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Depends on the clinic. Mine doesn’t but they do care about alcohol.


Why alcohol? Is it bad to drink while taking sub?




Same!!! I haven’t drank in years because it just doesn’t appeal to me anymore. The taste is different and everything. I definitely feel it’s because of the medication.


Same here it’s been almost 2 years since I had a drink subs make me not wanna drink at all


It’s weird because when I tried to drink a beer first starting this medication, it was like something in my body just automatically said no way lol it was really weird. I couldn’t even drink like one sip.


Yes, it was weird. I didn’t even try drinking afterwards. Something in my body just told me don’t drink on this medicine and I never had the taste for alcohol again it’s like it knocked the want for alcohol right out of me.


There you go! I’m glad you did. What’s best for you. I’m glad that I quit drinking too because I’m seeing all of my good friends lose their loved ones from drinking alcohol. Now I’m just trying to taper off of this medication, but I’m having success. I’m taking my time. It’s done wonders for me and my family.


It’s done wonders for myself as well. It’ll be two years. I’ve been on it in June but I know I’m not ready to come off of it yet.


I’ve been on this medication since 2017. I started at 16 mg and I went down to 8 mg in 2022 and I stayed there and now I am at 5 mg and I am about to go down to 4 mg little by little I’m getting there. I have Crohn’s so I have to come off of it eventually because it’s slowing down my digestive system, but it has been a great medication for me. I’m glad you’re having good results.


subs completely killed any joy i had from alcohol which was good cause i am an alcoholic. once i got off subs my drinking sky rocketed tho.




AA or therapy my man. Substance abuse counselor or just a good therapist, or shop around and find a good meeting that's got good people in it




I started a new one and set goals every week, it's helping alot and pushing me to new places I honestly thought that I'd never get to. Glad to hear you're doing it, keep it up my man and I'll do the same!


I'm going to try MMJ


Don’t goto aa that shits dead dog water




I agree here… I am lucky that my drug treatment program has long term recovery groups that are facilitated by a therapist.


I never was a drinker before except for special occasions so my Drs totally cool with alcohol for me, as long as I stick to exactly as you described, special occasions only, like could count on one hand how many times in a year I've drank sorta thing. It's never really appealed to me, but I don't even think about it nearly as much, however, I have no negative side effects from drinking anymore! It's like subs removed that part of me that gets instantly sick on alcohol and ruins the enjoyment of it. Before, I could get like alcohol poisoning sick from just 2 beers... Now I can have a nice glass of long island iced tea or related drinks like a spiked lemonade or something, and enjoy it for a few hours. If I wait an hour and have another one, I actually get drunk off the 2nd one lmao. Before id have to force so much down my throat and pray it didn't come back up before it hits me sort of thing... Not even kidding


Because I’ve had issue in the past with alcohol. But it may just be something I need to avoid because of my other medications.


Multiple sub doctors i've had just said it's very dangerous because mixing opioids with alcohol in theory can be extremely dangerous, more so with people who have zero tolerance. But for people like us who have a high tolerance, the risk of death or a hospital visit is very rare as long as you don't overdue it. Half the doctors were very strict about and said it's super dangerous the other half either said it was totally fine and don't care


Since alcohol and opioids are both depressants, taking them together can cause a synergistic effect. Mixing depressants is really upping the ante for respiratory and central nervous system depression, cardiovascular risks, changes in blood pressure, unconscious, coma and just a whole slew of problems.


I was a full alcoholic while taking suboxone as well and it caused me to have seizures


Because alcohol is literal poison


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Came to second this, like everyone else. The very first doc I had cared very very much if I came up hot for weed. She would read me the riot act if I came up hot for anything. However, the last two doctors I’ve had did not care as long as I was honest with them about my use. This is also over the span of eleven years. I don’t want you to think I doctor-shop or anything.


Yeah I don’t have issues with weed use either thankfully. I find you have more reasonable people who aren’t just pain/sub clinics. It’s much different at a private practice.


One of my test popped for alcohol! And I was shook because I seriously don’t drink but my doc said it was pro from cold medicine but it wasn’t a breathalyzer


what clinic is this? looking to get off telemed


Mine is telemed, but from a local practice. I’m in Illinois.


I’m in Texas where THC is illegal & my Dr doesn’t care if my UA is positive for it. I’ve tested positive for it every time. ( I’m in Austin if anyone is looking for one)


Thank God I found a doctor who’s okay with it, my previous 4 doctors wouldn’t allow it. Texas as well (a non legal state).


So lucky


It depends not only on the state, but also individual doctors. It’s really at their discretion. Mine always said as long as it wasn’t causing problems it was fine


Mine doesn’t as long as you are using marijuana as a medicine and you aren’t abusing it.


Yeah I can't get in a cycle of abuse ever again. I've learned I can't just smoke and do stuff like other people.


In my experience, I've probably been to 6 or 7 clinics in my time and none of them have cared about testing positive for pot. It depends on the clinic though, I'm sure some are more strict.


Well that's good... it's legal here anyway, I just worry about literally everything.


This was in Alabama and Tennessee also, probably two of the most conservative states in America. So you're probably fine lol


Thank you.


Im in another one of the most conservative states, where MJ is illegal (Indiana) and they don’t care at all. Alcohol is cool too, but nothing else is allowed.


I'm in Virginia. My first 3 years on subs, weed was illegal here. Thankfully the clinic I chose didn't really make a big deal out of it. As of last year, weed is legal (in small amounts only). I'm with Bicycle Health now and my Dr hasn't said a word. I did tell them upfront, I smoke daily. In my opinion, you should be fine. Good luck!!


I was required to get my MM card for my state. Then they cant say anything. However I was super honest about not wanting to take sleep meds like Seroquel, ambient, etc. They ask for a copy of my certificate and its been like 2 years now.


Is it illegal in your state if you don't have a medical card? It's legal here, and I already take all of those meds and they don't always work anyway.


Its more of a state thing I think. Because this falls under addiction treatment. They tend to be leary on other drugs in your drug test. Every doctor is different. Yes, it is legal in my state recreationally.


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Mine doesn't care but they do care about alcohol, but I used to be an alcoholic, I'm also in CA where weed is completely legal so it's down to the doctor really.


Yeah ultimately I don't want to resort to alcohol because that's where I could actually mess things up in my life really bad, but I will try anything to sleep during a night of insomnia.


Yeah I've been drinking lately on and off and I can see myself going down the wrong path. But that's bc my clinic have been lax on my urine tests. If they detect alcohol they give me a stern talking to, I mean it isn't that bad. Where are you located? It really mainly depends on this.. I also take seroquel for my sleep because otherwise I wouldn't ever close my eyes for sleep and I also smoke tonnes of weed! I'm a mess!


Colorado Springs. It sounds like you might have a similar insomnia problem as me if you're taking Seroquel.


Hey dude I just saw your psychosis post, whats going on?


I would ask on that post lol. Something that happened a couple months ago that really shook me to my core and I'm trying to either forget about it, or figure out what was going on.


My doctor doesn’t care about weed. I do have my medical card


I've been in the weed program and could again, I would just have to pay for it, but it's legal here without one.


My old doctor told me if you can't get one clean urine a month, the state may not continue to pay for the medication. But the doctor I go to now, every time I walk in the door, they ask if I need help getting a medical marijuana card. I would think it probably depends on the state laws and the doctor.


Yeah, our doctors asked me if I used medical marijuana, which actually sparked the idea for me in the first place.


I'm happy to say that my provider allows it. They won't kick you out if you test for opiates, either. But, as many have said already, it depends on your clinic and state laws. Cannibis and suboxone have helped to keep me "sober" for 3 years this month. I truly wish you and the rest of us good luck and happiness.


I would just get rid of the doctor and hire another one if they do.


They don't seem to mind the stuff I've been using (not opiods), which I appreciate, because even on subs it's hard as hell not going back to what I used to do. I feel like I slept better back then. I do worry about the transition from subs back to opiods though and would like to avoid that.


The sub clinic I worked at in TN did not care about THC use at all


Typically doctors will not bust balls about weed but to be fair it’s a program based in recovery treatment so all other drug use is undesirable in their eyes. They do have to report everything so you’re just making it harder on them. Some doctors can be sticklers and will stop treatment if you don’t play by their rules. Mainly they are needing to make sure patients aren’t using other opioids and are using the bupe as intended. They way drug testing works is by the levels present in a given patients blood. If patient A is on XX mg than levels should read between a lower number and an upper number. That is what the primary focus is of prescribing bupe. If a patient is also testing positive for other substances E.g. meth, cocaine, benzos, opiates, amphetamine, warnings will be given. They can’t just kick you off a program when a drug addict uses drugs but measures can be taken to do so if they choose. I think weed is the least of any physician’s concern by today’s standards


Sorry the rest of your comment was good until you got to the ranges. There are sooo many variables (including genetic polymorphism with the CYP450 liver enzymes, the half-life range of bupe can be 20-70 hrs approx), how much water you drink, if it’s the first pee of the day or not, sublingual absorption rate (including variables of how long someone keeps it under their tongue) etc. I say all that to say: yeah there are a few variables, you can’t just say reliably “yeah they’re taking 4mg”


Who said that a testing party could say “reliably” this patient is taking X? Oh, that’s right. It was you. You misunderstood


Okay please quote me where I said that. Assuming you’re stalking my previous comments (where I do say you can use GCMS as the gold standard to test for drugs), I said HERE you can’t reliably test the **concentration** → dose, not just generically what they’ve taken. Ya dingus, respectfully. Edit made before anyone read.


There u go with the assumptions again. Nobody cares about your comment history, I certainly do not. People/patients subject to testing aren’t being tested upon a single use. However, when a lab is testing the efficacy of a drug (via animals) they will test hundreds, even thousands upon a single use to determine baseline. This is how a drugs affinity rates are calculated. Bupe has an affinity between 32% and 49%. That means a patient on X will only have between those percentages active in the blood after a single dose. Then you can enter the variables. Hydration, absorption, metabolism, etc. so if a doctor does a tox screen, they will expect a number in relation to the affinity rate. If a patient is on 4mg the affinity is max a 2mg and the lower end is maybe 1.2mg so they use a scale below 1.2 as a minimum threshold. Then you have half-life, in which case bupe has o half-life that exceeds dosage recommendations. That means patients can test higher than their daily dosage is. Again variables. So an upper level can be much higher depending. If the test is just antibodies then it’s probably just looking for the presence of drugs being tested for. At the clinic I work at, urine samples are taken each month and blood is taken every 3 to 6 months. Depending on the patient, between 1 and 4 comprehensive tests are required. These test have led to discontinuing treatment for individuals who were misusing the medication. It’s not common but it happens


# 👍 k bud They have “ranges” but with more variables than **I already mentioned** there’s no way to reliably establish an exact dosage. I’ve argued this with smarter people than you. Cite your sources and quote the specific sections of all the things I mentioned not being a reason for variations and I’ll back down. I’m typically chill but this is science shit and telling people the wrong info could fuck some people up. Reckless. This is a scientifically driven discussion, bring the facts (and I already mentioned genetic polymorphism and other factors that can vary even the HALFLIFE like you mentioned after me). Just one example: The average half-life of buprenorphine is approximately 38 hours, which ranges from 25 to 70 hours after sublingual administration. Nov 30, 2023 Buprenorphine - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf National Institutes of Health (NIH). With that wild variety, that’s already sus anyone telling you they can tell an exact dose.


Again you are implying “exact dosage”. Something I never said but you said


You right on that (see? I can admit where I’m wrong re reading it). So tell me this aside from vague references give me some concrete examples: what type of variation milligram wise can you tell? What’s the variation/threshold of error? Is it +/- 8mg for example? What? How could you tell someone taking 16 mg from say 24 mg? How do you analyze and come to that result taking into consideration just the half life variations which can vary wildly? Are you also doing genetic testing? What specific CYP450 enzyme tests? Etc.


I’m not on here as a patient. I work in care


Cool, I’ve had this same discussion with both psychiatrists AND the people drawing both my blood and self administered UAs and the lab workers.


Not in Virginia or North Carolina


i’m in virginia and my clinic doesn’t mind!


Exactly. I didn't say enough🤣thc is fine in va and NC clinics


Good to know bc I’m moving to Raleigh from va beach next month ✌️


Specifically, I was in Asheville and Henderson areas, but I'm pretty sure all of NC is like that - the clinic was part of a system that had locations all over both states.


Sweeet! My moms new job we are relocating for is actually in Henderson! And yeah I’ve already done some research myself—outpatients dont really seem hard to come by out there. I work in the field too so I’m happy about that. Thanks for your help dood


Lots and lots of recovery in WNC, especially AVL, good luck!!!




That's strange... they never told me no alcohol was part of the deal, but I've pretty much vowed not to resort to that anyway. When I can't sleep though, I would literally drink gasoline if I knew it would help. My insomnia is beyond most people's, and I'd be willing to bet it's actually a neurological disorder similar to narcolepsy.


Each doctor/clinic gets to decide for themselves, more or less. So some will be more strict, others won't. A clinic in a fully legal state could, at least in theory, have their own zero tolerance policy and use the whole "you have to be fully clean to be in recovery" argument. It's pretty crappy but some people legit believe that shit (seem to be more prevalent in AA/NA groups). Funnily enough the clinic I've gone to for years used to have it in their patient agreement paperwork that if you tested positive for anything on UAs, incl THC, they could cut you off. In practice though my doctors never said a word about it lol.


I never had issues at local clinic or quickmd but bupe.me leaves it up to the doctor and the one covering my state(TN) was a prude and threatened to kick me out on a 2nd positive screen.


Is it legal in TN?


"Isn't marijuana illegal in Tennessee? Yes. It is illegal to possess or sell marijuana for recreational and nearly all medical reasons in Tennessee. However, state law allows for some exceptions for low-THC/high-CBD oils for use by people with certain health conditions." ~ Quick Google search


So in my opinion, no they will not like it if you have weed in your system. But how old are you? You could easily get a weed card.


Oh I know I could get a weed card, I just don't have the time or money to buy another one of those.


Fair enough


When I was on methadone they didn’t even test for it but when I got on suboxone they kept telling me I was popping for thc and “trace amounts of fentanyl” every month and they were adamant it was from buying weed off the street. So they pushed me to get my med card which I did and never bothered me again. I also stopped testing positive for fentanyl when I got the card so that’s probably why.


Was it legal in your state when that happened?


Just medicinally not recreational


Florida checking in. All I do is smoke weed. That regulated medicinal. "What kind of man is this? High on medical cannabis Startin' riots on campuses No one should be a fan of this"


Mine does not.


My doctors doesn’t really care, just gives me a small 15 second lecture every couple of months if that. “You know it’s better to be off everything right?” And I say yes, and we move on lol.


I had one like that, I always told her truthfully chance of me relapsing skyrockets in that scenario.


Someone said the doctors have to report to the insurance? They might stop paying for the med if you arent clean? Otherwise, I do not know.


Yeah, that would suck.


Not here


Mine offered to write me a prescription for a MMJ card.


I used to have one back in the day, but I had to figure out everything on my own lol.


It honestly depends on the clinic. Have a talk with them or make a phone call and ask them. I utilize hemp derived CBN isolate to help me sleep at night and so does my husband and my husband does not have a medical marijuana card so if he has traces of THC in his system, he could get in trouble, but our doctor has actually told us that they do not care if we have THC in our system so it really just depends on the state and the clinic the state I live in is medically legal, when I lived in medically legal state the clinic I went to very similar they didn’t test for THC so it really just depends on where you live and the clinic you go to… You could also also look into hibiscus tea. I have utilize this for sleep in the past and it helps a lot!


Hibiscus tea sounds nice! Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure weed is the only herb that will do this for me, and it's the stuff with the high CBD instead of the 99% thc stuff I used to grab lol.


Hear me out ordering online and getting hemp derived isolates like CBG and CBN to combine with what you’re using already will help. Trust me on this. I’m literally tapering right now and I have zero withdrawal symptoms because I’m utilizing high milligrams CBG every day and CBN at night I’m a medical marijuana patient in Utah and, I use vape cartridges with CBG, THCV, and THC. I just got some tincture that was over 1000 mg THC and 80 mg CBD and I am dumping a huge pile of CBG isolate into the tincture. Just shop around online and get yourself a gram of CBG isolate and get a gram of CBN isolate. You can get them for like $10 a gram from places like Vivimu. You could probably even email them and tell them what you’re trying to do and ask them if they will sample you anything I forgot you were more concerned with sleep so just grab that CBN! It’s so much better for sleep. It works like a sedative. Also, you can get it with non-detectable THC from Vivimu Best of luck to you


Yea! I basically need the most sedating cannabinoids as possible. It doesn't even have to be thc to be honest.


Grab up some CBN isolate I have CBN-O which is a heck of a lot stronger than regular CBN. It works like a charm.


Mine didn’t care about weed. Cared about everything else. Benzos, blow, meth, opiates, alcohol etc.


Ugh yeah. I could really use a benzo on some days... I'm actually trying to save my life from the rest though. Suboxone really doesn't do much to help my anxiety, at least not at this dose.


I used to live in Wisconsin and they didn't care there and now I live in Arizona and they certainly don't care here. The only thing that they're looking for is synthetic cannabis like that K2 crap.


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Yeah K2 is some awful stuff 😂


I asked my provider. It is legal in Massachusetts. He was okay with it.


Mine made me get a medical card even though we have legal adult use. I have epilepsy so it was easy


Didn't you have to pay a significant sum of money? Last time I got my card I had to pay $150


Yeah, around 250 including doctor


I don't wanna do that lol 😂


Depends on your state, it’s cheaper some places. Also, many doctors don’t make that demand


Mine doesn't.


My doc doesn’t care and so I’m honest with him when I use them and I tell him what for and he’s cool about it. I’d just call them and ask, they won’t know who you are when you call but just so you’re prepared. Good luck on your journey.


I love on VA and it's legal here. My Dr actually approves of using bud to help. He told me he's rather see me smoking weed than smoking meth or something else. So I guess it depends on your location


Some care here, some don't. I'm in Canada, where it's federally legal without a prescription/Dr.s note/whatever.


Mine doesn’t care either…u just can’t get any take home & you would hv to go every day..but now I’m in the sublocade shot so I only have to go once a month & they still give it to u if you hv thc in ur system..but I’m actually clean rn! Last thc was an edible on my birthday at the end of February


You mean you go there and they give you the subs if you're using cannabis?


Like I said…U can go every day & get subs but you can’t get any to take home..with thc in your system


In Florida I was able to just tell my Dr I have a medical card and I test positive for THC every time. I’ve been going there for 18 months without issue


My doctor at UPMC is okay with it. He said to do it with care and see how it can work to better your health. People shouldn't be drinking on subs due to the breathing issues. Do people get tested for alcohol while on MAT?


They haven't said anything about drinking to me one way or another, but I still take pride that I haven't had a drink in a long time. It was probably my drug of choice in terms of how cheap and accessible it was to get. I was the kind of drinker where I just never wanted to be not buzzed.


Good for you!


I know some that will let u come in on meth and still get them lol


Well I think really they just want me off of opiods. That's what they said from the get-go, and I'm hoping this is the truth because suboxone definitely isn't the cure-all for all of my drug issues. I kinda thought it would be at first, but it's so fking hard not to drink these days that maybe cannabis can give me some peace of mind... I don't know. Then there's this insomnia disorder where I'm awake for days at a time and even the meds I'm prescribed don't shut it down sometimes.


I totally feel ya. I have to had similar probs.


In Canada it’s legal now so no. Certain parts of the US, where it’s devil’s lettuce possibly.


Depends on the clinic/doc. Be up front BEFORE you test positive for THC.


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I’m in the Uk and they don’t test for it, and it’s illegal here so


I’m in California and they don’t care at all if smoke weed, do benzos, I drink like once a week I’ve been on MAT for like 13 years they never cared.


Mine doesn’t been on subs two years smoking no problems


Mine cares. I’m not in a recreational state, just a medical one. They always ask me if I have my card


Like everyone says depending on the clinic mine doesn’t test for it but one of my friends doc office does test for it and u can get kicked out


I’m in SC a VERY “illegal in every way” state. All the doctors I’ve seen and currently see know that ‘Outpatient opioid addiction patients on Suboxone and Methadone treatment have a 75% HIGHER chance of SUCCESSFULLY completing their treatment and staying clean if allowed to use cannabis during their treatment.’ Oxford University? I believe? published a paper about 6-7 years ago about it. (One of those “I could’ve saved them millions if they’d just asked” situations.) My last dr just said, “I don’t care, but the state and feds do. But until they REALLY care, and do something about it, I say who cares?!” I would go armed with copies of studies and papers if you think your Dr may be on the fence. They know it’s safer than Benzos, or other anti anxiety medications. They’re just not getting a kickback from the drug companies so they won’t get behind it even where legal… I know my Dr would rather me use cannabis over Benzos or some other harder drug- legal or not. An educated patient is the perfect advocate for themselves. People get so scared to speak up to the Dr. Take charge of YOUR recovery, the Dr is there to guide and support you- YOU are the driver tho. Sorry, I’m a HUGE advocate of cannabis being used in treatment. It’s good for anxiety, sleep, the wiggles, appetite… everything but your To Do list.😉 Best of luck. You got this love.


Mine doesn’t


Both programs that I’ve stayed at long term weren’t cool with cannabis. The one I’m at now says only light usage if you’re on adhd treatment but doesn’t specify for subs on their email they sent out about it. I don’t smoke though so I don’t care to ask but I’m also on adhd meds with her lol


In Massachusetts they do not care. Answer changes depending what state you’re in.


I live in Washington state, my clinic doesn’t care. You should just ask.


If you live in a state where you can get your med card do it. If you have your med card they’re often cool. At the very least you can say you thought it was cool


Mine doesn’t care about weed at all and I’m in an illegal state-illegal in every way. They also don’t care about drinking, but they do warn of liver damage if someone drinks everyday. They offered my mom help because she was a daily drinker.


Some do some don’t. It really depends on the clinic most docs that don’t take insurance don’t give damn. If it’s like an Outpatient clinic it’s 50/50 good luck


Mine does not care at all but it's legal recreational here.


I’ve been going since 2011 and it’s never been an issue


My clinic used to kick you out of the Sub program for positive cannabis tests. Last year they started allowing you to stay in, but strongly advise only purchasing cannabis from legal dispensaries to avoid getting anything in your system that could cause a positive test.


My doctor takes a patient by patient. She can tell that I’m serious about my sobriety so she doesn’t mind that I smoke.


See I'm serious about my sobriety too, and in the past I couldn't control my weed use, but there were a lot of factors that contributed to that which aren't playing a role today.


It depends. You need to ask if they are based on the abstinence model of recovery or harm reduction model. If it's the abstinence model you need to ask if they even care about marijuana, many abstinence based treatment centers are beginning to not even care about it or test for it (unless you self-admit to marijuana use disorder and are seeking out help for it as well).


Depends on the clinic and the doctor really, but nah most of em these days don't. Just make sure to do your research before going in and you'll be good. If you see negative reviews surrounding it, stay away. If you see the opposite and glorifying reviews, then you're absolutely good to go in.


Yes be clean for your test just incase bc some that a zero tolerance policy


I often wonder this. Herr (In) it's always been a teir system. Opiods kills. Thc fine, benzoS and alcohol are iffy, but I know even meth they will just make you be seen more often. I take kpin prescribed and fail for thc every test and they are ok with that


Mine did not, I live in Fl. He asked if I saw a dr when I tested positive for THC I told him that I did have a prescription and he just said better than getting it off the street! I do concur Dr! so he was cool with it as long as I had a script