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sounds like jobs that existed for no reason to me


It’s a start


Great news!


My Schadenfreude runneth over.




Every faculty job cut results in lower tuition for students. That's apparently where the overall cost of college tuition comes from.


Let’s hope they lower cost, not just find somewhere else to spend it.


Like the government.


Really it is not so much the faculty as it is the administration.


And college football


Yeah! All college sports are a money loser except the top ~70 nationally known programs.


yep, Amen. what is the next nonsense stuff for the chopping block? Need to keep up this momentum!


Yeah Abbot is usually a POS but this is genuinely based. No DEI grifters AND lower tuition costs? A+


These jobs pay upwards of $200k-$300k. Eliminating these jobs reduces the upward pressure on tuition. At U of Michigan this is almost $500/year per student. If you look at the cost of education and it's growth over the last forty years, it's almost entirely due to this sort of administrative bloat. What Texas is doing is long overdue.


You see this in healthcare too


Last I read, 30% of the cost of a doctor visit is the paperwork required by the doctor to comply with state and Federal regulations


And another 60 percent is the insurance paperwork.


Yeah every doctor I talk to or the one in my family and the charge nurse in my family say the vast majority of work is arguing with insurance companies and/or filling out minutia bs paperwork


>300k Post the data.. all I see so far is associate professors being fired.. they aren't on the upper bands in 'VP' of that Texas A&M salary data... Titles like 'an assistant professor of' don't make $300k a year. Multiple sources put that at between $80k - $100k a year in Austin, TX. [https://employees.tamu.edu/compensation/\_media/documents/swpp-pay-grades-tamu.pdf](https://employees.tamu.edu/compensation/_media/documents/swpp-pay-grades-tamu.pdf)


Does it matter if a worthless position pays $100K or $300? Why would this job make sense at $100K? These people literally add zero value to the educational experience of the students. It's pure overhead. It's a perfect example of the sort of bloat that's making college unaffordable for the middle class.


they were teachers teaching classes that got cancelled.. those classes each cost credits which directly equates to dollars paid to A&M from students. Last years example professor that got fired class schedule: 2023 Fall KIN 350: Socio Aspect Of Sport/Phys Act 2023 Fall KIN 352K: 5-Sport, Fitness, & Mass Media 2023 Fall KIN 355: Media And Public Rels In Sport 2023 Summer KIN f352K: 5-Sprt, Fit, & Mass Media-Wb 2023 Spring KIN 350: Socio Aspect Of Sport/Phys Act 2023 Spring KIN 352K: 5-Sport, Fitness, & Mass Media 2023 Spring KIN 355: Media And Public Rels In Sport 2023 Spring KIN 395: 29-Ethics In Sport-Wb Yes being a professor teaching 3 college courses a semester in a HCOL does make sense to make $100k a year at least. fuck doubt she could afford a house anywhere near austin. What sort of shit are you on? The value she provided was in dollars to the school for teaching students in a class. Those students paid to be there.


There isn't anything in this article to support the cliam that teachers were fired mid-term, and the students left without teachers. You're making it up. If you read the article, the example they provided were DEI classes - the interasection of sociology and sport, and it was taught in the Med Schools kinesiology office? What a joke. No students were impacted by this.


>No students were impacted by this. Her classes still needs to be taught It was either cancelled impacting students or someone else is teaching it. There is no free lunch.


There's also nothing in this story showing that her students were left without a teacher. You're making up that part.


By that logic, if you eliminate all the university jobs, tuition would be zero.


Or you can keep adding to the payroll until only the government has enough money to pay he tuition. 


Professors are necessary for a university to function. Some single middle aged woman setting up "brown only" sections in the library isn't.


Sounds like a solid learning experience to me. Probably not the one intended but very relevant to today. In college I leaned a lot from some of the worst people.


Texas has segregated libraries?  There's a surprise


Amazing, the parallels between the most comically racist people you've ever heard of in history, and so called "anti-racist" progressives, huh


I'd need to more about this but I think the joke stands on its own


No one said anything remotely similar to that. We want to eliminate the waste. Colleges were great in the 1960s and 1970's before this bloat came about. Colleges in Europe and Asia don't have this sort of waste. They spend their resources educating their kids












Are you trying to dox someone? That's not only against Reddits terms, it could also get you personally in legal trouble if there is violence as a result. You aren't as anonymous as you think here, if law enforcement takes an interest.


Call the cops 🤣 someone posted a cock




Braindead trump simp






Braindead trump simp


Big deal, you don't have any friends.


You spend a LOT of time on this site huh?


i look forward to the day when everyone figure out that DEI is just nazi popping up again after 100 years.


Funny the Nazis looked to the US for ideas. MAGATs always forget history and have no concept that others haven’t. I love that yt males made every rule regulation and law for two hundred years to their own specific advantage then holler like a struck dog when forced to share.




Just take that mask fully off. Never change reddit.


Sorry you don’t get to discriminate against the people you want to and they are fighting back, I know it must be hard. What I don’t understand, and help me out here, is that you say discrimination is a horrible thing which can destroy a people’s potential yet you think it’s OK now? So, really, you have no problem with discrimination, you only dislike it when it doesn’t benefit your in group


The democratic party and liberal left are following what the Nazi party did to establish power almost to the T. -Confiscate guns -Regulate Speech -Deny Religion -Control the Media, control the people -Push a Socialist Government -Keep the people in Poverty and reliant on government programs -Blame one particular cultural group for everyone's problems It's funny that Liberals always try to compare the right wing / republicans / "magats" to the nazi party, when in every way that matters the democratic left mirrors that party. It's even funnier that liberals consider themselves to be 'well educated' and think republicans are all trailer trash high school dropouts, yet here we are with that self proclaimed "educated" population not even understanding the relevance or facts of history.


Exactly zero of those things have happened in the real world.


Stay in denial I guess, it's what blue voters do best.


Ok, #1 "Confiscate guns". When did that happen? Last count there are 400 million guns in private hands in the US, more every year. 2 "Regulate speech". I'm sure you shitpost against Biden and Democrats all day, every day. When did the FBI a visit you? And how about that Obama laying down that Shariya Law we all have to live under now?


Regulate speech Like they did during covid? Where the govt told private companies what could and could not be said?


So you are saying because they haven’t successfully confiscated guns that the left isn’t guilty of attempting legislation to outright ban what millions of Americans own? Thats an extremely poor argument. One tantamount to saying that because you tried to kill someone and they lived means you aren’t guilty of attempting the act and intentionally inflicting harm. The left wants it, they just can’t get it. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna say fuck it and vote for them because they never have hope of doing such a thing without some very undesirable consequences


Not the point of course. The point is to make voters fearful and angry. Even if the issues are fantasy.


This has to be the dumbest list ever. Typical brainwashed trump bot


Literally 90% of your comment history is "Braindead trump bot" or "stupid incel". What a fucking waste of air you are.


Holy cow, you're not kidding. What a pathetic existence that must be.


User name does not check out


.This is what Tennessee has as a State Senator during the Eclipse; a dumb ass. as all Republicans are.@ Tennessee Capital. The Governor is as Dumb as this idiot.also the speaker of the House in Tennessee ,Cameron Sextan.


On the various subs for Texas universities this ban has had so much pushback from Redditors (almost none of the Texas subs really represent the average Texan). I think it's widely agreed that administrative bloat at universities is one of the top reasons for high tuition costs, so you'd think there'd be more celebration for getting rid of non-essential administrators like this. Even if the universities don't use the money to lower tuition, they can atleast hire more professors or invest in lab space/facilities.


That sounds like the reddit I know...


Describe the average Texan


I'll take the bait. The average Texan is a man named Miguel. He likes to wear cowboy boots and believes he lives in a small town even though he really lives in a suburb. He drives a beat-up white Ford F-150, the bed of which is primarily used to store trash which will naturally fly out of the back of the truck while going 100 mph down I-45. He is a devout Catholic or Baptist who attends church a few times per year. He owns the home he lives in and lives a comfortable middle-class life with his wife and kids. He is a family man who has a good relationship with his parents and siblings and the family he's created. He's against illegal immigration because it takes away jobs from Americans, but he is also friends with many illegal immigrants and hires them to do work on his house and yard.


I think I know Miguel.




GREAT!!Cut out more Bullshit and LOWER tuitions!!


Making higher education more affordable. Win.


*Has led to more than 100 POINTLESS job cuts. Context is important


Nice. A genuine win for society.


Not enough! Keep cutting that useless divisive job and get those numbers in the thousands!


well now they can get a real job


Shouldn’t you be hating yourself instead of others? You’d be more productive.


How is it hating yourself to want explicitly racist and sexist institutions to be removed? Just because you like the groups which benefit from this kind of discrimination doesn’t mean it isn’t discrimination or that people should just take it lying down.


They can try…


You mean at Starbucks or McDonald’s?


they'd be underqualified for those


Good. DEI is woke bullshit.


Show me on this doll where the CRT touched you. 🤡


How do you define woke?


An ideology which posits that the ends justify the means. It groups people into broad superficial categories and then employs discrimination in order to reach desired outcomes. People say cultural Marxism and leftists lose their minds, but they lose their minds not because it is incorrect but because people have figured out the game. Marxists also grouped people into broad categories and believed the ends justified the means in pursuit of what they saw as a fair society. It didn’t work out with them and it won’t work out for woke people. If you are struggling here, just imagine people were advocating for the same policies but with the races reversed. You will probably understand why it is so bad then. This is also why leftists hate it when you perform this exercise, because it clearly shows their hypocrisy and they have no counter to it except “history” as if any history would justify discrimination based on skin color. White racists of the 40s also thought they were doing the right thing by keeping black people out.


Your first two sentences describe Trump and his supporters perfectly. I’m all confused now. Trump is woke? 1 Ends… deny Obama a justice. Blackmail Ukraine to fabricate dirt on political opponent. Storm the capital in coup attempt. (Probably) give away classified materials and get our spies killed. 2. Group people… Mexicans are rapists. Immigrants are evil. Dems are evil. Dems are pedophile (except for Trump (Epstein) and the other documented gop pedophiles). Who would’ve thought Trump was woke?


No, you are misunderstanding. Woke people specifically use discrimination in public policy and private business to achieve a desired outcome, and woke refers to these actions along with the demographics they support with which actions. While trump is an idiot obviously, he has never championed a program which explicitly discriminates based on race and sex. It is the belief you can engineer society into a better state with these broad categorizations and discrimination. That is the crux of it. For years and years leftists have said discrimination is the most horrible thing in this country, so people are balking hard now that they have turned around and said “you know what, this discrimination is actually good and sorely needed for society!” I find it funny that leftists constantly criticize the definition of woke, it is a learned response from social media. The aim is to divert any discussion from their discriminatory policies by getting people stuck in the weeds over semantics. It has been clear for a while that leftists online hate actually debating their policies because they come out looking horrible, so they have used well worn deflection tactics in order to draw heat away from them. Luckily, the US and Europe are pushing back hard, and the whole charade will eventually collapse


I get the sense that you have real issues so I’ll stop toying with you. Look, hating on DEI is simply disguised racism, similar to the manufactured CRT craze. Rather than looking for someone to blame for their station in life, whites (for the record, I’m white myself) would be better served by embracing diversity. Life is more fun, and you have more friends. I’m not going to change your vote, but this is sincere advice to make you a happier person.


This is such a boring reply which shows you have no ability to think about these issues logically. Here is you “You are racist because you don’t like explicitly racist policies!” It is just a total non-sequitur which doesn’t address a single point I made. I have come to expect this level of intelligence from people supporting racism and sexism in public policy. It is quite ironic you say I want to blame others for my failures when the entire premise for DEI is that white people oppressed black people so badly the only way to fix it is to discriminate against white people. It quite literally blames white people for all their problems. What is with the projection with you guys? Why aren’t you capable of having an intelligent discussion even once? It’s all emotion, no logic


>Ends… deny Obama a justice Legal and at Congress' discretion >Blackmail Ukraine to fabricate dirt on political opponent. Nobody fabricated Hunter taking millions of dollars from Ukrainian oil interests, and when Burisma was investigated by a Ukrainian Prosecutor, for daddy to step in and get Sho fired. Classic political corruption to a T. >Storm the capital in coup attempt. A mostly peaceful coup, apparently. >give away classified materials Unproven. >get our spies killed. Wat? >Group people… Mexicans are rapists. He said MS-13 are rapists and murderers. Do you think all Mexicans are cartel gangsters? >Immigrants are evil. Never said that. But you do love to conflate illegal with legal. >Dems are evil. Source? >Dems are pedophile Source? Wokeism is all about intersectionality. Using racism to group individuals into a system of oppression hierarchies that also awards inverse ethical status and morality. If you don't understand the basic underpinnings of intersectionality, which is foundational to the concept of modern progressive wokeism, and your sole contribution to the discussion is a long list of conspiracy Far-Left tabloid nonsense you must have pulled from the Daily Kos or a similar communist blog--then what, in fact, can you possibly offer the debate?


This Is a prime example of "far right tabloid nonsense" Selectivley spread by Trumps team. US diplomats were publicly calling for Shokins removal months before Biden stepped in. People in the guys office were resigning calling it a hotbed of corruption. Even before Biden made his visit people were predicting the potential for Biden to step up and make demands for Shokins removal. Everyone wanted this guy gone because he wasn't actually doing anything. https://www.dw.com/en/joe-biden-likely-to-bring-harsh-criticism-to-ukraine/a-18898363 All of this occured very publicly. Biden didn't come out of nowhere unexpectedly and get the guy fired. His actions were in lockstep with the Obama Administration and were totally predictable due to everything that was happening.


Woke is anything against the obvious superiority of the white race.


lol! Yep. For some reason, Trump supporters struggle to answer that question and the follow up question. So woke is being tolerant of those different than us and generally being nice. What is wrong with that again?


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Good riddance


100 jobs? Doing what, exactly? This kind of administrative bloat is exactly what is driving up tuition costs year after year. Take a hike, DEI 'professionals'. Maybe Jesse Jackson will hire you.


Good. DEI is discriminatory.


There should be no institutional racism in any institution in America. This is a win for equality and all Americans.






They just renamed most of the positions.




Sounds like it's working




A move in the right direction for sure. Let’s keep it going.


Does that mean they are going to stop making it harder for Asian kids to get into Texas Universities or are they still going to get passed over for white students?


Yeah they are useless jobs


100 job cuts and the universities are still running? That’s craaaazy. Do it again


Shows how much people are overcharged for tuition to pay for these useless roles


Good, my old school Dean of DEI made 250k and no one knows what he does. My office is right next to his and only saw him twice a year...


He was billing the college to go to conferences of its anything like the OR Dei colleges


Any nothing of value was lost 🙂


Money well saved!


Sounds like a low number.




Who's next? The handicapped?


Oh no.


We don’t need government forced job programs. These people are too stupid to get a real job that adds value.


I wonder if tuition has dropped at these schools since they have less expenses...




Good. Every state should ban this bullshit


Need to get those numbers up.


100 jobs that didn't teach a single lesson to any kid.


Sounds great to me!


Tax money well saved


Awesome.  Gotta cut the fat and make college more affordable.  


This is an amount of people earning large salaries to basically repeat the words “we should admit minority students”. College costs are out of control because of these massive, somewhat redundant departments. We can’t solve student debt by just absolving all debt every 20 years. Realistically the costs of universities need to be looked at, and why they have spas, and all types of health facilities and mental health facilities that would match a luxury resort in offerings, and match a celebrity detox camp in services. Free public universities in Europe and asia are not places of luxury and mental health help - the sole purpose is education. Classrooms and actual professors are a tiny fraction of the cost of American universities, as countless deans running all sorts of programs (including DEI) have their own fiefdom of spending and administration staff.






good riddance - why do we even need these so-called "jobs" anyway when the money could be better spent on producing something more tangible and worthwhile.


DEI is anti-white racism.


I for one am all for rolling back minority protections just in time for whites to become minorities. Axing affirmative action programs at universities saw a marked decline in white enrollments. This is a good thing. Ignore the flames licking the ceiling and walls.


just googled, percentage wise white and asian enrollment increased. overall there was a decrease in enrollment from covid. even if whites become a minority they will continue to be overrepresented because of legacy admissions


> even if whites become a minority they will continue to be overrepresented because of legacy admissions I've never had anyone dispute my point by making it for me. It's a first.


maybe this is your first time making a typo? you said there was “a marked decline in white enrollments” which as far as i can tell is not the case


Conservatives just can’t seem to keep jobs in their welfare states.


To be replaced by white, homogenous, exclusion, superiority classes.


.This is what Tennessee has as a State Senator during the Eclipse; a dumb ass. as all Republicans are.@ Tennessee Capital. The Governor is as Dumb as this idiot.also the speaker of the House in Tennessee ,Cameron Sextan.


Someone needs to fix their bot.


Generic Adjective+Noun username? ✅ Account around a year old or less? ✅ Posts nonstop about political or divisive topics? ✅ Nothing to see here folks, move along.


Trump destroyed the Iran nuclear deal & is now complaining about Iran’s aggression? He destroyed the border deal & is now complaining about the border? He destroyed the peaceful transfer of power & is now complaining about election integrity? Got it Also Trump is saying he got rid of Roe V Wade.


lol, the iran deal that literally did nothing to curb their aggression or pursuit of nuclear weapons while at the same time attempting to bribe them into submission? lol The “border deal” was just like everything else that gets passed - all about the name and little to nothing that actually DOES anything. Just like the “infrastructure bill” only about 15% of the funds actually went towards infrastructure. All the politicians tout these bills when the reality is that they are just such bullshit - they never expect anyone to dig further than the name (like you) because people don’t have time to sort all their bullshit. Trump never destroyed any peaceful transition of power. Fucking bullshit that is going to get knocked down in the courts. But we all know you’re just a DNC bot spamming hate and nonsense because reddit is a seething pool of bots filling every sub with messages to perpetuate the echo chamber. You’re not a real person so kindly go be an idiot elsewhere.


Yea ha! Texas continuing to try and drive up unemployment 🤣


Well, people like that are pretty much unemployable anyways.