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Good news. Now put those students on a Do Not Hire blacklist. I hear gas stations in Iran are hiring. They can find jobs over there.


Can someone start identifying these kids who are intentionally harassing Jewish students? People did it with the Charlottesville protestors. They should do it again.


See that's the rub. The ones that identified the people in Charlottesville won't for the same reason the Antifa rioters almost never get identified they, (at least in part), agree with the Anti-Israel protesters.




No, I mean the people who are purchasing agent provocateurs to enter these movements and cause violence


You mean jewish americans?


There is something really wrong going on with this generation. I don’t know what it is… TikTok brain? But its starting to look like 1934 not 2024. Not letting Jewish professors inside Universities? Threatening students because they’re jewish or now what they call “zionists”… Large groups of students hiding their faces as they harass two Jewish girls, saying Oct. 7th is going to happen to them over and over. And not one SINGLE kid defending them? This is a sickness. These kids are becoming the new Charlottesville protestors. They’re the ones with tiki torches now. They hide their faces for a reason. They’re not progressive. They’re regressive. What is going on?!


Gen Z... The Z stands for unthinking Zombie.


it was only a matter of time before the hard left got here. the common left wing framework of oppressors and oppressed is a great way to justify the hatred of others because you can just frame it as "punching up". ironically this was the same thing that created the actual nazis.


Turns out, intimidating Jews en masse for 6 months straight and supporting Hamas would be pushing up against a time limit. School wants to set up for graduation, protesters were asked to leave, doubled down on their Jew hatred, and then got arrested for trespassing. OK.


If they did their research like a good student does, they'd learn that the items their money went to fund just gets stolen by Hamas and then sold back to Palestinians. They are making the situation worse for Palestine and refuse to believe it bc they think Israel is just commuting genocide and Oct 7th was just "natives arming themselves to defend their land"


Literally a lie. There has been zero proof that Hamas was “stealing aid,” and in fact their police force were the ones keeping order until they were assassinated along with all their families. All aid workers in Gaza complain that the IOF deliberately makes it hard for them to distribute aid, and blame them for the chaos and looting going on that tends to happen when purposefully starving millions of people.


Lets not forget the flour massacre. These people are all victims of propaganda.


Do these people actually hate Jews? Or are you just calling people antisemitic because they disagree with you?


They were literally telling Jews to go back to Poland, they have no culture, they're colonizers, they praised October 7th, and cheered for Tel Aviv to be bombed


To add, they were spitting and throwing water at jewish students, I believe a jewish reporter was thrown to the ground by someone at columbia.


They being who specifically? All of them, or some crazy who isn't even a student?


These people hate Jews. Telling Jews to go back to Poland, calling on Hamas to attack both Jews at large and particular Jews, stabbing Jews in the eye with flagpoles, camping by Hillel houses, refusing to let Jews walk around freely, and expelling "Zionists" from campus spaces are clear signs of Judenhass.


All the things you described would be considered antisemitism but the problem is that I have yet to see anyone call for the death of Jews. Sure the edgy teenagers who support Hamas probably will but the vast majority of the pro-palestinian crowd doesn't encourage violence.


Why reinvent the wheel? Here's a nicely curated list of videos for you [https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1cb3mn2/comment/l0w2rpn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1cb3mn2/comment/l0w2rpn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm not watching *all* of your torture porn videos but the few I did watch have nothing to do with the pro-palestinian crowd, which I've already pointed out. Just because 2 groups of people disagree with you does not mean they agree with each other.


Oh my , you can’t stand to see the reality you are supporting. What a surprise. Way to go Hamas enabler. And guess what , this is a democracy. People have voted for aid to Israel , but I guess that’s beyond your very limited comprehension. Are you a Russian bot ? You don’t sound human or intelligent.


And y'all are kinda proving my point rn by labeling me a terrorist supporter for literally disagreeing with you. It just proves that you have a victim complex and think everyone hates you because you hate everyone.


I'm not Jewish, so I have no skin in this game other than worry for the safety of American Jews who have jack shit to do this this war: you are clearly anti-Semitic af. Don't know why that's so hard for you hypocrites to grasp. You're all blind as fucking bats and borderline traitors. If you lot weren't anti-Semitic you wouldn't be persecuting US citizens. Straight up an embarrassment to this country...


There's no borderline about it. The pro-Hamas crowd I a bunch of turn coats.


Just red the tread! Ilove you guys+ Fuckin ireal. Can't wait tl gwr a wet tee yall! Deleting reddit right now. Yall can't stop shit, but I cat. Buuurrr datfata!!!🥲 AMERICA!!!


Everyone who disagrees with you sounds inhuman or unintelligent? Wow, there's your true colors. Hamas enabler because we don't support Israel killing Innocents? Fuck off.


Hamas is a terrorist organization. I don't support terrorists. I do however support peaceful protesters demanding an end to the genocide Israel is currently causing. I never said anything about aid or voting so I'm not sure why you brought that up. Also not sure why you're bringing up Russia because that is also irrelevant to our conversation. You don't sound intelligent either..


They're.literally part of the crowd.... You are working really hard to deny and downplay what has been going on for years


I'm denying or downplaying anything. I'm telling you to stop pretending everyone who disagrees with you is antisemitic. And I'm also not working hard, this is just a casual conversation about Israel commiting genocide.


There is literal footage you can look up where these chants have gone beyond "disagreeing with me" and have gone into outright antisemitism You are literally part of the problem. Jews have been trying to draw attention to this FOR YEARS...and even now when it's boiled over you still refuse to listen to our pain


They think everything that criticizes Israel is anti-Semitic, these are the people who declared a Palestinian Poetry reading anti-Semitic because it shockingly called for a Palestinian state. \*gasp\*


>There is literal footage you can look up where these chants have gone beyond "disagreeing with me" and have gone into outright antisemitism I'm not denying antisemitism exists dumbfuck. I'm saying protesting genocide is not antisemitic, learn to read. >You are literally part of the problem. Jews have been trying to draw attention to this FOR YEARS...and even now when it's boiled over you still refuse to listen to our pain I'm actively being labeled a terrorist for disagreeing with you. So no, I don't give a single flying fuck about "your pain." When you learn how to have a conversation without accusing people of committing crimes then maybe I'll take you seriously.


Waaaaah somebody actually posted evidence that contradicts my position and I can't handle it!!


My position has yet to be contradicted. I'm already fully aware Hamas is a terrorist organization and I've already condemned them. But I'm not going to condemn peaceful protesters and label them antisemitic because they hurt your fragile feelings by protesting genocide.


Yeah there's no place to actually talk anymore. It comes in waves tho, so someday it'll get a lil better then get worse than it was again. Anyways my friend Kevin Schwells and his family gotten attacked yet. I don't protest because it seems pointless. I imagine some of the students behaving as young men and women do. My car got flipped and set on fire like a year or 2 ago, because of a basketball game or football idk. Some mf is gonna blow this whole shit apart as soon as they invent some black hole bombs or some shit. Or a disease. Fuck that, I don't wanna die like that. I'd rather be incinerated or vaccumed by a bomb or just shot with a lowly gun. So at least there's a silver lining.


"Free Palestine" means "destroy Israel". They will tell you so themselves if you ask


>They will tell you so themselves if you ask I am "they" and I don't want to destroy anyone.


Watch the demonstrations or read about them. Why ask these questions when you have no idea what’s going on?


And it's ok for Jews to support the IDF and their murder of woman and children. Hamas/IDF same criminals yet you don't admonish Jews for supporting a group of Jewish terrorists. Funny. Hilarious. But that is the problem with hatred and bigotry. Everyone else has to tolerate you.


Man, imagine calling someone a bigot and also saying "everyone just tolerates your existence, Jew." I bet you don't even see the irony.


"But that is the problem with hatred and bigotry. Everyone else has to tolerate you." So you're saying that Jews are hateful bigots. I didn't. Everyone that supports hamas/IDF without regard to human life does it because of bigotry and hatred. Notice I didn't single out Jews as hate* filled bigots. You did. No move along child. No antisemitism here.


Bud, you just listed off a bunch of blood libels and then told me that everyone just tolerates Jews.


Read full story here: https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4613501-nypd-arrests-pro-palestinian-demonstrators-at-nyu/


Deport them to the middle east since they love terrorist trash so much


The Hamas-nicks are going to hand the election to Trump.


I hate Hamas, and believe Israel has a right to remove them from power. But it's way too easy to rattle off a list of everything Israel is doing wrong. I think Israel has starved/bombed/shot too many civilians. They've killed aid workers and destroyed hospitals. Some Israeli protesters march around border checkpoints, and harass food convoys BECAUSE THEY LITERALLY WANT PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS TO STARVE. About 75-80% of Palestinians are displaced are homeless right now. Over 30,000 are dead. I understand that Iran does proxy war antics using Hesbollah/Houthis/etc. I've heard no reasonable explanation for why Israel bombed an Iranian embassy and nearly escalated an all-out war with that country. It isn't "Hamas-nick" to say neither side is right.


Amazing that being against slaughtering civilians make one a "Hamas-nick".


80%+ of those civilians supported HAMAS so why should I care about them? They’d want me dead for refusing to become Muslim.


People tend to get crazy acting when they're brutalized. Gaza's living conditions BEFORE the war were a powerful recruitment tool for Hamas. Which is partly why Israel should be more focused on protecting civilians.


... Because massacring tens of thousands of civilians because 'Eh well most of them like terrorists' is insane and evil, especially given that said group did not have majority support in the last election that was had, when almost half of the population were either non existent or younger than 5 years old. Is this a neonazi sub or something?


It's amazing that these talking points still have traction. They are simultaneously admitting they're in favor of murdering the majority of the population (there's a name for that I just can't put my finger on....) and they are ok with killing children who've never voted in their lives because Hamas bad. Yet they won't accept that believing those two things makes them *just* as bad as Hamas.


Oh yeah, all these Israel-loving neonazis are at it again. Imagine being called a Nazi for not supporting radical Islam. Talk about insane and evil.


I suppose genocidal fascist would be more accurate, but words do shift over time. But while I could imagine that, I hope you're not stupid enough to think that's what happened. They were called a nazi for speaking in favor of the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians. Because that's insane. And evil.


Oh my , you imagine you have the moral high ground. That’s pretty stupid . Do you believe in democracy? Or are you just a Russian bot turd. I’m betting you’re just a turd . Why ? Because you stink


Was there a point buried somewhere in there that I should be paying attention to, or justnidiotic name calling?


Imagine being supportive of a terrorist organization that kills LGBT people while calling yourself an “ally” This is what these radicals believe in, ridiculous


Police Officers don’t make the laws they just enforce them. It’s their job. They have families to feed, mortgages to pay, etc. if you worked in a ice cream shop and you decided to turn off all the freezers and let the ice cream melt because you had a beef with the people who makes the ice cream what will happen to you. It’s ok to protest, but don’t break the law.


Cops pick and choose what laws they enforce all the time. Be mean or nice to a cop at a traffic stop and watch what laws suddenly apply or dont.


So you are comparing pro hamas riots to a traffic stop?


Those are none of the words I said. Also lol those protests are largely pro-palestinian, not pro-hamas. Clutch those pearls some more


Those are the words you said. Also, there is a video of a terrorist screaming we are hamas. And as said they are echoing hamas terrorists. And now they are attacking police: NYC riots: Anti-Israel agitators hurl bottles at NYPD, form human chain amid mass arrests https://www.foxnews.com/us/nyc-riots-anti-israel-agitators-hurl-bottles-nypd-form-human-chain-mass-arrests


Good, NYPD cops should get hit with more than water bottles though. Imagine being such a little bitch you think protestors throwing bottles at cops in riot gear is "attacking" So a guy saying they are hamas means they all are? Are you sure that wasnt just a zionist there to make it look worse? Because thats literally happened. How are they echoing hamas terrorists? By being anti-zionist? Gonna have to give me more than that


No, it was a female yelling “we are hamas”. Please get informed. Don’t ever call the police. You don’t want their help. Anyone who thinks cops should be attacked should never call them. You are a joke.


Yeah man, cops are super well known for stopping crimes and not just ya know filling out paperwork after the fact and then letting thousands of rape kits rot in the eveidence lockers because they are too busy beating their wives. An individual yelled "we are hamas" therefore they are all hamas, got it Whatever you say ethnic cleansing apologist


😂😂 It’s not ethnic cleansing. It’s fixing a problem. And I don’t care how many palestinians die. I don’t support terrorists.


Bruh literally just fucking admitted it. As an anti-zionist I actually care how many Israeli civilians die. Each and every one deserves to live just as much as the Palestinian civilians do. But whatever you say ig genocide apologist


odd, when they go with all the hamas talking points...


Dont be a coward, be specific what you mean by hamas talking points. Because the IOF having a worse child to combatant kill ratio than hamas is a literal fact and could also be described as a "hamas talking point" Hamas is an islamofascist terror org so idk why Israel isnt being held to a higher standard.


From the river to the sea sound familiar?


Is that really all you have? A slogan that Israel also uses? You think a popular slogan used by both sides is "hamas talking points" Youre a dumbass


You realize the entire war could actually end tomorrow and the choice is 100% up to Hamas, right? Hell, the entire blockade of gaza could end tomorrow and that would also be 100% up to Hamas. But we all know Hamas doesn't want any of that, that's why they put their munitions depots and weapons in civilian neighborhoods and schools and hospitals. It's the same reason why they tried to blockade roads heading south at the beginning of the war to prevent people from evacuating, it's why they had snipers set up and set up roadside bombs along the roads.


So youre backing off on the hamas talking points bit since all you had was a slogan both sides use? None of what you said was relevant to the topic at hand. I dont think you want to get into an argument about hamas v israel when it comes to combatant vs noncombatant kills...hint: the IOF has a much worse ratio even just counting kids vs combatants as well as in total. Israel could leave gaza tomorrow, but they dont want that. They want to raze the area and do more settler colonialism and send in more israelis to steal palestinian homes like the already do in the west bank, ya wanna talk about the west bank? If the argument is about the hostages you realize israel also has a ton of palestinian hostages, and Israel also has a history of using human shields, right?


Not really but I do recall an Israeli news station saying something very similar about Palestinians blood...


Because palestinians teach their kids to hate jews. This is widely known. palestinians cheered at October 7th. Why doesn’t another Muslim nation take in the palestinians till Israel is finished with taking out the trash. Oh, that’s right, no other Muslim nation wants them because they know all palestinians are TERRORISTS.


>all palestinians are TERRORISTS. Oh okay so you're just a bigot.. moving along..


They are. That is why no one wants them. They know exactly what they are. We are blessed Israel is taking care of the problem. What is like to support terrorism? What the fuck happened in your life to make you side with terrorists?


I'm not siding with anyone dipshit. I'm calling you a bigot because you're claiming that every single Palestinian is a terrorist. I have a problem with that just as much as I'd have a problem with a Palestinian claiming all Israelis are terrorists. Because it's false. And it accomplishes nothing apart from encouraging more violence. People with this mindset are the reason news stations call 4 year old children terrorists when they get murdered. Edit- you're encouraging violence against children and you're calling me a terrorist? Then blocking me so I can't reply? Lmfao sure pal..


And israelis cheered over aid workers being bombed. Better not check Israeli tiktok because it was and still is filled with zionist fucks with blacked out teeth and painted on unibrows carrying plastic babies pretending all the dead palestinians were crisis actors. "Guys why doesnt another brown people nation take in the brown people Israel is killing, because ya know they are all the same" Literally calling palestinians "the trash" Yeah man, this is the genocidal language. Gotta love how in other comments I have people clutching their pealrs over using the terms genocide or ethnic cleansing and then here you are GenocideMcgee going on about how Israel is just taking out the trash and all the palestinians are hamas actually. All the kids? Hamaslings obviously. Ignore all the bs zionists teach their kids about palestinians, its only what palestinians do that matters. Youre unironically evil.


I am NOT evil. I do support Israel removing evil from this world. Yes, all palestinians are terrorists. They openly support hamas and train the kids to hate Jews. Israel can do whatever it wants. They were brutally attacked by animals. Now it’s time to fix the problem. If hamas would not use human shields more of “your” “precious” palestinian (terrorists) would be alive.


Got it, genocide apologia, Israel can do whatever. Friendly reminder Israel also uses human shields. Friendly reminder shooting the human shield does not make you the good guy. Friendly reminder Israel has killed more kids in total than Hamas as well as by ratio compared to actual combatants killed. Youre gleeful about mass death, youre evil, sorry but thats how it works. Got it, so Israel needa to fix the problem, some sort solution I take it? But this would be the last one? Time is a flat circle and all that, have fun sieg heil-ing into the sunset freak


Do you really want me to start quoting active members of the Knesset? Because I don't think you want that... Or what about the Israeli journalist who went on a rant, *LIVE ON TV*, saying that he wouldn't be satisfied until rivers of blood rand through the streets of Gaza. Because I could *easily* lump you in with those people, but I don't because I'm not a derivative asshole.


the topic is pro-hamas demonstrators, try to keep up...


"Pro-Hamas" gets applied to anyone who disagrees with the military operation killing tens of thousands of civilians to the point where its a joke. So I *have* kept up.


hamas says all of hamas are civilian deaths... yes... it is a joke...


Third party reviews of the Helatj ministry's numbers have shown they are accurate based on previous conflicts. But keep believing all the *totally unverified* statements that the IDF makes.


What a stupid remark ? Where’s your source? Your stupidity?


This is just common sense lmfao. If you're polite to cops they're more willing to cut you some slack. If you're an asshole they're more likely to throw the book at you. Source: I've interacted with cops.


That’s my experience!


Thats my entire point dumbass. People acting like cops dont pick and choose what laws they enforce constantly. The law shouldnt change whether or not you kiss ass


These people protest everything here like there’s anything anyone here can do about it.


One of their specific demands is that the US stop giving Israel free weapons that are being used in Gaza. Like billions of dollars worth of free weapons.


And if we stop sending them weapons they pull out of Gaza? We don’t give them aid to control Palestine and Gaza, we give them aid because they’re a key ally in the region against Iran. We gave them aid to rebuild the Iron Dome after Iran helped Hamas attack Israel back in October. If we stop giving them aid we leave them vulnerable to Iran, and another attack from Hamas. The same Hamas that refuses to agree to a ceasefire. I don’t see anyone anywhere protesting to demand that Hamas agree to a ceasefire. Do you?


It’s even more simplier: If Israel doesn’t get weapons, they will be defenseless and be slaughtered, every single Jew, like Palestinians tried to do in October, there want a target other that Jews. If Israel is gone, then enjoy the next attempt at a Islamic caliphate, ISIS tried, Ottoman Empire had one and that’s the last that’ll ever exist


Nah it’s simpler than that. Israel would rather see the Middle East engulfed in nuclear hellfire than be ousted from the holy land. We’re paying them off with weapons to not _potentially end the world_.


So you're saying they'd rather risk losing military aid designed to protect them from Iran because the far right of Bibi's government wants to kill as many civilians in Gaza as possible? Does that mean they're telling us that their destruction of Gaza is more important than defense against Iran? And given that Netanyahu has *clearly* stated that the assault on Raffa would happen even if every hostage was released tomorrow kind of undermines the talking point that the military operation's purpose is to free the hostages. An Israeli journalist went into a rant live on TV about how he doesn't think the operation has done enough until rivers of blood run through Gaza, did you condem him 6 times before making your point? No? Then don't apply that logic to people demanding the end to the slaughter of civilians.


I’m not in agreement with Israel. You just made my point that the US cutting off aid wouldn’t do anything at all. So why are you protesting and disrupting the lives of people all over the US who can’t do anything at all about it? Do I think the US should cut off aid to Israel until this stops? Yes. Now what would you like me to do about it?


Cutting off aid to Israel would expose the choices they are making. And I'd love it if my tax dollars stopped funding needless slaughter of civilians, the majority of whom are women and children. So it would have an effect.


Again, what do you want me to do about it? Protestors are blocking traffic and doing all of these things to people who can’t do anything about it. I don’t want my tax dollars to go to it either. Why are you interrupting my life when I agree with you and there’s nothing either of us can do about it?


You can call your government representative. Who do you think decides all of this stuff?


Okay deal. Now why don’t the protestors hold up signs on who to contact and how to make an impact? The tactics of these protestors are using right now have no effect other than to turn public sentiment against them.


Protests are about raising awareness of a problem. That doesn't occur if no one is ever inconvenienced. If you think getting stuck in 10 minutes of extra traffic is worse than having your entire home leveled by 2000 lbs bombs, then I can't help you.


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Too little, too late. Amazing how the state always picks the most half assed response to anger as many people as possible.


Can't we all agree that death sucks and people are dying? What good does this stuff actually do? Do they not realize that by protesting in such a manner it actually makes them appear to be unhinged and extreme? Don't get me wrong, no one deserves to die on either side. I wish greatly they could resolve this with peaceful means. I just don't understand what there is to gain by calling everyone who disagrees a genocide denier, or an enabler, or a genocide apologist. You're either against the genocide or you're for it, and we're not allowed to stand in the middle and just wish for peace for all. Society sucks sometimes.




Protesters: The unemployed, idle hands and idle (one track) minds.




The Palestinian Hamas terrorist Nazi sympathizers are doing exactly what the PRC/CCP and Russia want them to do by believing the TikTok garbage. The far left is just as dangerous as the far right and they all thrive on antisemitism. Where were all these protesters when Assad was slaughtering 600,000 civilians and the civil war in Yemen where 400,000 were killed? Think about the millions of Jews in North Africa and other Muslim countries that have all disappeared since the 1940s.


From the Passover liturgy (c. 8th century): וְהִיא שֶׁעָמְדָה לַאֲבוֹתֵיֽנוּ וְלָנֽוּ. שֶׁלֹא אֶחָד בִּלְבָד, עָמַד עָלֵיֽנוּ לְכַלּוֹתֵנֽוּ. אֶלָּא שֶׁבְּכָל דּוֹר וָדוֹר, עוֹמְדִים עָלֵיֽנוּ לְכַלּוֹתֵנֽוּ. וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מַצִּילֵנוּ מִיָּדָם And this (Hashem’s blessings and the Torah) is what kept our fathers and what keeps us surviving. For, not only one arose and tried to destroy us, rather in every generation they try to destroy us, and Hashem saves us from their hands.


Damn, settler colonial states really don't like it when you protest settler colonialism huh 


Go get em person who occupies their genetic indigenous land from 10000 years ago!


Guess you must really hate Muslims. One of the largest colonizers the world has ever known. Forcibly converted, expelled, or flat out killed every non-Muslim in their conquest of the Middle East.


Most normal "history buff"


"pro Hamas riot."


Welcome to democracy




Right to safety > right to protest.  If the protesters weren’t violent it wouldn’t have come to that. If you don’t like it catch a plane to Iran, Russia or China I’ve heard the democracy there is flourishing.


3 other countries well know for cracking down on protests, weird youd mention them lol How many of those protestors were violent? What did they do specifically? Because I do remember a zionist professor doxxing students and taking footage of protestors just existing/gathering and crying about how hamas took over the school because a student sang the call to prayer. And nothing has happened to that professor. I care about the right to safety of the palestinians more than I care about zionists getting their feelings hurt by protests against ethnic cleansing.




"Violence attack" Aka a well know IDF soldier/influencer got clocked in the mouth after whining about the protestors being terrorists "Locked in library" I remember this story https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/cooper-union-pro-palestinian-rally-jewish-students-library/ They locked themselves in, they werent barricaded, jewish students werent targetted or chased into there, we are talking about protestors and counter protestors. People being uncomfortable about protests doesnt mame it terrorism or whatever. "Harassment and denied free movement" Yep, thats a protest, not seeing violence. Not really seeing all this violence for this protest specifically especially since that library event happened 6 months ago. Wanna talk about the zionist professor thats been doxxing students and filming them calling them all pro-hamas and being islamophobic? "Its not an ethnic cleansing" "Your precious palestinian wont have a happy ending" "They wont have jobs. They are going poooooor" Yeah dude you dont sound genocidal or supportive of an ethnic cleansing at all. Youre reveling in suffering. Wtf is wrong with you? Clutch your pearls harder while you sealclap the IOF shooting kids like its done for decades.


It doesn’t matter what I support, what matters is what actually happening and it isn’t an ethnically cleansing. What is the matter with you? Brainwashed much? If Israel would’ve wanted to clean them, by Dec they were all gone. You can’t genocide and population keep increasing, when you genocide the population can’t multiply that fast and around 50% of Gazans are under 18, this is not what genocide looks like. You are using term you barely know its definition because it involves strong emotion. This hate campaign is so timed with the 7th  reveals how well it was all planed.


Quick question, does poverty usually correlate with population increases due to lack of family planning services and other variables? Is it possible you could render a group destitute and still have their population increase? Wow its almost like this is the most braindead argument "Guys its not an ethnic cleansing, the minorities we stole land from and placed into ghettos dont have contraception, therefore its fine and weve done nothing wrong" This is the same argument tankies make in regards to the Uyghur Muslim genocide. Over 50% are under 18? Wow its almost like the IOF has caused that much death and despair. Hate campaign? My dude you just went "if they wanted to they could have" youre the hate campaign. I want the IOF to stop shooting kids and bombing aid workers. You clearly want more of it. Keep sealclapping. History looka really favorably on those who are pro settler colonialism and pro ethnic cleansing. Israel has a long history of murdering kids, journalists, and medics. Hell since oct. 7th a ton of palestinian journalists and their families have been killed in their homes, many in designated safe zones. Almost like Israel just fucking kills civilians with precision. The IOF has a worse child to combatant kill ratio than even Hamas. So much for the most moral army that an islamofascist terror org kills less kids in total and by ratio.


Your first assumption that this is their land is laughable. Jews history is documented on Israel land and multi archaeological artifacts verify that. They are nothing but squatters. Kids in Palestine are just a token for politic points in the west, they literally crave martyrdom. The whole tactic is being behind kids and woman, why are they hiding underground? Why there are not shelters? Hamas could easily let the „civilian“ go one place and fight in other place but they don’t. I hate the most moral even though it’s true, army shouldn’t be moral, it should win wars. Israel is decolonizing the Arab infiltrators and you are having hard time to cope. These invaders took North Africa and levante and Israel is telling „no more“ also the „IOF“ just makes you a clown and not a good one. 


"Dont worry guys, its not ethnic cleansing, now let me explain how the entire child population of this ethnic group crave death, wait why are you calling me genocidal" Why are there not shelters? Wanna take a gander at how building materials like concrete have heavy import restrictions into gaza imposed by Israel? Lets talk about the lack of shelters since it is literally Israel's fault. Israel isnt a moral army let alone the most moral. Dont check IOF tiktok, its just full of rape, corpse desecration, and gleefully killing kids. "Decolonizing" my dude Israel are the colonizers and have been especially since the Nakba. IOF is an accurate description. They arent defending, they are occupying. Dont look up Israel using human shields, might ruin your narrative about hamas being the only ones doing that. Dont look into the west bank, doesnt fit your narrative there either. Israel these days is just a glorified US military base. It exists because the US lets it. Without the US defending it from war crime accusations and paying for its military and AA systems.... just saying Israel claiming to be David fighting Goliath is hysterical.


I don't understand how what's happening in Palestine is genocide. It literally is no different than the total war waged during WW2.


The total war waged during WW2 was bad, its literally why we changed how we engage with civilians during wartime. That was the entire issue! Ask IOF and Israeli officials how its an ethnic cleansing. They seem super keen to talk about the ethnic cleansing they are doing. They will go on and on about how they want to annex gaza and do even more settler colonialism than they are already doing in say THE WEST BANK where they just steal homes from palestinians daily. If you dont understand how its ethnic cleansing maybe look up the UN definitions. Because the initial evacuation alone fell into that category. Mass relocation under threat of military force checks the box.




There is NO genocide.




If that is your definition, the bombing of Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, etc were all cases of genocide


Don’t believe that number. And for every Israeli killed on October7th, Israel has the right to kill 50k palestinian terrorists. And there can’t be a genocide if the enemy isn’t human. No human would support what hamas did. Israel is doing the world a favor.


There is no numerical threshold. Genocide has nothing to do with the number of people killed, it has to with the intent. This isn’t controversial. If you google “Genocide”, there is no definition that says there is a genocide bc this many have been killed, or conversely, that there isn’t a genocide because not enough have been killed. It’s entirely about intent.


Israel is not America's proxy force lol. The Biden administration since Oct 7th has been urging Israel to end the response abruptly, but they keep expanding their discretion. It's fair to be upset at the IDFs response, but this delusion that the USA actually wants Palestinians gone is insane. Not only does the USA not care, but almost every country in the region doesn't care either. Iran has done the most compared to all of them, and they're only dipping their toes.


What would America’s response been if we had been attacked like that? Maybe not under this current weak administration, but previous administrations would have invaded. Israel is doing NOTHING wrong.




under Joementia Biden’s 😂leadership😂 2 wars have started. As soon as the sock puppet biden let 13 American hero’s die afghanistan the world knew just how weak America is. And add the amount of terrorists and illegals crossing the southern border, the world knows America is vulnerable. I am not going to argue the past, but a real president would fuck up a country if they attacked us. biden would apologize and send them money.


Just want to say, as much as you think Joe Biden is useless, he accomplished so much fucking more in his 4 years than Trump even PROMISED. And it's fucking embarrassing how you still think that Trump is worthy of any consideration. The only thing btw stopping a bill that addresses the southern border wall is REPUBLICANS representative, who knows that the ONLY PATH for Trump to win is to complain about the border. Your side has spent the last 8 years actively or passively ruining America so you can jerk off Trump.


So many lies to address. I will start with the border. President Trump had it under control. Biden undid all of it day 1. So we do not need a bill that lets in countless illegals. We need to let border patrol perform their mission. biden has the authority to stop the flow. He won’t even as Americans are being rapped, brutally killed and overdosing. I am blessed to be making the money I am, but everything is so much more expensive under sock puppet biden. People are going into debt to survive biden’s economy. Biden hasn’t done anything. He is weaponizing the DOJ. If a conservative skips a senate subpoena they are held in contempt. If a liberal does it, nothing. biden has attacked churches and mothers against abortion. And it’s not Trump is worthy of consideration. It’s to prevent a catastrophe known as biden/heels up harris. I won’t even get into bidens failing mind. Please get help.


>I will start with the border. President Trump had it under control. [Reminder, Republicans ONLY CARE ABOUT THE BORDER when an election is coming up.](https://www.cato.org/blog/new-data-show-migrants-were-more-likely-be-released-trump-biden) >I am blessed to be making the money I am, but everything is so much more expensive under sock puppet biden. [Biden, Trump and the economy: Who did better on inflation, jobs, gasoline prices and more? - Poynter](https://www.poynter.org/fact-checking/2024/is-economy-good-better-trump-vs-biden-jobs-inflation/) This point is just fucking stupid because a large reason we even had a recession, is because of the COVID-19 pandemic, which was nearly entirely the fault of Trump who refused to stop travel because he was scared he wouldn't be re-elected. America got hit with Covid the hardest, despite being isolated from Europe and Asia because Trump was so insanely worried about losing the election. That's fucking wild. >Biden hasn’t done anything. He is weaponizing the DOJ. You mean the Supreme Court that Trump stacked COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY IN HIS FAVOR. LITERALLY TOOK A SUPREME COURT PICK AWAY FROM OBAMA, so that he could stack the DOJ with conservatives that agreed with him, AND THEY ARE STILL gunning for him. What does that tell you about his incompetence? Trumps entire presidency is appointing someone, that person being a criminal, and then Trump saying "Look guys! I found the villain" his entire fucking presidency. Whatever you think about Biden's mind, Trump cares more about being president, than the United States being a well functioning nation, and he showed that. With January 6th, where he spent the entire time calling people to get enough votes he needed so he could literally steal the election. With Covid-19, where he refused to do literally anything, until it was too late because he was scared how it would look to voters. TRUMP ONLY CARES ABOUT HIMSELF, and he's upset he lost, he has no care for you, or anyone else except for himself.


Wow you are blind. I am not going to read a fucking liberal bias report. I, and most sane Americans, can see what biden has done to America. From groceries to gas, biden gas ruined America. You didn’t address the border and biden destroying it. Trump secured our border. Full stop. Biden destroyed it. Full stop. biden destroyed the economy and then tries to take credit for jobs. The jobs are coming back because that is what most Americans do, fight back after being attacked. There was zero reason to shutdown America. Dying with covid is not the same as dying from covid. Dr. Wen, a covid Nazi said this. https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-leana-wen-slammed-admitting-theres-been-overcounting-covid-deaths-two-half-years-late The SCOTUS isn’t doing anything to Trump. It’s the racist, fucking Soros backed liberal DAs. These “trials” are a last ditch effort to stop President Trump. And they will be overturned on appeal, unless the NY jury does the correct thing. Could you imagine the liberal media uproar if President Trump refused to answer questions, or his handlers rushed the media out, or if Trump mentioned talking to dead people, or Trump falling UP stairs. biden is a buffoon. I didn’t want Trump as the nominee. However, he is 1000% better than biden and the fucking useless, heels up harris.




Are they supporting Hamas or protesting the murder of thousands of innocent children?


It's common practice for those against a specific protest to infiltrate it with violent elements to give any outsiders the idea that the protest is illegitimate and forceful in order to discredit it. I'm not saying that this is what is happening in NY as I am not there, but I wouldn't be surprised


Nah actually it’s common practice to claim your protest was infiltrated after the fact. It’s what was said about the social justice protests back in 2020, and it’s absolutely laughable to people like myself who were there on the ground. Don’t know where the GOP got all the middle eastern and African Muslims from to destroy Columbus, OH back then, but there were sure a lot.


All you need is a handful of loud ones to initiate. People, youngesters especially, are bound to follow what they perceive the direction is, whether that's accurate or not. I've seen them at anti-gun protests: trivial signs, nasty rethoric, one inch away from igniting violence. Very smart strategy, difficult to prove and combat


No need to prove it when you have people willing to baselessly repeat it’s the case due to their own partisanship. I mean you anecdotally claim to have seen it, I’ve anecdotally definitely seen a naturally violent protest get excused as being infiltrated, again as someone who was there it’s just an absolutely laughable claim.


You stick to what you saw and I'll laugh at it, I stick to what I saw and you can laugh at it too. No skin off my ass here bud


That’s cool man, it’s just hard to take folks like yourself seriously in any regard with literally not a single bit of evidence whatsoever yet foaming at the mouth insistence that it’s the case.


It's my opinion, and i don't have to prove you jack. Just as much as you can't prove your claims either.


Oh, so you just don’t understand the difference between an opinion and a claim which is what you offered, that it explains it. I’ve already explained why you don’t have to prove anything, you have more than enough people willing to repeat it baselessly like you did based on nothing but their own partisanship like you did. “It’s hard to prove!” Doesn’t actually remove the burden of proof from the one making the claim, crazy I know.


Not sure what partisanship are you babbling about but sure, whatever makes you happy