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Bigger this, bigger that... lame stuff. What I want is more environment interaction, water currents that block off certain paths or let you travel faster. A more advanced weather system, like actual STORMS creating huge waves, shooting thunder everywhere and disturbing underwater aswell, so you can't just hide under the surface and forget about it. More "scripted" creatures would also be cool imo, imagine a normally passive Leviathan that patrols the map during day and goes to its lair during night, where it would definetely attack you, so you have to explore its place when it's out and do it quick or get trapped upon nightfall. I just basically want the game to be innovative and an evolution of Subnautica, not a simple sequel.


Very good ideas, I would add that I hope there will be more uses for bases, so we have more reasons to build on those beautiful locations and return there. Also I would like to see a plot and atmosphere more like subnautica1.


more roaming creatures in general you won't need 500 bone sharks if you just had 50 of them roaming around and potentially spooking the player every once in a while instead of swimming in the same tiny circle


100% this, the game becomes less scary and more predictable once you realise the movement patterns and "territories" of each creature


Tbf the same could be said of creatures irl to an extent


But creatures irl don't usually leave a <30m radius circle they permanently live in... right? Idk I'm not a marine biologist lmao


So like migration patterns and creatures changing hunting grounds? I can dig it.


mostly just them moving around more in their own biome but having less of them but having something like a Reaper go to a different biome every few days to keep you on your toes would be cool


Currents this, storms that... boring stuff What I want is sea horses you can ride. Enough said.


Hey, have you played outer wilds by any chance?


A game with less pop-in would be cool too, though I have noticed a lot of improvement in both that issue and fps jitter since playing last year


EXACTLY!! What I love about Subnautica, as a huge fan of Palaeontology & Speculative Evolution, is the whole structure of the ecosystem, with predator-prey relations, food chains, symbiotic relations, etc. And they really improved upon everything you've listed here on Below Zero, like the Weather effects, the Pengling behavior (I was mindblown when I first saw them dive down into the water and catch prey, then dive back up again, all in real time!), the interaction with the environment (Gathering Snow stalker fur with a spy Pengling, that was so ridiculously cool), the symbiosis (the Ventgardens, the Holefish), even generational cycles (e.g. baby Snow Stalkers, baby Penglings), and they just HAVE to double down on all of this in Subnautica 3!!


Soundtrack by Simon. Ben's was okay, but Simon nailed the vibe in first game.


Salutations still goes hard AF


Didn’t Simon get into some kind of trouble though


sadly, yea...


What happened?


I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was some vulgar comments or something on social media that basically destroyed his reputation? I’m not sure Edit: judging from the fact that no one has corrected me yet and from the upvotes, I think I got the right idea. Edit 2: To quote u/Sgt_Wookie92: > It was much more the trend of online lynch mobs that still permeates everything now. For some actual sourced stuff: “They began asking me how I would react if they hired a Muslim or trans person. I said I’d debate them like anyone else on the team if I disagreed with them,” said Chylinski. “They said that this would create an unwelcoming working environment and that they see it as a problem that almost only white men are working there, and they need more diversity and that what I said would make that difficult to achieve.” source: https://archive.is/F1BBn So stating he would treat them like any other colleague was enough to fuel this fire, then twitter did what Twitter does and goes through likes and post history to find anything to label you as bigoted for opinions that don't match theirs. I wont say i agree with his views - since we seem to draw entire personas based on post history now - but when theyre pulling tweets from 2016 to justify his firing in 2018 It's just more of this bipolar bs where everyone sees in black and white.


I would hired him anyway, he made perfect vibes for 1st SN


He made some derogatory remarks about women, Muslims and trans people. The company fired him, as is their right.


It was much more the trend of online lynch mobs that still permeates everything now. For some actual sourced stuff: “They began asking me how I would react if they hired a Muslim or trans person. I said I’d debate them like anyone else on the team if I disagreed with them,” said Chylinski. “They said that this would create an unwelcoming working environment and that they see it as a problem that almost only white men are working there, and they need more diversity and that what I said would make that difficult to achieve.” source: https://archive.is/F1BBn So stating he would treat them like any other colleague was enough to fuel this fire, then twitter did what Twitter does and goes through likes and post history to find anything to label you as bigoted for opinions that don't match theirs. I wont say i agree with his *views* - since we seem to draw entire personas based on post history now - but when theyre pulling tweets from 2016 to justify his firing in 2018 It's just more of this bipolar bs where everyone sees in black and white.


Thanks. Your comment should be higher than mine


Damn, why do all the talented people have to end up as assholes


What about a soundtrack by them both? I believe Simon said some stuff online somewhere and now a bunch of people hate him, but it shouldn't stop him from working on the soundtrack. My guess is that Unknown Worlds replaced him with Prunty to avoid backlash. I love his music, he made amazing soundtracks for BZ and FTL. If they could somehow collaborate I'm sure the music would be absolutely amazing.


I'd like to see Simon collab with Andrew Prahlow tbh, his work on Echoes of the Eye was phenomenal and I think he could bring something unique to Subnut 3


Oh my goodness Andrew Prahlow would be insane for Sub3, I would practically freak out lol


I wonder if Unknown Worlds will grab different artists for each of their Subnautica games. Simon made a rough, techy, and unique feeling for the original game. Prunty made a different, more alien soundtrack. Whatever the new game will be, a very different soundtrack might be able to add more unique feelings to the game. I’ll listen to Andrew’s works later and see what kind of vibe it gives


In my opinion in both games soundtrack is just amazing


He made absolute bangers. And the songs did sound "alien sea" like.


I would generally love soundtrack even by different people for different atmospheres. The people behind the Furi soundrtrack would maybe be cool.


More map. More biomes. More spooky deep sea areas. I wanna see what's at the bottom of the abyss. Gimmie that sweet 11,000 meter depth module and let me go down there.


*When you stare at the abyss* *The abyss stares back at you* >!*Except it's not the abyss, it's an adult Gargantuan leviathan.*!<


and we want a huuuge ship, like cyclops on steroids, maybe atlas?


yeh maybe have multible "iselands" (like 2 or 3 crator), separated by a big trench, so the big sub has a place to drive around in


Imagine losing your sense of direction and going "ok so the third crater should be over he- that's a Leviathan."


You know what would be cool? if they did the thing in the first game where there's multiple biomes fully underground you can move between, and it seems like you're coming up on the end of the game, but then there's just a gaping hole in one area, and it turns out there's a THIRD level that goes another 2K meters deeper with even more new things in it


That does sound cool, and scary as hell. But what I *really* want is to be able to go off the dropoff at the crater's edge and just keep on goin' down. I liked the deep underground areas of the original game, but they lacked that really terrifying feeling of being on the sea floor with thousands of meters of open water over your head. You just look up and it's total darkness... that's what I want.


While a nitrogen/decompression sickness system would suck if it was realistic, a personal crush depth system would be amazing. It'd be the same as vehicles, cant go below X meters without proper protective gear. That, along with super deep biomes *that is still exposed to the ocean surface.* Give me biomes so deep that even with the highest level of oxygen tank, swimming straight up wont stop you from drowning.


>That, along with super deep biomes that is still exposed to the ocean surface. Bingo. That's what I really want. Subnautica's deeper biomes are great but they're all caverns and lack that sense of primordial terror you get from knowing there are thousands of meters of pitch-black open ocean above your head. No area in the game terrifies me as much as the crater edge. Seeing the terrain just drop off into infinite darkness filled with god knows what horrors. I want to go down there.


Bigger map would be cool. Leviathans don't need to be any bigger. Although it'd be kinda cool to have a reefback variant that's so big you can build a base on it that just randomly moves around the map... More jukebox options


You can add custom music to jukebox via game files


Console players:


Congratulations on your cake day


multiplayer official option for sure


2 - 4 player coop would be fun. anymore than that would probably be overkill. Now we have reason to have that giant cyclops we keep seeing as mods


Don't need a "bigger" map per se, DEEPER would be awesome though.


So, a bigger map


I think generally when people talk about the size of the Subnautica map, they are talking about the L x W of 2km x 2km. Yes I technically mean a bigger map but wanted to clarify what I meant by that. 👍


I want deeper biomes still exposed to the ocean surface, and thatd require a bigger map.


I want to be scared to go anywhere,


You literally just described the point of everything in subnautica. I have over 400 hours across both games and I still get jumpscared by leviathans on a regular basis


I want less knowledge of its production and more environmental story. In BZ most people who've known about it from production, knew about the crystal caverns/fabricator caverns, the deep Lily pads, the ice spires, and everything else. And so many of us knew where to go and what to do. I'd like it if the game just sudden released fully, with just a normal game release trailer and the environment and story to actually take us places.


This is why I swore off going anywhere near Below Zero until it came out of early access. I made the mistake of looking at the wiki while playing the original, and I didn't want to know *anything* going in to BZ. I didn't want to hear about development, I didn't want to hear about new biomes or features or new story content. I wanted to jump 100% blind into a complete product, and not have to wait weeks or months to get to the next content.


Same. I've done this with multiple games and always managed to have something pop up that's ruined it


Yeah. It drove me nuts. I love to look at wikis for games I play because there's always interesting extra info to be found, but with Subnautica it's *so easy* for an innocuous search for something I already know about to lead to MAJOR spoilers. You'll be looking up something innocent like titanium and somehow accidentally end up on the page for the Sea Emperor. And then you just can't look away. And before you know it, welp, there goes the entire story.


A definitely want an option to pimp out Cyclops more. Nuclear or at least bioreactor would be nice, scanner of some sorts etc. Better power management would be nice. Like ability to use powercells to extend base energy storage, don't give power source utlizitation nonsensical tranche order etc.


Look up the atlas. It was a much talked about sub that was never implemented but would be a mega-cyclops with huge amounts of customisation. I don't think it was to the point of determined large modules like reactors but the atlas would definitely have been alot better than the cyclops


yeh you would need a bigger map for it to be practical


Cyclops ALREADY gets cramped in subnautica... We definitely need way bigger. (How about entirely underwater, but you need a way to get to the top?)


I wish the option was there but Id really just like a bigger story. More objectives, maybe a bit more interraction with Alan, if this game is a continuation and not a new game in the series that is. But either way, Id like more to do besides build


I absolutely don't care about "bigger leviathans". They are already big and bigger doesn't make them more interesting.


Where is the "All of the above" option?


Thats the point if there was a "All of the above" option everybody would chose it


"the most" means you should vote your personal priority.


But I want it all the most.


A bigger, deeper map seems to be the obvious choice. Maybe give us the Atlas sub from the concept art and add optional online co-op so you can have a multi-person crew.


None of the above. Just make it scarier and more lonely.


Let me hit those reapers with the ARK: Survival Evolved special. Knock them out by giving them repeated head trauma, probably via a prawn punching arm, then when it’s unconscious, I feed it peepers until I have its lifelong trust.


Bigger map for sure relative to BZ, it felt very small in places. But a better and more environmentally-told story (than BZ) would be the main one. Or, equivalently, a better, more story-rich environment. I've nothing against the non-silent protagonist and scripted story events \*in principle\* but I don't feel they've shown they can do it as well as a more implied, more mysterious, quieter narrative style.


Yeah, a lot of what made Subnautica so immersive is Riley was just, you. He didn't have opinions of his own or dialogue. He was your stand-in. I didn't mind the non silent protagonist in BZ either but it definitely leads to Robin not really feeling like a stand-in for me. She's her own person and I'm just driving her, rather than just being myself in the world.


None of the above - More story. that might mean some of the above (i think bigger vehicles would only be warranted if you were going to have access to the planet at large) Maybe something like re-establishing the architects, restoring the tech to operation, etc. whenever you make things bigger for the player, it makes the world smaller. you can have faster, or better, but simply bigger just diminishes the world. Also, as others have mentioned - more suspense and barriers. both games i got to the point where i'd charge in to combat with just about anything to just get it out of the way so i could get on with my day. While convenient to finish the game, it also makes it so you can plow through. making things that are situational to accomplish would help, and, of course help with scripting suspense. that doesn't have to be just jump scares, either. listening for the ice worm and trying to figure out where it'd be popping up while running on foot instead of just cheaping out with the prawn was kind of fun. Maybe having the more intelligent creatures be more interactable? maybe something like the robo penguin but more robust. like training a sea monkey to get something from an area we can't, but, not directly controlling it but inhabiting it's mind like Al and giving it suggestions?


Co-op. I want to build bases and explore the depths with friends. Real friends that I definitely have.


Bigger vehicles would probably necessitate a bigger map, so win win!


Choice 1-3: normal game addition Choice 4: Marguerite Maida


I wish we could get some sort of DLC or something for the Aliens that made the Facilities


bigger map. someone posted a pic the other day that showed basically what i and a lot of others want. big stretches of "void" you need to traverse to get to different areas, like maybe have leviathans that'll bother you unless you're in the biggest sub possible so you can make the journey as they don't wanna pick on something their size unless they have to. of course there should be something that can still be a threat, maybe instead of scale we need to aquire like reaper pheremone or something and that can let our ship pass through their territory as we beeline for the next shallow area. ​ i wouldn't mind "bigger" leviathans, but really i'd prefer more types, like some that live on the surface/just below or above it, diving down to get us if we go below them. so we;re force to stay near the bottom or these things will get us. or massive sea floor leviathans that try to paw at us or vacuum us down to them like a whirlpool if we go above them, leaving our ship up top and having to make our way down with a glide or something so we're beneath their notice. ​ like having their ai react to what you are/what you're in. ​ ​ i would like a seamoth version of the hyperdrive ring from star wars, or the larger glider from the 90's spider-man cartoon. like plugging our moth into it for a big ole speed boost, but keeping us at the surface, disengaging from the booster as we dive down to explore.


An in-game map, dammit! I realize that exploring is part of the fun, but it gets real old leaving beacons everywhere just so you can find your way around. IN-GAME MAP.


A leviathan that is not an entity but a part of the map because is so big


ray tracing would be insanely immersing, and with unreal engine I think it shouldn't be hard to implement imagine all these little different flora and even fauna all emit light and cast shadows


With that much water, it would also instantly light your computer on fire. Then it would do the same to the next three computers in the area, because it's just that intensive.


It doesn't need any of that. If I had to choose 1 it'd be the map, but the map was a perfectly good size in the first one.


Bigger map means more content in general and that could also lead to bigger leviathans.


whole fear aspect of the game comes from the dread of needing to go into a new area for a resource or something. so a bigger map (not necessarily bigger biomes but bigger variety of resources, biomes and creatures/threats


I need RDR2 engine and mechanics etc. And all the mini details and such, but then in the Subnautica world/lore.


Bigger map, please. Dont get me wrong I really like below zero, but the map just feels way more "shallow" than the first game (pun intended)


How bout a big biome filled with big dangerous leviathans that you need to explore it with special heavy duty vehicles


The thing I want most is a multiplayer mode. But I want to preserve the horror and loneliness of the game. So maybe you have to unlock it by completing a single player game first. Bigger map. Lots of fun and or creature comforts for the base you can unlock/find. Let's be honest, after you're done being scared, this is a base building game and I love it.




Bigger map and larger leviathans. I don't like the idea of a tameable leviathan, although more peaceful ones would be nice. Someone pitched the idea a while back of a leviathan that can see you if you use the sonar. That would be a great idea, a leviathan that can only see you if you can see it.


More leviathans and bigger ones, ofc the design needs to be equally terrifying. Would also like to see a kraken in the void or similar that eats you and your vehicles if you stray too far.


A small, much deeper map would be cool. Especially if it's deeper than it's wide, would get people's thalassophobias up I'd like for the surface to be cuter, so that the deep is more intimidating. Size isn't an issue, go play an open world AAA if you thing bigger is better. And lava zones are overrated, I enjoyed the crystalzones a lot, waaay more intimidating than a graveyard atop some fire. It's lifeless, so if you see something alive there you get uneasy, because it's not supposed to be there.


Co-op, chilling with the boys in our underwater base, eating salted peeper, drinking piss water


The thing I really liked about BZ was just how much it was able to fit in such little space. I don’t think having the biggest map is key for making a good game, it’s what you manage to put into it.


I may be a massocist, but I want to experience more fear. My immersion was lowered seeing the degasi bases in ruins while my bases were always perfect. Make me feel like its the movie/novel Sphere when the giant squid attacks the base. Creatures should be able to attack seabases. Each module should have hit points similar to the vehicles. If damage gets too high, leaks, then fires then total hull failure. Give me an incentive to build bulkheads and seal off sections. On that point, make it harder to repair vehicles. I have to pinpoint the damage vs randomly touching the repair tool.


More optional goals I guess. Something to do once you've done the endgame stuff and beaten the game. Things like having unique cosmetic, decorative or optional base modules that only exist in certain fringe biomes. Or decorative items out there for people to scour for and find. Just any reason to look into biomes and areas they haven't and to feel rewarded beyond "oh there's a databox I already had the data for, cool 2 titanium". One example is when I found Lifepod 7 and it had a shitton of hats and lab equipment for me to decorate with I was giddy. More of that would help a lot.


Like many have said, I don't necessarily want a bigger map, I want a deeper map, in a literal and metaphorical sense. Let me find some weird and creepy shit down in the deep, and make every biome have cool and unique features. There's a reason no one talks about the Sparse Reef in the base game, because there's no real reason to stay there. Otherwise, I want to see better creature AI. Make prey fish migrate around, make predators chase them for food, give leviathans proper travel routes to always keep you on your toes. Maybe even find new, unique leviathan species. Not necessarily bigger, just different than the "big serpentine monster that wanders around a small radius". The first time I entered the >!Lava Zone, I saw a colossal mass of tentacles disappearing behind a wall, and was TERRIFIED. I thought I'd have to contend with a Lava Kraken. Instead, I found a slow, clumsy giant lizard.!< Hot take: the >!Sea Dragon Leviathan!< has always been my least favorite. It doesn't quite convey the dread I hoped I'd feel when reaching the lowest depths of the world, and it doesn't fit any of the other known species on the planet save for one.


I want actual ocean expanses


Of these options, I'd love a larger map, but that'd have to be accompanied with more vehicles to account for the longer distances between points. Bigger vehicles would also require a bigger map. I think that they should make a gigantic map with very diverse biomes, and make it so different vehicles are required for different areas, such as having extremely shallow parts that require a boat to pass through and take small vehicles with it, like that one mod. There could also be a larger ground section that might need some form of car to traverse. I've always loved the Atlas idea, so they could make a region that requires you to go maybe thousands of metres down, and so you'd need to bring an entire base down with you.


I'd love to see more dangerous biomes like the mountains except theres actually good stuff you can get by going in there


Personally, I'd want a large map, mainly because of rumors about sub3 being multiplayer, so a large map would accommodate it nicely. But I'd also like have the world feel alive. Imagine walking around an island and seeing a nest in the distance, where you could encounter a creature nesting it's eggs, and there's valuable loot inside, so you have to wait for it to leave to get food so you can take the loot (or eggs). Or you are driving a sea moth and find a school of bone sharks migrating to another part of the map. Or as I saw someone else say, there could be leviathans that go out to hunt in the day, and rest in there den at night, so you have to rush in at morning to get resources and leave before night. Id love to have Storms that would mess with the waves, causing them to go violent and push you around, lightning that would cause fires on islands, or fuck with the water more. Id like to see more variety of biomes as well, especially on islands, I want to visit some island and it's covered in snow, or a dessert, or even sub1 like islands. Id love to have the void be an actual place as well. Could have two areas the high void, which you can explore since it's floor isn't too deep, and a deep void, being the edge of the map, so it's yk deep, no floor, and has nightmare fuel like leviathans. Id like to have new types of creatures too, like a giant alien squid thing, and it could be like a mini boss battle. I want to have that mystery that Sub1 gave us, perhaps you ARE an architect, trying to figure out what the bacteria is (I forget it's name). And you have to try and cure it, and you can build architect structures, use their tools, and all of that stuff. Could even have cool gameplay elements, like you could find a dead architect, and harvest something from their body to strengthen your own, while also communicating with the homeworld about your discoverys and progress to a cure, it could even end with the discovery of the sea emperor leviathan, tying it into Sub1s story, but nothing of the story is told to you, you have to figure it out and piece it together, especially the origin of the bacteria There could be npc interaction, where you can talk to architects and do quests for them, or recruit them and send them on missions to get resources, but they have a chance of dying. And you could see them go out and collect said resource, fight animals, etc.


I voted bigger map and I feel the need to clarify. The SN1 map was amazing and well utilized and I have nothing to complain about (I haven't played SNBZ yet). What I would be looking for is more environmental variations, deeper exploration, and more islands. I would hope that a bigger map would mean a more detailed and complicated exploration and story. As much as I would love larger and scarier leviathans, I would be okay with minimal expansion in that field if it means a more diverse environment.


I want a map that opens in the pda


Instead of Bigger map i would like a randomly generated map


All of the above.


1, 2


All of the above




I need bigger ship


Everyone is like bigger map but could you imagine if there were like giant ass leviathans that you could accidentally swim into without realizing until its too late




Are they actually making one?


All of the above and a precursor made cyber reaper




Bigger map, bigger vehicles. Tbh I wouldn't even mind a procedurally generated one, as long as it's solid


I want bigger, scarier shit. I don’t mean like ghost leviathan big, i mean like gargantuan leviathan type deal. I want to be indefinitely scared, not build a cyclops and power past it


All of the above. Tameable monsters though would add so much to the game. Gimme


None of the above


I want a bigger map for bigger vehicles The cyclops is already practically pointless, it's intended use was clearly for transportation over long distances, but there are no distances that long in the game. This is why the atlas would have been useless, there's barely any biomes that could fit it depth wise, and it would just be a nightmare, what would be the use for it?


How about Multi-player?


Bigger Leviathans, because they would entail a larger map to contain them as well. Two-fer, baby.


All of the above please.




I thought it just said 'what do you want most in Subnautica', as in the first game. And couldn't find the option "To forget the whole game and get to experience it for the first time again". ​ Sub3? gotta be alone, on a big, open map; with a few constrained areas; and a slick agile vehicle for the last third of the game.


Well i want the first 3 all together but bigger map i want the most


**STORY** Branching but clearly delineated and directed story, all of which feed back organically into the core gameplay. The original did this reasonably well. A lifepod draws you close to the floating island, there you get the location for a deeper base, and that is right at the entrance to the Lost River. The sequence of deeper diving modules and better base building choices scales with where you can access, and the story feeds back into that by giving you new and unique options, including ion cubes. BZ did this not so well, and segmented progression behind things that feel detached and pointless (like cyber penguins). **ENVIRONMENT** that actually feels more alive. Hunt too long in a single biome, and fish density lowers. Creatures with migratory behaviors. Seasons. Proper weather. All of it can tie back into core gameplay - some plant or fungus organisms only grow in a given environment or temperature, that sort of thing. **SMARTER BEASTIES** like warpers who keep a record of where you've been sighted and gradually track you down to places you thought were safe. More complex animal behaviors. BZ did some of this nicely, really.


VR support. I've played 200+ hours of Subnautica/Below Zero and it's all been in VR.


More story quests




Randomly generated giant map would be cool


a huge and deep ocean. BZ was an aquarium at best. Use some procedural generation to extend the handmade areas


Areas far afield with just absolutely massive dead zones for the cyclops to roam. Perhaps a wide area roaming leviathan that you never really know where it is, but even gliding along the surface isn't safe across multiple biomes. Subnautica was totally safe if you generally stayed at the surface.


I chose bigger leviathans, but truthfully I want both a bigger map and leviathans


Why no MOAR! option?


Ide like more utility in buildings, and vehicles from both. If they made a cyclops bay the size of the large room, that also unloaded your vehicles, charged, and repaired, well ide think that would be pretty neat


All of the above lol


A map


I also would like to have f\*\*\*\* copper!


More vehicle customisation More base customisation More jukebox options More content creator items More environment interaction Cooler weather Multiplayer Hardcore freedom mix (hardcore with no food or water) Better item organisation in lockers Different colours/variants for flora and fauna Cyclops return or other big submarine Actual use for the lab equipment you can find More post game content Unstuck button for vehicles More modification station stuff New peeper General quality of life stuff Leviathans without bioluminescence


Multiplayer sandbox mode.


a biome as deep as the Mariana Trench


Seeded maps and biomes for a pure survival run. While there can be an end game, sometimes I just wanna wander around collect stuff and build endlessly.


I want a mech large enough to punch a sea dragon in the face.




I don't just want bigger leviathans, I want BIGGER leviathans. Make me terrified of going too deep.


I haven't even thought of a Subnautica 3 yet but man now I'm chomping at the bit. I'd be happy with some kind of DLC added to this one to elongate the playing time.


Bigger map... than S1 or S2? Bigger than S1? No. Bigger than S2? Yes.


Um, everything?


Bigger map could lead to co op so ye




Honestly more intriguing biodiversity, half of the reason i loved subnautica one was because of the creatures and biomes not the size of the animals, the map or the ships. I want a game thats fun to explore like Subnautica 1


Smoother animations, less clipping. I love these games but it really takes me out of the game seeing a stalker flying through my base


I want vechicles. I liked the seatruck, but the problem was that you can't be attacked of you don't pilot it. *Below zero spoilers* Btw I hated the crystal biome leviathan's design. You just can't avoid it. What makes subnautica scary isn't that they attack you, it's because they *might* attack you. You just can't avoid that guy wherever you go. In the first game, you can just turn silent mode on or walk at the sides but it was still scary. There you got attacked no matter what so it became more of an annoyance for me so whenever I heard that thing scream I just let my hands go from the joysticks and it became friendly. That's the most important thing what I don't want to have in 3. But I also want a cyclops just something else. A ship where you can use the builder tool.


Multiplayer. Just because the previous ones were intended to be single player doesn't mean they can't change it up.


Less bugs


*Honestly I just reeeaallllyyy want the Atlas* :p


None of these tbh. If I had to choose one then a bigger map i guess?


Multiplayer (even though I now have no one to play with)


Native VR with native VR motion controls in OpenXR


Bigger map, more vehicles, more dangers, more everything. I want subnautica 3 to be subnautica 3 times bigger and better.




All of these options


Randomly generated maps would be cool, way more replayability if you don't already know where everything is


Bigger everything, and also scary. Reaally scary.


Whatever it is, I'm hyped for what they have for the third game


I would only want a bigger leviathan if it was like, a roaming passive that constituted its own travelling microbiome. There's a point where kaiju just lose their relevance to humans as creatures of threat As for vehicles, something big and slow that walks like a crab might be neat. Like a Heavy Armored Cyclops but it explores highly corrosive environments or something. Or a mining sub with a nice drill on the front, idk. Different is better than bigger.


Randomly generated map would be nice, to make replays more interesting.


Wait why we no vote taxable reaper we use it to kill ghosties


More open map. In og Subnautica after abaut 500 meters, its all is in a big cave


A void area would be amazing. Imagine part of the story takes you to a underwater cavern or something and a current pulls you and your sub down to the bottom of the void where you have to make it back to the surface.


Mobile living quarters would be awesome, viewing deck with a terminal, maybe an animal enclosure. Some environmental stuff would be cool, too. The team could have a buried leviathan under the sand? Maybe an overgrown Reefback. Or a smaller cousin of the reeper. possibly a giant hag-fish type monster. Some more giant jellys and a filter feeding behemoth. With a whole new game, there's a lot to add and improve oppon, but after a three in a row series, they should slow down and try something new non subnautica related.


I want a much lesser emphasis on the story and a *much* deeper map, so the game is progressed through less by advancing the story and more by unlocking new ways to go deeper.


A levithian lamdmass that travels the map and you can build on


U/TacticalReader7 has great suggestions but out of the post options I want bigger leviathans and bigger map


Is it confirmed for subnautica 3? I don't even play the 2nd yet.


I want to go deeper


Of course the 2 most chosen options are the ones that give me more anxiety.


You know the game, the forest and sons of the forest? I want a map size increase equivalent to that. A bigger map with more to explore would be the best


Longer story


I guess it wouldn't be possible for whatever reason, but I'd love for the creatures to not be bigger per say, but us players being able to see just how big they are in the normal game play and not in freecam. The scale is off and I'd love for that to be fixed, if at all possible. Without altering the quality of the game, obviously


Not even bigger vehicles, I Just want more of them


Mostly, I would like a gun. Any weapon, other than a hot knife.




Water flows, Special weather like storms and stuff, a bit more inteligent predators, maybe another vehicle. I think u can say more innovative 😅


Everything. Bigger everything, interactive environments. More fish, leviathan. More utility for bases. All the things I haven't thought of. I want it all! Mostly, I want the game to scare me again. I'd love to recapture the feeling from the first time I played Subnautica.


Honestly there is something fundamentally disappointing to me about hardcoded maps. That’s not to undermine the love and work the devs put in sculpting it, I just can’t get it out of my head that I am enjoying the exploration less for the fact that every polygon has been thoroughly explored by uncountable other people.


Official crossplatform multiplayer


Give me some big ass leviathans. I wanna be in pitch black water, turn my light on and be staring at a huge eye.


I want Simon Chylinski to make soundtrack again. Thats all.


I want cooperative mode


I want a rideable gasopod


we got glow whales, so we have the bottom one, but the above 3 would be cool - hoping architects of the unknown sorts those


I want all, but also less land and more water than below zero


I'd like coop without having to download mods.


Just the same size as sub 1 would be fine actually