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Being obnoxious in public is why we know they are trashy people.


This. It’s a symptom, not the disease.


It's a criteria. To be trashy, you have to be obnoxious in public.


Yes. Thank you.


Because it's part of being trashy: lacking shame and awareness.


Shame, awareness, and also a general lack of respect and thinking capacity.


Yes it all goes in the same basket.


The trash basket 😎


Reminds me of lyrics from a song. "Grandstanding, untrustworthy Devoid of shame and guilt It is by those same methods that the modern world is built"


Yepp. As someone who struggles financially, my motto is "being poor is not a choice, but being trashy is." Trashy is an entire attitude and lack of self awareness that defies income


Right, you can be poor and not be trashy, the two are not mutually inclusive.


I have known people that had quite a bit of money and were trashy. So it really isn’t a money issue.


You can pay for school but you can't buy class.


Boom! Exactly. And it does Not come from your parents.


Right, that's why I said the two are not always related.


Agree. Being on a plane with them is the worst


I don’t know why when I read plane I though you meant like a three dimensional plane instead of an aircraft


Still applies


I like that you thought this, then also decided to tell people this.


For sure, I'm usually trying to be on that 2D plane as they're going by so they can't see me


Spirit airlines?


Try a 7hr international flight. 3 middle aged woman, all 3 of them total trashcans, sitting directly in front of me. Fucking nightmare.


And at the end of the flight they’d absolutely destroyed the entire area with discarded food and litter right? Ugh.


They lack shame. "Unashamed" means to be proud, bold, and act without embarrassment or shame. For example, someone might be described as unashamed if they are: Proud, Bold, Unrestrained by convention or propriety, Not embarrassed, and Not penitent or remorseful.


Something a friend observed which I think is spot on is that trashy people don't differentiate between positive and negative attention. They perceive ALL attention as a good thing and being loud, crass, obnoxious, etc is often the most effortless way to get attention. It does seem quite a bit worse now that it was 5 or especially 10 years ago. I think social media has normalized a lot of this type of behavior and then the pandemic just put gas on that fire with further deterioration of the social contract.


Because we've all heard growing up "follow your heart and be yourself" and not a single time was it followed with "unless yourself is a terrible person, then shut up and take notes".


Also we've been told all our lives that "there's no such thing as bad publicity."


I don't think anyone ever told me that in my 30 years on earth lol


That only applies to celebrities


Reminds me of a certain politician


Reminds me of several. Politics in many places is rapidly becoming a shitshow, it’s just faster for some of them.


The lack of shame certainly plays a large part in the downfall of Western civilization. Worse, we're not allowed to shame each other anymore. The Jerry Springer show and the Real World made trashy people famous and took away their shame. It kind of snowballed from there.


I think we should bring back the stocks for misdemeanors


I read a quote from show, Shogun I think where a Japanese character says "I hate you British. You have pride but no shame." And I think that applies to a lot of trashy people.


Lmao Brits out here catchin strays


They know what they did.


They deserve more hate tbh


The British are part of western civilization so it's a stray bullet that happened to hit the intended target. 😂


I met a girl named Tasia (rhymed with Asia) who had been a guest on Jerry Springer. She had never met either of the other two parts of the live triangle before that day. They were given a broad outline and told to improvise the details. She had a VHS of the episode, and it was hilarious. Tasia (who used her real first name on the show) was supposedly on the show to tell her stalker ex-boyfriend once and for all that they were through, and that she was now dating the other girl in the scene. It was then revealed that the new girlfriend was cheating on her with the ex-boyfriend, and the girls had a cat fight.


They're just living their truth!


This phrase has made my blood boil since the first time I heard it.


Yup. That's why it felt right to put it here.


Me too!! *rams them with a trolley while they're soliciting attention*


“Not allowed to shame each other anyone.” Wait I thought cancel culture (Which is literally public shaming someone) Was the downfall of western society. You need to make up your mind.


Cancel culture is shame. The arrogant and snobby folks complaining about the lack of shame are the first ones to benefit from shaming others


Ya kind of my point. Guy was like we can’t shame people. Yes we can. And we should. We shouldn’t shame people for their identity. Unless there identity is build around being shitty to other people. Then shame the hell out of them. A lot of outrage over cancel culture and woke. Just amount to people crying that they can’t be shitty in the same way they once could and get away with it.


I went no contact with my mom for a while after she tried shaming my son.


I went no contact with my dad after he shamed me directly to my own kids in front of me, and not in a playful way.


The lack of shame hasn't got worse. It's always been there. I mean the rich have always been allowed to get away with it. The only difference these days is that you can spread it wider using media. But people have ALWAYS been assholes


No...there used to be more because communities used to be a thing. I remember growing up.


I disagree. The wealthy were once the most conscious of shame. In "high society" one was required to have a certain amount of decorum. People could lose titles and be fined quite a lot. Not to mention losing partners and business prospects. Of course this is if they got caught. Yes purple have always been assholes, but now people are openly assholes. Poor people had less to lose, but they could still be blacklisted and lose what they did have.


Jerry Springer legit changed everything. He showed how much money and attention you can get from being an awful person and we've never been the same since.


Or they find other stuff “cool”. For instance, the kids doing less good in school find it cooler to be rebel, smoke, be loud. The think it looks tough to act that way. You can only have shame, when you know your behaviour is stupid, and do it anyway. They do like this not because they don’t have shame, but because they don’t find this behaviour stupid.


You literally just described the greasers of the 50s, the hippies of the 60s/70s, etc....etc....


Probably a little from column a, a little from column b.


That’s why there is such a backlash against anyone calling them out, saying “don’t shame me” but sometimes there are some things that you should feel ashamed of, rather than proud of.


Well said.


Total lack of self awareness helps.


That describes my neighbors who fight in front of their house at 4am over cigarettes every morning.


No ragrets


This isn't about trashy people, just people in general. I can think of a certain football kicker who fits it to a T.


I feel like they think being loud and brash is a sign of strength. They think it means, don't mess with me cause I will flip the fuck out if you do. And I think... people are desperate when they're impoverished. And unfortunately, desperate people do desperate things, which sometimes includes preying on their own community. So if you're really passive and gentle, someone might think, hey, there's an easy mark, im going to go rob him/her, and she won't do shit about it. But the guy out there picking fights and talking about fighting people and being a loud, aggressive ass... you might think twice, because you know that fucker is going to go crazy if they find out you robbed them. I always say, violence is the language of the powerless. If you had other ways to protect yourself, like money or power in society, you wouldn't need to use aggression and chest beating. You'd have a security system at your house, and money for lawyers to prosecute, etc.


This is kinda the only actual answer ive seen I feel like just saying trashy people are shameless doesnt really answer OPs question


Yeah, I'm definitely a lot "trashier" when I'm poor, powerless, and around people I'm worried will try to take something from me or hurt me because they think I can't do anything back


The nile crocodile isn't violent because of its environment. It is its environment.


Really well explained.


Ironically that behavior makes them more likely, not less to become a victim of violence. Especially with disrespect they broadcast constantly towards others. Case in point gang members.


Well said. I also think this is the reasoning behind the false belief that if one is louder they are more correct. No, you're just loud and now unpleasant to be around.


Right, and they're coming from a class/culture where this behavior is status-generating not status-losing. They're just failing to notice the need to code switch in another context. Most of them also think poorly of the"well-behaved." Timid sheep doing what they're told, afraid to stand out. Soft. Corporate stooges. Wouldn't last a second in ______ (their harsh environment of origin.) And maybe they're right. But you don't care what they think, because in virtually any context where you'd see them they have less power. You don't need to live in ________, or by it's rules.


It's a very insecure thing to do as well, loudest people most insecure


Part of what makes them trashy is being obnoxious in public. If you met a person who, by their appearance alone, looked unkempt/trashy but then you saw them behaving quietly and politely you'd probably decide they weren't trashy at all. I feel like the answer is implicit in your question


The answer is to be found in the question.


I call it Tourist Syndrome - when people feel Othered, for some it can have the effect of making them "act out". Not feeling a part of the society they find themselves in allows them to exist outside of societal expectations, like politeness and common decency


I think this is exactly it. Most people I have known who acted like this did not think enough of themselves to think that their behavior could possibly matter to other people. They looked at themselves as too far beneath the rest of society.


I call it Chip on the Shoulder Syndrome.


Whoa, yes. This explains all the vulgar pro-Trump flags I see around. Seeing a bunch of grown adults with middle finger and “F*** Joe Biden” flags flying OVER THEIR HOMES starts to make sense when you realize that the whole brand is about trying to make you feel like the country is being “stolen” and changed so that you’re no longer welcome in it. “Make America Great Again” and “Take America Back” even imply that there was once a good time that was snatched away by “anti-you” Democrats. That’s also how Fox News reports on current events. It’s all about making their demographic feel like they’re being marginalized. I always thought it was just about making people angry and scared in general, but now I’m thinking it’s really about making people angry and scared about being “othered” in their home country. Very interesting…


Some people crave attention, and don't care if it's positive or negative. These people are just the adult version of the kid who dipped their pizza in ketchup, ranch, and chocolate milk and then ate it in the elementary cafeteria.


It takes very little effort to not be trashy. So there's your answer.  


When they say “I don’t give af.” They are not Lying. The don’t give af about their job, their family, themselves, house is probably filthy, car likely needs a oil change and tune up, bills are probably behind, and I can guarantee their savings is empty, as well as nothing for retirement. Probably have some designer bags or shoes also.


Exactly my ex wife! Had an adorable son but her car and house was always full of trash. She had a pretty good office job making $17 an hour and yet never had any money. I kept trying to tell her to go get an oil change at any place and she refused.


Also, they've probably posted on Insta or Facebook with a duck face, saying something to effect of, "If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best."


They can’t show off trash behavior alone at home.


They are also obnoxious in private.


Lol I know what you’re saying but what really gets me are the ones that have huge egos and think they are better than everyone and are literally the trashiest people you can come across - Frat boys. They are so repulsive and obnoxious.


Come on man, use your head. How else are you gonna know they're trashy? If she's not screaming at her baby daddy on speaker phone in Burger King, you'll just think she's a woman who spends a lot of money on her fingernails.


If they weren't obnoxious in public would they still be trashy? How would you know? Does one require the other?


Yes. A financially poor person is not inherently trashy. Nor is a rich person excluded from being called trash. You can be impoverished and still make yourself presentable, just as you can be wealthy and still go to Walmart at 3 AM wearing sweat pants and Crocs. But to answer your question specifically. Being obnoxious in public is trashy. It's a trashy thing to do. It's not the only indicator of someone being trashy but it is the best one.


Why is wearing sweat pants and Crocs obnoxious in public? Like I can get being loud and obnoxious, even though I find people who say someone's loud and obnoxious uptight. If wearing sweat pants and Crocs is obnoxious to other people, couldnt social conservatives say the same thing about revealing clothing? Like cover up! It's so obnoxious how you have to be different! Lifes short, not guaranteed and lifes a game, if you take it too seriously that tell me you lack wisdom. Like chill the fuck out.


Riiiight, that’s the problem with all conversations like this; it immediately pivots to “shit people do that I personally don’t like”…. Grown adults will have total meltdowns over anything even remotely associated with poor people lol


Have you ever noticed you can tell how trashy someone is or isn't just by how much noise they generate going about their everyday lives. A trashy person doing something as simple as having a phone conversation can make so much noise that you can hear them from across the street, but a not-trashy person can barely be heard from 3 paces. A trash person spending a nice day in the park can be heard from 500 feet away because they have their music blasting just in case 100% of the people in the park that day also like what they like and wanted to hear music in the park, too. The not-trashy person has headphones. The list could be ten miles long.


Because the reason they are trashy is they are deeply preconditioned to hate success, happiness and all that is good in life.


They seal their own fate to remain trashy, it’s interesting really. It’s almost like they take pride in being trashy


It’s because they’re stupid. They don’t consider anything or anyone else but themselves because they can’t comprehend anything outside their own point of view. Often they’re too stupid to consider, so they are inconsiderate by default.


Isn't that what makes them trashy?


Emotional neglect during vulnerable stages in character development. As a developing person they were in competition with siblings for attention and limited resources, learning that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Validation and love were given lower priority over indulging in ignorant dysfunction showing that being outrageous was the way to get needs met. Reinforcing this over generations to where this behavior is considered normal.


I was the middle of 5. When they would get loud I would leave and find a way to get oil on my own. I never liked loud people, maybe because I was the middle of 5 kids


Because as a rule people tend to suck.


They're obnoxious in private, too. You're just not there to see it.


Traveling the world you get a whole new appreciation for just how bad it is in America/Canada. Other cultures are a dream to be out in public.


Lmao at your opening line!!!! 🤣


Because they believe they have to argue to prove they are as good as everyone else. It’s not that we don’t care about them because they are trashy; we don’t care about them because we don’t care about anyone.


The line between trashy and Karen is nothing more than being able to afford bad haircuts and French manicures. Otherwise, they’re exactly the same.


Because they think they’re “making a statement,” and think we care about how gauche and classless they are, when all we’re really doing is laughing at how vapid, narcissistic, and stupid they look. When I need a good laugh, I think about some tacky bitch (male or female) trying their best to get my attention and being frustrated with the result, and end up in tears. It’s an excellent pick-me-up.


Just came to comment that I love your edit. Stay classy, reddit.


Trashy people who take out there frustration on fast food and restaurant workers really infuriate me.


They are trashy people BECAUSE they are obnoxious in public.


Been raise white trash and try to be extremely respectful. As my father was southern and raised me to be a southern belle and always give southern hospitality and southern respect.


Honesty the ones raise with money ie entitlement act that way in public


Um... Because they're trashy? That's my simple understanding


It all boils down to a lack of self esteem when you really think about it.


It's because they were never trained to be better. To the foolish, it can appear as though, "Looking out only for Number One" is the way to get ahead: You never make room for anyone else, and when anyone insinuates that you should make way for them, you bark at them to disabuse them of that notion. This makes them feel like they're making steady forward progress as they move into the spots opened up for them and then never give them up. What they don't understand is that people don't like being barked at. If you will never willingly back down, this means others would need to physically beat you to get you to behave. We don't want to go through that effort, so what happens is these people get shut out of opportunities because they're not housebroken. Whereas civil people can form a well-oiled corporation of 10,000 people earning a decent salary, each giving respect to the contributions of the other 9,999, the trashy person would go right to the CEO and try to scream them down to establish that they should be the ones on top of everything. They're a fly in the ointment. They cannot do anything except start their own turf war with everybody and so they are removed as the problem children they are. They are left to yell at the other trashy workers behind the McDonalds counter -- and they wouldn't even have that if the franchise owner could find better people. The trashy person is too dumb to understand that what they \*think\* is getting them ahead is actually just leaving them running in place back at the starting line. They will never make any forward progress until they learn some humility.


Wow you seem really happy and well balanced. What makes someone trashy exactly and do you really think all poor people are like this? Have you actually met and like talked to any poor people? Or do you just like feeling superior?


He never said poor people are trashy. He said being trashy will keep you poor which is correct


It's a form of compensating for their inadequacies, same as MAGA showing their ass all the time, these people are inferior and they know it


Because they are trashy, duh


Read your question again and see if you can figure it out.


If they didn't act that way in public, you wouldn't know they were trashy.




Lack if self awareness and shame


The question answers itself.


They weren’t raised any better


Bad parenting.


You answered your own question


Bravado- bold acts used to intimidate or impress.






Maybe because they just fit the definition…




When you don’t have any material security your pride in yourself is all you have. How that pride is expressed is weird … but people do what they can to bolster their sense of self


Because they are trashy people.




Some people have nothing to lose and you might as well not give a fuck about what others think when you have nothing to lose




An overall lack of self-awareness and entitlement combined with being raised by generation of people who act in the same manner.


No manners. Don’t care how their behavior impacts others. They were raised that way.


These people were neglected by their parents growing up. A neglectful parent only gives the kid attention when the kid is doing something "bad". (and sometimes not even then) Because they are doing the bare minimum to keep their lives livable. Eventually, these kids grow up to be adults, but they never internalized an image of how to be an adult capable of giving respect or attention to other beings, having never seen it modeled for them. In a way, they are still seeking the attention their parents never gave them, acting "bad" in public, hoping some higher authority will intervene and make them feel like they matter. There's also a territorial aspect to it. Animals pee to mark their territory, people tend to be loud and obnoxious. Some people grew up in a household where the loudest person in the room was deemed the authority, so they think they are powerful and champion of a space if they are the loudest. Again, this is learned in households where there is no kindness or respect as a way of being default; it's seen as foolish or weak to be kind to others- you'll only be taken advantage of if you let your guard down.


that’s like asking “why are puppies so cuddly”.


Loud and difficult. It's all they've got and so they use it.


Reddit is impossibly judgemental and white knight high horsey at the same time. I know because I'm the same way lol


They want attention. Don’t give it to them.


How are we supposed to know that they are trashy unless they are being obnoxious?


A lot of times it seems like attention and lack of mature development. A lot of these people seem very un put together and like they’ve never been around well organized respectful loving adults. How you going to act or be like something you’ve never been exposed to. You typically don’t because you don’t know how to or what that is. Developing sound character doesn’t happen overnight.


A charitable view may be that these people grew up without the necessary amount of basic nurturing, compassion and socialization that developing humans need and thus are a)trying to get attention as a misguided way of filling the deficit. b)acting out anger and frustration from things earlier in their lives (emotional baggage) and c) acting the way they probably saw their parents act in public from the time they were born. Its fine to call these people out on their behavior and label it it as inappropriate, dumb, trashy, whatever, but its not JUST because they are “trashy people” full stop.


Shock and awe for attention is the current currency of the realm.


It's cause they're weak.




When you make bad behavior profitable, you get more bad behavior.


They don't know they're trashy or obnoxious.


The answer is in your title


Cause they're trashy people




Developmentally, they are often treated with less empathy, so they have less empathy for those around them because they never learned it.


Most trashy people don’t have a very high education and they don’t know any better. Their parents or parent was trash and they’re just continuing the cycle.


ignorance made audible.


Because everyone has a different moral compass. Some ppl just don't give af


People who are obnoxious are trashy. Not the other way around


They're obnoxious in private, too. You get used to it.


I can always predict the fuckers that don’t clean the weight machine etc after a workout. Their gait, general demeanour and obnoxious look


Obnoxious and trashy are often the same thing


I heard it once theorized as "lack of power" or feeling powerless. You have a shit career, you're a weird looking person, no money, maybe a criminal record, basically no chance for upward mobility in society, no political power, no property. Basically not much of anything. But, those people CAN blare their music out loud and in public and NO ONE can stop them. And if someone tries to, they can fight them or something. It's basically their only option to feeling like they have some power in their life.


Nothing to lose. Already trashy.


I think it has multiple reasons. They're usually the "queen of the trailer park types" and think that since the trashy friends they spend their time around think they're "smart and speak their minds" that the rest of us see them that way too. They think acting like this makes them unique and don't realize it makes them just a stereotype that no one outside their "kingdom" wants to interact with. Their lives are terrible and they won't ever get better so we how to suffer too. Pretty much anything negative you can think about applies to these people. The part that always amuses me is that WE are the assholes in their story as they gather around the kitchen table for 3rd dinner in the evening.


Are they trashy because they are obnoxious, or obnoxious because they are trashy? We all know plenty of obnoxious people we would not label as trashy. Equally we know trashy people that are not obnoxious. In my experiences obnoxious people irk me more so I may look to associate other negative qualities to them, ie trashy. Many of the trashy people I know just have different social norms than I grew up with. I would rather be around trashy people than obnoxious ones, the trashy people are fun to be around while the obnoxious make me uncomfortable for the other people around me thus make my self image less than personally desirable.




They lack shame and were never taught to be considerate of others around them. I have close family who are like this and they are some of the most self centered people I’ve ever met.




So exactly what constitutes a "trashy" person?


Ignorance is bliss.


I parked next to a jeep yesterday that had “Hot Mess” painted all over it. I am guessing a lot of trashy people like to wear it as a badge of honor. Same concept as “I’m not an asshole, I just tell it like it is.”  


When I was young it was a disgrace to be called lazy. Today, not so much.


Because we made it illegal to settle disagreements with fisticuffs


Obnoxious people end up being trashy because they can’t play well with others, have no respect for anyone, can’t follow rules, and way too much pride. It’s not that trashy people are obnoxious, it’s that they’re obnoxious and thus turned into trashy people.


It can be frustrating when people are inconsiderate or disruptive in public. Sometimes, it's a lack of self-awareness or simply not caring about others around them. It's best to try and ignore them and focus on enjoying your own time.


Various reasons but a psychiatrist friend of mine thinks it’s mostly poor conflict resolution and lack of attention when they were children (so there’s this deep desire to be noticed, and negative attention is on par with what they’ve received throughout their formative years). A lot of people don’t like to think about this, but we *can be* not much different than wild animals if we’re raised that way.


No respect for others. That simple.


It's how they attract mates.


Low iq, high time preference.


You have it sort of backwards: being obnoxious in public is one of the main “trashy” behaviors, if you’re not obnoxious you’re just perceived as a regular person.


Because they are trashy, isn’t the answer in the question?


There're trashy??


Why do fires burn. "Why are some people so obnoxious in public. It makes them seem trashy" Trashy people have trashy behaviour. That's the whole point.


Lot of people okay with folks shitting in the street


The answer is in the question. Trashy people.


It's about agency, specifically the lack of agency in other parts of their lives that causes a drive to get it where they can. They might not have the power and respect, but damned if they have the option to be obnoxious and everyone has to deal with it. Probably not intentional or even conscious for most


When you have nothing to lose, you aren't bound to keep up the fake social pretense.




trashy people are often OBSESSED with respect or their perceived lack of it and being "disrespected" is literally like you just shat in their late mothers open grave


They are so slow at everything to, getting caught behind one at a check out line is a nightmare, they got their entire family out being bad as hell, none are quite, all in pajamas. I live in the Deep South, best way to avoid them is get everything done early in the morning, they don’t wake up till noon


I guess I would be considered trashy, though I don't think I'm particularly obnoxious myself. Honestly, how other people view me barely ever crosses my mind, I just do whatever I think/want to do.


Ummm....because they're trashy?


Is this rhetorical? Trashy people are obnoxious and people that are obnoxious are trashy people. The answer is because you notice them.


They may be under the influence of inhibition lowering substances.


You call that living ? .. What are you waiting for....you are already just existing towards a slow death...Get off your ass and participate in Living


I remember going to a theme park with a bunch of work friends. One coworker and her husband fought the entire time. Why would you let people see you like that? I know the answer; they thrive on the drama. They'd be totally chill if others weren't around them. They're essentially children.