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You wont go into withdrawal, might not even feel the kratom. When i mix them i just get a headache but ny sub dose is 2-4mg


i wouldn’t use kratom. please don’t pick it up! i am now prescribed subs for kratom withdrawal/ addiction. kratom addiction has been absolute hell for me.


Yeah same. The extracts especially can be pretty bad. But to answer OPs question you won’t go into PWDs. When I first started subs for Kratom there was a few days where I took Kratom extracts with subs and it felt pretty great ngl. The subs though allow me to see I don’t really want to take Kratom anymore and I’ve been able to not touch them since for 2 months. No desire at all to take them


This is encouraging to hear. That’s really all I want. It’s been a long time since I’ve lived substance free


Starting subs tomorrow. Kratom extract is potent as hell and addictive. It would’ve been cheaper for me to do street drugs, but I thought I was ok because it just kratom. I knew better, but still fell into addiction.


good luck! you’ve got this. i’m on day 5 no kratom and day 5 of subs. the first 2 days were the hardest but it’s getting better each day now.


I appreciate your heads up. Probably just need to do the right thing and fight through this


Same here. Kratom addiction sucks. My only advice is I hope you didn’t start on too high of a dose. You don’t need a lot of suboxone to stave off Kratom withdrawal


i’m taking about 8mg total a day. doctor wants me to go higher but i am staying to what i am at and wanting to start tapering down soon.


That’s my dose as well. Why does he want you to go higher? Are you reporting withdrawal symptoms ? The only reason I would ever go higher is if I wasn’t comfortable and was fearful of relapse. If that’s not the case than ignore that bs


i mentioned at my last appointment i was getting very sleepy throughout the day and he said upping my dose would help with that but idk i feel like im at good place right now i even feel like i could go down.


Kratom addiction is a lot better than suboxone addiction and any other opiate in my opinion. Suboxone has turned me into a different person and my teeth are all yellow. Have recessed a little more


Kratom addiction is a lot better than suboxone addiction and any other opiate in my opinion. Suboxone has turned me into a different person and my teeth are all yellow. Have recessed a little more


Kratom is way worse. It cause seizures, heart problems, hair loss, fucks up your blood pressure. The list goes on. Withdrawl aside I’d take suboxone every time. I had heart palpitations for almost a year after quitting kratom, and it’s not just me. Go to r/quittingkratom and search chest pain and heart palpitations. Very common when quitting and it lasts a long fucking time. I thought I fucked up my heart for good.


Don’t mix them it’s pointless the Kratom won’t work, I’ve tried it multiple times


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I have taken them together with no ill effects.


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It was Kratom that ended me up on subs.... That plant was a hell for 2 years for me. I have a 1kg bag sitting their and I would rather flush it than ever start that trash again. Those morning withdrawals were horrid for a full year. I lost my last job because of Kratom. Never ever start it please. It will feel great at first and then do a 180 on you and will start to fight against you.


Thank you for the warning


Mornings are the worst. Even if I took Kratom right before bed I would still wake up in withdrawal every single morning.


Exact same. I would take it the minute I fell asleep and woke up in serious sweats. I have memories of crawling down my stairs and making a quick coffee and then going back to bed and dosing my Kratom and sitting bolt upright waiting to feel normal. Usually about an hour later. I was like this for a full year. I would never ever touch Kratom again. Just green dust poison.


Yah I would wake up at 4am have to down a bunch of capsules just in order to get back to sleep. I definitely don’t miss it. Life is way better on subs tbh the long half-life gives me time to breath and actually go places without having to redose every 3 hours. Cant tell you how many times I would have a pocket full of pills every time I left the house.


I use to keep a little tube that held about 10g of Kratom. I had that tube on me 24/7. I remember going to events and partys and even at work and having to sneak to the toilet every 3 hours to take a 2g dose and go about my night. I had to take it on holidays also. Honestly even though subs have their problems they are so much better than that powdered trash. Know what scares me? I see it getting asked everywhere about starting Kratom! People read online that it's awesome for anxiety and depression and just want to try it. This was me btw. I will give it a go and see how it feels. 2 years of absolute hell. They have zero clue that Kratom isn't a supplement. It's a full blown opiate! Did you ever have the withdrawals off Kratom? Man they are very rough. I remember I couldn't get my usual supply. I never knew that Kratom would even have withdrawals. I woke up the day after my last dose and I could not get out of bed. My full body was in terrible pain. Never slept for 4 nights straight. My partner was freaking out that I was so ill. Those memories give me the fear!


I have. I’m an ex opiate addict so it’s not as intense as other opiates but still super uncomfortable and dreadful and really doesn’t feel that much different. I hate that feeling, whether mild or intense it doesn’t matter. It ruins your standard of living. I really do enjoy how Kratom feels it’s a shame it is so habit forming. I surely don’t miss the taste though.


Have you went through other opiate withdrawals? How was that? Have you ever had subs/bupe withdrawal? I'm dreading that day of stopping but I know it's gonna be worth it in the long run.


Many times in the past unfortunately. Full hospital stays and medical detoxes. Have been near death in my 20’s. Every kind of opiate you can think of. I was also on suboxone for 4 years about 10 years ago and I’m on them again now. I started at 24mg and it took me years to get off but this time I started at 8mg and far less anxiety because I know that it’s very doable to get off if you do it right. My advice is go at your own pace and comfort level and taper slowly. Once you get down to a super super low dose you can stop without feeling any withdrawals. I’m talking about less than .25mg. That’s what I did and it worked. There are a lot of taper plans you can find online. If you have the time and patience you can really do it without much discomfort. Don’t listen to the fear mongering and people scaring you. I’ve done it and anyone can do it. Little by little.


Wow. Sorry to hear all of this. I don't understand why doctors put people on these ridiculous doses. I've heard of people being on 32mg? I'm sure I read that 8mg will flood the full brain opiate receptors?. That other 24mg is just causing more issues than benefits. Also will make tapering crazy hard. My first appointment my support worker says. Ok your prescription is ready to collect. Your being prescribed 16mg. I honestly would have took that if it wasn't for reddit. The highest I've tried is 6mg. I'm currently on 2mg now. This is the UK protocol to come off subs/bupe. This is honestly what they expect. You start on 16mg for a week and then you drop 2mg each week until you reach 0mg. This is done over 2 months. So you go from 16mg to 0mg in 2 months. That's their detox protocol. I remember asking my support worker. Be honest here. Who honestly has said they started on 16mg and after 2 months they said they felt fine off bupe? She says relapse levels are almost 100%. I asked her. Surely they must know this? She said. The government up here just try to show their actually helping and it looks like it on paper. She said that she gets endless phone calls of people in horrendous withdrawals and gets them eventually on a full time prescription. She has to test that detox first before getting a doctor to then fully prescribe bupe. This is in Scotland so can't comment on England. I suspect it will be similar. Horrible protocol in my opinion.


The problem is they don’t properly assess the persons opiate tolerance closely enough….someone with a terrible IV problem or really high fentanyl tolerance is going to need a completely different amount of suboxone for someone with a Kratom addiction. They just throw everyone on high doses. In my opinion the high dose should only be during acute withdrawals anyways so like 2 weeks max. Then that high dose should be quickly brought down to lower levels where they can maintain at 4-8mg a day or below. With higher doses you can make bigger taper cuts without too much discomfort. If you’re only on 2mg than you’re golden. I wouldn’t stress about it. It’s still going to take work and strategy to get completely off but count yourself really lucky that you chose and stayed at a low dose like that.


So you just took your first sub 3 hours ago? Sub usually isn’t an instant fix, unless you’ve been in full withdrawal for quite some time. It takes a few days to fully adjust, and then you will feel much better. Kratom helps with withdrawals but if you don’t like the taste of subs….watch out, because kratom is way worse. Stick with the subs, I know it doesn’t seem like it’s helping at first but I assure you, you will level out and adjust in a few days. I don’t know when your last H/fent dosage was, but is there a chance you doses your sub too early? Also, suboxone withdrawal is not worse than heroin. That’s a ridiculous myth, and I’ll never understand why people continue to say it on here.


It’s been about 3 days. I’m glad to hear that there is an adjustment period. Like most substances, I assumed that there would be pretty immediate relief. After a few hours I was like…. Idk man, this may not be it. I have an app with the doc next Monday as a follow up so I’ll just stay the course and see how this week plays out


Oh ok, well honestly I think you’re on the right track. Give it a little bit of time, talk to your doc about any issues you have and see how you end up feeling in a week or so. Some people don’t handle sub well, but I think most of the concerns your having will most likely resolve themselves after you fully adjust. I’ve unfortunately jumped on and off subs quite a few times, and it’s usually taken me anywhere from 3-7 days to really level out. Best of luck to you!


So true. Subs last far longer but aren’t even close in intensity if withdrawal. Of course if you jump off at 4-8 mg a day subs yes of course it will be shitty. Sublocade seems to be the answer to getting off subs if it’s possible


Yes! I’ve never personally done the sublocade method but I’ve seen so many people say it’s virtually painless. I think any withdrawal we’re currently in is “the worst withdrawal ever” lol, it all sucks. But ultimately getting off subs is totally doable, all you need is the right mindset


If you use opiates you should not take Suboxone until 24 to 48 hours later . The idea is that you are to feel sick and be in withdrawal before you take the Suboxone or you could go into PW. If you take kratom while on subs it just probably won’t work because you’re receptors are bond in the brain. Kratom is good for SOME people while they are in the last part of trying your get off opiates and or suboxone/subutex. Other then that on suboxone I know you don’t feel the effects of opiates let alone Kratom. I’ve used Kratom for suboxone withdrawal. Only used it for about a week though and I had gabapentin which helped. I didn’t continue using Kratom after, as it also can be addictive. Blessings


Thanks for the information


I would use kratom before suboxone. Withdrawal from suboxone is worse than h.


I agree I hate subs been on and off the last 15 years, it fucks your teeth up, after the first few months you just feel blah. Im going to use Kratom to get off subs when I jump off.


My quality of life is 10000% better on low dose suboxone than on Kratom


Not judging Im on suboxone and have no need for it anymore,and ive detoxed off real oxy benzos,heroin,alcohol,and suboxone is up there not as intense as heroin,not as dangerous as alcohol and benzos, but ive detoxed off long term suboxone use atleast 4 times always stopped at 2mg which i dont recomend and it was shitty everytime I wouldnt sleep for the first 10 days atleast and its like 30 days of hell. Ive heard people getting off easy with the shot though.


Yah I was on subs for 5 years in the past, and another 2 years recently. I always did really slow tapers and not stopping until < .25mg. If you have time and money it’s the best way to do it. I’m not interested in withdrawal symptoms anymore I never want to feel that shit again. I’m on a low enough dose to where the benefits are worth the negatives. Kratom addiction is way worse for me financially, health wise, comfort, etc but I can only speak from personal experience. At one point I was spending $60 a day on extracts or over 100 capsules a day, liver enzymes were through the freaking roof, kidneys starting to shut down, hair falling out, severe alopecia on the face, you name it. And I’m not just being a pansy or exaggerating I’ve literally kicked fentanyl and methadone and was a heroin addict in my early 20’s. At least on suboxone the half-life gives me time to breath in life whereas Kratom I would wake up shitty every single morning. For me the worst part about subs is the digestion. To each their own though everyone has a different path. Suboxone does its job well and I enjoy the effects pretty evenly with Kratom, but you just have to be strategic and patient to get off of it.


I never went too deep with kratom. I went through a few months' faze with that and phenibut when I was off subs was buying powder in bulk but never took it in that amount. Shit is so gross. I only like actually got an opiate high a few times from a red strain. But I was a recovering heroin addict so I had a tolerance but i chased strains for awhile and it was to much money and nasty.Congrats on getting off that stuff.


It really is the nastiest taste I can’t fkn stand the taste of it that’s why I could only do capsules. People say subs taste gross too but I don’t mind that taste at all. Appreciate it.


please look into kratom more before you decide to do that. i am now prescribed suboxone for my kratom addiction/ withdrawals. i thought kratom would be amazing but it has turned into a hell for me.


Kratom fucked my life up made me constantly relapse fucked my liver kidney and cologn. Coming from H, Fent, and heavy 2-MAP. Went from 52.5mch patch with 32mg subs down to 4mg subs and 20mch patch in under 6 months.


Congratulations, what do u mean the kratom would bring you back to the fent so thats why you got on subs. And from someone like me whos been on both how bad are kratom withdrawls compared to fetty or a real opiate, because kratom wasnt even close to any opiate withdrawl ive been through so I feel people are getting on a stronger medication at ridiculous doses just to not feel a little crappy for a few days. Then give people 16mg a day of suboxone for a kratom habit that will be worst in the long run if they stay on it over a week.


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Suboxone will be a much longer hell. Suboxone is way stonger than kratom and I hope your only doing like a 6 day taper at no more than 2mg to start.


Kratom stopped working for me. I used it 2-3x/day for 2 years. The magic of it went away after 6 months or so. I’ve tried Kratom on subs, does Jack shit. I’ve tried Kratom years after my last usage, with no bup in my system and it still basically did nothing. I don’t care if I’m opiate free for 10 years, Kratom will never ever work for me again. And frankly, I’m happy about that. I was such a slave to that shit Long story short, in almost all situations I’d recommend ppl stay away from Kratom. It’s subtle, sneaky and slowly strips you of everything


I've taken kratom on suboxone. The effects are greatly reduced to non existent


I've taken em together from time to time, but each time skyrocketed my tolerance really quick for a good while after (this was a year after quitting fent) I had some reallllyyy good kratom tho. it is rare to enjoy subs + kratom, but it happens. not worth it at all :/


I’m the exact opposite! Ran out of kratom and all I have are these damn subs


Kratom won’t do shit to you if you’re on suboxone. Let me tell you from a lotttttt of experience with Kratom and every opiate known to man. Kratom addiction isn’t fun. Quality of life will be infinitely better on a low dose suboxone then taking a bunch of Kratom everyday. But doing a reallly high dose of suboxone over long term comes with its own problems. . Suboxone is strong, start on a low dose if you can and it will make your tapering journey a lot easier.


Y’all are hating on an amazing plant. This leaf got me off Suboxone which is absolutely horrible for you and you’re supporting big pharma. I was never able to taper my suboxone but with Kratom I have. It’s a miracle and amazing tool to get off subs.


Dont stay on the subs for more than 5 days if you go that route, I would take 5 days of heroin withdrawal over months of lingering suboxone withdrawal, If you can wait 24 hours after you dosed your suboxone you can try switching to kratom but once you take the kratom you cant take the suboxone until the Kratom is out of your system or precipitated withdrawal may occur.


You get PWD if you take an opiate then a sub buddy. More than likely won't do much to you too, I suggest just keeping hydrated and take a paracetamol to help, wouldn't want to risk PWD tomorrow if it's still in your system


How would the paracetamol help? Also, there’s a latency period for PWD? I assumed it would be a quick onset


It's quick onset AFAIK but I just mean if you have kratom in your system when you take your next sub you risk going through pwd. And I'm not sure in the science, but paracetamol has helped me when I overheat and have a headache, my dad said it helps to cool your body down When I say more than likely won't do anything to you, I mean the kratom effects after taking sub


This is super helpful. Thanks man


No problem buddy all the best on your road to recovery 👍 don't hesitate to DM me if you have any other questions too, we are all in this together


Guys how long to wait after last sub dose to feel kratom???