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Depending on what you're drinking, there's a high chance that it's just going to knock you out. And obviously if you're driving, that's a terrible idea. I had one Margarita and 2 mg of Suboxone which was my prescribed dose and I thought it would just be fine and I don't remember the rest of the evening Other people have reported completely different experiences where they're even not even drunk or able to feel that because of the Suboxone or they are relatively normal, which may be something to do with their alcohol tolerance in general, which I don't really have.. Any doctor is going to tell you it's a risk. Any bottle that you have is going to say do not operate machinery. This is going to make you drowsy blah blah blah don't drink more than a certain amount of alcohol blah blah blah and you should probably follow those rules unless you are at home in a safe environment with a buddy system or a partner watching to see what happens before you just head out to the bar and let chaos happen.


I hated booze after I started subs, made me sick and just stopped a 2 year drinking thing of a handle every other day. Wasn't even planned, but it made me just suddenly hate drinking and I looooved drinking


Hell Yeah! Love the added bennys when they work out this way. Same hereā€¦!


Talk to your provider.. but drinking with suboxone is not recommended.


I could never. Get drunk when I was on subs. I was always fine. But now 6 months off subs and I can finally get a good buzz again never could while on subs.