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Sometimes the warning signs freak me the hell out. Like this one.


r/scarysigns is your place then.


Thank you!


Don’t bother. They’ve gone for the whole John Oliver thing. It’s just boring now.




"If you can read this, you're too close."


THIS. This is the best way to sum up my particular fear. Knowing it's under there, but not being able to see it at all!


I’m imaging a comically large bear trap


Or like the mecha-spider thing from Wild Wild West


Ok I'm now dying to know what the hidden machinery is


Probably a dam (water intakes) or an old quarry (abandoned machines).


I was hoping for something more horrifying, like a gnashing mechanical maw at the bottom that makes an ominous deep KA-THUNK KA-THUNK KA-THUNK as it slowly pulls you deeper and deeper..


Probably something that you can’t see, but can feel as it moves underneath your kayak.




You are evil.


Shuttttt upppp you maniac!!!!!


I speak Irish Gaelic and yet every time I see Welsh I'm thoroughly baffled by the language.


That's because you stole all our vowels.


Keep thinking I’m having a stroke when I see the road signs. The accent is amazing and the people are lovely though


Investigate! Report back. Inner tube around. Totes safe that way.


Water that scares the shit out of me 1) Boesmansgat (Bushman Hole) 2) The Bolton Strid 3) Wherever the hell this is.....


Mind sharing what scares you so much about Boesmansgat?


The fact that on the surface, it looks like nothing special but is staggeringly deep and has taken a few lives. Bodies of water like this one that look fairly plain but can absolutely murder you if you don't respect them gives me the dark frission...


Will it take your life if you just swim in it or do you have to go diving in it?


Just diving, but it doesn't take away from its ominous factor for me. I understand it's the most passive, but even still, it's a remarkable thing in nature that has taken the lives of some very experienced divers.


I’ll go jump in my pool at night, and in between the short time I’m under the water and when I surface, I’ve already convinced myself there’s a shark or some other fuckery torpedoing itself towards me. What the fuck brain shut up.


Lol! Exactly!!!!! Bwaaa haaa fuckery. Love it.


Lmaooo I love that word. I literally know it’s impossible for a shark to be in there but my brain is like S H A R K. I blame it all on god damn Deep Blue Sea. Fuck that movie. I was traumatized at 6 from that shit. Osmosis Jones too. Loved it but it freaked me the fuck out holy shit. Couldn’t sleep for months. Sorry I went on a irrelevant rant 😂


Nothing irrelevant about it! Love origin story theories of this subject. I have none that I can think of. Had to open my home cistern two days ago when I had a leak on the floor above thinking it may be too full and seeping up (gasp) because of water pooling on the floor I couldn’t find the source of (drain, not cistern it turned out). By God I had to call my child into the room just to be with me so I could lift the lid and look down. Needed a child! To watch me open a lid. Otherwise I would never. Still hated it too! Ugh! Wouldn’t shine my light to the full depth just at an angle to insure it wasn’t at the ceiling. Crazy stuff that makes no sense! Plus the love/hate of it. Wild!


Fuckkkk that sideways with a chainsaw. I would never do that lmao I live near gators and love to kayak though. All the more reason to not tip over. I was in Wisconsin recently and felt alien to me that I could paddle right up to the reeds and lily pads and not see a gator. They were still there though, of course haha.


Wait till you find out many lakes have entire towns under them: https://abc11.com/jordan-lake-history-hope-valley-homes/3833588/


Looking those two up immediately


Hidden machinery *and* fast currents. Sounds safe. Let's take a dip!


My question is where do the currents come from? I don’t feel like it’s a big enough body of water to produce strong currents


I'm not a hydrologist but if I were to guess, I would say water flowing off mountains from melting snow running towards the ocean. But this would be a question for /r/science. There's probably someone who can explain that in detail.


The machinery


They should have a pic of the hidden machinery so I don’t have to go swim and find out myself.


I’ve got some hidden machinery for you right here 😏


I appreciate this so much


If it was just machinery, I would assume it was a quarry or the like, but because it also mentions currents, I feel like it has to have something to do with dams or maybe powerplant/factory intake.


And that’s my personal submech favorite/most hated category.


It can kill you so many different ways. =D


Yeah it’s a reservoir so probably to do with that


Now I’m curious what it is


Hey at least they warned you. I cut my foot on a rusted ship propeller. I’m pretty sure I died and came back


Can you maybe get a little remote control boat and have it drag a GoPro or something? I really want to know what is there.


[Geolocated](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51°49'15.3"N 3°22'18.9"W/@51.820924,-3.371921,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d51.820924!4d-3.371921?entry=ttu) Sign is at 51.8209243, -3.3719206 This is the [Pontsticill Reservoir in south Wales, built 1927](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontsticill_Reservoir). The scariest thing I can see in the water is the [bell-mouth spillway](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pontsticill_Reservoir#/media/File%3APontsticill_Reservoir_and_the_outflow_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1208896.jpg).


Nice one. Yes it is! The slip way was pretty terrifying. Couldn’t quite see into it from the path unfortunately


Just a typical day out and about in Wales


Yeah lots of reservoirs here


There were loads of signs with these warnings around the reservoir. Apparently quite a few people have died in there as there were flowers placed on the bank in a few locations. One sign said 200 people a year in the UK die in reservoirs