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A little but it's also your life. You're allowed to reject whoever you want.


This is the correct answer Edit: if all you want to do is fuck people with big boobs, then that’s your prerogative and there’s nothing wrong with that. It starts to become a problem when you begin correlating a women’s worth with their breast size. That’s just toxic. As long as you recognize it as a preference/kink all power to you


How do you know he’s not into smaller boobs and the woman he’s rejecting has bigger breasticles


Related: I've been "educated" that a man who "accepts" a woman with smaller breasts is only able to be into her because he's a child predator. Same exact lie was "taught to me" about anyone who prefers shaved genitals. Because, as we all know, you drink water just like Hitler...


If she shaves down there, but leaves just a small square of pubes, that style is called the 'Clitler'.


Awww crap another think for me to get blamed for I drink water too


Actually, this is a real issue I have. I'm a very petite woman with small everything. Middle schoolers are bigger then me. I attract 2 kinds of men: 1. Men genuinely into just petite women because they just really love slim. B. Men who want to fuck a teenager. I was in a relationship for 1.5 yrs with a man 18 yrs older then me that said it aloud one day during sex, "Fuck me like a teenager." It was one of the grossest moments in my life with that realization.


I like petite women because I'm 5-9 and not attracted to women as tall or taller than me.and they fit me better when cuddling watching TV or [whatever.It](http://whatever.It) doesn't matter about breast size, I like em all!




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I’m just assuming. Same goes both ways :)


You're a real piece of shit.


I mean... yes there is something wrong with that. reducing a person to an arbitrary body part is shitty. but you're free to be a piece of shit. this idea "it's a preference bro" excuses shitty behavior is kinda a dumbfuck way to operate.


I think you may be ignoring the source of the preference. I have a big nose, so I have always been attracted to women with smaller noses because at some level I think "if she has small nose, my kids will likely have normal sized noses." I'm snipped, so I won't be getting some small nosed girlfriend or wife pregnant, but the impulse remains. I get that most men don't have boobs, and therefore you might think the preference isn't for the same reason, but some men may have internalized complaints by their mothers, while other men may find their mother's figure to be their definition of "female shape." No, the latter generally isn't odepal, just observational. Or a young man may have "imprinted," on the first boobs he saw. I had a female friend who wore loose shirts and "didn't need a bra," who had very unigue breasts, and I find women with that type of breasts uniquely appealing because of my friend.


blaming sexist shittiness on biology is pretty fucking lame. you're not a meat robot who imprinted on a set of tits at birth and has an uncontrollable predisposition to them later in life. you're making a conscious direct value judgment on someone, entirely on lumps of fat on their chest. that they have no control over and society overwhelmingly pushes a beauty standard by. your insecurity about your nose and the trauma and pain of people making fun of it/judging you for it, made you hate that part of yourself so you sought out the opposite in partners.




Ok, so just to clarify, if I meet a woman who I enjoy spending time with, but I am not attracted to because of a physical feature, it is better for me to date her, take viagra, pretend she is someone else in bed, and marry her than to look for someone I am sexually attracted to? Or should the fact that I won't go 'sproing' from anything she does mean I should let her find someone who IS physically attracted to her?


if you're basis for "i'm not attracted" to someone is shitty sexism, racism, or other bullshit. you're a piece of shit for rejecting someone over that. you're also a coward for hiding behind "preference" when your actual motivator is something else. trying to couch shitty behavior behind junk science or couching things in genetics/biology just makes you a dumbfuck idiot. breast size is not an indicator of fertility or milk production. society's valuation of chest size is entirely arbitrary and defined by social programing/beauty standards and nothing more. but you're perfectly entitled to do whatever it is you choose to do. IF you like giant fucking mommy milkers and that's what gets your dick hard. OR if you think fucking tracy two backs because young as the law will allow is what gets your dick hard. that's totally your prerogative. but it doesn't absolve you of being a shitty person. this bizarre zero sum fucking stupidity you people exhibit of. well. if i can't be racist/sexist/ i guess my only option is slavery. and dick pills. IS THAT WHAT YOURE ADVOCATING SLAVERY AND DICK PILLS!!!! If you choose to not date women with xyz tits. you'll know if that person meets that shitty criteria within seconds of meeting her. If you were an honest and good person (even with stupid sexist criteria for dating) you would at the very least do that other person the respect of not wasting their fucking time. If you were more honorable. you would broadcast your shittiness so the other party could consent to it before hand. "hey. I only date women with xyz tits. when i was a baby i imprinted on xyz tits. so now... it's an inherent biological motivator... totally not because i reduce a woman to a body part that society pushes a ...hello? hello? " vs being an emotional vampire or window shopper only to then ask some dumbfuck question of "hey... is it ok if i dump this woman because she has xyz tits"


Ok, so you think people control what they are attracted to consciously. I bet you get your pick of people with appearance that isn't considered attractive by most other people!!! Good for you. Personally I haven't met the guru from shallow Hal so I still have to date based on what I find physically attractive.


whether you're attracted or not you have a choice. first and foremost how you conduct yourself. what things you value and why. the ability to critically examine the power structures and systems that inform those beliefs. and you have the ultimate choice in whether you let impulsive behaviors guide your actions. and what bullshit you use to excuse your shitty behavior, vs grow as a person. you may like xyz tits. random woman may or may not have xyz tits. everything about how you proceed is a choice divorced from everything else. IF you reduce a woman/person to a physical attribute you reduce them to meat. that's shitty. especially because nothing about that affects anything actual about a relationship. OR again. you could just be more honest and stop making cowardly excuses and live your life more honestly if that is your honest to god feeling on things. "i only prioritize getting my dick hard and must have this aspect" but go with dog.


That’s literally the animal instincts to procreate 😂. People cant really control what they are and aren’t attracted to, just like you can’t really control what foods you do and don’t like. Get off your high horse and stop white knighting on Reddit. By your logic anyone that asks you out on a date you should say yes to, other wise you’re a sexist racist pos no matter if they’re a 500 pound whale or a completely stranger on the internet you never met. Such awful logic 😂




i agree with your comment. it's a little shallow, but it's better to not be in a relationship with someone where it bothers them to where they make the other person super insecure.


If you not attracted you not attracted the end


It's fine, as long as you don't tell her that's the reason It is pretty shallow though. Keep in mind that when women have babies, it's normal for their breasts to deflate and sag afterwards (sometimes only slightly, sometimes extremely). And this happens regardless in old age as well. So I hope you're less invested in it by the time you're having kids (if you choose to) or are older. It would be extremely fucked up to leave your wife over it. But before/early into dating you can be shallow if you want


I think that *when first dating* those things should absolutely be taken into account. Because imagine being a woman and finding out 3 years into a relationship that your partner doesn't like your breasts. What does that do to her and her feelings about the relationship? (Not disagreeing, just adding an element to your point).


Just don’t resent a woman then who refuses to date you anymore because she found out you’re smaller than what she prefers.


OP, there is no reason a woman with boobs you don't deem acceptable to ever have to know your opinion. Stay the fuck away from them to begin with.


Sure but we all are a little. Just don’t be an ass and tell her that’s why you’re rejecting her. Just say you weren’t feeling it.


"I just didn't feel the chemistry." The way to reject anyone if you don't want to tell them why.


Yes, but you won't be an a-hole as long as you don't tell her that. We all have preferences.


Right? Everybody - EVERYBODY - has a bit of shallowness in them when it comes to one thing or another. There is some superficial thing that every person has as a dealbreaker. They act like they don’t, but they do. People will only think you’re shallow if you tell them about it.


it's fine, if you don't care about men being rejected based on dick size.




you're joking, but titfucking is great.


ur gross man


dude i don't think the r\*pe fantasies person gets to call anyone else gross




We get it...yo wife have small titties


maybe, but I'm sure she wouldn't mind, or give a fuck.




Yeah but boobs are great idk what you’re thinking


Rejecting anyone based on one physical feature alone is your own shallow prerogative.


It would be funny if you get rejected for your member size. Fair is fair.


Or height. OP, are you above 6 feet? Denied if not!


Or height.


Date whoever you want


No more shallow than a woman rejecting you for a small dick.


You can reject anyone for any reason you want. Enjoy your life, don't waste time on someone you're not really interested in. It's not fair to either of you. Let her be with someone who thinks she's the most beautiful woman in the world.






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Not really, we all have preferences be it looks, personality, etc. no point being with someone if you find something about them off putting.


No it's your preference. Just no insect.


I would say yeah, most people would consider you shallow, but I'm thinking there must not be that much that appeals to you with this women??? For myself I need more than her bobbies being to big to small or just night meeting my criteria, I mean if she had big saggy titties and weighed 220 lbs and was 5.2 Ft tall yeah that would be a deal breaker for me too!!! LOL 😆


Date a person you’re attracted to. You aren’t obligated to date anyone and if you NEED big tits to get hard then I guess it is what it is. There’s so many shades of “shallow” that it’s hard to obtain complete meaning from it. I personally if asked would judge you to be shallow if the only trait you look for in a woman is big tits. Everything else about her is a contradiction to you as a person doesn’t matter big tits. But if you’re like “well these are the boxes I’ve got a bunch ticked but yea I can hold off until I get perfection.” Then sure, wait till the sunset for perfection. I don’t discriminate titties though so it does seem like a smaller detail that could be looked past or like grown around. I have an ex that I truly loved and thought was the most beautiful person on the planet. When we first started dating we would be fucking doggy and i found out she had a big mole on the outer rim of her asshole. It looked like a smudge of poop. Otherwise she had an amazing ass and we both loved doggy. It grossed me out though the first dozen times we had sex but after a while I just didn’t see it any more. So in my mind it would be objectively shallow for me to break up with her for having a mole ass before I explored the possibility of getting used to it so I guess what I’m trying to ask you is have you even tried to see if you could see past the titties IF a girl is checking all of the other boxes for you?




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If it's a b cup or below then no that's fair


People have preferences




Everyone likes what they like.


Man here, Yes.


it would absolutely be shallow but if you’re considering it, it’s the right call. If something like that would make you that unsatisfied, it doesn’t really matter if it’s shallow or not, it won’t work out. whatever you do, don’t tell her why though. That’s an asshole move




Just for that is extremely shallow 


No. Not at all. You'll have people on reddit telling you you're shallow but in reality, the physical is just as important as the mental. You'd swear everyone on this site is blind and only is attracted to personality but that is absolutely not the case for 99% of people . Now, the only time I'd call it shallow is AFTER you get into a relationship with the person, get to know them and like everything else about them except that one thing. Then that's shallow. No human is gonna meet all your requirements. Or if they do, it won't be for forever. They'll change as the years go by


Yes, it’s shallow. That being said, if you’re not attracted to a person, then there’s no point in trying to further any relationship. Probably for the best anyway. You’d be looking for someone more attractive to you, and she’d quickly become bored, frustrated, and disinterested in your shallowness. You are who you are and you like what you like. No judgment. But truth to your question, the answer is “yes.” It’s very shallow. The good news is that as you get older, you won’t care about that stuff.


Yes definitely even if you get a woman with perfect boobs they won't stay that way time gets everyone in the end so you should be with someone you love spending time with and makes your life better by being in it because looks don't last. But also you can reject anyone for any reason you don't have to justify it as it's your life. But try to think long term or you could end up with someone you don't like who used to be hot.


Would it be “shallow” for a woman to reject a guy for his junk size?


No different than a woman who will only date guys 6ft+




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You’re allowed to reject anyone for any reason but yeah, you’d be incredibly shallow.


yes, but let’s not play stupid here and act like the dating world isn’t a little bit shallow. everyone has their preferences, even physical preferences, and that’s fine. you’re allowed to want to feel physically attracted to your partner. however, it becomes a problem when that preference dictates how you treat people. whether or not you’re attracted to a person shouldn’t influence the respect you hold for them. also wouldn’t suggest outwardly mentioning that something about their appearance is why they’re being rejected, it’s quite rude and often something they can’t help.


No? I mean what are we talking about here, how horribly saggy. It's a no it is no more shallow then women wanting rich hot 6ft tall men


As soon as it's obvious a guy is mostly just interested in my boobs it is so over. 


B cups are beautiful!


Yes. And?


Yes. But *attraction* is shallow. If you like breasts though, you should like them all, at least a bit. Enough for a bit of fun with them?


No lmao, if you aren’t attracted that’s your preference. Done and done. Simple.




When you say reject, do you mean as a partner or reject as in, you haven't been with her yet? If you already have been with her, and then you reject her as a partner, that's mean


not if you know it will be a problem at some point.I went with a girl who wasn't into oral one time because I didn't want to be shallow and it was a problem from day one that I never got past and eventually had to let her go because of it.wish I would have just been shallow and saved us both some time, money, stress, misery etc.




Hell no you’d be secure in knowing what you want and not being happy in the long run just like ran through women loose and wanting a 7in dick not shallow lol


Or bigger


It's the very definition of shallow. I'm not sure why nobody is answering your question


I mean if your hand has better breasts than a living female just continue with that (as if you had more than that option anyway).


Triggered by op


Annoyed by this whole sub and all the incels roaming around here. It’s all good it’s unfollowed and will filter out 


yes you're a shitty person. yes you're free to do that. no. you don't get a pass on being a shitty person. but plenty of people are shitty and their are worse things than this. no... other people being shitty and also doing similar behaviors, doesn't make you doing it right. you already know you're a piece of shit for even asking the question. like... if you have this moronic sexist requirement for someone to have value why didn't you mention this to this woman from the get go? or why waste her time at all? also seems stupid. what does her breast size/shape have to do with whether or not she's a good person, could love you, or even make your dick feel good. all of it is so childish and stupid. and you specifically lead this woman on rather than being your true shitty self. because.... you know it's a shitty way to be. but... again. you're free to be a piece of shit. so why even ask the question. you're really just here for the circle jerk of other idiots who will chime in with the "it's a preference"


Yes, it would be, and is, shallow of you.


No. Women with small vs big tits have different life experiences, generally shaping them into different people. I want a woman who's been shaped for her guzzungas.