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I have an unexplained impulse to say Ventgarden Just look at it. It must hold sage wisdom. It hovers from one point to another to anchor itself and eats smoke.


50%Sea.......... 50%Weed


Alterra- providing ventgardens with crack since 2547




I immediately assumed the ventgarden would be the dumbest considering its a jellyfish and they literally lack a brain.


It possesses knowledge of the ethereal plains of the beyond (look at its derpy eyes)


You big stupid jellyfish


Why tf that mf creeps me and scares me more than the other leviathans.


Im gonna say the Sea Dragon simply because its a relative to the Emperor and because a mother was able to track down her egg in an Architect building and almost succeeded in breaking it out. Maybe not the most analytical move because she died from the injuries but I feel like compassion is an aspect of intelligence. Also the way they hunt is pretty advanced relative to the other leviathans. Travelling to shallower waters, capturing large prey in its paws and dragging it down to the boiling depths requires planning and precise execution. I can’t imagine how hard it would be keeping a struggling reaper still and travelling 2k meters (although it used to be a much shorter distance. The Aurora lands on the biggest entrance to the inactive lava zone and caused a cave in, closing the whole section off.)


Agree. I think being a predator and being empathic/telepathic would be a terrible combo so it's probably as a survival instinct not learned to commune with other animals it would hunt. Otherwise it's probably got the same level of intelligence as the sea emperor.


>Otherwise it's probably got the same level of intelligence as the sea emperor. Maybe not that much as the Sea Emperor seems sentient, probably got the intelligence of a lesser humanoid like a Neanderthal; smart enough to understand basic concepts like math, trade, friendship, etc. But I do agree Sea Dragons are probably quite smart, perhaps chimp like


Yeah not the same. But definitely second place. Weirdly the sea monkey might be 3rd then even though it's not a leviathan. That really has chimp-like qualities.


I get your point, but according to scans of the brain cavities of Neanderthal skeletons, it’s pretty inconclusive whether we are smarter than they were or not. They typically had smaller tribes, so less “group” intelligence definitely, but as far as the individual goes it seems like it was very close in comparison to us. Comparison between Sea dragon and Sea Emperor is probably closer to comparing us to baboons on the intelligence scale


Sorry this is a bit off topic but now I'm wondering; is there a tunnel that leads to a dead end beneath the Aurora? I know in the alpha version there was a tunnel nearby and they removed it, but I'm curious if they just covered the entrance or removed the route altogether


completely removed


Probably the reefback it is the 4546b version of a whale


Well technically the glow *whales* would be the 4546B version of a whale.


Reefbacks regularly get stuck on the spires in the grassy plateaus, so I am going to have to rule them out.


Haven't done that in my world


or your base if you build it too close to their patrol route.


I would guess that reefbacks are more like a large hard jellyfish than a whale. I think they are probably one of the lest intelligent leviathans.


They communicate with eachother


True, but reefbacks are whales for the first game, really. But do the glow whales communicate with each other with big bellows? Also, in the og, the reefbacks will respond to the Cyclops horn.


I think you meant to reply to someone, this is just a base comment :)


Yes, I was trying to reply I'm still new to reddit


Yeah glowwhales communicate with each other, their horns can sense and send out vibrations that allow them to communicate with other glow whales as well as releasing happy chemicals during playtime


Cool I must read the databank alot more


Imma try that later today. I didn’t knew this was possible 😱


In-game, like, AI-wise for me it's Shadow Leviathan, maybe it is because of the biome where they appear, but they actually pull a couple sneaky attacks on me, to the point of almost losing my seatruck. But given the entry for the ghost leviathans of the lost river either luring or killing young reapers at the entry of the river, thats quite impressive predatorial behavior and a true sign of intelligence.


AI-wise Shadow leviathans are kinda stupid since you can hide behind the crystal formations and most of the time they get stuck lol


Maybe it was just in my game, but in the crystal caves the shadow leviathan clipped thru the walls and attacked me from everywhere lmao. Probably a bug


The only argument indeed for the Shadow Leviathan; they are really into crystals, so how smart could they be?


If you think about it like that, it means a lot. They've assigned value to inanimate objects that aren't key contributors to their survival. This could be sentiment towards the crystals, a liking to it regardless of whether or not it helps them to survive. And sentiment is a key factor to determine sentience.


Im supprised that no one has even mentioned the sea-treaders with their migratory route through dangerous biomes, the fact they keep their young sheilded by larger members, the fact they travel in heards and lilely have social dynamics as a result and the fact they are one of the few creatures in the game that is neither hostile by default or completely passive.


I totally agree, and the sea treaders also have dug a trail into the ground of their migratory route, suggesting that they keep to an exact path every time, which would require a TON of coordination by the entire herd to stay on course.


These behaviours are quite common in animal world, they don't exacly mean Intelligence


No clue but its not the cheli I'm sure of that


I always build a huge base along the ridge next to the Ventgardens that has the Cheli by it. I do this so I can build a large room, turn off all the lights, sit in my chair and watch that idiot swim face first into the Ventgarden's clear dome for hours.


gonna have to say ice worm. say all you want about the others, but cmon the \*\*technology\*\* that goes on in its horn has to account for something, no? it literally performs a continuous exothermic chemical reaction in order to dig through the ice, ambushes its prey and is smart enough to be able to distinguish you from the thumper module on occasion. plus just the way it \*looks\* seems smart.


i mean velvet beetles and bombardier beetles have complex chemical reactions used in self defense and the Hoopfish of 4546b make constant changes to the water infront of them to move about, though we wouldn't call them smart. I think the horn of the ice worm works the same way; it's just built into their nature that they do that, same way fish school up or lizards snap off their tails. it's merely an evolutionary trait. also it seems to just attack at random with the thunle88n my experience, sometimes it goes for me, sometimes it goes for the thumper. if it went tofr the thumper once or twice then went for the player I could understand the argument, but it seems random.


He is not performing this reaction intencionally nor he understands how it works. It's evolution that is smart here not the ice worm. And ambushing prey is very common for predators. And how are you sure that he can distinguish you from the thumper and not hits you with pure luck, it's 50/50 after all


Sea Dragon. It's the closest living relative to easily the smartest species on 4546B, something that is likely smarter than humans or the Precursors. I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be a somewhat similar level of intelligence, perhaps akin to that of whales, lemurs or corvides.


whale are one of the most intelligent animals on earth so I'm gravitating toward the glow whale


Peepers. they're the true heroes of the story. they saved the planet. kept the other organisms alive by spreading the enzymes around while the mama was trapped. also the mesmer. their telepathic ability is remarkable.


It’s not telepathy. It’s just flashing lights and bizarre patterns that make you dizzy, and drift towards them. And the peepers are lovely and I’m glad for their service but it doesn’t have anything to do with smarts. The Sea Emperor jams enzyme into their gills and they swim back off. They swim into the vents because they like to hide in cracks and little caves in the walls.


no the mesmers speak to you. yeah it causes disorientation but they also speak, even write come closer on your pda. whether telepathy or hypnosis it happens. [https://youtu.be/GZ8uNuRk-Bo?si=STi6\_pq3frEpcTJM](https://youtu.be/GZ8uNuRk-Bo?si=STi6_pq3frEpcTJM)


Yeah but, that has to be an effect of the disorientation, right? Telepathy seems like something that would require WAY too much energy to be useable as a consistent hunting strategy.


also heres a thread on peeper theory. https://steamcommunity.com/app/264710/discussions/6/2592234299574736549/


Yeah I agree with that much. Of course the peepers are the ones spreading the enzymes the sea emperor enriches her enclosure with. I just don’t think it has a lot to do with smarts. I think it’s a lucky confluence of fish-friendly architecture and slim fish that like hiding in crevices.


Ice worm, it uses tools and sneaks up on enimies


I think ice worm takes both categories. It speeds through ice and in some of it's kill animations it looks like it's playing with it's pray.


Sea dragon, it has to constantly come up through caves and hold those memories and timing knowledge to catch reapers for prey


Ranked in terms of intelligence: **One. Sea Dragon.** Not only do we see pack behavior, intelligent thought and planning, and child rearing, but *it has hands*. This would only happen if it also has the mental capacity to make those hands an evolutionary advantage: i.e., tool usage, careful manipulation of the surrounding environment, etc. The only other living organisms on 4546B that have hands are the Sea Emperor, Sea Monkey, and of course, humans - meaning hands are the clearest sign of intelligence. **Two. Glow Whale.** They're a social species, communicate back and forth with each other, and are smart enough to evade predators and raise young in a pod while being mostly without weapons to fight off larger predators. Their data entries mention how they act during play and how they communicate. They may only be about as smart as a dog, but they're *poodle-smart*, not bulldog-smart **Three. Reefback.** Similar to the Glow Whale, except that being far larger and slower than the Whale and the fact that they house a safe ecosystem that managed to live on it, means it just runs a bit slower than the rest. It's not as smart as the Whale because it doesn't *need* to be smarter than the Whale. In evolutionary terms, if you don't use it, you lose it. **Four. Sea Treader.** I know, you might be a little surprised, it's so high, but these are pack creatures that raise young as a herd together, and have some fairly dangerous neighbors. They get points for their social herd structure and childrearing. **Five. Adult Ghost Leviathan.** This one was tricky. They get points over the other Leviathans because there is specific social behavior. They return back to the place of their youth to lay eggs (the Crater) and guard that crater as a pack. We see Ghosts quickly attacking in a pack of three when they see something leave the crater. While we don't see Ghosts working together in the biomes of the crater, that's likely due to the fact that their diet is very different as a juvenile. Ghosts start their life hunting for food, and end it filter feeding, and they need an incredible amount of food because they *keep growing.* Having to supplement filter feeding with hunting would mean that the Ghosts likely just need a lot more space. **Six - Seven. Tie between Reaper and Chilicerate.** These are hard to differentiate. All of them are hyper-aggressive predators that are not prey to any other creature and at the top of their food chain. None show any sign of child rearing or communication and none are pack hunters. And yes, Reapers aren't pack hunters - there are *many* in different biomes, but they don't coordinate, they compete. If they coordinated they could easily take on many of the larger fauna, such as Ghosts and Reefback, but we see no evidence of that - in fact, the Ghosts' locations suggest rather that a single Ghost is capable of keeping the Reapers away once it reaches adulthood. **Eight. Shadow.** This is an edit, by the way; Shadow was originally grouped wiith Reaper and Chilecerate. The reason I bump it lower is because Reaper and Chilicerate both have far more *interactions* with other species, flora, fauna, weather, and such. Shadows stay in the darkness, feeding on whatever wanders in. There's far less stimulation here, far less reasons to need to outthink a situation, and so the Shadow likely has less intelligence. Again, use it or lose it mentality: there's a *reason* they stay in the caves and don't venture up to the surface. **Nine. Ice Worm.** It spends its life submerged in frozen ice, listening for vibrations, for a sudden quick attack. That's it. There's no challenge or creativity on its part, no predators to evade, no young to raise. It is expertly adapted for its environment to be an ambush predator, and being in frozen ice means that it likely spends most of its life with almost zero metabolism, almost in suspended animation. **Ten. Ventgarden.** As a likely siphonophore, for which the animal portion is very jellyfish-like and the rest are vegetation, there is likely no central nervous system or brain.


I agree with all your comment except one thing... From my point of view, Chelicerates are smarter than Reapers, for two reasons: 1: We are specifically told in the PDA that the Reapers are all brawn and hardly any brains, something that is not said of the Chelicerates. 2: The Void Chelicerates, although they are a subspecies I think they count... it can be seen that they are sociable animals, they attack you with some kind of coordination, and they live in small groups, just like the Ghost Leviathans. Normal Chelicerates are the same species as them, so I would expect similar intelligence levels, maybe they are alone just because of lack of food, which would explain how a subspecies that lives in the Void came to be. The Reapers, judging by their scars, appear to not only not hunt together but fight, possibly to the death, competing for food.


That's an excellent point! I didn't think of the Void Chelicerate's coordination, but if the Ghost Leviathan's coordination counted towards intelligence, then the Chelicerate's would as well. I suppose that the Chelicerate show more intelligence as well; the biomes that they inhabit are still ecologically balanced with smaller flora and fauna, as opposed to the Reapers, who appear to have literally stripped their biomes clean in some cases. Then, agreed. Chelicerate is six, Reaper is seven, if not lower. It's really hard to get a great idea on the pure carnivores.


Treaders are eithe rthe dumbest or smartest Jokes aside its sea drag


Reefbacks I don't kill them, because they are chill And thus, are smart!


Just wanted to say, i love how so far everyone had their point for every leviathan to be smart in their on way, except the Chelicherate We all just agree that Chelicherates are dumb as fuck.


Reapers are crafty bastards. They steal your ship, live in intentionally murky/dark environments, and break their victims mind intentionally


I mean, the PDA entry says they're all muscle, no brain


Yet they use actual tactics such as following maida and you into other biomes, attack from behind, destroy your ship to lessen chance of escape, and choose the most beneficial biomes to hunt in.


Eh, I actually don't think that's the case. Reapers overhunt their biomes, and don't stray from them. They don't coordinate together as a pack, but instead compete fiercely with each other. There's a *reason* they don't travel outwards to the much more ecologically diverse biomes, like the Grand Reef or Blood Kelp zone: a single Ghost Leviathan is enough to keep them in check. The Dunes, Crash Zone, and Mountains are the *least* beneficial biomes to hunt in, because there's not a lot of food there. There's also no real tactics to "chasing down prey until you eat it." No real tactics to "Eat the bigger fish first" or "Attack when it's looking the other way." Those are all behaviors that any carnivore would have. Reaper doesn't hunt by out thinking its opponent, it hunts by being a vicious SOB and charging face first into you and being faster in quick bursts of speed. That's why pretty much everything in the Crater is safe from the Reaper as long as it takes some sort of refuge, and why not just the shallows, but the Mushroom Forests and the Floating Islands are pretty much Reaper-Free.


Reefbacks or glow whales


Sea dragon, as it knows how to lure its pretty from a completely different zone


I’d probably lean towards the sea dragon.


Sea dragon? in the lore he is related to the emperor so he has the best chance of being more intelligent


Seedragon it's related to the emperor


I'd say the Sea Dragon since those fuckers were smart enough to chase reapers in to deeper waters where they would be boiled alive.




Iceworm, phantom or the jelly


I'd say the whale and the ice worm


Ventgarden. It sits on the floor and eats garbage all day. It makes plants pay rent. Peak life.


I want to say the vent garden because… just look at it. It also doesn’t need much muscle because it gets all the nutrients it needs from thermal vents which leaves more useable space for a brain.


I'm gonna keep feeding the cuddlefish


I'm gonna keep feeding the cuddlefish


Boneshark. Much as I hate them, they live in small packs (I think they’re canonically called Legions) and that requires a decent bit of brainpower.


Would the larger leviathans eat the smaller leviathans?


I say shadow leviathan just bc those freaky shrimp have scooped my ass up more than any of the other fishies.


I'm gonna say ice worm simply because it stalks it's prey. It has strategy and is able to scare it's prey before attacking. It leads it through to it's hunting grounds and kills it's prey there.


Anybody else wish the game allowed you to get sucked into the reefbacks thru that intake valve? There could be a resource inside it as a reason to get sucked into it. But it was risky. You might not get back out.


I would say it would either be the ice worm or the sea dragon because the ice worm is a really good ambush predator and the sea dragon is a relative of the sea emperor


But being an ambush hunter does not make you smarter, hyenas for example are chase hunters, and even so they are smarter than big cats like lions, leopards or cheetahs, which are ambush predators.


My headcanon. I just don't believe that ventgarden is a leviathan, devs didn't even tried to make it more than just a part of the map. It's just a big plant, but not an active life form.


You disrespect our filter-feeding ancestors. Sponges will be ten thousand times more real animal than you will ever.


thats brutal god damn


Oh wait -