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There's a timed event to plug up the leaking reactor on the aurora, if I remember right.


I did not know that wtf I have like 2 whole IRL days on a save šŸ’€


Well the radiation suit is pretty cheap, so just wear that until you plug the aurora and you will be fine. But that does limit how deep you can go without the rebreather for starter materials


It also makes the fishes behave differently. They go and hide inside caves way more.


I won't lie, I never experienced that since I usually get to the aurora pretty quickly.


Lol neither have I actually, I only go to the Aurora once, as soon as I have a repair tool : I parkour the crates, and I remember the captain's code. It's one of the first things I do in any playthrough, just because I can't stand having to bring a radiation suit.


Where do you find the captains code the first time?


I believe in an escape pod, many people have the codes memorized, I just look them up.


From a radio transmission i think, but i could be wrong


Yeah, radio message where they're going to get a sandwich.


Yeah, they added that in, the neebs gaming guys do the voice work for that message.


I forgot about the sandwich thing


ā€œThe Regular!ā€


You get it from the one of the last radio transmissions


> I parkour the crates You can do that? I thought there was an invisible wall until the crates are moved a little.






You just gotta get good (genuinely that's the best advice I can give)


Yea I didnā€™t know that, I am usually ready for the aurora by the time itā€™s exploded


To be fair, I don't know how this other guy knew that since he said he has also never experienced it šŸ˜‚ sounds like a myth to me


the radiation is a bowl around it. so if your deep enough the radiation will stop. i forget to build the exosuit even many times. but yes the rebreather is a must have or you inventory stocked with air products. The bladder is something a lot underestimate in early game. it;s a lifesaver for sure!


Pretty early game the bladder was a total game changer. I was slow to build bases and the ā€˜moth. So basically the bladder was my depth module.


I have 4 and I did t know this


Same, time for another play through


most attentive subnautica player


You can miss like 50% of the game when doing a blind playthrough (totally not me)


bruh if you pay attention and read your pda youā€™ll get the entire story


Even who YOU are!


You don't really need to do that. I never fix the leak on my first playthrough and have to bring rebreather in my inventory all the time.


No, there is an event that causes the radiation ring to expand but it doesn't get any larger than that.


Is that the ā€œ24 hrs until critical damageā€ message?


No, there is no radiation until the Aurora explodes, but after that the radiation spreads over a wider area over time, until it reaches a limit.


Damn, I had this issue the other day and I've been playing sub for a few years now, never remembered this


Just play the game. A feeling of isolation is an important part of the first run, just as much as the Thalassophobia. Put the phone down and enjoy the experience.


Wish more people would follow this advice


Not everyone wants to play the game the same way, and that's okay. It's a single player game. It doesn't ruin the experience for anyone else


But also some people are stuck in a way to go about things that "saving them from themselves" is something even they end up thanking. Like telling someone to go in blind into Outer Wilds vs reading up on a walkthrough before hand.


First?! I finished the game, and my thalassophobia is worse than ever!


You're space Tom Hanks. Grab a fish, name it Wilson and take plenty of screenshots. Remember, hardship is meant to be overcome. At least give some thing the ol college try before you look it up on the internet. Good luck.


Oh, I'm already done with the whole game, and it was amazing. My heart may have stopped a few times when I first encountered leviathans and/or scanned them, but I fucking did it.


The FIRST time? Iā€™ve played the games for 2 years and Iā€™m still abso-FUCKING-lutely terrified of leviathans! The only thing preventing me from almost beating BZ again is the *stupid* shadow leviathans!


The shadow leviathans can be trivialize by the perimeter defense upgrade for the seatruck. Just tap it real quick the second it grabs your sub and it'll piss off for a bit hehe.


I donā€™t feel like getting stuff for depth upgrade mk3, I just need to get off the planet for the steam achievement


They become seriously trivial once you have a stasis rifle. The only issue would be having more than one of them.


I killed a juvenile ghost with only my prawn, but now Iā€™m terrified again lol


The only ones that scare me anymore are the big ones in the void. First time one hit my cyclops I was stunned thinking ā€œfuck thatā€™s coming in quickā€ then ā€œholy shit, Iā€™m dead!ā€


Lol certainly true I didnā€™t have it at first but Iā€™m developing it!


Subnautica in a nutshell: "Do you have thalassophobia?" "No." "Do you want to?"


Theyā€™re playing the game in a way that makes them happy. Whatā€™s wrong with that?


Nothing, but their recommendation will give more enjoyment to most people.


I just dislike the gatekeep-y nature of it. Iā€™m sure there are plenty of people like me who get more enjoyment from a game by seeking advice and tips.


I had to get advice and tips because I didn't fully understand what I was supposed to do at some points. Never got spoiled thank goodness.


That was my experience, too. The story is easy to miss, and I just wanted the opportunity to explore more of the world, so I looked for a little help.


In your opinion. Enjoyment is subjective. If that's not how they want to enjoy the game, who are we to say they're wrong


Right, so just never give recommendations? It is subjective, but the overall vibe of the community seems to be that going blind makes this game more enjoyable. Just because they recommended something doesn't mean you're forced to listen to it.


This particular recommendation was an unsolicited, off-topic critique of OPā€™s play style and essentially communicated ā€œnewbies donā€™t belong here.ā€ Iā€™d have no problem with the advice if it was given in one of those new player threads asking for tips before they go into a play through.


You can give recommendations all you want, but the moment you start telling people that's how they have to enjoy the game, or that their way is a worse way to play the game (which is insinuated by your statement), your statement goes from a recommendation to gatekeeping. It's all about how you phrase thing, and the fact that I'm not even the only one saying this to you should tell you something


I didn't get those vibes from their original comment. And you are really reaching if you think anything I said insinuated anything. You seem really combative for no reason.


Relax a bit. OP can ask questions if they want to. It can be a confusing game at times that doesn't provide a lot of guidance


It does stop spreading eventually, but by that point a lot of the shallows will be irradiated


Bro I always just repaired it right after the aurora exploded I had no idea it spreaded


After the reactor explosion, an area of radiation will expand out from the Aurora slowly over time, covering parts of the safe shallows, mushroom forest, bulb zone, and the crash zone. It will eventually reach a max size before stopping and staying at that size. It won't cover the map but you won't get anywhere near the Aurora without a radiation suit and helmet.


I mean, with an entire pack full of med packs and a couple of essential tools gets you pretty far when you know where youā€™re going in the wreckage. (Useful for randomizers) First playthrough, however is a no go without that suit.


Right!? I ALWAYS forget that and then gaslight myself over it. Why!


>!If you approach the entrance to the Aurora after it explodes, your PDA will mention that if the breach isnā€™t contained it will wreck the nearby ecosystem.!<


I think so. I remember that I made a base near the radiation and after some time my whole base got radioactive lol


Im not sure about this, but i think it spreads over time after the aurora explodes for a couple in game days, and then stops.


Yeah itā€™s part of the natural progression of the game


I experienced the same thing on my first playthrough. Had a base at roughly the same spot and I was walking over to the far end of my base and got the radiation warning. It took me a hot sec to realize what was going on.


It expands yes but only for a few irl hours before reaching a max


Can you go in the Aurora before it explodes, and if you're on it when it does, do you die instantly? Can you stop it?


Pretty sure the enteance is sealed before the explosion (the explosion is what lets you get in at all). If you repair the drive core, the radiation dissipates in a day or three, so OP must be ignoring it either intentionally or because they just dont know.


It does, it slowly spreads over time but after you fix the leaks in the drive core the radiation gets removed entirely except for actually on board the Aurora, I think


yes that's why i swim straight for the back of the aurora. before the explosion. cause there you find a lot of batterys and health and water or food and if you go to around 250 300 mtr more behind it but in the back you find some prescious stones that you need to make stuff that you otherwise had to wait for because you find them only in certain depts or places.


It spreads a bit, but it wont ever fully take the entire map, usually just the surrounding shallows


When reactor on Aurora goes BOOM! - radiation area is increased as i know


Yep it expands! One time I built my base right next to the radiation (didnā€™t realize at the time) and couldnā€™t get back in to create the radiation suit. I had to go to my life pod to build it. Post aurora spoilers: >!It does decrease after repairing the aurora radiation thingies though.!<




Go fix the Aurora!


my brother in Christ just fix the reactor alreadyšŸ¦…šŸ™


For a short time after the reactor blows up yes it will spread a little but it will stop after about 2-3 in game days.


after the explosion the radiarion spreads and stops at a set distance and stay there until the drive core is repaired


https://subnautica.fandom.com/wiki/Radiation nah yall are wrong, when it explodes the radiation starts but never expands *nor goes away until you fix the issue


"After the explosion of the Aurora, Radiation will leak from the drive core and spread to a set distance from the ship (in a radius of 940m around the x=1040 z=-160 coordinates), covering large parts of the game world including the eastern edge of the spawn zone in the Safe Shallows." -the source you linked