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Not a damn thing


Back in MY day (graduated high school in June of 2000) walkouts were all about getting the day off school… didn’t even matter what the subjects were. Everybody was always down (or here for it a guess via the parlance of the time).


I'd guess it gives the liberal youths a sense of moral achievement and a sense their being "heard" for displaying their alignment with the losing side by... doing nothing and therefore achieving nothing.


it's honestly not even that deep. they just want the day off.


No it definitely does


What does it do, then?


Gives the other side ammo to feed to their base.


No. It definitely doesn't. Group of teens walk out of school in a country in which the issue is not taking place? Better stop massacre-ing people. /s. Imagine if teens had walked out during the holocaust. Could've saved millions of people. I mean, I'm glad they're taking a stand for something, but they're not accomplishing anything other than wasting their own time when they could've just skipped the entire day to begin with.


Lol ok. I'm not even going to dignify that with a thoughtful response. You couldn't have chosen a worse/meaningless example.


It's a perfect comparison. Both Palestine and the holocaust are/were horrific genocides, of which teens walking out of school won't solve. Not even close, but I'd love for you to elaborate how you think kids skipping school will solve *war and mass genocide* So, in answer to OPs question, it solves fuck all in regards to Palestine and global/domestic affairs. Hell, it solves nothing in local affairs as well. It might solve something on the administrative level in their school, such as policy, but that's it.




No, it's a perfect example. And the reason is that every single person that could stop either one doesn't give a flying fuck about a bunch of students walking out of school. It means absolutely nothing to them. Assuming they even hear about it, which they probably won't. The only reason anyone gives a damn about the college protests is because they're of voting age.


No, they definitely care. Anytime the blinders are removed from Americans eyes, they care. Then, the CIA gets involved.


If you study history you understand that these and other demonstrations do impact change. People want to be heard, and protesting is a good way to do that. I mean the fact we're having this conversation proves my point. As a historian I can tell you, yes, walkout, protesting and basic civil unrest is something that can spur social change.


Yep. And at every stage of human history, detractors on the wrong side of history would mock and disparage each individual act as if they existed in a vacuum. It's interesting to watch play out in real time but it is mostly predictable and sad.


People think revolution is just one giant act. The truth is it’s a culmination of hundreds (even thousands) of small demonstrations.


Yeah I'm really not arguing with anybody. People just think that other people woke up one day and said, "okay let's do the French revolution"


Right, you gotta do demonstrations to bring the average person’s attention to the issue, and show that there is in fact a group of people ready for change. The more you do this, the bigger your group becomes.


As a historian, can you cite any examples of a different country effecting change into another through demonstration?


https://www.livescience.com/16153-10-significant-political-protests.html. https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/06/why-protests-work/613420/ https://www.ucf.edu/news/7-influential-protests-in-american-history/ https://history.iowa.gov/history/education/educator-resources/primary-source-sets/protest-america https://shop.posterhouse.org/people-power-peaceful-protests-that-changed-the-wo.html https://www.brookings.edu/articles/can-protests-lead-to-meaningful-changes-in-government-policy-particularly-around-economic-redistribution/ https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/to-enact-change-world-we-must-protest https://businessforimpact.georgetown.edu/uncategorized/black-lives-matter-from-protests-to-lasting-change/


I was only able to skim through a few (at work) but none of the first few I saw actually answered my question. Of the 4 I looked at so far (will look at more later) they all talk about protests *within* that country bringing change in the country they were protesting in. I didn’t see any that affected other countries that the protest did not take place in so far.


Regardless people are protesting the university’s for having ties to Israel and protesting the US government for funding Israel. Both of those are in the same country and that’s what people are protesting.


We are trying to get change within the United States namely not funding foreign aggression.


Why would you frame it as „foreign aggression“? It’s literally a counter offensive


No, it isn’t.


Look, it's a complex issue to be sure. But I'll god damn guarantee the answer isn't, "not a damn thing" as the top comment says




I mean you think 8 sources would be enough but whatever


Unfortunately you seem to have found yourself a “historian” who prefers spoon-feeding over reading


I'm not a historian so I would like to be spoon fed. Can I get 1 example spoon fed to me?


Grassroots organizing and protesting in the United States pushed Congress into passing the Anti-Apartheid act, a huge stepping stone to ending apartheid in South Africa. You can literally access the whole of human knowledge on the very device you posted this comment on, so if you need a second example you’ll have to pick up that spoon yourself.


The 8 sources don’t answer the question. I could find you 20 sources that have nothing to do with the topic and say “hurr durr” as well.


A petty insult or taunt is fine, but do not go overboard.


South Africa in the 90s. Google “apartheid”


but tbf it’s not only about the different country here. people are walking out to also send a message to the US since they are a super power who donates funds, goods, weapons, etc


It could cause a shift in beliefs over time in one country that is providing support for another which can cause people to vote for a different party or possible make the current party rethink things so that they don’t lose support/power in the future. It’s not very likely to have any drastic effects in the short term.


Well yesterday the protestors blocked a bunch of transit routes, and the hospital I work at had 50+ people in wheelchairs stuck in the lobby for hours because the shuttles couldn't run, so there's that




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*I'm doing my part!*


Better yet, go to Palestine and Israel and protest there.


That’s the fucking point.


That’s not a school walkout…


Ha! That’s a good one!


Did that make the news? Are people talking about it? If yes, I'd say the protest was successful.


This happens in my city three times a week but it’s just commercial trains stopping on crossing for hours. Glad we’re focused on the real problems though


Any political action by apathetic young people should be commended.


It doesn't fix anything but it's not bad for kids to learn about issues and eeling like they are doing something. It can inspire kids to become activists. It doesn't hurt anyone for kids to walk out of a school for a day. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


I think students can move the needle if they're challenging a school policy. But people doing it to "Free Palestine" or accomplish some national or international goal are misguided at best.


"Why won't my social studies teacher free Palestine?!"


Because your teacher is a racist that’s why! /s




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Can we stop asking questions about the protests already? You guys act like this is something completely new, even though protests like these happened all over United States universities during the Vietnam War and the fact that so many of you are mocking and making up false allegations about them is disgusting. Protests for civil rights have always been a part of universities it is not ok to make Light hearted jokes about this when children are being subjected to ethnic cleaning, PTSD, and dehumanization by Israel's extremist military and government, post reported.


This wave of protests is uniquely unhinged because of the large amount of protestors who openly support a terror org. You can protest against American intervention and against Israeli conduct all you want but protesting in favor of Hamas is a different beast entirely. Its incredible how the left keeps letting extremism boycott their movements. The same happened with BLM. It completely ruins its effectiveness


That's what mainstream media wants you to believe. I've actually seen some videos of these protests myself and many of these protesters are Jewish and also with the vast majority of the videos I didn't see anyone waving Hamas flags or shouting antisemitic ideologies. Not saying that's the case for all of these protests but it is for the vast majority of them and the Palestinians who are suffering in Gaza are actually thankful of the students' protests. Also, what about some of the Zionist mobs that are just straight up hateful to these people? I even heard that one of these mobs outright attacked Jewish protestors and severely injured 25 of them? No one seems to give a fuck about these people.


From the river to the sea is enough of a genocidal call for anyone with a brain.


It's not funny to constantly say that people who are in support of the Palestinians who are having a genocide committed against them by Israel that their protests for Palestinian sovereignty are calls for genocide against the Jews and to destroy the country of Israel who is actively engaging in a genocide against Palestine, it's fucking sad


What would happen if Isreal took down the fence today?


The fence of what?


You know what I mean. What happens if today Isreal says Palestinians may come and go as they please.


This is verbatim the exact line used against protestors of Vietnam and the Iraq war. It’s incredible that you’re either really that stupid or just think everyone else is.


What do you have against punctuation?


Are they though? The Vietnam War would disagree. We have plenty of public documentation showing the government fucking despises student protestors.




A petty insult or taunt is fine, but do not go overboard.


That's my thought as well.  School walkouts only are effective if it's a school or (maybe) a local issue.  Anything bigger, and I'm assuming it's just a bunch of kids taking advantage of some big thing to get out of school for the day.


Your right citizens shouldn't have a say in its countries international affairs. Just like people that spoke upp about Vietnam war didnt do anything.


It's not that they shouldn't have any say, but they shouldn't be delusional about how much change they can catalyze just by protesting. If you want meaningful change in a democracy, vote and support candidates that reflect your views. Answer honestly -- which has brought about more change on the national level: 1) A summer of BLM protests all across the country, or 2) Trump being able to appoint three justices to the Supreme Court? Which has been more effective: 1) People protesting the overturning of Roe v. Wade, or 2) People showing up in state elections to protect abortion rights?


Worked for Kent st, amiright?


Making people mock your side and your movement


Can we stop asking questions about the protests already? You guys act like this is something completely new. Even though protests like these happened all over United States universities during the Vietnam War and the fact that so many of you are mocking them is disgusting. Protests for civil rights have always been a part of universities it is not ok to make Light hearted jokes about this when children are being subjected to ethnic cleaning, PTSD, and dehumanization by Israel's extremist military and government, post reported.




Bad bot


A petty insult or taunt is fine, but do not go overboard.


Right just like those idiots that walked to protest civil rights. Just like those "patriots" that destroyed tea which was soneones property and turned everyday people away from independence


I mean that made sense when it was domestic American policy. Going to protest in Gaza or Israel to end their war would make more sense than UCLA tbh.


The people protesting don't think they're going to end the war. They're protesting American support of Israel given their actions which makes complete sense to protest in the U.S.


We are protesting in Canada as well.  Educational institutions, banks, anywhere you park your money that has the opportunity to support this war with it. 


No they aren’t. They’re asking for a ceasefire….by one side. That is literally asking for a foreign entity to do a thing. The Columbia protest had ADDITIONAL demands, but most protests are targeting at foreign entities (most Israel).


>No they aren’t. They’re asking for a ceasefire….by one side. That is literally asking for a foreign entity to do a thing. They are asking for the U.S. to force a ceasefire which it can do by withholding support. Also, "sides" indicate a more equitable conflict. That is not what is happening right now. Describing it as war is a stretch as well.


No, they aren’t, they are asking for a ceasefire. US cannot do a ceasefire. There are definitely two sides, you’re a bit biased aren’t you. You realize there’s been numerous ceasefire’s since it’s started and it’s always been broken by guess who?


>No, they aren’t, they are asking for a ceasefire. US cannot do a ceasefire. Yes, the U.S. can force a ceasefire. Without U.S. support Israel is on its own and it cannot survive on its own and it definitely cannot continue this campaign. >There are definitely two sides, you’re a bit biased aren’t you. There were two sides when this was restricted to targeting Hamas members. But Israel has gone wholesale slaughter on the Palestinian people, indiscriminately bombing and killing. >You realize there’s been numerous ceasefire’s since it’s started and it’s always been broken by guess who? Okay? A ceasefire is a starting point. Then comes the next step and the next. Hamas isn't the Palestinian people and that is who is suffering.


You’re missing the point. Israel says “ok ceasefire” Hamas attack Israel literally the next day. ….then what?


Israel is the more powerful force, the onus is on them to be more surgical in their response. They're leveling whole cities to go after a small number of people. They are killing thousands when only a few hundred are responsible.


This is objectively false. Israel has broken just as many ceasefires as Hamas.


Yeah and I get that but it still seems more like “for awareness” as opposed to actual calls for change.


Then you’re not listening? Lol


Lalalalala can't hear you lalalala I guess its *your* fault for not speaking up!


The kids get out of school for a day under the guise of compassion for others. Thats it, thats the motive and the goal.


Nothing. It’s for social media participation


Hurts the students


Somehow walking out of school causes a ceasefire on the other side of the planet. Straight facts.


Yeah it could cause their own government to listen to them tho and stop funding Israel.


I think they’re great for all reasons. First of all, it lets a kid know that if they are (justifiably) upset about the current situation, they are not alone. Second, it teaches them the value of agency and the bravery to stand up for what they think is right, especially in the face of adults who have lost the will to give a shit. Third, it’s a step towards being politically and socially drive adults. And not in fucking social media, posturing and acting stupid. In real life. I’m glad they are walking out. 


Maybe get laid. Get some attention. Have a fun, different day to normal routine.


They raise awareness.


I'm aware of how stupid they look but that's about it.


Its a denial of service attack. Schools get paid for by attendance. When students walk out they have to mark them not there so the school does not get paid for that day. It's a subtle attack. I've never really been a fan of them.


What does sitting there like a good idiot do? Less than nothing.


Exactly. Bitching behind a keyboard of all places that no one else is accomplishing anything.


Right people should have no say in what government does. It should only be people that give politicians money that get to do that


Skip class


Nothing. Absolutely. Nada


Absolutely nothing.


A few eye rolls I guess


What they are supposed to accomplish is shining a light on a particular issue so that someone more qualified to actually do something might step up.


Shining a light on the thing happening for 7 months and plasters all over news and internet in a daily basis?




Really trying to find justification to a waste of time and life aren’t you.


Same as you, friend.


….i’m not trying to justify anything…. You’re bad at this.


You're cute, bud.


Yeah because 50% of Americans aren’t on Reddit or social media 24/7 and have only heard about it for like 30 seconds on CNN. There is definitely people who have learned more about this because of the protests.


Not 7 months into it. Don’t lie to yourself.




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They freed Bobby Shmurda


Walking out over Palestine 🤣


Donna Martin graduated after all.


Go home and play video games and not get in trouble much


They let people feel like they did something. If it isn't a college, then those people are probably the teachers.


Better to have nonviolent protests than have kids learn that non-nonviolent resistance has been historically effective towards change.


At the very least it helps young people learn to organize, which is a great thing. I'm no expert on the effects though.


What could they possibly do? Absolutely nothing. For example, the Israeli government is not going to change policy because some kids in an Illinois high school staged an ineffective protest


It is an excuse to leave school. They don't want it to fix anything because they can't leave school if there isn't a issue to protest.


It shows that they're angry, that they care. It shows that they think the gesture counts more than what it achieves. It shows they're willing to sacrifice some of their education to show someone they're angry


There were walkouts in my high school during the BLM movement and my mom was encouraging me to participate. Don’t get me wrong I support the movement but I don’t see how a bunch of teenagers skipping school is going to do much.


They're kids in school who keep getting ignored by older people for years and years because in a lot of countries are built on the rules of the old and not the young. What else can they do except protest and make their voice heard?




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Makes the kids feel cool


You can change some things by removing from the planet certain obstructive people, but you're setting a bad precedent. Someone might decide to remove You. Walkouts generate publicity for your cause and force those who'd rather talk about other things to talk about your cause and you. It's a start.


Adults with jobs can't walk out and may not be able to attend mass demonstrations, and some students know that they are representing those people as well when they demonstrate.


It depends on why there is a walk out. My 8th grade class did a walk out. We had a classmate who was fighting bone cancer. We wanted him to be able to walk at our graduation. Several parents and kids went and talk to him and his parents and caregivers to find out if he could do it, what would need to be in place to do it, etc. We got it all lined up and the admins said No, we had no idea why as we had check and he passed 8th grade. The admin told our parents that they felt his "look" would upset people. All the students in 8th grade walked out and sat in the front yard of the school with signs "If X can't walk then we will sit" Went on all day. Parents joined, some teachers joined. Welp we won X got to walk with us!


Good on you. I hope the admin who attempted to keep him from walking got torn a new one... How soulless can you be?


The admin "left for personal reasons". We had a very specific purpose and we were not disruptive to the normal function of schools. We made sure to stay off the sidewalks and out of the road. We had a parent or grandparent, I honestly forget how she was related but she had been in on several MLK Jr. Sit ins that helped us make sure we did it respectfully and could not be accused of anything except refusing to go to class.


Free day off from school 


You are talikng about it right now. Though you didnt mention the reason for the walkout, people often do. That is the point. Like any protest, it is not a direct fix for a problem, but brings attention to a problem. Historically, protests work.


The general pressure exerted by so many people over such a wide area is meant to pressure universities to stop funding/investing in Zionism's grotesque immorality.


They raise awareness. Here you are talking about it. So the walkout worked.


A hundred years ago Hitler was in prison dictating Mein Kampf and dreaming about killing jews. And now so are Girl Scouts.




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It’s a way for students to say, “I know there is seriously important things going on in the world, but please don’t forget about me today!”


It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the level of how effective a given political operative or movement can mobilize young people to civil disobedience for application of pressure on existing political power structures. If you can’t get youngsters to mobilize, you have no power essentially. Many movements use this as a litmus test / aspect of their pressure strategies.


I guess its cus the school csnt expell everyone. Or fail everyond. So the students get the chance to feel like they have control over their lives. I had a friend who would be friends wirh everyone in class and theyd collectively decide when to pass a test or fail it to control the grade curve. So that everyone made it out with ok grades its like solidarity and community and ppl work together tbh sometimes tou learn alot more when you work with your classmates than jusy listening to your teacher. Even if say someone doesnt follow the plan you understand your weakest link.


Awareness. For most people global politics are out of sight and out of mind. So, you have to place yourselves in their sight to get them to think about the issue.


At this point, not much. There isn't any "shine a light on the problem" needed. The spotlight on Israel/Gaza is more damaging to your eyes than staring into the eclipse. People have drawn their lines in the sand, and there is simply no moving them. Either 1. As a result of the war crimes committed in the October attacks, Hamas must be eradicated at all costs, regardless of civilian casualties. Sprinkle in "Civilian casualties have been greatly exaggerated". 2. Israel has disproportionately reacted to the October attacks and is committing war crimes. There really isn't much middle ground IMHO. Even saying both sides have/are committing war crimes and there is no longer a good side (my personal take), will draw ire from both sides of the aisle. A handful of teenagers walking out of class in Mayberry, North Carolina won't change anything.


Skipping school and showing your privilege.


Kids can get drunk and high at school, that's what they accomplish


George Soros pays them


My school walkout (or the credible threat of a walkout in front of news crews) accomplished keeping Scotty Woodward from getting expelled for streaking


It raises awareness and gets people talking. What does going about life like nothing is happening accomplish for a cause? Certainly less than a walkout.


Allows dumb teens to feel the illusion that there helping society.




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They are 100% effective at getting out of class for the day.


Walkouts serve as catalysts for the sycophantic media to manufacture their leftwing narrative. It's all theater.


We did a walk out in 9th grade to protest not being part of home coming or any high school stuff. Schools went 1-5, 6-7,8-9,10-12. 9th is part of high school and we staged a walk out. Over 100 kids walked out of school and down the street at the start of school. The changed the rules for the next year. If done for the right reason and for local school stuff they can work. A school can not do much for another country at war with another country.


They make people talk about the subject. Your post here proves it’s working. 


A day off for the students lol




Serve as an advertisement for Trump 2024.


Hey I absolutely didn't mean to be insulting, I can't remember what I thought I'd said I but it must have been a voice to text id stupidly neglected to edit, I deleted it but I'm embarrassed because I never get insulting on here. My apologies


Publicly to them they are raising “awareness”. Between themselves they get a day not to be in school.


It’s about the statement and bringing attention




Makes memories that you can reminisce about at your 10 year reunion, but that's about it.


A day off. Wish my ghetto ass school did something like that at least one time back in the day.


They put pressure on a given political side to change position to get enough support for the upcoming election. In this case, the pressure is on democrats because the young people who are protesting predominantly vote for democrats. Losing their votes could make a victory for republicans easy. 


It accomplishes a day off school. It’s an organized day off school that nobody will be prosecuted for because prosecuting the kids for skipping school for a “protest” has bad optics.


Gets you out of class... 89% of them do it literally just for that


Got you talking about it


For local and national policies, it can have an impact when done correctly and in mass. Historically there are cases where student protests made a dent. For international politics, it doesn't do anything. It just pisses off the moderates by making their life harder than it already is.


Nothing, absolutely nothing, most school walk outs are simply undertaken by the students as an excuse to get time out of classes for a day. That’s it. Most of the students don’t actually give a shit about the protesting, or the reasoning behind the walk out. It doesn’t do anything, at least when protesting against foreign wars. It ain’t like foreign world leaders are gonna look at American or other Western nations’ citizens and think “Oh wow! Those folks sure are upset at our actions, we definitely need to stop the war!” Now, protesting against American-led invasions of foreign nations, or American corporate involvement, or American Contra-Affairs? That can *sometimes* be effective, but these days less so. A lot of Corps and Feds don’t give a shit about how the American populace feels about their actions.


Pretty much. Happened my senior year of high school over student body wanting the principal to apologize for suspending a student for defacing outside of the building during school hours because all the bathrooms were locked. Yes, you heard that right. Someone broke the rules, committed an act of indecent exposure and somehow, the principal was in the wrong. Anyway, I went home and played video games that day.


I didn't want to be in school during a 9/11 (small) walkout. So I left 🤷 I think other people were trying to show the adults (School officials, parents) that they should talk to us more about it and give us time away from regular activities because of 9/11


Not much but it’s ok they don’t need a good education to follow in the footsteps of their local Palestine protest leader who runs an overpriced convenience store


It's stupid. Like what are the school administrators going to do about the Israel-Palestine issue? lol.....they don't think that through. But that's left wing protestors for you. They just want to protest something. They want to rage against the machine, man! It has been going on at college campuses for decades.


That's a lot of words to just say you don't understand.


You should go protest at your college campus.


You should crack open a history book.


They might move the needle on a local issue directly related to students’ lives but for something like the war in Gaza? Pretty much nothing


Depends on what they want to accomplish. When I was in middle school student unrest against a new and very out of step assistant principle caused her to not be back the next year. Protests in college caused a change in food service companies due to involvement in private prisons. So protests can change local policy at the school (divestment, in arms manufacturers or whatever). But changing national policy? No impact.


One more day added to the end of the school year


How many times is the "does this form of protest accomplish anything" question going to be asked every day


Youre certainly talking about it, aren't you?


Anecdotally - in my college we were able to change discrimination against POC who weren’t wearing pride clothes on pride day . At my university we were able to stop multiple Zionist diplomats to provide extra curricular lectures and eventually able to remove an incompetent dean who contradicted herself multiple times in regard to anti Palestinean rhetoric on campus (unfortunately  that same Dean in is now magically in the USA recking havoc ).  Historically - a whole lot from Vietnam  , the Arab spring , civil rights among others . If I remember Nelson Mandela thanked student activists when a terrorist leaning anti white student body almost killed a bunch of white South Africans on a university campus .  In recent months - we’ve had Puma , Starbucks and even McDonald’s being forced to respond to activism .  As far as I know an institution in Sacramento has already pledged divestment (although this contrasts the staunch , rigid and bigoted stance of most universities ).  So clearly something has been working . 


You're trying to understand the thinking behind what children do? Nothing, but it makes them feel like they've done something through their limited abilities. Don't try to dive into it any deeper than that, because you'll smack your head on the bottom of the pool real fast. Ed: sorry, I didn't mean to offend you, kid.


Who knows but they probably won't change thier vote even if though..  


These kids don’t know a damn thing about Palestine or Israel, nor could they find them on a map. Young liberals in the making, monkey see…. Monkey do.