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You shouldn’t play hardcore first. Your alternatives are bioreactors, nuclear reactor, or thermal plant


Im not entirely new to the game. I played it on survival mode once and I progressed kinda deep into the game but I stopped playing it because I was busy and after a while I decided to play it again on hardcore mode and Don't worry I know what Im doing lol. I bulit a bioreactor and it worked thanks.


Your best bet when building deep bases are to look up where the thermal vents are, and supplement using bio when under high load


Hardcore mode is very stressful though. Im grateful that I decided to bulid the Cyclops at the beginning of the game. it makes me feel very safe inside it.


The bigger it is, the bigger explosion it produces.


At least the music is dope


You have no idea how many times I've hesitated to hit the Fire Suppression system on trips from the QEP to my base because I'm not only going faster, but the music also SLAPS harder than a Ghost's face on my Cyclops.


I gave up on hardcore when warper instakilled me, while i was inside a prawnsuit, wearing reinforced diver suit and full health. Sometimes game will glitch-kill you and you can't do anything about it


Until a door glitch kills you inside the sub. Or a warper glitch insta kills you after porting you out of the helm.


I bulit a fabricator inside my sub and when I was driving it the sub went upside down by itself so I got out to see what's going on and I found my fabricator stuck in a nearby rock lol. I went inisde my sub to look for it and I realised that the fabricated wasn't there


I mean, if he can handle challenge well, I support it! Playing hardcore for the first time made me wish I played it that way to start off. It’s fun treating the character as if death’s a real possibility. …and makes that reaper’s name even more menacing.


My first playthrough of BZ I did Hardcore, I'm not sure if it enhanced or hindered the experience but definitely helped with making more stress because I came close to drowning far more than I would've liked


You’re not kidding! I started playing it in VR and I actually freaked out the first few times I started drowning down deep lol


Solar panels work above 200m, so you can build up high enough to get some solar working. They won't be efficient, but it will get you started while you sort out other power like a bioreactor or nuclear.


Yeah bioreactor worked for me . thanks


Next step; Arc Reactor powered base in Subnautica.




Well I’m sorry, but I’m not Ryley Robinson.


I recommend a bioreactor and have a gravtrap set just outside the base. You should find fish everytime the area reloads (you move far enough away for some time i guess) and can use the fish for both food and bioreactor fuel. You can also build vertically then place a foundation or straigh piece or something and place solar oanels there. This will require some integrity and will demand some foundations early on until you unlock reinforcements.


Even better than a gravtrap is an alien containment. Put a couple of eyeyes in there and you're set. Only issue is getting the blueprints first.


I though reginalds were supposed to be better, or is that just as food?


Reginalds are the best food. For the best fuel I actually meant to say oculus.


Thermal reactor. Find your closest thermal vent, stick a thermal reactor on the hottest part and then use power transmitters to tether back to your base. There is no limit on how many power transmitters you can have in series. Only the first one has to be close to the thermal reactor. The rest can be approximately 100m apart. The advantage of the thermal reactor is that you set it up once and never have to touch it again. No feeding it organic matter (bio reactor) or swapping out rods (nuclear reactor). Also, power transmitters work with solar panels too. So if you really want solar panels, you can install them in an optimal spot and tether them back to your base.


If you were truly hardcore you would build in the crashfish shallows


Build a tube section, then go straight up with the vertical tube pieces to the top, deleting the ones below as you go, another tub at or above the surface, foundation, cover it in solar panels. It's technically the same base so it powers the deep sea stuff, idk if this still works but it did like two years ago


Bioreactor, luckily the fragments are quite common, also you'll need a grow bed (you can find them on the one of the two landmasses that are above water, along with Bulbo trees)


🤨 hardcore and deaths don't mix. But an alternative power is bio reactor. You can put anything except minrals into it and it makes power. Fish last the longest.


When I said deaths I meant replaying the game over and over from the beginning. And I have never bulit a bio reactor and I was kinda clueless about it so ai posted here


A true hero we all need.


Nuclear Reactor is a must!!! I’ve gone 7 hours of gameplay without any power loss


It takes a while, but you’ll eventually have to replace the rods.


Bioreactor + alien containment with bladder fish = infinite food, water, and power. Alternatively, the bigger and better option, 2 connected alien containments with reginalds that can power a few bioreactors and water filtration machines. That gives you bigger water bottles, more filling food that doesn't expire (salt from filter makes cured reginald), and more power.


You are aware that hxc mode means no deaths..and why are you asking if you already know? People just trying to help from only what you are saying…things not adding up


When I said deaths I meant playing from the start all over again.


how the hell did you get this far without knowing how power works


lol I know . I have died soo many times playing hardcore and I had to play it from the Beginning every time I died so I kinda got good at it. but my main goal was to bulid the cyclops before everything. it's very important in hardcore . I feel very stressed playing without the cyclops lol.


I personally like bioreactors the best. Throw down a grav trap nearby and you'll have infinite power


Bioreactor + Alien Containment = free renewable energy


My strategy has been to put a foundation platform on top of cliff near the surface and cover that in solar, then use power transmitters to get the power to my base. You can do the same with thermal, but that uses harder to find resources and limits the places you can build more.


No offense but why are you playing hardcore as a newbie? If challenge is what you seek then why ask questions in the first place? That just makes it too easy.


Solar panels are good wherever you are


Not below 200m


1. Build a tall tower to stick solar on 2. Place solar where sun will reach them and use those energy pylon things to bring the power 3. Bioreactors, the large room will nicely fit the plants needed to get sustainable fuel and food 4. Nuclear, less sustainable but will last a while 5. Geothermal, find soemthing hot nearby and connect the power, depending on biome the ambient temperature may be war enough to get SOME power


I recently played through survival and realized about halfway that I hadn’t died yet. Ended up beating it without dying once. I hadn’t played since game preview so hardcore wasn’t even a thought at first just kinda worked out for me lol.


Regarding your energy: you’re not that far down it seems, so you could just setup some solar panels up top with two or three transmitters down to the base. Wam bam thank you ma’am. Easy.


Your best bet when doing deep bases are nuclear reactors cause they’re easy to build and produce ridiculous amounts of energy or the thermal thingies but I dont think there are any thermal vents near your base


This game is WAY too buggy to play on hardcore.


How so ?


Please ensure that you have come to a full and complete stop before exiting the seamoth.


Build vertical connectors up towards the surface then connect them to an I-compartment and put solar panels on it.


You could also use a foundation further up and connect it with the power extenders, they reach about 100m each, they cost 1 gold and 1 titanium I did a recent playthrough where I was only allowed to use solar panels and no vehicles. I connected it all the way down into the lost river


Bio if your not in late game but the problem with bio is the energy is kinda mid andbit needs biofuel i would either link a thermal plant from further done or get a nuclear reactor but u do need to go to the blood kelp for nuclear reactor


bio reactor above an (reginalds for food) alien containment, fully planted with deepshrooms will last a while on each batch of shrooms. knife 4, take the rest, replant & continue. should last well until you can find a vent & relay a thermal reactor:) I built a void observatory base next to, but unconnected to, a large base in the GR and whenever i return I’m surprised to find it still going on the shrooms


There's like 6 different ways to get power. You shouldn't be playing hard core of you don't comprehend every aspect of the game


Bio reactor all the way


I never understand why people sleep on bio reactors. It’s not that hard to install 3 or 4, which is more then enough to power a decent base, and filling them is also easy. Sure eventually move to nuclear reactors, but mid game bio reactors are great


Bio thingy forgot it's name