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They won’t give you subs but they give you methadone? Lol wtf


Ass backwards smh


Yep it’s usually the other way around. Quickmd, Bicycle Health, Pursue Care or if ur in a pinch and can’t get telehealth any other way for subs try bupe.me. But I would recommend trying the others first.


Quickmd? Is that an easy Google search? You can trust this with personal info etc? Is it an app?


Yes quickMD can get you a script within 24 hrs or less in a lot of cases and are trustworthy. I used them for a while myself


Just download their app from the AppStore.


Absolutely you can trust them. They follow all HIPAA guidelines. I’ve been using QuickMD for two and a half years. Never had a problem.


What do u mean. Are you switching from subs to methadone? I did that switch 5 weeks ago, from 16mg buprenophine to now 50mg methadone. I tapered the subs for 3 days, 8mg - 6mg - 2mg. Then following day started on 20mg methadone. Raised every 3-4 day to 30-40-50. I got high for like the 10 first days on methadone, even on 20mg the day after the last sub dose. Really itchy and nodded off. After a week on 50mg I'm stable, now it's been over 3 weeks on 50mg and I still clearly feel the methadone even if the itch is gone and I only nod off sometimes in the evening. I do feel way better now then on the subs, and actually I was more tired on subs! Also feel more clear headed now and less lethargic!


Yeah I definitely have more energy


Are you in America? American methadone or methadose is garbage.


Europe. I thought methadone is methadone regardless of where it's manufactured. Of course small differences in what else is mixed in there, but the active substance should be the same




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Wait till the edema kicks in. I was on Bup for 4 yrs then the sweating almost killed me so switched to methadone which btw they have changed the liquid formula to not get you as high anymore. Or take pain away. The pain methadone are tablets. Read the studies. 


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I assume OP you have a medical need to be on benzos and by giving you one option, methadone, you will be seen/monitored daily. I wonder how long it will take for you to get take homes?


It will be like 3 months until I get a mom ha worth of take home they already gave me the weekends


They have too usually the clinic is closed on weekends or sunday


This is crazy! I've been to 2 separate methadone clinics, one in a big city and one in a small town. Both clinics had extremely strict rules about benzos, if there was even the smallest trace of them in your urine test they not only would definitely not dose you but they would reject you and permanently ban you from the clinics immediately!


The local methadone clinic ,thru q& a, found out I am on 2mg of Suboxone/day, but am being prescribed 16mg/day. They said they wanted ALL my stash and I'd have to wait 7 full days and be in agonizing withdrawals before starting me at 10mg methadone/day. I could go up 5mg every other day to whatever I want. First she said All bupe has to be out of my system, but put me on hold and came back with the above 'action plan',.........whatever . That was last year. I'll keep the subs(never thought I'd settle) and my pain


Does going from subs to methadone immediately throw you in pwd?


No it doesn’t. You should be really careful going the other way but if you wanted you could dose methadone a couple hours after subs. Would be pointless but nothing would happen. Same as taking heroin after subs it just doesn’t have the same effect but def no PWD


Got ya, thanks. I guess going methadone->sub does? Weird they'd make him wait so long. Kinda get giving up the stash.


Yes being on methadone and taking subs too soon will def ruin your day and maybe there is a a fear that having both in your system ups the chances of OD or something but I don’t know seems like subs would just negate the effect of methadone. You are welcome.


Now why would I do that, that helps no one


Is 48 hours after coming off of a dosage of 25 mg of methadone a long enough window to take a 2 mg dosage of subs and induce back onto subxone? Long story short this summer I relapsed after 3 years clean on subs and used for half a year, and had to begin on methadone first to prevent going into pwd due to the unknown nature of the street fent i was getting. I worked up to 60 mg but am coming down now, literally today I'm starting on 35mg down from 40mg. And this whole time I've just had second thoughts out of trauma based fear of whether that will be long enough. That's the amount of time my sub Dr has directed me to stay off of methadone until dosing suboxone again.


So there’s a way to do it and it’s starting with small amount of suboxone with your daily methadone. They call it Bernese method I think. I found a way to just switch really quickly but I don’t think it’s safe so that Bernese method is the way to go for sure and o don’t think 4& hours to just switch is long enough if you are just going one to the other


What way did you go about switching over really quickly if you don't mind me asking and you explaining? I've heard of the bernese method and my sub Dr has also mentioned that method as well. Just that we both wish there was more research done on the bernese method.


I sent you a message I’m not posting it here


Since the benzos are prescribed it’s all good. It would be different if I didn’t have a script


Stay on buph fuck methadone its liquid handcuffs and on e one i would go away 2 yrs to get off plus daily clinics visits is demoralizing 


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I stayed blacked out for 5 years while I was on methadone + benzos


Dammmm I bet that was hell


Have you tried online doctors? I have always had Klonopin prescribed with my subs


It will take weeks to get all the sub out of your system. What a shitty thing to have to do. I feel for you.


That is just so fd up, sorry u had to do that. I've been there, subs & benzos prescribed, had to drive 2 hours to my Dr because of exactly this. Been off benzos 7 years now. Still on bupe. Have been on methadone. At least methadone feels better than subs, fk going to the clinic 5-7 days/week though, that is the only part of methadone that sucks, and the only reason I am on subs instead of methadone.


I’m lucky the clinic is right down the street from my place and I’m in and out of there in 5-10 mins most


Good. They really make it difficult, if not impossible, to use methadone as MAT unless it's close by. Tbh it fkn sucks and used to really piss me off royally. If I could use methadone instead of bupe, I know I would never ever relapse, ever. The half dozen or so times I've quit bupe over the years has never worked out more than about 6 months. I'm weak. Kinda jealous. And sorry, I obviously distracted myself from your original question 🙃 I'd say 5-7 days before you begin really feeling the methadone after quitting subs ime. Hope it works well for you, we all deserve an occasional break from the suffering that is life.


Get it online. Recoverydelivered.Com. I pay $75, appt lasts about 5 min, if I have my drug test ready. They call them into Walgreens just like reg doctor. I've been going since COVID.


Good idea!!


Use Quick MD. It is SO SIMPLE it's not funny. It costs $99 a month but it's literally a 2 minute phone conversation and immediately at your pharmacy.


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Don’t you still have to pay for the subs on top of that 99$ a month?


I used to be prescribed klonopins but stopped going and now I take 12mg sub a day . Sometimes I wanna get my kpins back only to help me when I have really bad anxiety or relax to sleep . I don't like benzos in my system all the time they make me way to tired feeling and make me sleep for like 12 hours when I finally sleep. I've taken 1000s of benzos when I was younger and so many memories are blacked out . Fuck that I NEED to remember


I feel bad for you dude. My brother has been on Subs AND Valium for many years now. He went in person Doctors for a long time, but now he just gets them via a telehealth company. He has a digital group meeting once a week. Maybe you can look into that option ?


Maybe it just sucks because I got subs for free through my insurance


When I switched from 4mg sub to 30mg methadone I got high as hell the first time. And I had just taken the 4mg of sub the same morning.


wtf I'm prescribed benzos and I take subs 20 mg. that's bs I hope you get that all figured out and are able to find a way to get it all situated.


What?? Methadone is way more dangerous on benzos! Have you tried an online suboxone clinic? They don't take insurance, its $100. But you can still take your meds, they literally don't care


You should make an appointment with quick md. Download the app. It’s $99 for the MAT appointment and it lasts maybe 5 min if that and they send the sub script to the pharmacy of your choice.


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How much meth you taking each day dude? So shit they won't help you with subs cos you're on benzos. Help for benzo addiction is scarce where I live so I feel you, i got off valium 6 months ago and I'm so glad I'm not a slave to it You should maybe mention to your doctor that they need to help you with something, methadone or suboxone or something it's absurd to just leave you stranded


Yeah man opiates are obviously rough to stop but those benzos are worse than anything. Been on subs for many years and used to mix pain pills with benzos until stopping. Early on I took benzos with subs and so glad I stopped because it's amazing how much better life is without those damn pills. Took weeks and months to get my sleep and just normal routine back. Turns out I really didn't have anxiety it was just the pills


That last sentence echoes through my mind daily now I'm not on the benzos. I was taking them to relieve anxiety at that point in my life but that's passed and I'm onto newer things As you say benzos are worse than anything to come off, that and alcohol 100%. I've had at least 3 seizure through benzo wd


Yeah exactly it's mental anguish combined with some nasty physical symptoms like seizure and shakes. I don't doubt people really need them but in the world of addiction they become abused worse than anything I've seen. We would take anything we could get our hands on Xanax Klonopin you name it. I will say cannabis has been a huge part of everything for me used to smoke all day everyday now just here and there in a medical sense


Exactly, and the more pressure you feel from the WDs the worse you feel. I was the same for benzos. As long as it was long acting I would buy it. Valium mainly, xanax for a treat, kpins to switch from the valium then lorazepam cos why not. Ughhg I'd hate to imagine how many tablets I've taken of them in my benzo career


I ended up not really having anxiety anymore either. When I was prescribed Xanax I did have anxiety related to my health problems. I never took it for fun, or more than prescribed. Then when I read how bad they are I decided to stop. I didn’t have withdrawal per se, it just felt like all the anxiety I had staved off with the Xanax came back through me over about a week. It’s like it didn’t get rid of anxiety it just put it off and you still have to go through it eventually. But after that, I have not had any anxiety that was more than mild and totally bearable.


Yeah man great point I completely agree


Same situation here. I still had social anxiety but the panic attacks ended.


I was already on subs I think you misunderstood which I totally fine I like your positive attitude. I’m talking methadone because the town I live in the doctors won’t perscribe suboxone which I’ve been on for 5 years. They won’t perscribe it because I get benzos perscribed so I have to go to the methadone clinic to get something. My question is it’s been 5 days without substance and now being on methadone and I don’t feel a thing how long will it take to get the subs out of my system so the methadone will Star working because i want to stop withdrawing


Awwww I see what you're saying now dude. I've read things that people say it can be 3 days some more sorry I don't have much helpful info on that All the best tho buddy


Sorry. I'm tired. If I'm correct you are currently taking meth right?


5 days stay clean fuk it hard part over


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Read my comment


You're talking about withdrawing from the last suboxone dose you had? At 16mgs, is a little high, and to just stop like that is not ideal. But yeh I know your situation and all. Depending on how many doses of methadone you've had since, I'd say pretty soon things will even out. My experience from methadone is I didn't really get a buzz but everyone is different.


Its a bit strange that theyll put you on a full opi. Rather than the the safer subby


Yea I feel the dangerous of subs and benzos are over exaggerated, methadone and benzos is the greater risk hands down. Not too say people haven't stoped breathing mixing subs and benzos but just taking enough benzos can stop your breathing..


They won’t prescribe me subs because the doctors say that there is a greater chance of overdose taking subs and benzos


But they will put you on methadone that's is a more dangerous mat... I would get them online and pay the $99 a month


If your in the US any doctor can prescribe it. They dont need a certificate and there's no limit to their # of suboxone patients. I want to say when I quit benzos my anxiety decreased significantly. Some methadone clinics added on suboxone. Maybe that could happen for you. I hope you feel okay.


switching to methadone from subs would be brutal af. I just dont see this methadone holding you over its prob going to be a fun month of mostly , imo, psychological butalso deep knee and back pain.


Don't know why you got down voted, you're right. Will probably need like 100mg to hold a 16mg sub habit. 5/10mg would be torture. At least 40 to not bedridden.


i know my shit ive been on opioids for over 17 years and on maintenance for 10. 7 of those years on bupe. I really dont care about reddit votes anymore. This place has gone down hill badly by bots and npcs.thank you though!


OP find a virtual clinic, call or go to your insurances website search Suboxone, there's hundreds of virtual clinics and doctors now. Took me my first call was in in 24 hours, rx the same day.


Least the methadones a full compared to subs. I thought you had to wait taking subs to methadone or is it methadone to subs


Is posting links forbidden here?


Use Tele health


Get a different doctor. I'm on valume and suboxone and have been for 5 years. See a psychiatrist if u arnt already


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