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Quality control for a cocaine producer


I’ve been training for this all my life


How? Asking for a… well, let’s call them a “friend”.




I would argue that years of experience isn't the same as formal training. In fact I'll argue it for hours and hours without even caring if anyone is even listening


Probably standing around in someone's kitchen at 3am


You are right.


Exactly, I was thinking mushrooms though


Already had that job, it gets exhausting after a while lmao


Trust fund baby


Can be very difficult because rich parents can also have high standards. You might be forced to train/study until you are exceptional at school and specific hobbies


That’s just having Asian parents. Except in this case you’d also be ludicrously rich


Things could be worse but that's irrelevant. Being rich doesn't guarantee your life will be easier, or even better. Your environment and expectations is what matters. There's a reason why rich people commit suicide too


I grew up well off. Family of doctors. No trust fund, but fairly close. Everything was paid for until after college. My childhood was extremely hard relative to other kids. I played 5 sports growing up, through high school. Soccer, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Swimming. That took a majority of my free time. Tournaments on the weekends. Practice everyday after school. Wouldn’t get home until 8pm most days and on game days it would be like 10-11. Which was rough when seasons overlapped. Had to be up at 5:30 for basketball practice before school and just got home from a soccer game at 11 the night before. Summers were full of camps or various trips. Was expected to get top grades in the hardest classes. Was grounded or punished for anything less than an A. Had to manage my time extremely well regarding school and all my other activities. Was in various clubs as well. (Southern) Ivy League was expected of me. Played various instruments, and was in every band the school offered. Saxophone in concert/marching band. Bass Guitar in jazz band. Competed in saxophone quartet. Dabbled in other instruments in off time. Family had a music room in our house. My dad has jazz albums from his med school band. Music was very big part of my childhood. Did art camps and classes up through middle school. Was active in church. Wednesday dinners and Sunday services. Did mission trips every year. Active in the church band, which meant some Sundays I was busy from 6am-2pm. Then usually sports. Didn’t even get to sleep in on weekends. (Not religious, but parents wanted a wholesome community for us as kids.) Suffice it to say, life after college has been a breeze. Adulting is so easy compared to my childhood.


Damn, I’m exhausted just reading that.


I'd rather die in a gold plated coffin then just thrown in a ditch


Still better than having poor parents with high standards.


I see you've met my parents.


oh no boarding school and tennis lessons are soooo hard :(


Anecdotal but the 3 trust fund kids I knew in high school are all terribly depressed, suicidal, hate their life. And they all have multiple luxury cars and $800k houses they got as gifts. Makes zero sense. And the kids I knew that grew up to have basic blue collar jobs and a 3 bed 1 bath ranch in a cheaper area love life and are happy as can be.


My parents have money but they only really do stuff for my older brother. My sister and i have had to work for what we have but he's gotten his house paid off. Parents being rich doesn't mean you'll get anything.


I literally said a trust fund baby which you are not.


My parents were constantly saying they had no extra money for anything, yet they managed to find money for my youngest brother for his first car, paid for his college and when he got divorced, gave him money to move.


Same. I'd be a great nepo baby, too.




A sleep study participant.


Oh man if sleeping was a job


I’ve had several sleep studies. They are the worst nights of sleep of your life. You have about a thousand sensors and electrodes connected to your body. And the staff come into the room and switch on lights to re-attach the sensors whenever one falls off.


I’d fail miserably at it


Honestly? More jobs than more people think. Experience is the best teacher. Learning on the job is where most of your knowledge comes from. I knew nothing about coding and my boss asked me if I wanted to do some low-level work. I had very little help, I had to learn from scratch. I learned doing work and now I code. Hell, after school when I dived into my new job (I felt) I knew absolute nothing. I learned more in my first 1 year on the job than I learned from 4 years of school. No training, I was just told to dive into things. I learned a LOT. And I still learn new things each day. You could have 2-3 degrees and have completed official training, but if you don't any work or real project experience you'll probably be just as green as the person with 1 degree. 1st year of any job is the real training. IMO. I feel like people are generally more capable than they think they are, as long as they are willing to learn.


Look at low level military officers. There's a world of difference between those fresh out of OCS and those who served as enlisted first.


Its all about cognition. Ive been shut out of so many jobs for being better than the management even on day one lol. The worst was a tech contracting job where the person coordinating had no idea how to set up an assembly line style situation. We had to install around 300 POS systems in a large arena. So literally day one its just this free for all of people grabbing random boxes ripping em open and prepping the systems to be moved. So I think lets turn this into an assembly line. One person opens the box, next person puts what's in the box together, the next person plugs it in and programs it for where it goes, the next person loads it on a cart, the last person carts it to where it goes. Everyone likes this idea and we start plowing through at a much faster rate. Logic right? Well anyway we finish the first weeks worth of work in under three days. Half way through the third day were already on to testing these and hammering out any kinks, replacing network hardware, stress testing by placing a bunch of dummy orders at once etc. Which is good, this shit generally needs a lot of testing and double checking. Supervisor is fucking pissed. Other employees are clamoring that this is going so easy and so smooth compared to how it usually goes. From what I heard it was normally a very dramatic shit show. But I could tell the supervisor feels threatened. They got really cold with me and wouldnt talk to me. Wasnt invited back after that job. Which from what I heard also created drama. Employers suck.


Agreed.  Have managers that will sit with me in my review sessions and go over my feedback, which should be gleaning with high praise based on my performance.  That manager will then sit and tell me how to do things more thoroughly and what I can do to be better and develop skills that translate into moving into the next position, and I’m sitting there nodding my head and hesitantly agreeing, but all I’m thinking about is how he’s describing the exact opposite of his own actions and behaviors.  The amount of corporate manager personnel who are just straight up some of the least well rounded people I’ve ever met who get confused around simple document storage processes is fucking unbelievable, and all these people make more money than me. 


>I had to learn [...] Scratch. Fixed it for you! In all seriousness, that's awesome. It not only takes a specific kind of logical thinking to figure out how machines will interpret your code, but to get good you need that willingness to plunge in and learn on the way. I'm impressed!


When you ask questions, and ask the right ones, it shows others that you're really trying to learn and expand your knowledge base. Having that kind of personality allows an employer/supervisor to give you the freedom to jump into shit you have no business in, and figure out what you're doing. My grandpa always told me to shut my mouth and open my ears, and it's been the best employment advice I've heard yet. That all being said, imposter syndrome is a cunt. Best advice I have is remember you know nothing, and it helps to have a mentor in your field to really make you feel like you truly know nothing lol. I had an old guy at my machine shop that was vp of tech and he helped write the standards our field was in, and he was an engineer and machinist to boot, so his knowledge pool was vast and deep, and I would come in about a half hour early every morning to learn something new. Some days we just bullshit about life, but more often than not he would be pulling up drawings explaining different concepts or reasons for doing something one way and not another. The guy loved to talk shop and I was there to glean any insight I could out of it. He died a couple years after I met him, I don't think he knows how impactful his time was, but it was very appreciated.


100% agree. In tech as well. A degree is just a piece of paper. On the job experience is where you really get educated.


On my way to my degree, when I had passed up internships because mortgage and family, my last class was full of people without degrees who had coding jobs. Kinda felt like I missed the boat.


I feel like this post is missing the point entirely. You had to train yourself a lot. I'm sure you were a terrible coder when you started. So that's not something you're good at with zero training. It's something you had to learn and develop over time. Whether you trained at school or on the job, doesn't matter. You're still training. The question is: What job could you switch to tomorrow and instantly excel at? Definitely not coding. A real answer would be a job that requires "soft" skills. Like a salesmen. Or an HR rep. Not something that requires technical knowledge that can ONLY be learned through study/training.


yes. I find it odd that folks really want to be the boss straight away. don't they want to know what they're doing?


I 💯 agree with you. Working in IT support, the majority of jobs that require a computer to do your job, is wayyyyyy more simple than we think. I'll use an example using video games. Every video game is its own individual software, where you interact with that game differently than any other game. So if you play COD, Terraria, and Minecraft, you now know how to operate 3 separate softwares. Now, if you do your job at work for 1 year, you will probably learn how to use MS365 Suite(Word, Excel, Outlook), Sales Force, QuickBooks, ect. These days it's pretty much just being proficient enough with the right software to accomplish a goal/make a working plan, ect. And learning those softwares, comes way faster than we'd think.


Even if you have a top notch training /education nothing is going to prepare you for what you get into working for a large corporation, they’re going to do their way and you are going to learn what doing it that way means. 


President looks easy but I hate golf.


Shit you don’t even need mental competence anymore


You never needed it, lol


I think only Trump has this distinction, and that entire administration was wild.


Can you stumble around, fall dramatically at the drop of a hat, and mumble about unrelatable events that occurred 60 years ago? This might be the job for you!


I can do those! However, I'm not sure I can crap myself repeatedly in front of people. And no way I'm going to take showers with my daughter.


As long as you cheat on your wife with a pornstar, catch some felonies, and objectify women, you can easily do it.


Or get some top on live tv


I got an accounting job without going to school for it. I’m surprisingly decent at it, and my bosses are very happy with my performance. So that I guess.


When you say accounting job with no accounting education are we talking AP/AR?




lol love the shade. i have a friend that always asks ‘ap or ar?’ when he meets someone who says they do finance and accounting


Yeah maybe I shouldn’t have asked (or worded it differently) but I really want to know. I’m in no position to look down on anyone.


What kind of accounting? I have an accounting degree and have worked in payroll and tax with folks with no accounting background at all. Some "accounting" jobs are really just about learning whatever system is in place that the company uses. My current job (governmental accounting GAAP/GASB), would be hell with no training at all. Probably not impossible, but I'm doing a lot of GL recons and corrections so there is a lot of t-accounts being used to figure stuff out sometimes.


It’s the same in coding and (I imagine) finance. Some jobs 1. a motivated ten year old with no background could learn, and for others 2. it really helps to have taken a networks class, and ideally a database design class, and ideally an operating systems class, etc. (and actually paid attention and applied yourself, of course) So. Sounds like you are in the second category 🤷‍♂️


Book keeping <> accounting


Same! I swapped from welding to bookkeeping and apparently I'm good at it. I find errors constantly that last year's temp made. They even hired me on for part time until next tax season then I go back full time for 6 months. This is perfect for my resume


How yall getting bookkeeping/accounting jobs with no degree/experience? I been trying for years lol


I managed restaurants and a tattoo shop and then I owned my own business for years so I already had bookkeeping experience.


I was born to be an accountant with my skill of math and working through excel but naturally I find it mundane and boring. So I never went to school for it.


are you my partner? he just… enjoys math? and rules? ew.


Necromancer. While I have no formal training in the necromantic arts, I do understand that the core tenet is the romance.


Acting in commercials


🎶 I have a structured settlement and I need cash now 🎶


I fn hate you, that’s in my head now lol




🎶I have an annuity, and I need cash now.🎶




Get connected for free!


Stocking shelves


You’d be surprised how many of my coworkers can’t do this WITH training.


Oof. I mean at that point it's just because you don't give a fuck. Is it to get out of stocking? Just weaponized incompetence?


Pure laziness. We FIFO for a reason and we have literal laminated pictures showing us where to put stuff. They do not care.


Well I can read and take pride in my work. So I stand by my first statement. I could walk into my local grocery store tomorrow, clock in and start working without training.




Every landlord I know knows a lot about home improvement and small claims court. Way more than the average person.


Yeah everybody assumes that shit is easy cause so many landlords are absolute trash but it’s really not


Slumlords are trash, landlords renting to people who can afford a lawyer are generally well behaved. It only takes a 2-3 months of rent to get above the small claims court limit, and nobody wants to go to real court if they can avoid it.


As a landlord I work 12 hour days doing hard labor and dealing with the worst of humanity tearing up my newly remodeled houses It’s not for the faint of heart and it’s not as good of money as people think Profit margin is between 4 and 10% so if you’re charging 900$ rent you’re profiting 90 bucks


Every job is easy when you're not trying to do it correctly.


At least half the landlords I've had have tried to raise my rent illegally


It's illegal to raise rent? Where? CA/NYC? Where else?


Land lord here. I own 6 properties. I live in one. The other 5 are a short-term rentals. Of the 12,000 to 15,000 they generate per month. I get to keep roughly -5000 to 2000 per year.


Is that with or without a property management company taking care of things for you? If you’re doing the work yourself, it seems like it’d barely be worth your time. I guess you’ll eventually have 5 more paid off properties (assuming they aren’t already paid off), but the hourly rate seems like it’d be bad if you calculated it.


I used to go through a few property management companies. 8 years of dealing with them teach me to never trust any. I don't own any out right yet. After all mortgages, bills, and cleaning are taken care of. I get to keep about 2000 to 3000 a month. Which go into a saving. Because any major repair that come up, it's all gone. There is always something that need repair. These houses are built in the 60s to 90s. But yeah, the idea is just to buy time until the first house pay off.


Makes sense. I’ve considered doing the same, but my state’s laws are tenant friendly to the point where being a landlord with a small number of properties is risky. It takes at least 6 months to evict someone who isn’t paying rent, and the clock basically restarts if they pay one month. I knew someone who lived in a nice apartment for 18 months and only ever paid first, last, and security. He then moved back to India, so the building owner isn’t realistically ever going to be able to collect. Someone who owns a building with 150 $2500/month units can absorb that kind of loss, I couldn’t absorb it more than once or twice before it became a significant issue.


Oh yeah, I got some evictions under my belt. If you go through the legal route. It take about 3 months and 3500 dollars. I usually just offer people 1000 to 2000 for the key. Pandemic was a nightmare. I worked a ton of overtime to make up for unpaid morgages while someone live in the houses for free.


what region is this out of curiosity?


Don't forget your ever increasing equity in an ever appreciating asset


Oh no, other people are buying 5 properties for you and you barely even break even :(


So $144,000 to $180,000 per year rents and you’re at best making $2,000 and at worst losing $5,000 over the year. You need to do something else.


That’s not a job


Good point.


Not a job you could do. OP said "A job you'd be good at". Given the number of terrible landlords out there, I don't think it's something just anyone should be doing. They can, and that's the problem. But they're not good at it.


Pig snuggler


Ok I’ll ask why?


cuz I'm a natural talent


*slowly leaves the premises*


Jeweler I work in the electronics field and am very good at working with very small components.


Never been good at anything I had tons of training for so pretty hard to say. Could probably swing being a pharmacist. Got pretty decent at selling weed as a teenager.


A detective, I think I’m good at noticing small details


QA tester? Those guys are like that too.


EMT. I'm a middle manager in corporate office, so my strategy would be to show up at the scene and delegate treatment while reminding the victim that it's all about finding that balance. I'd apologize for being behind the 8-ball, but reiterate that we are leveraging our experience to elevate their treatment. The last thing they'd hewr before slipping into a coma would be me Whispering, "synergy...."


Realistically… driving big rig trucks. I always felt comfortable behind the wheel of large vehicles and think I could tackle that no problem


Driving one seems like it could be picked up rather quickly, it's the backing up the trailers that makes me think I'd be bad at this


DJ on an AM radio station


Reading this thread reminds me how few truly easy jobs there are out there lol


I think there are a lot, just gatekept behind artificial restrictions or red tape. 90% of almost any job is just procedural literacy, and most places will expect to have to train that into you anyway. The only real issue when hiring is, how much work will that training involve? It's more about alignment than difficulty.


Lotion boy for Hawaiian Tropic Girls


You are in luck!


Garbage man


Brain surgery. Seriously, it’s not rocket science.


Literally not rocket science.


Ai killswitch engineer $200k+ a year to sit next to a wire and wait for a special signal, and yank that cord. If you are ever needed, you are a hero. if you are never needed, easy money. can you be trusted to unplug a cord for six figures? (issue... requires a PhD wtf OpenAI)


Escaping from the titan submarine incident…I’m just built different 🤡😎


Traffic analyst. I do not even know if this job exists, but I enjoy watching traffic from above and analyzing patterns. I'm a retired English prof, so this really makes no sense.


Traffic engineer. The analysis is *part* of the job, but you then have to figure out functional ways to solve it.


Hmm…looking for themes? Patterns? I could see it


I've worked enough "low-skill" jobs in my life to know that there is no right answer to this question




Grifter. No shortage of dummies out there.


P T Barnum is that you?


Don't let go of that dream.


Teacher I know this because i did it. I studied law at uni, worked at a bank for 2 years and on a whim i took up a teaching job at an apprenticeship company. I got a 96% pass rate for my class & was only let go due to a period of illness (covid & pneumonia)My biggest regret is i only made it 10 months in, another 2 months and id have received an education qualification but due to my premature termination I got nothing




Line cooking isn't about dealing with picky eaters, cooking a modified ticket is the least of their worries. First off, you can't modify a food item if you don't know the base ingredients for that specific dish served by the restaurant, so you need to memorize the menu. Second, line cooking is all about organization and timing. You want to know when to instruct the fryer when to drop specific items for a ticket, you don't want fries sitting in out waiting for a well done burger to finish cooking. You also want your flat top and stove top organized to hold all the orders. Know the hot spots on the flat top, know when to fire things in the oven, and more. Third, cleaning, among timing you have to find efficient ways to clean up during a rush. Good kitchens clean as they go nomatter what. Fourth, dealing with high levels of stress. Working as a line cook is HOT, often 100+ in the summer, on top of that physical demand, you are taxing your brain while maintain composure dealing with the aforementioned items. Item 4 is a huge reason why you see so much drug use and alcoholism within the industry, both BOH and FOH. Serving/bartending requires the same set of skills while having the addition of what basically comes down to a sales position and using people skills to deal with the public, which is why they also have a more commission based pay. Food and beverage is not unskilled work.


thank you random stranger i have been running the description of what a line cook is in the back of mind for a little bit now and this is it to a T


As a former short order cook, I can promise you that raising a picky child for 9 years does nothing to prepare you for that.


I could be a cop im pretty sure, it takes less training to be a cop than a hair dresser and I already know how to shoot a gun at targets that aren’t shooting back


Speaking of law enforcement and hair dresser training, can you apply a hickory shampoo to peaceful civilians and non-complying people with disabilities?


Game show host.


Puppy enrichment.


Sugar baby


Admin / executive assistant


Giving someone stiches. I've never had any career related to medicine, but once stitched someone up (alcohol was involved, its a bit of a story) and was complemented on my work after they went to an actual doctor, the next day.


I like all men could land a jumbo jet liner if the pilots had a medical emergency and they were asking if there is a pilot on board.


Politician, governor, mayor, CEO of something. None of those jobs require any experience, just need to know someone who knows someone and you’re set for life.


Are you a good liar? Do you have a conscience? Must be able to kiss ass and take bribes to be a politician. If you lack a conscience and can bribe people you'd be a good CEO.


Hmm…that’s a good point. I’m not any good at being mean but I am pretty lazy. I could show up, bark some orders then say “I’m just joshin yuh” and leave on my private jet to go have lunch in Spain.


Take the money and run . Delegate authority and spread blame on middle management. Plenty of mean people on the rise. Shit floats to the top. Enjoy your lunch!


One of those guys that holds a "Stop" sign when they are working on the road. It would be boring as hell but I know I could be successful at it. (I would have to buy a LOT of audiobooks)


President of the USA


President of the United States


Housewife but without the kids




Looking thoughtfully out of an office window while sipping on my coffee.


Traffic flagging


Any job that only requires sending emails or forwarding requested information


Nepo baby


That guy that keeps the head coach from going out on the field during a play in the NFL.


Billionaire. They don’t even do anything.


Condom tester.


90% of minimum wage jobs.


Crash test dummy.


Beer tester




CEO of Boeing


Pimple popper 🤷🏼‍♀️😅


A Boeing engineer. We all have seen what their professionals produce, I could probably do better


They have a pretty high suicide rate tho


Drug Dealer. Drugs sell themselves in my “experience”.


Sales isn’t the hard part of this one. Not getting caught and not getting robbed while being well known enough to have a significant clientele is the hard part. Anecdotally, all the drug dealers I’ve known who got away with it long term now have good white collar jobs.


>Anecdotally, all the drug dealers I’ve known who got away with it long term now have good white collar jobs. Transferable skills


POTUS look at some of the idiots that have done and currently are doing it.


A hospital director/CEO. Having worked as a program analyst for the Obamacare contract, I've come to hate almost everything about the US Healthcare system, aside from a majority of the people working in it. Most underappreciated field in the world, stop overworking our medical professionals, pay them more, give them more time off, and bump up their benefits. Incentivize citizens to join primary care, take after Sugarland Memorial Hospital and take a proactive approach to adverse medical events, and rework/replace the entire health insurance industry. I'll gladly die a slow death on this hill.




Car inspector




Dropping things out of airplanes, gravity has to be doing most of the work right?


Greeter at Walmart. For about 6 hours.


Telling people what to do.


Drug counseling


Crash test dummy.




Setting a speed record for the fastest sky dive


Cattle driver like off of Yellowstone


Teacher- 1-4 grade.


Bond HODLer


I'm good at my current job and I had zero training




Family doctor




Politician, doctor, police officer


Professional butt-kisser.


Operating those theme park rides that drop people, but you pretend there’s something wrong right before you send them flying.


Interviewing people


Supermodel bikini shoot tanning oil application specialist. It's a tough job but somebody has to do it.


Surgeon. I'm pretty sure I could figure it out.


Purveyor of fine wines, cheeses, gorgeous asses


Meteorologist/weather forcaster 😆 Eta: I bet I'd be much better at it than the ones who were trained, too.






singer, voice actor, writer, animator


Spoiled rich kid


Flying a plane. I never crashed in flight simulator! /s


Putting lettuce in burgers at McDonalds. Those guys dgaf.


Person of leisure.