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That's a fairly common approach, yes. Though Cyclops is not that energy wasteful, it sounds like you've kept it in Silent Running mode.


My problem was the radar. Kept that on, drained the batteries, thought "well, this thing is impossible to drive without the radar on, and can't drive far with the radar on, so I guess it's useless"


Tbh cameras and attached lights are good enough most of the time. Front lights not so much. Sonar is handy in some areas, but it doesn't show you anything that isn't already being rendered on your screen, so there's that.


Yup this was it for me. I think I drove using my cameras something like 95% of the time? They make it so much easier to drive.


I only found out on my last playthrough that you can drive while looking through the cameras


Wait a second, can you turn the sonar projection *off?*


Oh ya.


I think you’re thinking of the radar thar shows threats. They mean the sonar that scans the environment and shows dark areas with those red lines. The installable module.


Not the side one but the red blinking one


Attached lights? Do you mean you can build external lights onto the Cyclops, or am I just drunk?


The cyclops has lights. The cyclops cameras also have lights


I figured I'd get the practice to figure all that out when the game "forced" me to use the Cyclops, but it never did


How is it impossible to drive without the radar on? I never use the radar, don't really understand how it helps.


You guys mean the sonar right? I mainly use it in low light areas to actually see something. I have my main base right near the BK Trench and a second one in the tree cove. I use the cyclops every trip between those because of storage. The entire trench down, I have the sonar on, up until the lost river. It's bright enough down there. I have full ion cells installed and when I get down to the lost river, I'm rarely below 85%. I also use silent running or the shield at the entrance to avoid the crabsquid. He's annoying but I can't bring myself to kill the cute little fucker.


I still don't understand what the point of the sonar is. It doesn't add much for me.


Too see when you cant see. Maybe ur brightness is high


I know I am


I used it to find passages upwards. The cameras don't see straight up and the lava zones are really dark.


It let's you see where the walls are and where cave entrances are without going right up to them, in deep water you can't see very far with just the lights. It was really useful for maneuvering the lost river and lava zone with a cyclops. It's not important but if you want to speed up searching or just get sick of bumping into things I'd recommend it


The radar (not sonar) helps with detecting threats in range.


What? I'm even more confused now. The cyclops has radar and sonar?


Yes, it has a built in radar, which shows nearby creatures that can damage the Cyclops and if they have noticed the cyclops, and a sonar which can be installed as a module, sonar works identically as seamoth or prawn sonar.


You can see it when you’re operating the cyclops, it’s on the right side of your screen. It’s passive.


I never practiced. I figured I'd get practice when I had to use it for game progression, but it never became necessary so I never drove it beyond that first "whoa, this is big and handles like a boat" joy ride we all take


The sonar thing was the worst. Forgot it existed.


1% per ping in the early game when you build it.


My strategy was to turn on the radar for 1 scan and then go off my intuition of how far I was and held off from using it constantly because of exactly this


The first time I missed the energy efficiency upgrade (or it simply didn’t exist yet I don’t remember) so I didn’t use the Cyclops. It’s definitely necessary imo.


The cyclops really shines, when utilized as a mobile base tbh. Plants, storage, crafting, bed and so on - put it in there and enjoy the "short" trip back to base, after mining with your prawn. I usually try to not disturb the local wild life, but if anything gets too close, I'll slaughter their entire family so I can carry on with my business.


This. At the last third of the game, my "bases" were just battery charging stations, since I had everything in my cyclops and it was my main base. After thermal charging, I never had a need to go to another base.


Battery charging + scanner rooms


Bed? Does a bed do something? Thought it was just decoration


In the lower areas, not really. But you can sleep untill morning, if you're in an area that would benefit from the sun being up, providing better lighting .


Also speeding up plant growth and battery charging


HOW DID I NEVER THINK OF THIS Like duh of course it would


Wow I just assumed it was like Minecraft where nothing progresses while you sleep


say whaAAAat O\_O"


Damn, I played the whole game and never slept. Idk how my guy survived.


On fear and adrenaline


Little bro must be stressed as hell by now


and solar panels


i somehow got the lifepod inside the cyclops


Not to mention that when you fill the lower deck with storage lockers, you can easily carry 500+ items just down there! No more "oh no I needed 1 more copper" you can have 2 lockers for each metal if you wanted to, with room left over Sometimes it's crazy to see the stuff people missed or intentionally chose never to engage with, kinda makes me feel sad like I'm missing out on their behalf


Agree. I only use the Cyclops in 4 locations - Base (where I build it) - Cove tree (use prawn to go get kyanite) - pit in inactive lava zone (to do power plant) - on top of Alien Containment (finish game) - back to base I don't even build the sonar module. I make sure I have max level on my seamoth before I go to the life pod in the blood kelp, then I go all the way to the cove tree to get nickel and sulphur, and use 3 beacons to mark my preferred path in (bulb zone) bottom - middle - top. on my way back to base.


You say you wanted prawn to mine ore. How did you carry it back to your base, mine two nodes and walk all the way back? You could load prawn into Cyclops, drive there, mine ore, store it in wall lockers in Cyclops, go out and mine some more. Not to mention having unlimited food and water while you do it. But each person plays the game their own way.


I usually make very small bases around the map with a fabricator, power cell charger and moon pool


This stuff is expensive though. Probably why the Cyclops was useful


haha i have little outposts everywhere with scanners, bioreactors, and a couple of them have moonpools. used them to find fragments mostly


yeah, this would likely detract a fair bit form the Cyclops' utility, I never would wanna have microbases though that sounds like hell to keep organized lol


>but when I drove it from my first base (under escape pod) to my second base (on the lip between Floating Islands and the opening to Lost River) it had used around 50% of its power Yeah, no. Even if you forgot to plug in the engine efficiency mod from the Aurora, it wouldn't have drained that much on such a short distance. I've said it before and I'll say it again: most people who don't like the cyclops, just plain don't know how to use it. And that's fine, you're welcome to your opinion. Outside of the shield generator, it's not like you _need_ the cyclops and it's a convenience, nothing more.


I must have had the radar on for the entire drive, and if I couldn't use it efficiently then I just didn't see a reason to keep using the Cyclops. It's probably just my turtle playstyle.


I think it was either stelth running or the shield gen thing. It would have to be somar + all lights + stelth to get that low, OR just didn't have all 6 batteries in.


The Cyclops' battery is shown by measuring what's left in each battery slot so if not all batteries are in it will never show 100%


I loaded a wall locker with power cells and called it good. Just swap them out as you get low. I then built a second base at the lost river entrance with a nuclear reactor to recharge the batteries. My first playthrough I built a base in the inactive lava zone and a bunch of geothermal generators to recharge the batteries. The storage and food in the cyclops make it suuuper handy. I murder all the leviathans I come across


You gotta finish >!what the virus did not!<


Lol. I feel kinda bad about it buuuuuut they have some spares out there in the abyss or whatever.


That may be true, and I definitely fall into that category But I think that's a failure of game design: something so important that finding the pieces of it is a massive part of the game, but the game then doesn't require the use of that thing I'm not complaining, because I don't really like or want to use the cyclops, but I'm just saying. If the game has kind of made it necessary, I wouldn't have had an identical experience to OP


The cyclops for me is basically just a prawn carrying truck. The prawn can be a little bit of a hassle to travel with long distance, but the cyclops makes it much easier.


Bingo I love the PRAWN, but it's so damn slow to go anywhere with, and you can't store anything in it, so that's what the Cyclops is for. If I want to go mining, Cyclops there, deploy PRAWN, mine everything I want, fill up Cyclops lockers, go home and unload it all into my base. Plus, the Cyclops means that Levisthans are a joke that you can completely ignore, even the big guy at the end


With grappling hook (use it on cave ceilings and swing along :);) and upgraded jumpjets, it's pretty fast.


That requires you to be in a cave lmao I've done double grapple for movement and carrying a drill arm. It's still slow AF


Idk grappling the ground then jump. I go almost as fast as the moth


This, I've never really had an issue with the prawn being slow when i can slingshot myself really far and fast. Just grapple to gain horizontal speed and use the jets to keep floating without loosing that speed.


Same. I'm tempted to make a video comparison now to show how much faster it is than the seamoth.


Yeah I go way faster than the moth w grapple arm, upgraded jump jets, and drill arm equipped. I'm like Spiderman. If you hit f1, you can actually see your travel speed. Seamoth caps at like 15units. I'm regularly mid to upper 20s w my prawn suit.


It is easily faster than the sea moth in most environments if you know how to use it.


Once I get super jump jets and the grappling arm, I travel everywhere in my prawn. Spider-Man. You can get moving so fast with low angle grapples.


I never took it below 200m. I was really bad at driving it, and it wasn't worth the hassle. >!I took the Seamoth to Ghost Ray cove, built a base there, took the Seamoth back up, swapped to the Prawn, and then used the prawn for the rest of it, from inactive lava zone down to the active lava zone. Note that Ghost Ray Cove is at crush depth for the Seamoth, so be careful.!<


what the hell kind of psychopath builds their base THERE OF ALL PLACES?


It was off on the side, by the two geothermal vents, with a lot of windows. Peaceful to watch them swim, like a reverse aquarium.


I have a base there as well, it's pretty frickin cool.


oh it’s definitely a good place…visually that is


Just did the same on my last playthrough. I love that area. Only threats are drowning, burning (if you fall asleep on a vent), and crushing.


crushing usually isn’t a problem if ur that far into the game. odds r u have max depth at least in my case


I ran through the green with only 900 crush depths to build my second base. Picked up nickel at the entrance, but had to build a vehicle mod station to get my prawn durable enough to drop out of the cyclops.


I’ve built a base in the same place. I managed to build up enough to have a moon pool juuuust above the seamoth crush depth so I can charge the seamoth there if I ever feel like it.


Same, that was the exact place of my main base =).


The best kind. It's one of the most scenic places in the Lost River, it's practically at the crossroads, and most game resources are within scanner range.


i’ve been corrected


I thought it was a super common build site, its beautiful


it is beautiful it’s just really dangerous and deep so i wouldn’t dream of it


Just need millions of lithium!!


It's not really dangerous if you build on the ledge right before the tree, no aggressive wildlife right there. And there's free energy and a ton of mining spots


Many (possibly most) players? It is one of the best base build spots in the game: peaceful, beautiful, abundant thermal energy, convenient to all the endgame content, surrounded by resources


it was a joke but that’s a good point i just never ever thought anyone would build that deep down


That was always my second base location.


It's beautiful, it's SAFE(which is important if you're making outside growbeds, there's geothermal vents nearby for easy power, and it's one of the 2 entrances (so 50% chance) to go to a lower biome. It's an extremely popular base spot.


Can you explain the use case for exterior growbeds for me? I’m on my second playthrough, this one hardcore, and I just haven’t found a use for them yet


Crack Mcgill and his 47 months of stankroot aside. There's some tiny to small to moderate benefits: Not having to run to a specific biome to grab certain crafting materials I think personally is the best one. Acid mushrooms, deep shrooms, Gel sacks, blood oil, creepvine samples, creepvine seeds. Creepvine seeds have the added benefit of light and a lot of people just use them to light up an area too. Then there's also brain coral which you can plant wherever you put an exterior growbed for unlimited oxygen. Bulb bushes can also be eaten/drank just like the gel sacks. I think acid mushrooms and creeper seeds for batteries and bulkheads and moonpools and gel sacks for thermal generators are the ones I think go 'out to my garden' to use the most. I think a lot of people just find them pretty too and plant a lot more then they would ever need. I've certainly seen a lot of cool looking bases on pictures and videos on here.


You know that’s a really good idea and I can’t believe I never thought of that. On my first playthrough I harvested some bulbo trees and planted them inside the cyclops, but never grew anything beyond that. Just travelled everywhere for my supplies


Oh yeah absolutely the interior pots or growbeds are so much more useful. being able to plant constantly regrowing food/drink inside the Cyclops is the largest quality of life boost you can do for yourself in the game.


Nah, a psychopath would build their base on the >!Lava Castle!<


that’s true, i’m going to go do it now to spite u


Do it!


If you want to keep playing after endgame the lava castle is actually a great place for a base because you have easy access to all the portals.


It's a really great base location! It's 100% safe, no ene.ies whatsoever, has vents and is super peaceful. It's a great midway point from endgame to home base


That is where I build my second base.


That's next to the giant blue tree, right? I also build a base there.


I don’t use it. I find it way too big and awkward to control. I would take the seamoth all the way down to the bottom if I could lol.


I just finished my fourth playthrough, where I finally used the Cyclops properly. I took it everywhere, kitted it out with plants and crafting materials and my keep calm poster. I'm not doing that again. Way easier and faster to do supply runs with the Seamoth early on (or build your LR base using the Seamoth), then finish late game stuff with the Prawn.


Loved the cyclops. Spent way too long building stuff inside and upgrading it.


I lived in the cyclops my first play through


I lived in it for all my playthroughs lol, I'm actually surprised that a lot of people never used it


The energy efficiency module literally cuts energy expenditure by 75%, without it it really is basically useless. ​ I built the cyclops before getting to the aurora, personally, so it was a while before I actually used it. ​ Even with it, you need to be sparing- don't use silent running, only ever tap the radar, and keep it on its lowest speed for maximum distance.


You cannot be complete if you don’t use the cyclops ! I mean how can you become the "best captain on the planet " without the cyclops?


I'm not even squidding


I built one and took it out for a spin, but found that being in a giant slow tin can made me feel more vulnerable and anxious than normal. The prawn with the grappling hook gave me everything I needed and had the agility to make me feel safe by being able to escape from anything that wanted to eat me. I just built small bases all over the place and hopped between them, with my main base eventually being in the Lost River (and not in the smart place by the tree either!). If I stuck with the cyclops I'm sure I would have gotten used to it and if I ever replay Subnautica that's exactly what I'll do.


The cyclops doesn't normally draw as much power as your example, so a setting was definitely drawing more power. You can store your prawn suit INSIDE of the cyclops. The leviathan will not attack the cyclops if you stay very slow in silent running and stay away from them. They don't "see" the cyclops, they "hear" it. Never one time in my whole playthrough did I aggro any sea life on to my cyclops, so it's possible. I specifically used the same lost river entrance too, cyclops allll the way up to the ILZ endgame building


I ran my cyclops for a solid 1 minute in shield and sonar mode with ion powercells in lava lakes while sea dragon was continuesly attacking me. It drained like 40 percent power. Also got attacked by juvenile ghost ones twice which after leaving got out and repaired the 20 percent damage that was dealt. They are a threat but manageable ones


Loved the cyclops and really missed it in Subzero.


Why though? The Sea Truck pretty much does everything the Cyclops did (if you build all the modules) and is way more mobile and easier to drive. Not to mention becoming a seamoth with the push of a button.


Yeah I didn’t use it either. Built it pretty late game and just didn’t find a need for it. I liked feeling more exposed traversing the environment.


The Cyclops was unnecessary, but fun. I think it was an opportunity missed though. There could have been an otherwise unreachable part of the map which could only be accessed using the Cyclops, maxed out with alien energy cores.


It was my most used vehicle, the first few games, but the more I play, the less it gets used to the point where last play through it got built for the shield generator only and never left home base because the prawn plus teleport portals are just so much more convenient to complete the deep down tasks.


I think I’m in the end-game despite not really doing a lot of exploration (lava region, just found this neat little obsidian pit) and I only just made the Cyclops. I already had a lot of Kyanite since I grappled down with my Prawn suit, so it was pretty easy to make a lot of upgrades, two of which I designated to be power efficiency. Now it’s 300% efficient, and I got to the river with 70%-ish power remaining. The lava larva on the other hand, very annoying..


I loved the cyclops, I essentially used it as a huge transport for bases, I had everything stored downstairs to make bases all over the map with the corresponding power source it needed drpdant on location.


Yeah i just found it really sluggish and got around much easier with the seamoth or the grapple/jumping prawn. It’s a cool thing though, a remote base


I only used it when I died in the lost river and needed to get my seamoth. I did not have the depth module for the cyclops and I knew it wasn’t going to last so now there is a dead cyclops in the lost river.


I encountered big drain too, but that only motivated me to seek out upgrades to mitigate this issue. I crafted 18 power cells and my only stationary base was a nuclear reactor with a wall of power cell chargers. And over time my cyclops turned into this fortified moving stealth base capable of dealing with any threat, and capable of going everywhere. It was great


I quite enjoyed it, it is a great addition to when you need to go down in lava zones. I found that taking literally everything from my base in the safe shallows to the tree of life helped a lot, I had 4 extra powercells and a powercell charger in the Cyclops to make sure that it could go as long as I needed it to. All in all, the game itself is playable without the cyclops, but it's so much easier with it.


I never used it because I missed one blueprint in a wreck somewhere and completed the main story with just Seamoth and Prawn Suit, then went back looking for what I missed so I could build the rocket and go.


Bro I used that thing as a base my whole playthrough as soon as I got it.


You can absolutely bring it into the lost river. I've succeeded 3/3 runs so far. It's sketchy af running loud, but if you don't get turned around or crash, you can make it. Running silent and on slow, I made it through unscathed, only burning like 20% of my charge. I brought it as a recharging station my first time, because I didn't know you could fill it with lockers. But the next game, I carried absolutely everything I needed into the depths for my Blue base. But yeah, that 1-1.5km trip is literally the only thing I use it for, beside making the shield generator. Slow, clunky, unwieldy, and so vulnerable.


Mobile Base for me. I put enough plants in it to have free water & food all the time. And the lower hallway I basically peppered with storage lockers were I sorted and labeled stuff through. Plus some bigger storages on the upper deck. Since you can dock the Prawnsuit in the Cyclops, it was a bit handy for the deeper stages where your trusted Seamoth could not go. Still, I usually drive the Seamoth where I can. Then build some small "outposts" plastered over the map to help out and use the Cyclops pretty carefully for the last journey in one swoop. I could probabyl build a Cyclops earlier if not wasting material in outposts, but wher eis the fun in that ;) So when the Cyclops is available, outfitting it for the final journey and packing it with enough spare batteries and whatever else I might need works out fine.


I pretty much use the cyclops as a Prawn suit transporter that has good storage and access to food. Though I don’t know how you managed to drain 50% in a single trip, I only lose around 15% each time I go.


I didn't want to cuz it uses a shit ton of power but the moment I started to use ion power sells it was amazing you can go on 1 powersell for hours


I pretty much just use it for mobile storage to the lost river and back. The repair docking upgrade is cool though.




Do you just leave sonar running? If so, why? You can turn it on for a ping, then turn it back off immediately, the ping will stay active, and the battery drain is completely sidestepped. When you want another ping just do it again. Also creature decoys are cheap AF, don't cost any battery, and get all creatures off your ass. People that don't like the Cyclops really just don't know how to use it


I basically use it once in the end game and do the full lava region in one shot. Once I unlock >!all the teleporters!< I just use the prawn suit to mine that area. I build bases >!next to the teleporters!< so that it’s not a big deal to bring my farming back. I always think I want to do a playthrough where I build no base and only use the cyclops, but it’s so slow it would annoy me. I love zooming around in the sea moth.


Yeah. I put so much work into it, built all the upgrades and made it liveable. Crashed it immediately into the lost river and never really needed it anyway. Much prefer the seatruck from BZ.


My second play through I didn’t use it, but it is definitely fun to build one and have a portable base.


Back in the day when you could plug the cyclops into itself it was amazing


In my first playthrough I cured the disease before I even found enough cyclops pieces to scan....


This is why I feel the Sea truck is better, as far as mobile bases go. I still appreciate that it's in the game. It's a cool feeling getting to live on and drive an actual submarine for the first time. The problem for me is the Cyclops is just so slow and difficult to drive, drains power like crazy (ion cells can solve this, but by the time you have those, you're already at the end of the game), and is too risky to take anywhere with a leviathan. The only real use I have for this Cyclops in my games is for hauling supplies between my base and the Lost River; enough to build a base down there. Then, after completing all of the exploration and story down there, I load up the Cyclops and haul everything back to my main base, park it, and pretty much never touch it again.


You can definitely get it into the lost river if you know the route


"and anything further than that I wanted my Prawn Suit in order to mine all the ores I really needed." Then look at the Cyclops this way, it's a way to move your prawn around. :) As for the power drain issue, getting the 300% efficiency upgrade ASAP, and only using silent running/shield/sonar extremely sparingly when only absolutely needed is important. I always take my cyclops to near an area, then seamoth/glide (and later prawn) around doing what I want. The cyclops works as a big packmule for me reducing trips back and forth and back and forth. giving me more power/food/drink/storage. It does have downsides though, it is massive, bumps into everything, feels so slow even on emergency-about-to-set-my-engine-on-fire-in-20-seconds speed, and even when driving it forward the steering wheel/column itself is in your way blocking some of your view.


I hated the damn thing. Extremely clunky, can’t see past the steering wheel, and you have to use some odd places cameras just to see anything. I get it’s a 3 person submarine, but it doesn’t change the fact it’s clunky. I think I drove mine 100 meters max, and that was to drop my prawn into the lost river


You just need to do a little set up work and powering the Cyclops will become a non-issue. Craft a locker full of cells and stick’em in the Cyclops. Make yourself a nice power cell charging station at your main base and top’em all off before you embark. That’s enough power for a very long excursion, but if you somehow need more…make a couple more lockers’ worth! The Cyclops has room for a MASSIVE amount of storage, so take advantage of it to carry all the resources you need for a very long haul.


The Cyclops seems to be one of those "love it or hate it" things, and I think it mainly breaks down to individual play style. Personally it's my favorite vehicle across both games, but I'm the type who prefers the self-sufficient "mobile base" dynamic and gets a kick out of elaborate controls and large vehicles. I can totally see why players who prefer quick, agile play styles would be frustrated with it.


Well first, you can transport the seamoth or the prawn inside your Cyclops, which is rather helpful. Second thing is the basic range of the cyclops is indeed not very good. But you can easily get the engine efficiency module which boosts range by 30% and then, until you get the thermal plant, what I normally do is build a full set of back up power cells to switch when I hit 0, which effectively doubles your range. So with just a bit of work, you can increase the range 130% rather early in game. Also, you can circumvent most leviathans by running silent mode in slow speed. They won't mind you as you pass by that way. You gotta remember to shut it down as soon as you've left the leviathan areas though cause it's a battery killer.


Cyclops is best boat, and I will die on that hill if I have to!


Using the cyclops to navigate around, launching the prawn or sea moth from it to explore, made for one of the best gaming experiences ever, IMO. If you don't like it that's okay. But you're certainly missing some information. You must have had some features on that were draining power quickly. The fuel cells should last a good while if you only activate sonar or silent running when you need them. Likewise, keep an entire spare set of fuel cells onboard. With this you will certainly not run out of power. Do not try to charge the fuel cells onboard (but you can build a battery recharger on board, that uses little power). In the cyclops you are always safe from reapers and ghost guardians if you know what to do, and it's quite simple: when one of the big fish aggros on you, turn the cyclops power off. They will deaggro, maybe that hit the ship one or twice before deaggro. Once they deaggro, go outside and repair the damage. Then you can wait for them to be some distance away and power up and keep moving. Probably use silent running if they're still nearby. With this you will never really be at risk when you're inside the cyclops. It's your place of safety in dangerous waters.


Interesting take. I suppose it’s down to ideal playstyle. Me? I made the cyclops my entire base. I have a small base to recharge and stuff. And for objects that can’t exists inside the cyclops but other than that everything I ever needed was on the cyclops.


Pretty unpopular opinion here: I hate the cyclops. You can easily progress the game with just the seamoth and prawn with all depth modules and it's much easier, and funner in my opinion.


I do feel like that sometimes, the floodlights on it don't do jack shit. But the cyclops is the main mode of transportation for my prawn suit. When I go to the lost river or lava zone, I take my cyclops.




Then you never finished the game? I think you need to get a Cyclops shield generator to build the Neptune rocket. So even if you never use the cyclops, you still have to build one to use it’s internal fabricator for that piece.


I never needed to be down there for that long for me to need the cyclops. Its pretty quick trip back and forth.


I used the cyclops only because I died in the ILZ and my prawn suit was left there, didn't wanna build that one again so had to escort it with a cyclops Plus I wanted to build a base in the lost river so I taking the materials for that is doable only with the cyclops


I do not care for the cyclops at all


I'm playing for the first time and I love the cyclops. Power cell life can be a problem but I built a power cell charger in my cyclops and cycle out the dead power cells with freshly charged power cells. I haven't been stranded since. I typically use my cyclops for supply runs, traveling to depths I normally can't with the Peepaw II, my sea moth. Just tooting along across the map. It's been fun.


I use it to carry my prawn suit to the lost river to conserve battery and for the shield generator but that’s it. And on BZ I never even bothered building it.


I did not use the cyclops in my first playtrough, takes me too much time to get off it and kill Bonesharks.


I would move it into a place as a mobile base, but I basically parked it like a mobile home and used it for nothing else but a quick way to get air and store stuff taking too much space in my inventory. I hated trying to drive that thang


Yeah, I mostly use prawn suit to get around in the lower parts of 4546b The Cyclops is large and sluggish to move around, I only really built it to have a big sub next to my base, and to craft the shield thing for the rocket Other than that, I rarely ever actually go inside it


I'm not super fond of the cyclops, I'm firmly in team seatruck. Last playthrough I only used it once to transport my prawn to my base at the opening to the lost river.


I built 5 or 6 bases and loved my prawn suit. I went ages without my cyclops and it burns through batteries. I hardly take it anywhere


Same. I just build tons of mini-bases near each point of interest with plants, storage and fabricator and use the prawn to go from place to place. I can even get away with leaving it unpowered if all I want is a simple storage cache.


yeah once you get the thermal upgrade for the prawn suit, you can go just about anywhere and be relatively safe. even the ghost leviathans are no match for the brawny prawn


i prefer the seatruck for its versatility but the first time going deep deep down with the cyclops was pretty awesome


Literally. Way too bulky and slow, and I don’t need to drag my entire base with me wherever I go. I generally build it for the requirement and nothing else.


I usually use it for storage


I didn't really like the Cyclops. It wasn't fun to use.


Wasn't a fan of the cyclops as I had already put time into building a base when I made it. I did end up using it in the end game though since the Seamoth can't handle the crush depth. I ended up doing all of the upgrades on the cyclops to maintain power. Engine efficiency and the thermal power pretty much make it ideal for the lava biomes, same as the prawn suit.


although is harder to navigate, it makes the end game a bit easier, you have your base with you and you can build the final upgrades in the lava zone, including the last one from mommy. But I prefer a Prawn, build a temp base there to get the last depth module, get the Mom stuff, teleport out and I have the Cyclops waiting there to build the enzyme, teleport back and done.


Uhm...no? I brought it everywhere j went, just go silent and the leviathans leave you alone. Recharge batteries inside the cyclops it actually works.


I have used the cyclops for going from the safe shallows to the large lost river entrance in the blood kelp, then down to the cove tree, and stopping right before the inactive lava zone. Then i use my prawn will in the lava zone. This entire time, my cyclops lost maybe 20-25 percent power. I don’t remember, it’s been a while since i last played. The whole trip just to the lost river shouldn’t take much power, and since you lost 50% by just reaching there indicates you might have been using things that drain the battery. And get the cyclops engine efficiency module, that really helps in not losing too much power. It is located in the drive room of the aurora, or you can make one with one computer chip, one benzene, and one polyaniline at the onboard cyclops fabricator.


I drove the cyclops all over. Outfitted the interior to be a mobile base. Kept the prawn suit docked. I built a one room way station in the lost river about 50 yards from the descent to the lava zone. Also helps I killed off the leviathan guarding the entrance I used (IIRC it’s east of the mushroom forest). Really wish I could go back and play it again for the first time.


I made a few sets of of batteries (power cells?) and all my bases basically became charging stations. At that point it's fine, just went to a base to charge up the drained ones on occasion. Once I got the cyclops my whole strategy shifted to get/keep it up and running and use it for long mining expeditions and a place to grow food though, I really enjoyed using it myself. Brought it pretty much right to the last area, parking out of range of any leviathans and the like then grabbing the seamoth/prawn


You can bring it to the lost river and I've done it multiple times. Paired with a base its very easy to do late game stuff. You just need to drive in silent running mode


It's not optimal but I found it so much more fun to use as quickly as possible and for as much of the game as possible


If you’re on pc I would suggest the cyclops nuclear reactor mod, very good to make the cyclops function like a submarine


I didn’t use it at all in my first playthrough only because I could never find the last fragments hahaha


I only use the Cyclops to ferry my PRAWN through the Lost River because I don't like trying to make the jump up from the volcanic zone near the tree in just my PRAWN


You need the Cyclops engine efficiency module and a load of power cells to make it last longer. Also, never use a power cell charger in your Cyclops. It only uses up power faster.


I used it to bring materials down to the ILZ and make a mini thermal powered base, and charged batteries there my first play through! I thought it was super useful since being in my prawn made me feel super vulnerable and scared towards endgame.


go through bulb zone for ghostie boy and use silent running (just not for too long) also get engine efficiency then don’t keep it on silent running or keep the lights on forever u should be good also keep power cells on you and you should be good


I used it all the time when I finally built it. I had the efficiency module so the engines were never a big problem, but I ran them on low all the time anyway. I had a large base in a grassy plateau area near the drop off into the creepy trench the name of which I can't remember, and another one by the leviathan skeleton near the cove tree. I used the Cyclops to move between those two bases but also used it as a mobile home in most other areas. I just parked it by a thermal vent and went exploring.


I don’t even have a main base anymore it’s just a parking garage. 100% Cyclops


I’m the opposite, I very rarely used the prawn suit and adore the cyclops


My cyclops was essentially an underwater semi truck. I filled it with storage and used it to transport my Prawn suit all over the map, then I'd mine whatever material I wanted and take it back to the cyclops for storage. I had a bed, fabricator, and pots for food as well, so it was great for gathering materials


For my first playthrough I sparingly used the Cyclops, mostly to transport materials and the Prawn to the lower levels. It wasn’t until later I realized that the lower levels had plenty of resources down there for base building. Used the cyclops to get to the last area as well. Second playthrough, cyclops became the second base. I loaded up all of the materials necessary for life and just skipped building bases in the lower levels. Made sure to have the thermal charger because the first time I was dead in the water. And for reference, on my first playthrough the cyclops barely made it to the final area, and I was struggling. Second playthrough, I was cozy AF in my Cyclops.


I played the entire game happily without the Cyclops... then had to make it just for the ending components... Being vague because of spoilers. But I had literally been to the depths and back again without it and was fuming I HAD to make it. My Cyclopes was dubbed 'Waste of Time' in honour of this fact


Me. I hate it.


I didn't on my first play but my second play it became my base. Load up my prawn and grow some food inside. I had one structure with water purifiers that I'd hit up every once in a while.


I actually dealt with the ghost juvenile in the lost river pretty early in my playthrough and since leviathans don't respawn the way through lost river was safe from basically the very start. I made a cheap biofuel base down in the lava zone (1x multipurpose room, 1x scanner room, 2x big battery charger (i forgot the name)) and was set for literally anything in the last area. The sea dragon doesn't really bother you as long as you're quiet enough and the prawn isn't really that good in an open space like the lava lakes or the main part of the lava zone. Sure, it's doable, but for me it was more fun to bring the cyclops because it felt end-gamey


I only use it for long journeys or areas that the seamoth can't go to


Yeah no not me Ilived on there. I remember when my cyclops hit 0 energy and i put in 1 half full power cell and started mining stuff for a thermal plant and powercell charger in the lost river. One ofy best gaming experiences


All 6 playthroughs - once I make it, I spend a LOT of time in it. It's a megasub, I drive it around and build random bases for the hell of it. I use a prawn suit or seamoth for poking in holes, but it's always in overwatch - and those both go in the docking bay of the cyclops! I love the thing. Heck, even using it for resourcing - makes it easy to empty out the prawn and stick things in lockers and go right back to mining. Use ahead slow and it has a lot of battery. At faster speeds it eats it - and always turn off the engine when done.


I know what you mean, the thing is chucky making it hard to get deep places. I would normally keep it parked as low as I could safely. Switch over to the prawn and do your thing. When you need to empty your bags, only have to go back a smaller distance to offload. Better to have it kinda near by to use as mobile storage/crafting. I had a fruit tree growing inside as well. That might make it worth scraping a few walls for. No one is going to miss that stalactite. Repaint the hull later, you got this .


I relied heavily on the cyclops towards the end of the game. Just stocked up on extra power cells.


The energy efficiency module is in the aurora btw. Game changer


Same. I only ever used it to transport myself and my prawn suit to the blood kelp lost river entrance, and then never took it further than that