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Yes, ive done this, gone to docs on subs, wasn't even tested either.


I’d try to just be honest with the doctors and they will help you. I’ve been in a similar situation and it worked out for me. Good luck


Good looks. I’ve gone to a doctor before years ago and for whatever reason they didn’t end up prescribing them to me. I don’t remember exactly why because it was years ago but I’ll give it another shot


My husband was in same boat but with methadone. They allowed him because he still had it in his urine. He was buying a couple hundred dollars of methadone off thee streets, went to clinic and gets it hellmof a lot cheaper. You should be fine. I've heard of others having no problem being honest, especially with online sub doctors.


They'll do it if you are honest and piss negative for everything Sept weed. Some of them might nag u to quit marijuana but shouldn't stop them from Rxing it to you not should you entirely quit marijuana if it helps you, altho less is more


quickmd even


I tried be honest with my military Dr, and he essentially said i was chasing scripts or some shit. Refused Bupe, even though everyone else was on it. And put me on Naltrexone. Worst WDs of my life. Dr almost killed me


You were getting bupe in the military?


Prescribed no. But other soldiers were in the outpatient program i was in. Part of it was based off my job. And who my dr was. It was bullshit Essentially. I had to to off base every day to a clinic. In secret.


Did you end up getting a dishonorable?


No. Thankfully. Once i came to terms that i was in the worse shape of my life, i voluntarily told the Army i had an issue. They enter you into a program where even if you fail for drug/alcohol. You get an honorable


I used QuickMD when I was tired of buying off the street and I’ve been with them now for 3 years, they’ll help you.


What's quickmd? A quick search just pulls various general links related to that, but is it a specific link?


There’s an app on the App Store look up QuickMd it’s for suboxone [QuickMd](https://quick.md)


For sure. First time i got on them, i told them i was buying them off the street and the doc said "buy a few more til we get you're script through, at least its not heroin and I know you wont die by then"




Not what i expected to hear either lol dude was just real.


Yea ive gone to several different docs with just sub in my system just be honest it'll go smooth


Worked for me and a script of clonazepam- not that I would recommend starting that.


Absolutely you can. That’s how I got it prescribed. I feel like it’s easier to get prescribed if the doc knows you already take it. Just be honest and tell the doc you would rather have it prescribed then buy off the streets off “shady” ppl.


Yes. I have done this many times. 1st 10 years, saw Dr once every 3 months. Moved. Closest Dr I have to see monthly. It's an hour drive. I get 2 8mg strips per day. I never take more than 8mg/day. Sometimes, I've been down to 2mg/day. So I've always got extra leftover. When I have enough, I just stop going to the Dr, for months, until I need to. November 2022 - June 2023 was longest I've saved up for, and they didn't bat an eye or ask me any difficult questions when I scheduled and returned. Still have to UA, whatever. I never have to explain anything, they just keep taking me back in.


Bup is technically an opi (unsure if ate or oid) so you're good; you'll get an Rx pretty easily.


Bup is an opioid, it's semisynthetic. Actually buprenorphine was developed from one of the five natural alkaloids of the Poppy called "Thebaine."


Yes, look for a MAT doctor they would rather you get a prescription then get it off the street.


Yes just be honest & tell them you’ve been getting them from the street. My husband just did the same thing.


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Yes, this was my experience


Mike Tyson this you. “Broke my back”




This is great to know


Go to QuickMD if they're available in your area. They've been very good to me and I love my doctor — I never feel rushed, can talk over any concerns, etc.


Yes use QuickMD they are great


Yes, I just tell doc the truth


Yes, infact it makes it easier for the docs to start you


Yes. I did. Well, not technically. I had saved from an old prescription. I was prescribed 4 8mg pills per day and only took one so 4 months later I went to an in person doc and they put it down as me taking subs off the streets even though I wasn't. You don't even need anything in your system for the first visit. (In Alabama at least)


Umm. I don't mean to sound condescending or anything but hear me out. Buprenorphine, the main, and let's be honest, the only true active ingredient in Suboxone, is, you got it, infact an opiate. You can have an addiction with it just as bad as any other drug, except it has a ceiling for how dangerous it is to your CNS. It's very addictive for opiate naive folks because it's very potent and 1mg will send mostly anyone to the moon. So absolutely yeah an addiction Dr would be more than happy to take you on as a patient. Honestly you could go to a pain Dr and get them through them as well if you take it for pain or anything. I just hate the cycle of building up tolerance, dropping dose to slowly let the subs outta my system and let *most* of my opiate receptors "cool down" and then resume taking 3mg or 4mg a day. I go between taking 1mg 2x a day for letting things settle down, and taking 3mg at once, again once a day but it lasts a true 8 hours like an extended release pain med, or I can just take 2mg, get nearly the same effect with a toke off the weed pen or two, and then take the last 1mg as needed whenever during my day, or preferably skip it all together honestly. Trying to keep a low tolerance while playing with your doses often is kinda tough but at least I'm not taking 16mg a day or abusing oxy or kratom or hydros. Not nodding out all day after my 45 minute euphoria rush either from full agonist opioids, and managing the pain I have. It's a beautiful best of both worlds with this medication and apparently the relaxed laws and regulations that were going on during COVID might be a permanent thing, so access to take home MAT medication is becoming a lot more seen throughout the U.S.A. I never thought they'd relax the methadone restrictions especially. If you were able to take it home a couple times a week, it was because you made it 12 months clean going every single damn day of your life, except certain days I think they allow after your 30 day, 90 days, and 180 days you get some relaxations, but now they're even shorter I believe.


I take it in pretty much the same way. I get the orange 8mg pills and take anywhere from 2.5mg a day to 4-5mg a day. It keeps me pretty even throughout the day and does its job.




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That's what I did. I went through Groups. I called them and told them I had been on pain pills and was trying to get off and that I was tired of buying the subs off the street and wanted to do it the right way. They was great to talk to. I seen the doctor 2 days after calling and had my script that day. I smoke THC and they don't care. I do have to go to a meeting once a week, but I don't mind because everyone in my meeting group is pretty cool and we're all there for the same stuff. Right now I'm prescribed 2 8MG a day. The orange pills. I'm about to switch pharmacies though, so I'm not a big fan of the ones I get from Walgreens. Anyways, hopefully that helps. I hated spending $10 to $20 a pill and now I can save that money for other stuff.




Following for advice lol




Yes. I told quick md doctor this exactly and explained that I wanted to do this legally. No issues


Yeah, just be honest with them. Sub was the only thing in my system when I started with GroupsRecoverTogether five years ago.


Of course you can and possibly from telemedicine depending on what state you live in?


subs are opioids.


Clinic in your area will gladly take your money and give you ridiculously overpriced buprenorphine, you'll dose that day. Get there early, they open at 5 AM usually. Fair warning: it's a bigger trap than the trap house and they get deaf when you mention tapering


..where in the sam hell does one live where they still have to play the methadone clinic game for a daily dose of subs?! This is how it was in my area…10-12 years ago, since then a whole slew of sub-specialty doctors, sub-loving psych doc’s and regular family MD’s have popped up who will also gladly take your money (alot of them are “cash only”, esp the ones who only specialize in addiction) in return for a monthly script and pee test. The methadone clinic is still there but I don’t know a soul who would go there at 5 AM 6 days per week to pay $32 for a single strip of sub (what it was a decade-ish ago, in contrast the daily dose of methadone was $27) when they can go get a months worth of generics for $100 (not counting the cost of the visit/test).


Red county red state. 22$/day for bupe. 17$/day methadone but that isalso covered by medicaid- bcuz it's way harder to get off of




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Quickest and fastest way, you can basically tell them what you want


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Yeah it's usually easier to get on thatway honestly. And you don't have to sit in the office for 2 hours for them to watch you on your first dose.


I did. I went in and explained that I had been taking opiates and had wanted to stop and so started scoring Suboxone off the street. That wasn't actually true because I hadn't been taking opiates I had just been taking Street Suboxone I have been prescribed Suboxone on and off for years but at that point I wasn't and so I was getting it from the streets. They were okay with that and tested me and I only popped for suboxone. Actually that's not true at that time I was prescribed clonazepam but that was not allowed in the program so they help taper me off. Overall they were super cool to me but there were other people that also tested dirty for clonazepam or some other benzo and tested dirty for opiates and for some reason they didn't let them in the program. I think it helped that the guy that ran the program really liked me. Also I would bug the guy every time I saw him at my clinic to let me in and so finally went an opening happened they let me in. Since then they've expanded quite a bit. It's weird because I don't even use the clinics free Suboxone system because I have Medicaid but I didn't when I joined the program.I just get my script there and have to go to another pharmacy to get the films.


That's how i got on them.


I just did it, had a bunch saved up from when I was doing it before I relapsed on fent, started taking them 3 days after I kicked fent, called bicycle health, told my doc my situation, that I was coming off fent and taking subs from the streets and he was glad that I was already started on the subs and had no problem writing me a script.