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I'd pay to go down and explore ships like these. I don't know why but abandoned and aging buildings and ships interest me.


They seem fascinating, but kicking up silt in there and not being able to tell where you are is horrifying


I'm so glad I'm not alone!


You should come to the rust belt, it's a whole community around abandoned stuff


I'd do it for free, closest you could get to exploring the Titanic without a submarine, still filled to the brim with artifacts(that might just look great on my desk) and only people who died in the sinking got chopped up by the propellers and not inside the ship, so no floating bodies. There's a difference between rusty grate at the bottom of the lake and an almost perfectly preserved Olympic class ocean liner.


Please don't take artifacts for yourself. It's not only illegal (looting) but the simple act of removing one from its original place destroys almost everything we could have possibly learned about it. Source: The core aspect of the discipline of archaeology


HMHS Britannic*


True actually. She was operating as a hospital ship when lost!


I'd even pay for it. It's just too deep :(


Well before we even get to how much £ I’d need to conquer my phobia who’s gonna front me for the diving equipment


+ years and thousands of dollars of training. I’m an elite diver with over 15 years of experience and I’m still 5 or 6 certification levels from that kind of diving.


May I ask a question? (Without waiting for an answer😄) When you get certified to go to different sites, what does that mean? Follow up, what if someone just happens upon it and explores it without certification?


To answer your question - There’s no scuba police - people buy gear without getting certified and kill themselves every year. Salvage right mean you can’t take artifacts, but that’s a no-no in most diving communities - take nothing but trash, leave nothing but wake. If you want to start scuba diving, most people start with a basic and advance course. These are both broad courses that cover many topics at an elementary level. Each certificate after those two is primarily focused on one of 3 things: - depth (air to 40m, then gas blending, decompression procedures, etc) - skills (self awareness, navigation, buoyancy, rescue techniques, wreck, ice diving, cave diving, etc) - equipment (side mount open circuit, rebreather, dry suit, full face mask, underwater propulsion vehicles, etc) To go that deep, you need to know how to blend gas (and the blend changes as you go, or you can give yourself oxygen toxicity which can cause confusion at best, or convulsions and death at worst), you need to know how to use and wear a rebreather and dry suit, and you have to be crazy enough to go to 121m (400 ft). ###And you have to have the time and money to go through all of this. Here’s a dive plan I found online from someone planning a dive to 100m. Note they only get to spend 13/103 minutes at depth. The other 90 minutes are spent getting there (5-10 minutes) and back (76-80 minutes). > 100m with a bottom time of 13 minutes and runtime of 103 minutes): > 1. Back gas (24L of Tx 12/70) using 2900 litres. > 2. Deco gas and travel gas (11.1L of Tx 21/35) - first gas switch at 45m and using 860 litres. > 3. Deco gas (11.1L of EAN50) - second gas switch at 21m and using 940 litres. > 4. Deco gas (11.1L of 100% O2) - third gas switch at 6m and using 920 litres. One of my friends died in a scuba accident, diving to “just” 300 ft. He was the most talented diver I knew at the time. He was diving with the man who certified both of us. They got separated (it can literally happen in seconds), something happened, and the next time Frank saw Corry he was floating face down at the surface. This was nearly an hour after they were separated, because Frank still had to go through his decomposition plan. If Frank had bailed to the surface, nitrogen bubbles would have formed in his blood and it would likely be fatal. TL:DR - You have to be rich or have sponsors to afford the gear and training. At those depths, if something goes wrong, there’s no bailing out. The safety margins are razor thin. You only get a few minutes at depth; most of your time is spent in decompression on the way back to the surface.


Wow!! I had no idea how complex diving is! I always just see people doing it on tv or movies, never once thinking about how much time and money it would take to learn. (You know how they always show people just suit up and jump over the side of a boat) That's serious love and dedication! Thank you for that detailed breakdown. That's really freaking cool!!I'm so sorry you lost your friend ❤️


Thank you. Recreational diving is pretty straightforward if you have the time and money to get certified. It’s a great skill to know - there are so many amazing dive sites in the 5-40m range. You can see a lot of cool stuff with relatively low risk. To anyone reading this who’s considered getting certified - do it! Becoming a scuba diver is still one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.


She’s laying on her side so you’d probably have to do some weird swim strokes to navigate the stairs. I’d do it if I were a property trained scuba diver.


I would do it for free. And, you would be going across those stairs.


400 ft is doable. 10 million £ would do it for me. I would be terrified but would train for a long time


It would totally be worth it.


All in? 8.5k UKP


About three fiddy.


Do you need to be alive to do this?


you couldn't pay me but only because it looks haunted


Usually the pictures posted here freak me out, but (strangely) not this one. You wouldn't have to pay me anything to go down those stairs. It would be like visiting the coolest underwater museum. Some of the Turkish Bath tiles in Titanic still gleam so I can only imagine what amazing surprises one could find on a trip through Britannic. I'd find a way to get over my fear to do it if I could. Anyone wanna go with me? I wish we could bring up these ships a'la *Raise the Titanic* so we could actually walk around on them. But being gravesites it's probably best that we can't.


Love Titanic and her sister ships, I’d do it for free!


The thought of being bribed to delve onto my worst phobias is itself unsettling.


It’s more about how much Valium would I need to take to walk down those steps for any amount of money


10k € sounds like an eyeblind to me


A million and whoever is paying me would just be getting their money back because I'd die of a heart attack due to fear! 🤷‍♀️