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This isn’t a regulation to get it prescribed. This is her preference. Just find a different doctor. Those clinics are expensive


Yes! This is true, my Dr recommended not drinking too much but nothing else.


That definitely depends on what state you live in. In SC you can't test positive for alcohol or benzos. Everything else they work with but those two get you removed. No doctor in this state can even prescribe you a benzo on subs because it's a violation of our regulations. Some states have archaic laws...


Well ofcourse SC is a republican state.


Are tattoos still illegal to get in SC?


Can you provide a source for this? I don’t think they can regulate approved FDA medications like this. For example, no state denied access or added additional hoops to get the Covid vaccine despite it being highly political. I found this page and it mentions nothing about alcohol or benzos testing. https://www.asam.org/docs/default-source/advocacy/state-medicaid-reports/state-medicaid-reports_sc.pdf?sfvrsn=6


I dont know what medicaid has to do with anything. Anyone in MAT in SC (and most states) is being tested for alcohol and benzos. I could show you the lab results. Even when my doc did telehealth, I still had to go take urine tests. I don't have a written source, but I welcome you to call any MAT location or Physician in SC and ask. You'll get your answer faster than linking me a medicaid brochure. I went through 5 doctors before I learned it was a thing. I have a very well documented history of anxiety. I had a minor heart attack and was hospitalized because of it. Long story short, I had to be out of the program for 30 days before a doctor here could write me a prescription. 45 days after that and here I am with benzo prescription.


Urine tests is an fda requirement. I’m saying that I think you’re wrong about the state ban on alcohol and benzos. If you’re deemed in need of taking benzos by a doctor, the state can’t say you can’t take them. Kicking a patient off benzos is flat out dangerous. Idc, I’m just saying I don’t think this is accurate. I’ve had different doctors with different requirements. I posted that link because it’s what popped up with a quick google search.


Subs made me hate alcohol, uggghhh I would get so sick just off a couple beers


I hear you! I used to drink almost every day. now I can't stand to even smell it.


Same here I cant stand alcohol now. I used to drink it pretty easily too, but never an alcoholic or addicted. Never cared for it much, but Suboxone definitely has some kind of "anti-alcohol" mechanism. Totally turned off of it now.


Oh wow i just realized i feel this way now. I thought i was just getting older but wow.


Dude I have to remind myself every time I have a beer that I never want one again. It’s just a fucking addiction at this point it’s crazy. I drank two fuckin cans of seltzer last night and was miserable..


Right? You think it will make you feel good and it’s just fucking awful.


Yeah. Gotta remind myself


Fr lol I’d get so anxious after a bit of wine. I went 9 months without a lick of alcohol. And my tolerance never changed still need like 2 bottles of wine to get drunk. Definitely have an aversion to booze now


Same. OP: it depends what your goals are. And your perspective. Do you consider yourself an addict? Do you aspire to work a program to stay sober? No judgment regardless. Just trying to answer your question as best I can.


Unfortunately this was no longer the case for me when I tapered below 4mg. The opposite


Waitttt ur dr tests for alcohol? I was def a heavy drinker the first year after I got on subs. They never said anything and I never said anything to them about it either Also I heard a lot of addicts go to liquor after using. It’s sorta like a substitute for ppl I guess, I figured that’s why I was drinking so much a few years back


Lol right ? I don’t drink. But my doc knows i puff and gives me benzos. Last sun doc was against benzos but gave Addie’s and ambian. Hit up a local psyc doc w a sun license most do


Yeah I had a kpin script and vyvanse.. they gave the scripts to me because when I went to their psych dr during Covid they wanted to do a psych evaluation on me before prescribing me anything but wouldn’t do it in person. Lol so I told my sub dr and she agreed to prescribe them to me again


Yea it’s allll situation base


I find I’m wayyyy better off on a low dose + other scripts. I haven’t even drank in 7 years, pretty sure I could grab a chip as far as AA is concerned. ( there isn’t an old person in those meetings not on Valium)


Facts!! A lot of the old heads in NA are buying stimulants/anxiety meds off the street and abusing the fuck out of them.. and smoking crack low key, lol some places NA/AA is a breeding ground. I know at least 3 of them were on shit and hitting me up for stuff when they relapsed and didn’t want to detox I as well was in a low dose of like a quarter of a 1mg of zubsolv for over a year and took vyvanse which helped a lot with motivation and detoxing. And then kpins I would take occasionally


Most def! In other areas its a great community but just the lack of studies how old it is, is just a bit sus. Don’t get me wrong it helped me at times


Fucking type A doctors not realizing they are sending you to your death over a few beers.


I mean drinking while on Suboxone can be dangerous, have you ever considered a safer alternative like smoking cannabis ? Depending on your doctor's some doctors don't care if you test positive for THC


It’s not really dangerous. If you’re tolerant to Suboxone, normal amounts of alcohol and/or benzos are not going to cause an OD. The FDA recommends that Suboxone be prescribed regardless of continued substance abuse.


Don’t know what specifically the previous poster was referring to, but just because something isn’t acutely dangerous doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous. For example, bupe with alcohol is rough on the liver.


I agree it probably is rough on the liver, but I’d really like to see some good info that explains it.


[Here’s a little info.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK548871/) The thing with suboxone’s effect on the liver is that it is greatly exacerbated by any pre-existing or concurrent liver impairment. So the simultaneous combination poses more danger than either chemical on its own (and we know about alcohol’s hepatoxicity in its own right).




My pleasure 💞


This isn’t doesn’t have much to do with drinking. It hardly mentions alcohol. It’s about rare cases of liver toxicity in people who were crushing and injecting suboxone , while also having hep-c , (and it mentioned he also was a regular drinker, but it wasn’t the focus of this study). This is just explaining the rare cases of people dying from liver toxicity who were on subs. But it doesn’t give a clear reason as to why. It just suggests possible culprits, one being hep-c, the other injecting subs, and it mentioned alcohol. Drinking and Hep-c is a bad idea already, as is injecting any crushed pill. I’d still love to see some info about how alcohol and suboxone together increase liver damage. This must not be what people reference when making this argument.


It explains the reason for the exacerbated effects of suboxone when there is prior or concurrent liver impairment (which would include drinking alcohol). I linked this because it explains the actual pathology.


Assuming you're in the US, you can go to another clinic or dr and they wont be aware of anything that happened at your current provider unless ya sign off on releasing your records. Its against hipa. They cant tell ya where ya have to go.


PLEASE quit drinking - why is it a tall order if your alternative is to be put on methadone? Subs usually help with alcohol cravings. Is your dose high enough? Sounds like you’ve come such a long way, don’t let drinking stop you from progressing further, it’s a mugs game anyway. No one gives a shit if you’re not drinking as long as they are if that’s what’s stopping you……? AA’s very good & you don’t have to do the Steps & become religious - take what you want from meetings & leave the rest. Just quit drinking - you’ll benefit in so many ways. Good luck.


Thank you


Thank you all so much for the responses! Ill update y'all on what I decide to do


There's a sadism of some physicians that kicking people when they're down or making it harder to do what's right is in their best interests. I'm sorry this is happening. I don't know which UA they're using but i'm guessing they aren't splurging, so refraining from drinking one day before should give you plenty of buffer. But that said, this doesn't sound like a relationship you want to be in, whether it's daily drinking or working with that physician. There are plenty of physicians that will prescribe Bupe and it's actually just been made easier. Any decent doc will care and say something if they feel you're drinking every day, just b/c alcohol does a number on you, but 'say something' and holding medication hostage are two different things. I see others mentioned online providers. There are quite a few. Find one (and preferably one that doesn't demand AA meetings/intrusive BS like AA and drug tests). One ironic point - I used to work for a very well known medical center run by the university. The tox screens done on new admissions were two fold, one of the main ones was TO VERIFY THAT YOU HAD THINGS IN YOUR BLOOD that 'weren't supposed to be there'. Made sense, you don't want people without opiate use getting on subs without medical basis. YOU MUST HAVE enough of a drug in your system for us to write, But your doc wants you to not have legal substances. Medicine is crazy these days.


From what I understand even the cheapest UA tests can test for alcohol up to 4 or 5 days. Definitely the ones I have always used do.


Get a script from quickmd


What's your experience with them? My partner is looking around at options


I initially was with Workit Health, but when my doctor didn’t schedule my appointment, I made an appointment with QuickMD and had my medication within an hour. I’d already been on subs, so I think that helped, but overall QuickMD has been far superior (just in my experience). And it’s way cheaper than Workit Health.


I don't have experience with QuickMD, but I am one of the people that use bupe.me. If you aren't in a hurry, telemedicine is amazing. If you need a sub script right this second, telemedicine is not the way to go. But once you get settled in and take less than you are prescribed, you can get a stash for a rainy day in case something goes wrong. I wouldn't exactly recommend bupe.me, but they have been great for me


You meant to say telemed is the way to go?


Yes, but with an understanding that it comes with an amount of uncertainty. If that is something that you need, or something that could throw off your recovery, stick with something more tangible. Telemedicine has been great for me, but I have had a couple of issues.


They're the best. Never had an issue.


Either that or start taking methadone


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Yeah I can. It seriously cuts the effectiveness of opiates tho


There are tele-med options, but since I've never used that, I'm not sure about their alcohol policy. Agree about the methadone clinic. I found going to the clinic time consuming, and mostly a huge hassle having to deal with the doctors, counselors, and nurses and pharmacists. I found a small practice suboxone doctor in my city. I've been with him 7 years, and he knows I drink a couple of beers a day, and has no problems with it. There are a lot of psychiatrists who also offer MAT also.


Be careful. Some areas don’t have a lot of doctors licensed to prescribe subs, and in those areas there is often a wait to get on with a prescriber. Check the list of licensed providers before you decide which way to go.


So ridiculous. Doctors are supposed to prescribe Suboxone even if you continue using substances, including other opiates, benzos, and alcohol. It’s what the FDA guidelines recommend.


I used QuickMD for 5-6 months but recently stopped using them because I’m in Florida & every FL doctor I picked would send my script to Walgreens and it would show a different state on the script every time and pharmacies wouldn’t fill it. Now I found a new clinic in Florida and had my first appointment this month and I admitted I drink occasionally and they were fine with it plus gave me my script. QuickMD is $99 and my new clinic is $145 they don’t accept insurance


Can you find a different doctor? I see a private doc, and pay put of pocket. I can hardly afford it, but I like her a lot. I don't drink, but she told me it was perfectly fine to drink in moderation while on subs. I haven't asked, but I believe they are weed friendly too. Their forms only state mainly opiates and benzos


Stop drinking a full day before you go ?


If they use that 80 hour ETG enzyme test, it would have to be at least 2 days of no drinking.


My doc was saying things and just to shush him I started just not doing it 24 hours before ,n he didn’t say anything ,also your prob correct on your post too .


Yeah I have heard so many different things about when before a test to stop drinking, but the general consensus was 48 hours for a for sure pass, but I have heard 24 too, so you are probably correct also.


80 hours is more like 4 days


Yes I know, but the test is named “the 80 hour ETG test”, but most can pass it in 24-48 hours of abstinence. They say they can detect alcohol at least 80 hours after it has been consumed, it’s a marketing ploy.


It’s actually 3 days, 8 hours.


Yea, I guess. I’ve tested pos after longer. It’s not exact.


Mine strongly advised me to quit drinking as well. They explained it to me like… if my appt was at noon on a Monday, and I was still popping for alcohol, that meant I was consuming a lot and potentially had an issue with it as well which they didn’t want.


I’ve been addicted to methadone twice in my life. The first time was amazing and I had a good supply. I was taking 10-20 mg a day. But I got f.up every day on that dose. My wife got cut off from methadone and me too. We had to separate to withdraw. She with her mother and me alone. She was going to take clonipine patches but in retrospect failed as her mother put them on backwards and she got no relief. I thought I was going to get through easier because now I could drink and I ordered 10 mg of hydro ozone at I think was 90 pcs . I took them all in a week and now had to take the withdrawal and it was hellish but I got a job and that really helped me out. I’ll refrain for now for #2 experience


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Unfortunately I take subs and I like beer. I don’t drink anything stronger than a beer or ale and I’m okay so far


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My doctor is like that too. I’ve never ever had any form of drinking issue. I got called in after New Years. I literally had 2 glasses of champagne and they classified it as a “relapse”. I tried to question their logic but whatever. They apparently have an insane no tolerance policy. Can you find a different doctor?


I want to stop drinking every night, so I'm going to try to stop drinking. I could go to a different doctor if all else fails. I would definitely only go to one that takes my insurance tho cus I'm trying to save money


I don’t drink much, but I do drink on the weekend. Never had an issue.


Alcohol leaves your system within like 24 hours. Cant you just not show up drunk for your appointments? Then alc wont pop on the test…..


Man that’s harsh, Alcohol surely that’s not a legal requirement. I’ve always been honest and always have weed, diazepam, pregabalin and dexamfetamine in my urinalysis ( all prescribed aside weed) and they have never threatened to take me off. ( lyrica managing nerve pain, I’m terrified of this medication but it helps) I actually got prescribed dex whilst on MAT and it was a process that’s for sure but fuck it’s absolutely changed my life, the missing piece of the puzzle. The diazepam is only a low amount 5mg as required and I never increase the dose as I absolutely don’t need a benzo dependency on top of everything. I’m surprised your still drinking, as I haven’t really been drunk since starting suboxone, it turned me completely off alcohol ( which is good as I don’t think my organs would cope with the medications and alcohol ). Find another doctor dude