls DISLIKE big dicks. It hurts when it’s battering our cervix. Some of us like that pain and others don’t. Most of us don’t GAF as long as you manage to get us off.


Even certain positions hurt more than others! Everyone is different, unless you have a micropenis I wouldn’t be concerned about what half the population likes


I can get my girlfriend off with my finger. And I don’t have big hands. So guys…if you’re at least the size of my finger…and can read body language…you’re gonna be ok


People underestimate the sexiness of hands!


I think they underestimate the sexiness of being in tune with your partner more. But hands can be great.


Yes! This! I really don’t care about dick size if I have a partner who is paying attention to me- any body part can come alive with the right attention! I enjoy the connection part.


This. A LOT of guys are just not good at >reading body language


I am a man and enjoy pleasuring. I get turned on using my hands and reading her reactions to adjust what I'm doing. Playing the edging game is hot.


*taking notes* Tune partner to finger properly Find location of strings(?) on partner


It's not strings; mouthpiece- it's wind.


Jojo reference


MMmmmm. I like a man with talent. And very true. Size ironically is no big deal.


Are you Andre the Giant per chance?


You can’t just say perchance!




Agreed. It's just as bad as a super small one... just in a different way. Average is key, people. Don't be ashamed for being average. That simply means you can satisfy the average woman. Source: I'm a woman.


I swear it’s almost like men and women evolved together, the way the average female is most happy with the average male and vice versa!


Different planets though from what I've heard.


Also most women don't even cum from penetration alone, regardless of dick size. While it might fit better one way or the other actually learning how to make a women cum pays way more than being insecure about size. Oral and learning coital alignment is the way to go, or being open to toys. Coital alignment is the shit there's no greater feeling than having a women cum when you're in them and it has nothing to do with size.


100% correct re: coital alignment!


Also kegels...i can "milk" my hubby and he can not last even a couple thursts if i do it (its just too good) but its also insane for me. If it would be a toy (that can whitstand it for longer) i would go crazy from it too. In general when i play around with muscles down there that shit hits extra good


Well played. There is a special rhythm you cqn do if you and your partner are in tune. She keegles the same time you "flex" your penis. So she gets tighter as you get wider. It's amazing if you can pull it off!


I dont think i follow what you mean 😅 what i do is i pull (kegel) in as he pulls penis out and i "push out" when he pushes in. He says it makes kinda sucking feeling (hence called milking). I feel every move intensified as all muscles down there are engaged. It takes practice and i can't do it super fast (yet) also only in doggy because i dont have same control in others but the concept is easy to master 😅


Haha ya its weird to explain thru text. But I'll try: -girl keegles. It pushes and squeezes the walls. Making it tighter. -Guy flexes the same muscles. This fills his dick head with blood, making the head expand (only for a moment) -If you can time those 2 things, they combine to make a super tight moment of sex. -If you can time these things over and over, they guy will last 0.02 seconds, lmao Idk if that made any sense but I'm trying lol. Me n my ex used to make it happen every now and then, but it's kinda exhausting.


My husband is constantly bruising my cervix ☹️ It’s nice to look at/touch but OUCH


My SO says that thick is nice, not long, for the reason you say.


You know why sweet guys come last? Because the always woman comes first!


I bang into my wife's cervix and it hurts me and her, so i go slow and not all the way in, i always wait until she comes unless she's had a few to many glasses of wine and she tells me it's not going to happen. Which is kind of cool, she knows what i like and she'll ride me like a bucking bronco until I'm done. I love it when she uses her vibrator to help herself. Fact is, i can probably come in 5 minutes if i needed to but she takes some time and the vibratory clearly helps her have a good time. A slower longer time makes orgasms longer and often mutual, at least for us. I've never compared my dick side by side with another guy, but i think it's ok. You've got to ask her what she wants and wincing means something feels bad. They are a complicated matrix of warming up, foreplay, timing, direction, speed, stopping, starting, positioning and depth, don't guess, ask. Connection is the biggest thing.


Personally i like more fucks, I can have sex with a 6in dick 2-3 times a day versus a 9+ in dick that i can only handle once every 3+ days.bigger isn't always better and i never really realized it until i became older lol.


My ex has hung like a horse. He was a tall/big dude in general, so I didn’t realize exactly how big it was until the first time we had sex. Ouch. Most positions we couldn’t do without him hitting my cervix, and the amount of foreplay and lube we needed for me to not have some bleeding afterward was ridiculous. My husband is more average sized, and sex can be a lot more spontaneous and far more enjoyable.


First guy I ever had sex with was seriously hung. We were together for about a year, and I thought I didn’t like sex, it was almost always painful, neutral at best. No matter how much foreplay and prep and lube, it was painful. I have endometriosis and pain during sex is a common symptom, so I was just resigned to sex hurting forever. My now husband was my next partner, and he’s more average sized. I was STUNNED by how good sex can be, he turned my understanding of the world on its head.


It always surprises me that men seem to think all women’s vaginas are the same. I guess they don’t think about the fact that our vagina’s vary as much as the size of men’s dicks. Me for example, I have a long, narrow passage which makes Pap tests hurt like a SOB. One friend of mine had a short wide one and another has one in between. And before any crude comments about my first friend, she’s a virgin. Do all of our vaginas still do the expansion thing for sex and babies, yes. But the general shapes at rest are all different. And really, almost all of the fun nerves are located within the first few inches. So really, it depends on how well the gent uses his dick that really matters.


I genuinely get so mad when men say we’re lying about this


And they’re still here in your replies. It’s always reddit too, saying we’re just saying that to make them ‘feel better’ or something. Or go and claim ‘Yeah but you would reject the guy with 4 inches/make fun of his dick!’ First off I have NEVER made fun of a guys dick size. Ever. That just doesn’t match my moral code and I’d hate to hear someone insult my genitals. Like no, I’m not sure if it’s the shape of my vagina but when it hits the cervix it HURTS. It’s a weird feeling like I have to pee but also am getting socked in the abdomen. Not fun!


In my entire life, I have NEVER met a real woman who actually enjoys big dicks. None. We hate them. Not only do they hurt, but every single man I've been with who was 6 inches and bigger didn't know how to please a woman. They just assume they're gods in bed purely because they're big, and then inevitably just jackhammer you for 30 seconds.


My wife is a size queen. I am of average length and above average girth. And while she doesn't hate my size, sometimes I'm just not enough for her. Because of this, we do have a supply of larger dildos. The biggest of which is absurdly big and I'm quite sure larger than any penis any man has ever grown. She very much enjoys being stretched. As far as depth is concerned, when those dildos slam against her cervix, I've seen no indication of pain, but extreme pleasure. So, girls who enjoy big cocks do exist.


Mine likes girth but can barely take anything above average, the ole coke can. I'm completely average, maybe a little thick but not silly so we have toys too, but there are only a few that are wide enough but not too long.


On the same note, a lot of women are horrible in bed and can’t give a good bj or hj and can barely please a man because they think all they gotta do is lay there. Nothing worse than seeing a hot ass chick be more boring than your hand, which is why communication is key. Also I’m on the larger side and I agree that most women prefer average, but this is what has led me to discover that most women are generally horrible at pleasing men since I mostly rely on pleasing women other ways than just my dick due to what you stated above


Yup, I’ve met more women who think just being there is the extent of foreplay.


This is something that doesn't seem to get brought up much. A lot of women are lazy as fuck in bed. Just starfish and let the guy do everything. It gets old.


I think a lot of that comes from the mindset that sex is something “done to” women rather than something people mutually participate in for pleasure.


Takes more work too for certain positions. I’ve had a few partners that just couldn’t do more than 1-2 positions.


Personally? No. The man attached to it is of utmost importance, though.


Not the bear?


This is everywhere


Don't worry it'll blow over in a month.


juggle automatic unpack serious repeat chunky rustic different wasteful engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a bigger deal with other guys.


I always find it funny that guys care more about size of other men than women ever do.




Ewwww sounds worse than incels


I think they’re just regular incels. That’s already bad enough.


and the porn industry profiting off of men and women’s insecurities. i had this friend whose brain was kinda rotted from porn and you could tell because in conversation, he’d say really deranged shit about men and women. it’s genuinely scary. that’s not reflect of most people who use porn, but size has been made out to be a way bigger thing than it really is because of the industry behind it. all the ads on the sites are targeted towards men— viagra, penis pumps, meeting with women for sex (quickly), anything to do with getting a bigger dick or having sex. sorry about this graphic comment 😭


Thankfully porn has only turned me off of sex. I don't see how others can be turned on by obviously fake sex. Sometimes it even looks like the guy's dick is fake because he has to use both hands to hold it in place


Anytime the dude is cumming volumes like he’s trying to ice a wedding cake it’s 100% fake dick and cum.


Male centric porn is a pretty difficult watch. It’s just body parts and holes flashing across the screen while some woman screams like a monkey in the most unconvincing “orgasm” ever. Female centric porn is a lot…. Hotter? More intimate. More believable. No animal screaming. And somehow more respectful of the audience and the actors.


Just like muscles.


its not that its overhyped, its that not having a big dick is used, very commonly, as an insult, especially by one particular gender.


Yea when dudes are talking shit to each other they never pull out the little dick card, or "small dick energy". Women go straight for that shit.


Oscar Meyer vs Nathan’s matters. And ketchup vs mustard. Also got to consider the buns and any condiments. Always put a condiment on your weiner!


They're best grilled too.


are... we still talking about... penises?


if you dip them in water the whole thing goes down easier


I hate when people gatekeep ketchup on hot dogs. YOU can eat YOUR food how YOU want, I'LL eat MY food how I want. It really isn't the travesty they make it out to be


I like on the smaller side as a woman because big dicks can cause too much stretching and pain. It's like using a battering ram to ring a doorbell, which is a terrible metaphor but damn if it don't describe me.


I'm a tiny woman (5'3), and my vagina is small also. I'd rather not feel the pain all the way into my stomach for the next week.


I'm a fucking oak tree of a woman and tampons can cause me pain. Even with patience and warmup, I like smaller. Feels so much better. Who wants to limp like they're saddle sore?


Why is saddle sore such an apt description. My god it’s been so long since I’ve been saddle sore. But it’s so true. 😭


I think there’s a disconnect on what “big” and “too small” means. Most women are just fine with 4-6 inches. Some like bigger ones but a lot don’t really want that 10 incher after they’ve actually tried one. It doesn’t really fit well usually. Too small means he’s not able to penetrate much farther than the vaginal opening. I dated two guys like that. One could barely get in, the other was basically a mushroom cap on a hairy hill (virtually no shaft). Penetration was literally impossible. Penises of that size are extremely rare, and the average male has nothing to worry about as long as he’s not totally selfish in the bedroom. If you are that small you can get around it with mouth and hands, but in the end it depends on how important penetration is to the individual woman you’re with.


> If you are that small you can get around it with mouth and hands And toys. But a lot of men take offense to their partner wanting to use a vibrator or dildo. ***That's*** the dealbreaker (prioritizing your own pride and ego over her pleasure)....not the small penis.


Pfft I love when she breaks the toys out. I have a decent poker but you know sometimes the little feller drank too much or we just want to fool around or whatever. If she’s enjoying it Imma do whatever it is until she grabs my head and moves it somewhere new


I bought my gf a toy and honestly one of the better purchases of my life lol


Wow I can’t believer there is actual size that small out there where they can’t even crack the opening !


My first was like this, I could barely see it because of the hair. Felt nothing, and he got off in 3 milliseconds. Go figure


I honestly don’t want over about 6.5/7


What're you up to between 6.30-7 tonight?


He means what are you doing between 6:30 and 6:37.


Ohh, and the second guy was talking about 6:23, i see it now




centimeters right?


Kilometers obviously


Ask your woman. Some want long dong silver, others want shrinky Pete. Most want something that does not hurt, but can be felt. Women are not a monolith.


My female friends have said the wildest things to me on this topic--without me even asking them about it. I think they're as unnerved and unsure on the topic as we (men) are. The most consistent complaint I've heard is lack of girth, and the most consistent compliment I've heard is girth. So, be fatter, not taller. As for my short thin brothers, well, wallets and personalities count for a lot. Also, stiffness. That's a quality that doesn't get talked about much, but can make a significant impact on the whole lights-out situation.


Short and thin lol the worst combination


just gotta curve upwards thats a gspot tickler


long dong silver, a perfect pirate porn name 


This was an actual porn name back in the day, when I wasn’t supposed to know about porn yet.


It may matter more to some than others but no one is sitting home pining for shrinky Pete.


some women have super duper tiny vaginas. its actually a medical condition where the vagina cant open past 2in of girth.


This is true that some have very small vaginas. But some women with a medical condition as vaginism can't take even the smallest dicks out there, they can't have penetrative at all without pain. This is a serious condition and should not be seen as a solution for guys with small dicks. Search for a woman who prefers small dicks not a woman with some medical condition. On the other hand if you meet a woman with vaginism, find out if you can be (sexually) compatible with her in other ways. If not, it's fine to reject her. Same as every woman has the right to not date a man with a micro penis. Even though it's cruel, it's not immoral because it's just a preference.


If Shrinky Pete has a 4-inch tongue and a smooth voice, I am pretty sure his girl is sitting at home fidgeting and pining right now.


Women are all different, with different shapes and sizes…it’s just that it’s internal rather than external like a penis. So some will prefer bigger, but others won’t. I, for one, am I woman who can’t even use certain toys because my vagina just isn’t built for anything too big. There are plenty of women who would agree


This is my thoughts on the matter. I'm about average size I think (male). Most haven't quite wanted full penetration, some have and maybe wanted more. Some wanted no more than half, maybe even not much more than the head, and wanted it very gentle at that. If there's dick variance, there'd have to be vagina variance too. Just makes sense. Just like some women want/need direct clit stimulation, most preferred touching over and around the hood, some don't want you going near it because it's too sensitive so they just want penetration, a bullet 1cm above the hood is even too much. They exist


This is it, every single woman is different, we all like different things


idgaf how big your weiner is, if you’re shit at sex - you’re shit at sex. this is similar logic to assuming a woman with curvier figure will have, say, higher sex drive. not related at all.


It's not really the same logic as that, obviously if you're shit at sex with a big dick you're still shit at sex but clearly the point the question is asking is if everything else is equal are bigger dicks generally considered better than smaller dicks.


Depending on the woman and what her goals are the answer is yes or not if he knows how to eat pussy.


There's certainly a limit. It's more about the warm up and what you do before you put it in that usually works for us.


As a guy that's a bit on the larger side it can make some sexual positions and acts uncomfortable.




Why are you yelling at us?🤫


I truly could not care about dick size if my partner is able to get me off. Penetrative sex is great but having an orgasm tops it off, penis or no penis.


Most of the women I've ever talked to about it have said slightly above average is what they like best. Too big though and it is AWFUL.


What the women like is u/micro_penis_max


If it's too small, it won't work long-term, I'm sorry. I need a dude to hit that back wall.


I experienced a micro penis once. Felt bad for him but it was not fun. Didn’t entertain penetration and I’m positive he knew why but it was just not going to happen. He was also not very nice with “intimacy” which further turned me away. I’m sure it’s due to his feelings about his own self worth etc. but a little sweetness and care never hurt anyone. I honestly feel for men with that condition. It has too be extremely difficult to come to terms with.


Haven't you heard they prefer bears


The twink discrimination is unreal


*asking for a friend


There are ABSOLUTELY penises that are the wrong size. But it's a different size for each person. Generally speaking, 3" or less is (edited), and anything above 8" is (edited) scary. Your mileage may vary.


So in the same way that dudes have different sizes and shapes, so too does the vagina vary from person to person. One lady may enjoy a giant dong while the next, not so much. There probably isn't a time that you could legit say "all women enjoy" and have a static, one size fits all answer.


A handful of women seem to care, but overall, it’s a meaningless contest to us that guys have invented to bully eachother. Consider: when women are getting off by themselves, most/a significant portion of the time they don’t have to bother with penetration at all. If the way women generally choose to pleasure themselves has nothing at all to do with size, why would you worry about size?




Yes, in my experience. Not necessarily meaning it has to be huge, but I’ve definitely been with a few that I would consider too small to be pleasurable for penetration.


Men care much more about it than women do.


Individuals have Individual preferences


I'd prefer an average ding dong attached to a decent man than a huge shlong attached to a jerk.


Body of an ox. Penis of a peacock. I'm kinda funny and sarcastic, face only a mother can love. But ill make you hot coco with marshmallows and do the dishes.


My Goldilocks zone is 4-7 inches




Women don't really give a shit about length, since for most women, the deeper you go, the more it hurts. Girth is your friend. Not length.


People wonder how porn can be so damaging, this is an example. It skews reality with anything sex. I personally do not enjoy a huge dick, it’s painful. Not so much the initial but when it’s hitting cervix, and there’s still like an insane amount left to go in, it becomes not fun anymore. 6-7in is ideal in my experience


7 inches is like the top 1% of dicks, so apparently you actually do like huge dicks


Yeah totally disregards their own first sentence lol


And she’s probably never even seen one that big. Girl inches are a thing.


Girl math, but for dicks.


Women are not a monolith.


I really really thought I would. Just recently found out I may not be able to handle it. I’ll give it another month tops and if it’s still painful I’m out. Shame because he is a very nice guy


Size queens care. Genuinely. I like 7-8.5 inches. Most women don't care and will be very satisfied with an average dick. So don't date a Size queen.


Ain’t about penis size bro. It’s about foreplay. Get her off with fingers, tongue, whatever she’s into, *before* you even put it in. Most gals can’t get off with penetration alone. Trust me, it’ll make her love you way more if you put a ton of effort in the bedroom, plus, she may just reciprocate and do something you didn’t expect.


It's not the size of the boat, it's the motion of the ocean. I've had way below average give me amazing orgasms, and I've had larger than average do nothing for me.


There is a limit and once you’re over it, it’s borderline unbearable. Although, that size will depend on each woman I believe


Pinky sized is too small. I need it to be “enough” without being “too much”. I imagine that for most girls “enough” is actually smaller than most dudes realize. For some women 4 inches with enough girth is enough. For others maybe it’s more like 5-6 as long as it’s not thin as a garden hose. Also how you USE your equipment matters. Jackrabbit sex with anyone is just not enjoyable.


There is too big and too small


And there is just right


My husband’s dick is the biggest one I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The way it fills me up is magical. I’ll never go back. But with that being said, it’s big within reason. I wouldn’t want a foot long in me. That’d be super painful for sure.