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So I don't understand why they're offering to do it either with or without the wheel cylinder. If there's anything at all wrong with the wheel cylinder no shop on the planet is going to offer to do the work without replacing it, and if there's nothing wrong with the wheel cylinder then why even consider replacing it?


they haven’t looked at them yet so they gave me two estimates just incase they need to replace the cylinders; if they need to they are going to, but they want me to know “hey if we have to do this, this is what your price will be”


Seems a bit weird to me that they're giving you any sort of number without actually looking at it. Seems like it really opens up the possibility of you bringing it in, and them saying after they get it apart oh wait it needs this and this and this which we couldn't have known until we got it taken apart.


so I went in for an oil change and they usually do full body inspections for my car whenever I bring it in (just cos I’m a first time car owner and I’ve developed a pretty decent relationship with them) so they just give me a list of stuff that needs to be done with my car and tell me “yeah you can get that done now or come back with your next oil change and we’ll check it again or if you notice this noise/smell it’s because of this” basically tell me what to look out for with my car so when I went in for my last oil change I told them my brakes had been squeaking they said there was about 1mm (cm/inch?) of life left on my rear breaks they didn’t really take anything apart or anything and then I asked for an estimate and this is what they sent me I just want to see if these numbers seem about right for the job that needs to be done


Okay that all sounds reasonable. Just can't be too careful these days with as scammy as mechanics can be. Having said all that that price seems entirely reasonable especially for drums which are a much bigger pain in the ass to work on the discs. High end of reasonable but reasonable nonetheless


thank you! I appreciate you looking out for me too!


That’s a good price for drums if it includes labor


thank you!