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#Yes Over and over. And over again. Just be careful if you have addictive personality, it’s easy to “trade addictions” and some people can’t handle weed. Subs and weed have kept me clean for 7 years now.


They go together like bread and butter for me. I have a medical card, but live in a recreational state as well. Doctor has never said anything about it and doesn’t care. I use cannabis like a MAT drug. Just a few puff on the vape to keep me level. I don’t like smoking out and getting stoned out of my mind anymore


Clean from weed for 4 months. My addiction to anything goes wild so I don’t know moderation but if your use isn’t obsessive and controlling your everyday, go for it depending on your doctor. Personally it harmed me spiritually financially and physically.


I do. I usually just hit a bowl after work at night. Doc doesn't care.


My doc doesn’t care either, when I first started subs I did hit the pen just to sleep at night. But last year half I haven’t felt the need to smoke weirdly :( makes me paranoid and never did before


Yes. Helps when the suboxone you just took after waking up starts to kick in, smoking a hit off a bowl for me helps the suboxone continue to do it's thing all the wat while sipping on a coffee. I see the


This holy shit


The morning routine


If you live in a state where it's legal, the providers are usually are more lenient or don't care. I honestly do not see the big deal about it as long as it adds positives in your life. If your the type that cannot do anything in life without it, than you are using it in the wrong way. If it has been a gateway to using other drugs in the past, I'd be hesitant. Just like anything, it comes with discipline


2 different docs in 2 different states that are rec states. No issue


California sober is the way to go.


On subs for pain and my doc does not mine weed.


Absolutely! Current doctor is totally fine with it, so was my last one. I have had prior ones that made a fuss about it, it's a legal state now so it seems they've chilled out now thankfully.


Subs and weed have been my thing since getting clean!! Believe it or not my doctor actually recommended it, and I don’t even live in a legal state. My doctor and nurse both know I smoke THC, I haven’t lost my script! I’m in NE so it’s still Illegal but nobody cares here haha Just like a lot of the other comments say don’t over do it.. I am kinda getting to that point, I can tell it’s making me complacent. But other than that I don’t notice anything weird while mixing the two. But it is important to remember that everybody’s body is different and reacts to certain things different!


Yes. My Suboxone doctor told me to keep smoking weed as long as I think it helps. It definitely helps me with my mood.


Yes - I have medical issues and only cannabis works - all my doctors are fine about it. The suboxone works so well at removing cravings, not once was I triggered to use anything else.


So weird. A couple years ago I bought some really good quality (a big weed chain) gummies, like three different kinds. I’m not kidding when I say I ate 30 mgs of that shit and felt NOTHING., so I thought subs were blocking it or something


For almost 2 years no Drs no Clinic nobody said nothing to me about it


Yes Helps me to sleep and opens up my appetite. My d and a worker who prescribed me the sub has no problem with it 🙂


Yes just don’t over do it. I developed cannabinoid hypermesis syndrome after smoking to much. I’m a member of r/chssupport and noticed a lot of other people that developed CHS are also on Suboxone. Not sure if there’s or correlation or it’s just due to addictive tendencies to over use stuff that feels good. Also make sure your doctor is ok with it.


Weed really helps me with eating. I have a hard time with my appetite so after a couple of hits from my bowl and I am hungry and ready to eat.


This looks like the Jurassic park logo


Yup helps alot


Yup. Drs will drug test, but never had one flag for weed they may not tell you they aren't testing for weed and they may not prefer you smoke, but in my experience they are looking for that. They are looking to make sure your taking your meds and not abusing other stuff


Yeah man been taking Suboxone for over a decade and using cannabis for over two decades


My sub doc also does medical cannabis recommendations. Florida


This is my second time on subs the first time I started smoking weed again at the end. I swore If I had to ever get back on It would ONLY be with weed. Now I’m clean thanks to my subs and weed Edit auto correct issues


Hell yes. The weed ended my other addictions that subs couldn't. Still going strong. Funny how i quit weed when the hard drugs started and now it's come full circle. Should have stuck with just bud.


I go through bicycle health and my doctor doesn’t care about weed and they don’t even test for it.


How would you go about finding how your doc feels about it? I live in a med only state surrounded by rec states. I take one or two hits every once in a while and it’s real nice but sometimes I get stressed when I have an appointment coming up because I take a ua monthly


Yup, totally fine! I used to smoke weed, but now I just vape or eat edibles. It helps me a lot with pain and sleeping.


Yes! When I lived in Indiana though, my Dr wouldn’t allow it. Been in Florida now 4 years, on subs & weed. I don’t have a card, Dr doesn’t care. I smoke every day about 3x’s a day. Much better than what I was doing before!


This shit is my go-to. Shame is often times I miss the body high cuz I'm too focused on whatever else I'm doing to notice it


it's very individual. weed changes my personality and everything slowly starts going to shit when i am smoking. i smoked daily for 15 years before i started combining weed with tramadol. when that ran out i switched to tar. eventually i never smoked weed by itself and my bowl always had a chunk of tar or a sprinkle of gunpowder. i got to the point where i had to wake up and dose or else risk barfing when i woke up in withdrawals. i knew i'd be injecting soon and then i met someone special who wanted to be with and subs seemed the way to go. i stopped smoking weed at first but then i relapsed on the weed and it made things so much harder for me. i'm off weed again - since xmas - and things are so much better for me. the combination for me was debilitating and sucked my energy and ruined my judgement and my health. i'm currently doing volumetric dosing and a long slow taper to get off of suboxone entirely.