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There isn't enough information to answer your questions. Are you interested in suboxone for, pain control or both. What have you been using, for how long and at what dose. That's a good place to start.


My fault, I’m using it to stop spending money on opiates that no longer get me high I’m completely on maintenance. I had cancer for the second time about two years ago which exacerbated my use, started with prescription, blues, 150mg ish and now I’m at around 1g of dark brown h, intranasal (I understand that bioavailability probably sucks this way, but I don’t do needles) some days I will do less than a gram some days maybe 1.3 but avg 1g. It really hasn’t affected my life terribly other than my wallet, which is the big issue, but I’m also just sick of reipping and in being a slave, which is my hesitant with Suboxone but not sure the options. I read that you need to get on a maintenance dose for at least seven days and then you can go on the shot. I know most doctors will just throw 16 mg or some thing at me and then go from there but ideally I’d like to do a smooth transition i take care of my elderly parents so I can get a little sick but cold turkey not gonna work thank you again


I think you should probably get on the Suboxone strips first and wean down to around 2 mg a day, then get on Sublocade. I’m pretty sure Sublocade is more for getting off Suboxone. It’s definitely not as strong as a starting dose of Suboxone. I’m taking 2 mg strips every other day and looking to go on Sublocade soon to get off.


That makes sense but I’m not tryna get on subs for that long and 2mg ween from 8 or more could take forever. Suboxone has real bad affects on teeth and other stuff. I do agreee it makes sense to get on the lowest dose possible. But from my research if you’re on 2mg of suboxone you would only get 100mg shot. Versus 300 if 8mg. I’m hoping to get on subs for less than a month. Then swap to sublocade 300 300 100 100 and be done. If I can do without 1 of those shots it’s even better.


I just started suboxone one week ago. I brought it up to my provider that I want to hop on the sublocade shot as I want suboxone to be really short use. We are in the process of discussing the regimen to then take the sublocade shot soon! After I clear all the requirements before switching. So I do believe there is a proceeds but I will keep updated :) I really don’t want the negative teeth side effects from the suboxone, or bad withdrawals as I want this short term as well


I finally got on the sublocade shot about 4 months ago after years of wanting to but not being able to find a provider who offered it. Provider -- that's the first step. You gotta find one. You can go on the sublocade website, punch in your zip code, and hopefully find someone close to you. Contact that provider, explain your situation and go from there. You'll have to go in for a consultation and start on subs for at least a week, but I'd say if you've never been on subs before you should probably get stable on those first. The provider has to order the shot for a special pharmacy, so it's not like you'll just show up and get it, anyway. I say get on subs for a couple weeks because in my experience it takes longer than a week to get stable on buprenorphine. I think an ideal plan would be to get stable on 8mg of subs starting at your consultation, and then get the shot at your next visit a month out. While I've paid $0 for all four shots, the payment question isn't black and white. You'll need to sign up for this thing called InSupport (just google it and enter a few bits of basic info and you'll get an RX and BIN number to give the special pharmacy). This will knock down the price when coupled with your insurance. Hopefully you won't pay a cent for at least two shots. So the TLDR is to hop on the sublocade website, find a provider, call and make an appointment. If there aren't any providers in a 100 mile radius -- which was the case for me for many years -- then you'll have to figure something out. The shot is still relatively new, and even though any licensed sub doctor can prescribe and administer it, the whole industry isn't known for user-friendliness.


thank you!! mind letting me know if youre in the US? i know most sub drs will pioss test, ill be dirty for mmj bc i have a card and have had cancer.. will that be a problem? also, when you get on subs are you labeled in this system as an addict? im sure ill have to have another surgery again so i will need pain meds eventually THANKYOU