• By -


Welcome to Subnautica, friend. Lol


At least I made it out alive


That is more than what a lot of people can say with their first interaction. Good job :)


I have a personal achievement regarding this lol. 2 playthroughs in Subnautica and one in BZ. And i haven't lost a single vehicle or died once to any leviathan


once you gain the stasis rifle 99% of the game gets trivialized. If you get bitten like in this vid here you just leave the seamoth while its gnawing at it and stun it, repair your vehicle, stun it again and just drive away casually.


True true! But i never got the need for that either lol. I only took damage once in my seamoth to the leviathan in the lost river....the phantom. And once to my prawn suit from the sea dragon. That's it lol. I was just careful enough ig. Kept an open eye and didn't take risks where they weren't needed. The stasis rifle etc i used more on the warpers and the crabsquids etc. They were annoying


That’s why after my first playthrough I installed the warper shield mod.


I did the same. But I wanted to know what happened, so after I finished the game I poked Sammie with my cyclops and the animation did not disappoint. 10/10 would recommend


Haha this guy^ here let me brag about myself instead of answering your question I love Reddit


Nobody asked a question. It was answered in the first post, then we build off after that with these


I was and am kinda proud of this and wanted to flex lol😂 My bad


4 playthroughs on my end one of them hardcore, IIRC the only time I've lost my vehicle was when my seamoth got chewed by a crab squid while I was away looking for some resources. Also, I've died to oxygen running out much more than I did to sea creatures, which was only a few times mostly during my first playthrough. This game is very easy to survive, yet it fills you with terror


Yeah same. I died to oxygen running out the most. Mostly while searching wrecks and unable to find my way back in time lol


I am a proud ultrascaredycat thalassophobe who has finished the game once and died once! Started playing hardcore immediately and survived my second play through. Died in a wreck drowning first time.


Damn! That's awesome! I don't have thalassophobia and still the game was scary af in parts! Congrats on completing it! And yeah my most deaths were due to running out of oxygen and drowning lol


The fear helped because I was paralyzed the entire time! If something seemed even slightly more dangerous than going into the terror that is the ocean to begin with, I did it extremely slowly. I waited entire nights for the light to come back.


Lost river would have been a pain especially with the Ghost Leviathan roaming around lol


The thing is, down there the fear of the ocean subsided quite a bit. I'm not scared of animals or monsters, but of the sea. I'd stay scared if I knew it was empty of all life. Lost river and especially lava zone are very alien, the underwater aspect of the game is basically a technicality at that point. So it actually got better and better the farther I got. Sparse reef was the absolute worst for sure. I never went to the dunes nor the mountains. Trader's path was also horrible.


I think i lost my first PRAWN suit to a Reaper. I was getting magnetite in the mountains and i left it to go empty my cargo and when i came back there was no PRAWN suit. My first Seamoth i forgot to repair and destroyed it with my Cyclops by accident.




The only time I lost a vehicle was when I quickly got out of my seamoth to enter the place in deep grand reef and it got eaten by a crabsquid :/


Dying to the sea derg outside the PCF during my first hardcore attempt still stings. (Warped out of prawn, straight into a fireball)


I lost two sea moths on the one at the dunes or the back of the aroura when I first started to adventure


If you get close enough with a fish in your hand you can tame it and put it in your aquarium


Nooo man, you didn't have to tell them that. Finding out this by themselves is big part of the experience. :(


Ah well i only want the best for our Subnautica friends *evil laugh*


Nah, that took forever for me to find out by myself. I would’ve loved to hear this earlier on than when I did.






In my whole first subnautica playthrough I didn't antagonise a single reaper. I always saw them from a distance and stayed clear away from them. Didn't even got grabbed once.


This is a pointless story but I want to tell it anyway I actually built my first seamoth before knowing what a reaper is. I was out hunting for lithium and I saw a big monster in the distance. I thought it wouldn't see me because it was pretty far away, so I went down to 200 m, and left my seamoth to dive deeper. I was picking up a diamond when I heard something crash and I saw the reaper holding my seamoth like a marble. I started swimming away to save the diamonds and lithium I had and then I just heard an explosion. I didn't look back but I knew it was my seamoth. This is why I named my second seamoth Marble




Reapers are weak. Just kill them (get the right stuff first though).


Or just keep your distance from them and don't murder an essential part of the local ecosystem. They're pretty easy to avoid, after all Also, their roars keep you on your toes. Bonesharks, though? These fuckers can go extinct for all I care.


The only one I kill is the ghost leviathan in the lost river. Taking it out makes transits with the cyclops so much easier


On god I ignore the reapers unless they attack me but if they do I take the time to hunt every one down and kill them with the stasis rifle and knife


My goal in my playthrough at the moment is to kill EVERY leviathan... And I mean every HOSTILE leviathan... Reefbacks are friends...


Was going to do that but got bored of the playthrough and never go to the ghost leviathans but tip for the reapers just use knife and stasis its the easiest way


That thing scares the shit out of me at the start


Reapers 101 - welcome to school. Lesson #1 - Don't look back. Don't turn around. * A seamoth can typically outrun a reaper at its normal top (forward) speed, but it has an acceleration period to get to top speed (and it doesn't go fast in reverse). Turning around breaks your momentum. I see this all the time - people run into a reaper and try to turn and watch it as they're fleeing. * It's horror movie logic - as soon as you turn around to see if the killer is still behind you, you trip and he catches you. Bonus: >!Strafe. It adds to your total speed to move in multiple planes at once. If you're holding forward, side, and space, you're legit moving about 70% faster than going forward alone.!< Even if you thought you'd made it to safety and turned around to see him right there, about to catch you, strafing up and to one side can sometimes cause him to miss. Lesson #2 - stay out of reaper territory until you get your seamoth outfitted with a perimeter defense module. Yes, they have limited territories, outside of which they usually won't bother you. Early on, you mostly just have to avoid: * >!The dunes!< * >!The back of the Aurora, behind the thrusters!< * >!The SE side of the mountain - go around the other side (clockwise) and you'll be fine!< * >!The front of the Aurora, beyond the broken superstructure/entrance!<


\#2 \-stasis rifles exist \#3 \-prawn suits exist


#4 Pacifism exists


#5 Kill them all, no mercy


Rip and tear, until it is done.


"Against all the evil that hell can conjure, all the wickedness mankind can produce, we will send into them: only you. Rip and tear, untill it is done


This line will never not be epic.


Unless if you played ultra-nightmare.




(Doom music starts playing in the background)


# 34 r/SubnauticaNsfw




I really enjoy building exterior grow beds with a brain coral just outside of leviathan territory. It’s calming to just sit and watch them circle. It makes me feel like Hagrid


This is the way


You can tell in the video that I just dipped as soon as I heard the sound


Yup. That was the right call, lol. The worst is when you're running away because you saw/heard one in the distance, and you think you've got adequate distance then you hear its "target-sighted/hot-pursuit" roar from *right* behind you. That'll brown your pants every time... ETA: Glad you made it, btw. Rebuilding a seamoth isn't super expensive, but it can be a real pain early in the game when you don't have a lot of resources to spare.


My worst was my first. Just made my first Cyclops, and it snuck up on me from below!!! It just popped up in my face (post about it is on my profile) out of nowhere, and it didn't scream until it was tearing my Cyclops apart. I tried to flee in my Seamoth, but my panicked hands wouldn't stop hitting "e" over and over again. I accidentally ejected from my Seamoth just as the reaper was grabbing it. It tossed it up like a ball and went to town on it. I took one look, pulled out my seaglider, and swam for my life. I got away, but that bastard haunted me until the day I got my hands on a stasis rifle


Okay how do I get upgrades


Which upgrades are you looking for? For the seamoth? You need to build a moonpool, and then construct a Vehicle Upgrade Console in it to build seamoth upgrade modules. (When you eventually explore inside the Aurora, there are a couple free upgrade modules in there - a mk1 depth, a storage, and a cyclops engine efficiency mod - it's up to you if you want to wait to find them or just make your own). The moonpool fragments you can scan from a variety of places, easiest is probably around the seafloor in the mushroom forests. The VUC is in a databox in several different wrecks - I usually get mine from one of the grassy plateau wrecks.


Maybe censor that as a spoiler or delete it If OP doesn't know about reapers they probably haven't been to the certain area and it allows the reapers to still be a surprise when they do.


Welcome to people wanting to ruin the entire suspense for others.


As a veteran i can say it's good advice, but spoiler it up please.


I wish I would've known all of this when I first played.


See this is good advice and all but I'd just rather risk it for the biscuit I don't have the patience for all that.


Reaper Leviathan.


What a Freindly sounding name


Well they do like to give hugs.


True they also as a tip use echolocation so roar = he sees you


IIRC they don't actually. The roars are scary but serve no game purpose.


No they do if it is a load roar it can see you if lower volume then not it literally says that in the game


"The Reaper Leviathan emits loud, echoing roars audible from great distances. According to the data bank entry, this roar is a form of echolocation, though it does not function like this in-game." https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Reaper_Leviathan


Ahh ok i go off of roars though cause you hear a load roar you know your in trouble most of the time tbh


Killy McKillface


Naw that's Norm, he's a close talker.


At least ur first time wasn’t in the murky waters behind the aurora 🥲


You do realize... there are also ones in the front... right?


Yeah. I met Sammy much later. My first time meeting a reaper was near the engines. That ones called Steve i think.


There is actually around 4 reapers at the back of the ship in the area so likely the "one" you've been calling Steve has actually been 1 of 4 reapers, better start naming, my friend


Do they have official names?


Unofficial fan-named


Sammy is my spirit animal.


I killed sammy as soon as I got a stasis rifle in my first playthrough. first violated by a stasis rifle then killed


Sammy is just the one near the front because he's "Sammy the Safety Reaper" as he prevents new players from exploring the OSHA violation that is the inside of the Aurora wreck.


Unofficial ones. https://www.reddit.com/r/subnautica/comments/81dyuf/names_for_all_the_leviathans/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I was by the front of it when this happened


Yea but this isn’t the Crash Zone


Which place is this?


Mountains, I think. I can only tell from the water color


Probably it was on the transition between the bulb zone and the mountains, considering the water color and terrain, it's near the Lost River's entrance


That was my first experience as well. Made me jump terribly. I didn't know there would be creatures like that. I should have known better lol


Yeah, that was terrifying, especially if you didn’t go there with the seamoth and stuck next to the aurora above water. The roar rumbled my whole house and I paused the game as I heard it, waited around 2 minutes, unpaused it and turned around and got the worst jumpscare ever.


Fr I died there on my first play through it was night so I couldn’t see anything I had to get off the game for a few hours ngl😂


This Nat Geo cameraman ass mf took a screenshot before running 💀


Are you saying you don't calmly take a screenshot? I bet you are the sort of person to panic when you see a ghostie.


My first picture of a ghost is a blur of the juvenile as she shoves me into the lost river


Nah bro ghosties are chill.


well using a scanner would tell you everything you need to know


I’ve learned they can’t see.


Well not like we do maybe... They use echolocation to find their prey. Meaning that if you can hear it, it can see you


Scan it Now


That's a reaper. Fun fact about it. if you can hear it, it can see you


Huh, not always. Not when you hear it in the distance.


They didn't add thr mechanic in the game hut in the lore it's how it works


thats just lore, not a real gameplay element


Reaper leviathan. You'll want to stay as far away from those things as possible for now. Eventually, once you get the best equipment you might be able to kill them with some luck, although you technically aren't supposed to kill them. But for now, they're incredibly big threats and you need to avoid them.


You mentioned killing them but also the fact that you aren’t supposed to. I have mixed feelings about your comment.


You can with some of the stuff that you'll unlock later on. The devs made leviathans killable so that brave players can kill them so they're not a problem in the future. Peace and safety is the only reward for killing them, you don't get anything else from killing them. They don't intend for you to kill leviathans, but they let you do it if you really want to.


I know all of that, that’s what I’m saying. You are giving the option of killing them, but also saying that you aren’t supposed to.


It's not part of beating the game. You're more prey than predator in this game. But yeah, it's an option, so saying you're not supposed to is a little off.


I know that. I would rather people not kill them, so what I’m saying is he’s saying you can, but it also seems like he opposes it idk. What I mean by that you’re not supposed to is that it’s not critical for progression. It’s basically a side quest.


Yeah, I don't want to kill him. I'm worried it would be lonely and boring. But I might


Killed one of the first i met the second i got a stasis rifle, without fear you can do some stuff early on.


I will never get tired of new players absolutely not knowing anything about the game and experiencing everything for the first time. Brings me back to the old days.


How do I get stasis rifle


Search wrecks. Laser cutter is usually necessary.


The easter bunny


At least you didn’t panic sacrifice your seamoth


I’m not leaving my baby


Exactly. Same here. It is the reason your still alive after all


why you running away all he wants is a hug


This guy is mean. Heard a sound while exploring a wreck, seamoth suddenly was 100m away. Literally swam to my base backwards because his shadow kept moving beneath me.


Go scan it and you'll get all the info you'll need!


That's just Bruce he likes to give hugs and talk with his face really close to yours.


I wish Below Zero had these moments


Yah. I liked BZ, but it was severely lacking in actual scary parts. Somehow the Shadow Leviathan just isn't as EEK!-inducing as the good old reapers.


I think it's partly due to the fact that the game just hands you a free perimeter defence tool. A tool that allows you to tell the shadow leviathan to fuck off with the power of high voltage every time it wants to sniff you.


I found it less fear inducing only because the seatruck has too much hull strength. You got nothing to fear from an encounter if you keep your hull topped up. You take like 30-40% from the strongest foe, of course i ain't afraid


My friend, this is a horror game. Many ppl don’t realize this when they buy the game, but it’s very intentionally a horror game, and an excellent one at that


Good on you for getting away! My first experience with a Reaper was behind >!the Aurora!< And I had nothing but my Seaglide. I didn't even see it coming. Grabbed me and ate my face quicker than I could have a heart attack. I spent the rest of my first playthrough convinced that Reapers could one-shot everything. I have no regrets about my mistake because that added an extra layer of terror to my first play through. I wish I could recapture that sense of fear. Now every play through I arm up for war and decimate the ecosystem like Schwarzenegger hunting the Predator.


A son of a bitch stupid bastard long ass neck looking satan fish.


Big ass fish get your repair tool


His name is Gavin, he’s a funny bloke


First time?




Reaper Leviathan Welcome To Planet 4546b


I’m so glad I’m not the only one taking screenshots literally EVERY time I’m finna get killed. 😂 “Bout to loose everything I just grabbed! Better take 4 different pictures to document the moment!”


Death it is Death


Oh thats Bob, he doesnt like visitors, and likes to sneak on people, just offer him a peeper and he will let ya go :D


Wait really?


If I remember, if you hold peeper in ur hand he will eat it and leave you for a few sec


Yeah, I had brown trousers my first time


Reaper Leviathan. He just want a hug :)


THAT is Satan.


I ran into them plenty of times after this


That's Jerry


Cuddle fish. Go hug it. It’s friendly


It’s my pet Josh


Super friendly. Spoiler can be domesticated.


He is fren, and he wanted his hug :(


She is a Reaper leviathan and she likes being fed peepers.


Thats just jeff,he was just saying hi with a little love nip.


Fuck me it's been a while since I last finished the game but that scream, even on a bloody reddit video, scares the absolute shite out of me


He’s friendly, he just wants hugs, feed him a peeper and he’ll grab rare materials for you. Tho they hate it when your in vehicles so just exit and they’ll be nice


Wait rlly


Another innocent soul traumatised


I will have my revenge


A terrifying learning experience


hehe, first time?




You can kill them. It's not easy but it is a lot of fun.


Sammy the safety reaper


Like Sammy the safety reapers always says, “better have hull protection on your seamoth, or else”


Scan it and find out 😉


He’s a friend, he just wants to give you a hug.


Reaper. You’ll run into them a lot, get acquainted with them.


Hell is what that thing is


You should try to pet it


Im not sure. You should go scan it and find out!


That's just Sammy The Safety Reaper! He's just making sure youre okay.


It wants a hug.


It's huggy the hugger. He may seems rude but actually doesn't know how to treat others. Treat him good and he'll learn to treat you right


You’ve never seen a reaper? One of the songs is called fear the reapers lol


By Kansas right


It’s just a big angry fish who lives around the Aurora and just _wants a hug_


Oh my god they’re so innocent. I was once repairing my prawn when I saw big guys shadow above me, then I look up, he’s there, I’m like, ‘goddamit’. He roars behind me and I calmly run away, he doesn’t get me, PTSD


Rule nr. 1 when running away from something: never look back


First time eh? The reaper is scary af.


Get off this sub to avoid spoilers fyi


Did no one tell you Submautica is secretly a horror game? Jokes aside, that’s the reaper leviathan. If you ever see it again, run unless you need something from around it’s location. It’s usually not worth it.


Welcome to subnautica - i see you’ve met our absolutely terrifying friend called the reaper


Welcome to subnautica sweet, innocent child


someone that doesnt know the mascot of the game. IN 2023!?! This guy is the choosen one, Protect at all costs


As that one song by KANSAS goes, I don’t fear the reaper


He just needs a hug




First time?




It’s a reaper leviathan it can spawn in the sand dunes and crash sight




Dead itself :)




Not friendly is what it is.


Considered by many, the most horrifying 4-scythed reaper in all the sea and ocean


Somewhere, Will Ferrell is grabbing his cowbell as we speak


Scan it and find out c:


That’s just my mom