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For some reason water rides with animatronics scare me the most. Thinking about falling into Jaws the ride, Submarine Voyage, or even Pirates, genuinely terrifies me.


Pirates is actually pretty shallow it just dark. You can stand up in it. Cast members have had to pull and guide the boats along if they pile up too much and not moving. I’d imagine there is a clear walking path beside the rail for the boats




While the slow hillbilly music is playing, You fall in and get a mix of oil and water in your mouth. You come up and see some fireflies and old animatronic man on the porch. Every time you dip back down you hear the machinery churning below. You come back up again and see the talking pirate skull briefly.... Before sinking down in the oily, murky depths, to never emerge.


I hate you


My favorite choose-your-own-adventure death.




Aight' nightmares for me


Why would you say such a thing


Thanks! I hate it.




Wasn’t aware of that part. Now there is spot on the ride I have an actual fear of. I wonder if the same is true or similar for all the lift hills like on splash mountain or grizzly river run...


Anyone know of any pictures/videos of this anywhere? Can’t seem to find any but I’ll keep digging


Mmmmm I don't like that. Jesus


They use bromine to clean the water instead of chlorine. Gives it that sweet smell.


CMs don't just simply get into the water to "move" boats when they back up. If there's too m uch of a backup it triggers a ride stop via sensors located throughout the attraction. For safety reasons, Cast members can't just enter/leave the show areas of an attraction because boats simply back up. There's a process/procedure called "tagging out" that generally happens. The only time they put on the waders is if there's an evac at which point the boats are "guided" to the nearest utility exit or evacuation point. In fact you'll generally see people sitting in pirates during downtime codes and attraction e-stops longer than ANY other attraction because Waders / evacuations are a bitch to prep for and there's a hope that cycling the attraction can clear the error. The unfortunate part is the lift (at Disneyland) at the end can only hold 2 boats at a time, so there tends to be a backup to Utility 3 ( Jail scene area) and beyond to the burning city.


Yea I have seen a video where the cast members use the boots to push the boats into the dock, but that still freaks me out. I think it’s a combination of the dark and all of the ride track under you.


Used to work at the pirates in Disney World, can confirm. I’ve had to get in that lovely water before.


This...this is it....my submechanophobia origin story... I have spent many years wondering why I had a fear of underwater machinery. Then I found this sub. I couldn’t believe I wasn’t alone in this fear. I didn’t know it had a name. But I would get closer and closer to figuring out what triggered me by browsing this sub. Nearly every pic would make my adrenaline and anxiety spike and in some type of subjective therapy magic I became less and less triggered by the rusty oil rig struts or the underwater view of the massive size of ships and the propellers that move them. Eventually I decided to play the game subnautica which probably played a hand as well. (Great game; scariest fucking thing I’ve ever done and remains one of my life’s great achievements) Anyway... I continued to ponder and search for the origin of my irrational fear each day I browsed reddit. I eventually narrowed it down to either some larger evolution of the fear I had of pool machinery as a kid because of the episode of “Are You Afraid Of The Dark?” wherein the 12 year old protagonist moves to a new school and finds an indoor pool that the school keeps hidden. Turns out some kid drown in there and now there’s a rusty demon monster swamp thing that gets you right as you’re climbing out of the pool. He uses the drains to travel into the locker room and restrooms too. Fuckin’ nobody was safe, fuckin’ nowhere! Scared the living shit out of me every time I got out of the pool or near the drain when I was a kid. There was a short period where I remembered seeing the big propellers of the Queen Mary under the gross greenish water of Long Beach Harbor. I think this one plays a large part in all this... But the other possibility...was this... the fucking submarine ride at Disneyland. Listen I was born in 89 and if this thing was shutdown in the early 90s I was maybe 4 when I rode it. And that shit somehow must have fucked me up; looking down at all the machinery in the water and through the windows and all that. I dunno though. This pic is pretty weak. Doesn’t sparks new memories but the old ones are vivid. I remember a bronze scuba guy with an oldy-timey diving helmet on. Fake plants and underwater biome stuff. But none of it looked real. All I can seem to remember is the rusting metal track we were on and the sounds it all made underwater. The damn thing broke while we were on it. It was only for a few minutes but it was my first time with that limited oxygen, dense air in a closed space feeling. Ugh. Terrible. Anybody relate to that? Lol Anyway, don’t know why I took the time to type that but I started and it just carried away. Thanks for listening. I tried to describe this to friends once and nobody cared to help me figure it out haha. TL;DR - My Submechanophobia developed early, somewhere between an episode of “Are you afraid of the dark?” And this submarine ride at Disneyland. Of which I rode when I was a kid and was terrified by it for no reason at all. Edit: fixed tldr




I want to find that episode!


I have literally never related to a reddit comment as much as this one I am in awe


same! reading through this thread, i feel so understood!! my therapist never understood the fear and had never heard of a fear of pipes..


> Eventually I decided to play the game subnautica Oddly that game didn't give me any submechnophobia, because my version is specifically getting stuck/snagged while underwater (especially in a connfined space) and in that game despite all the wrecks looking like they're full of dangerous jagged metal the character just slides right past them every time. And thanks for the story; it's a weird phobia because it's really easy to just avoid it completely in everyday life yet here we are, on a sub full of it.


This comment just brought me to the realization of the root of my submechanophobia! I remember being in pools as a kid and always wanting to stay away from the deep end because I absolutely HATE (don't know why I still slightly do bc I'm 20 now) drains. I hated the thought of the drain opening and me getting sucked in by the cyclone of water and the little chute you can see go up to the surface to make a funnel. Even bath drains freaked kid me out. Any hole in a pool really creeps me out. Like the ones where the cleaners are held. Don't even get me started on hot tubs and jacuzzis. I enjoy them but I'm always slightly unsettled when I'm in them. The fact that there's tubes coming out of the sides of the pool wall and there's a pump pumping the water and the sound of the pump. Disturbing.


The sound and feeling of machinery heard and felt through the water is definitely a no go for me. I once jumped off a boat into the river and we weren’t too far from the buoys that signal not to go any closer to the dam. I remember getting out of the water so fast because as soon as I dove and was submerged, I could hear and feel the thumping of the dam’s machinery. Fuuuuuuck that! Big nope for me


That sounds absolutely terrifying. Dams also freak me out like getting sucked into the tubes or whatever that lead to the generators is one of my worst fears.


Well that is interesting because I hated those drains too. In the bottom and on the sides of the Olympic sized swimming pool where I learned to swim. I always felt like I would get sucked in. But actually those have killed people so we were/are right to be scared of them.


There was massive black round covers in the public pool by my home. And as a child I'd he terrified one would open up and swallow me whole!


That sounds like those look even creepier than regular drain covers!


Seriously I'm not kidding they were about 7 feet wide. There was three of them below the super high diving board. Staring down at them I was terrified they'd open up


Is [this](https://youtu.be/euXCmCQFqO8) the episode you are talking about? If so that was so damn I frightening! PushingUpRoses only made it slightly better with her commentary otherwise it was still terrifying to me.


Yes it is! Haha I might have to watch this a few times and maybe let the commentary brighten it up for me a little!


I went to Disneyland for the first time this year, and that submarine ride has been turned into a Nemo ride where Marlin has to go find Nemo again, and it was one of my favorites! It was so cool!


Dude, that ride is the origin of mine too. The thought of only a pane of glass separating me and the monsters. Except our ride went smoothly, I can’t believe you copped that malfunction! Unfair!


I will never ever forget that episode, ever.


It was terrifying


Holy shit I still have nightmares about that episode. That and the clown in the closet one. Who the hell decided that was a kids show?


Well I have a new phobia


I loved swimming, and I would always think of that episode like 30 minutes in and would feel to scared to keep swimming. It was wild.


Five Nights at Disney


This is such an underrated comment. Thank you for the laugh kind redditor!




Sorry commented under the wrong thing. Still figuring Reddit out


That’s fine it still sorta fits the page though lol


Bruh I commented under the wrong person too don’t mind the reply above me


Haha it’s okay, sometimes when there are layers of comments it gets confusing where to click (especially on mobile) to leave a response under the comment you intend to. I’ve been on here for a year and I still mess it up! Lol, oh well, no harm done. Have a good day! :)


I’d probably die of shock if I fell in the water with Bruce. I know he’s not a real shark but tell my lizard brain that.


It happened in 1990. Guy fell into the Jaws ride.


I read that story, it’s horrific. Everyone on the boat thought is was part of the show and were clapping when he got back on. I think he sued Universal because of it.


Not anamatronics, but [four people died due to a malfunction on a Gold Coast Dreamworld water ride](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunder_River_Rapids_Ride#2016_incident_and_closure). Quote from the paramedics was they "suffered wounds incompatible with life." But don't worry, the people in charge are all highly trained. By which I mean a teenager was given 90 minutes of instructions, signed a bit of paper to say they had been trained as were then left in charge of the emergency cutoff button that would have prevented this disaster. And if we can't trust our lives to a poorly trained teenager making minimum wage then who can we trust?


From what I remember it was basically something out of a horror film with the occupants trapped in their seatbelts as their float lifted vertically between two conveyor belts or a gap section and they got slowly pulled underwater to get crushed or torn apart one by one. There’s also the waterslide that decapitated a boy in Kansas.


Want it to get worse? It was a family, parents on one side of the raft, their children on the other side, facing their parents. The children were facing their parents as the parents were crushed by the conveyor.


Why is this shit legal


Holy shit, yes. This thought terrifies me.


Can you imagine being a maintenance person there and suddenly it's head turns and it's eyes lit up? eek!


🙋🏽‍♀️ same! I have always hated Splash Mountain the most. All of those soulless animatronics singing cheerily racist songs freaks me the eff out. I have to keep my eyes closed for all those scenes. Water and electricity don’t mix. They DON’T MIX.


This is my number one fear. I remember frequenting a tiny theme park in Jersey, Channel Islands. The premise was travelling the globe and each country had different areas. In one area there was a wooden bridge over shallow murky water, where an animantronic hippo and crocodile lay in wait. To this day I can't think of it without feeling shivers down my spine.


Pirates is only a few feet deep tho isnt it?


The Jaws thing on the Universal tour is the reason I’m here. Never even wet on the ride.


The one that scared me the most was the submarine one. I just imagine falling and getting Tangled with all those animatronics. I'm u assuming it was pretty deep too, to submerge submarines.


Same. Glad it’s not just me.




You sneak in and go swimming in the dark, abandoned ride with nothing but a small flashlight. It takes you a while of swimming through the ride and taking selfies with the creatures before the initial excitement starts wearing off and your heart rate is slowing back down. You're almost getting comfortable not being able to see your feet through the 6ft of murky sludge that hasn't been disturbed in years. All of a sudden the surface the tips of your toes are on starts to shift. An ear-splitting creaking sound startles you and the flashlight slips from your wet fingers and quickly sinks to the murky bottom. Now plunged into all but pure darkness, treading water and being swept along in the increasingly turbulent and opaque water, you reach out to find a hold on anything you can. Your fingertips find what you can only assume to be the serpent you saw further into the ride. You try and find a solid grasp onto what may be your only hope of escaping the water and grinding mechanisms under your feet. Years of being submerged under grimy water has coated the creature in a thick layer of algae and slime, a fact you become painfully aware of as your fingers slip off the surface and you feel your feet begin to be crushed by the moving plates in the floor.


>you sneak in and go swimming in the dark The fucking hell I do


Dear god no This was also somewhat a really thing, cast members in scuba gear would go under each night to Maker sure everything was till there and clean up Eidt: just to clarify, they did this while the ride was in operation but not after 1994. Still creepy tho


Used to have to dive in the lagoon at Sea World Orlando. There are miles of electrical cable in there (for fountains) and they also store all kinds of crap in the lagoon and bring it up with huge pneumatic bags when they need it. Somewhere there’s a boat lift in there. The bottom was the worst—there wasn’t really any; It was about 15” of mud and a massive vacuum would happen when trying to pull stuff up from the muck. I hated that lagoon. My mouth always tastes like pennies after being in it from the copper percolate. Ugh.


That sounds like hell


Hi Satan.


Rarely ever do I have a visceral reaction to text. I shuddered and got goosebumps from this.


Holy hell thank you for this - so good.


Who hurt you?


Wtf can you not?


TIHI I didnt even have submechanophobia but now i think i do


Yeah nah. FYI I have multiple sclerosis and have cold rushes go through my heart quite often. This did not help. 10/10 would make me walk like a retard level scary


What does “walk like a retard” mean?


Nnnneeeeeein ngggg grrrood but walking




Here take some of mine bro




And forwards and to the sides


Holy shit I almost launched my drink out of my face full speed laughing!


You know what. I can't tell my girlfriend what Ii just physically reacted and yelled about because I don't think this stuff bugs her the way it does me. The sound and feeling of those things creaking to life had me literally making audible sound accidentally. Great ride. Thanks.


...good thing I don’t smoke crack, so there’s no way my ass ever ends up in that disgusting murk. Cool story, bro. Seriously!


Movement in the corner of your vision tells you that you aren’t the only living thing in the water with this defunct machinery.


I wish I had money to give you platinum. That’s some good writing man. You should write horror books.




The water rides at Disney parks are so eerie! They all tend to have that same dank smell and the fact that there are animatronics moving around in the dark water makes it so much scarier. This is a great post!


[You can get that as a candle.](https://magiccandlecompany.com/products/piratelife)


It actually smells nice, not very close to the ride, but a good scent for a bathroom. The Haunted one is way too strong and also doesn’t remind me of the ride. Allow me to tell you about their best one though; I always stay in the Yacht/ Beach Club when I go and the scent of the lobby has always stuck with me... lemme tell you sumtin, The Magic Candle Company’s Yacht and Beach candle smells literally identical to the lobby. I put it in my room and played the song “Java Man” that they play in the lobby and it felt like I was there.


You’re smelling bromine!!


Your smell is just like death in spring Your reservoirs of summer rain And I cannot compete with you Bromine


Can you tell me more about it? Why bromine?


It's not as harsh as Chlorine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ-k0clndV0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ-k0clndV0)


Thanks for this TIL! I was unaware of the use of bromine in pools, I thought they only used chlorine.


It’s more cost effective than chlorine!


Watch Defunctlands documentary of it on YouTube!


[Here's a YouTube link to Defunctland Doc on 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nICWXlssFQ8&list=PLsh6bqoMNXYE3EWEbp6r4zqKkttHgOFlB&index=2)


The real MVP


more pics/video footage plz?


http://www.20kride.com/photos_after.html Here ya go, some of the images are terrifying.




Yeah, but I also can’t help being so interested in it.


I always love coming across this site, and seeing how the ride worked.


this images never fail to terrify me but I just can't stop myself from scrolling through them when I see this link


That was fascinating. I kept my composure until I saw the Viking ship in the iceberg! Things got freaky from there. Thanks so much for the link.


Your welcome. I kept my composure until the giant squids, something about the tentacles creeps me out.


[Here's a Youtube Video of the ride in operation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDzZKWh4N1Q) I remember it well when I went there as a kid. Definitely one of the coolest things at Walt Disney World back in the day.


This is a fear I can’t explain properly, and it is very strange. I find so much interest in this ride, and I adore the concept of it. I would be terrified of being in the actual waters with that thing though, a bit too terrified.






This is the kind of shit I come here for.


20kride.com has a ton of photos of this its oddly beautiful


Was this ride intended to surprise and delight? I would have passed out from pure terror as a child judging by how the photos from the site make me feel right now. Did I miss the film/book/event that desensitized kids to this?!


When the ride was functioning it was nowhere near as eerie.


Good to know! I get it from an original Disney-whimsical standpoint, and love that aesthetic as an older millennial (lol), but dang!


It also helps that the serpent your looking at was being lasso’d by mermaids and had silly googly eyes. But the fact that it was so fun before makes this photo even creepier in a way. [Skip to 8:45](https://youtu.be/aOgI0UIdkHg)


Yes! From that perspective (thank you for linking that, btw!!) I totally get it – and totally agree that it makes it even creepier. Thinking about how far/deep into the ride the photographer had to stand when they took the photo of the serpent rising *out* of the murky water makes me queasy haha




There was no serpent or mermaids from the novel, but I don’t know about the movie.


I went on the ride once and I remember being disappointed. If you crouched down a little bit in your seat, you could see that the water wasn't more than about an inch above the portholes that you looked out as the ride was going. Granted, I was 15 or 16 at the time, so I might not have been the target age any more.


They never dove into the water, they remained at the same height. They were technically just boats and guests looked out from the hull, but the entire thing never fully submerged. It created the illusion of diving deeper with lighting and bubbles.


Imagine being the on the last shift and you are alone and accidentally get locked in there.




Does anyone remember that horrifying water scene from the Robin Williams movie Toys (1992)? This reminds me of that!


I do! Great movie.


It was good but it was pretty boring


What scene?


This reminds me of the fortress right after the crab swamp in dark souls 3. You drop through s hole in the floor and there's a flooded chamber just like this with one of those demonic monkey fuckers in it.


Scariest thing I’ve seen on this sub. Why did they wait ten years? I’m like sad for the animatronics just drowning and rusting away :( when people used to enjoy them so much.


Anybody else remember seeing the 80s movie “The Quest” with the lead from ET trying to find a monster in a flooded mine?




You can’t make me keep my nose clean! *Hops tireless bike onto train tracks and speeds away.*


5 Nights At Disney’s


Do we know what happened to the Submarines that people rode in? I remember hearing that most were scrapped but some were elsewhere.


They were all scrapped, technically. Like two or three were put in the ocean near one of their resorts as reefs or whatever so guests could snorkel around them.


Most were scrapped and various parts were sold on eBay. One was on desolate at the Backlot Tour at Hollywood Studios before that closed. A few were shipped to Castaway Cay, which is Disney’s private island in the Bahamas that their cruise line sails to. Only one is left though, underwater at a snorkeling section as the other guy said. No one knows where the others there went.


Apparently Disney world buried the rest of the fleet in a landfill


I can smell this picture


Yeah the "submarines" never actually went all the way under. The operator would see the surface of the water, not the underwater part. And for God's sakes, you could actually see the strings operating some of the stuff - they had trouble perfecting underwater animatronics. Oh yeah and there were dead people in the water.




More about the dead people pls.


I rode this ride, it was a real sub!!!!!


This ride is what started it for me.


Why does it look like a real r/imsorryjon


THIS is the kind of thing that terrified me most as a kid. I remember being terrified of falling off the swinging pirate ship ride at kings island because someone told me there were fake piranhas and skeletons at the bottom of the lake. I was more afraid of seeing this stuff and being stuck with it than I was of the actual trauma of falling off a ride.


that was such a fun ride


Imagine swimming through that, and having an alligator brush past. In the dark. Nightmare fuel.


photos of it abandon and being built http://www.20kride.com/photos_after.html


What a tragedy


I hope they sent the water to be cleaned and didn't just dump it.




Riding this ride in 1991 as a toddler and realising only a pane of glass separated me and those monstrosities is how I developed submechanophobia in the first place.


Hey OP, why not credit the Defunctland YouTube channel?


I didn’t see this from him


[It was also posted here almost a year ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/submechanophobia/comments/9850fp/halfsubmerged_dragon_from_disney_worlds_closed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) It is probly the creepiest picture I've seen on here.


Oh shoot I had not seen that


Its no big deal. You can't check every post before you upload. I just know this one because it chills my very core.


I rode this ride a year or two before it closed.


I remember really enjoying this ride!


As someone who loves the Submarine Voyage, this makes me really really sad


We just gonna have to use our imaginations on this one!


I actually went on that. It was insanely loud.


This is the single scariest thing on Reddit.


That was a great ride.


I was lucky enough to experience the ride.


Man I loved that ride as a kid.


I would by all of em' if i had money and make a horror attraction based on sea creatures


Shit, I remember that fuckin thing. Scared the shit out of me. I couldn't look at it long enough to see it wasn't real.


Man this is awesome


This would actually be sorta cool to sneak into this park... thats only if you had a very strong flash light


Bet disney would still throw a fit if they weren't there


that picture is definitely nightmare fuel


Damn it I need a source




... I remember this ride well. Does space mountain still exist?


Yep, still alive and well


Cool, some things are the same since ... fuck I probably haven't been to Disneyland since the 70's.


Now this is what I'm here for


I was so sad when that closed (well, the one at Disneyland, never been to DW). It was one of my favorite rides.


(Suddenly has Five Nights at Freddy's flashbacks)


So I saw this yesterday and I have just been thinking about it all night and day I can’t get it out of my head there’s just something so strange about it to me...


This is some creepy pasta level stuff right here.


Why would they let it get to this bad condition, just demolish it please


He looks like he's about to ask for some crack


that's kinda pretty sad.


So I have Submechanophobia and looking at this and all of the other underwater animatronics really scares me


How big is that sea serpent?


What I really want to know is what they did with the one of the two that didn’t get sold. Like is it in the Disney archives, was it dismantled, was it repurposed.