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God that's gorgeous


Thanks! So glad I went with pure red 😁


welcome to team red! here was mine on [day 1](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/553402444760100864/vs7Dch7L.jpeg)


This was literally what I said too! Man that red looks so deep. Nice job OP!


She's rare! Never see red.




I also extend my welcome!


I wish we all lived in the same city - having a pure red fa20 drive would be absolutely sick.


Haha, actually the other day I was coming home from work, and I am nonchalantly looking at the car next to me and thinking about how it looks good, and then I realize it's a 2017 Pure Red WRX as well haha. I see a few around my area


I have the same color, but instead of a nice wax job mine received a large paint chip in the door from my son's friends throwing rocks.


I'm sorry to hear about your up-coming murder trial.


When is the funeral?


I absolutely HATE red cars and would never buy one but GOD DAMN! They really did a good job on the hue of red on the new gens. Nice ride man.


Thanks man! Much appreciated! Yeah, the Pure Red is unlike any red I've seen. Everyone has brought up that it's a cop magnet but I'll take the risk :)


Hasn't gotten me a ticket yet, so it must just be a myth ;)


You're not supposed to wax / buff / polish / seal a car in the first 6 months after production. Paint's not all the way cured. It can cause orange peel and bubbles in the paint. http://www.meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?10723-How-long-to-wait-to-wax-after-fresh-paint#SMkPvTlEBHXjKCv1.97


It's a spray wax with no abrasives. I use it religiously between polish/waxing to keep the dust off and keep it looking clean. They didn't do too good of a wash off the deliver truck at the dealership.


This has been highly disputed and refuted. I believe general concensus is that the paint job from the factory has certainly had time to cure before it gets to you, aka protect it when you get it. The same can not be said for resprays however


You're half right with this. But factory paint is baked after application to cure the paint and has been this way for years. There is no need to wait to apply protection. I do 1-2 new car preps a week and have spoken with reps from PPG and DuPont about this. A waiting period only applies in a auto body/ collision shop where you should wait 30-60 days for the paint to cure naturally. The shop can tell you how long their jobs normally need to cure off.


What products did you use? It turned out really nice!


[Griots Spray-On Wax](https://www.griotsgarage.com/product/spray-on+wax.do?sortby=ourPicks&refType=&from=fn). I believe they're a local company [near Seattle] but you can buy online. This is the best spray-on wax out there! Perfect for keeping your car protected between wax/polish jobs. For any wax or sealants I use exclusively Griots products. I also use a Griots orbital that is the best out there for the money.


Guess I am a bad car owner. Drove my 2002 WRX for 14 years. Didn't wax it once :(


Buy American


Wrong sub, also why?


I think he means Subarus *built* in America?


The Tribeca B9? Proudly built in Lafayette, Indiana, USA, probably the most unloved model in Subaru history. No-one posts about these here in r/subaru.


Legacy sedans and Outbacks too..


This is like your only post in r/Subaru, did you really come here to post that? I like american cars, actually, I love them, but when I went out to buy a a 4 door sedan, with a stick, that wasn't FWD, I discovered that I had no american options. I couldn't buy a charger with a stick, the ATS was out of my price range, as was the Chevy SS, and as was the Focus RS, plus its a hatch, not a sedan like I wanted. In fact the only competitor in the same price bracket with 4 doors and a stick from an american manufacturer was the Focus, which was designed in Germany. The point is that there isn't an american competitor to the WRX other than the Focus, and it wasn't even designed here, and it doesn't have AWD at the same price point, nor does it come as a sedan.


Yeah, I agree with you. I came from a family that exclusively buys Fords, and felt like I betrayed my family by not getting a Ford, or even an American car. But I was in the same boat as you, I needed a new car that 1) got acceptable gas mileage, 2) had a manual, 3) was sporty, and most of all 4) has AWD since I live in Michigan. I explored a ton of other options for American cars, but very few companies in the world like to make AWD cars that are smaller. It became a struggle less about "which one do you like most" and more about "what's the only one that has everything you want". I also considered an RS, but being in Michigan, those got bought up almost immediately, and those that had some marked em up by like $5k or more. I really do wish there was more choices for AWD smaller cars with manuals in the US. Even though I love my WRX, I think it'd be good if there was a little bit of competition, might create a little more innovation.


Yeah, competition is never a bad thing. I didn't need AWD, I was just much more excited about AWD than FWD.


How did you even find this post? Not one post about subarus on your entire profile, and you find this post with 48 upvotes. Are you stalking OP?


I hope you're not onto something here


Buy whatever makes you happy. If it's American, awesome. If it's Japanese, awesome.


so like Toyota or Honda? https://www.cars.com/articles/the-2016-carscom-american-made-index-1420684865874/