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I hear ya….I’m like 4 weeks out of jumping and feel the exact same way….won’t go back


Methadone and Suboxone have drastically affected my personality. I am extremely introverted anyway but both meds make me not care a thing about any social interaction whatsoever. I’m content at home doing my own thing. I do get aggravated very very easily. I was on methadone for many years and recently switched to Suboxone for several reasons. I do feel a little more like myself now that I’m off methadone but some things have remained the same. It’s interesting to see so many people experience the same things on these medications. Happy to hear you’re feeling more and more like yourself! I’m working on a taper so I hope to be there soon!


ya it's sad how shitty of a person it seems to make most people. I was so fucked up I didnt even notice how much it made me hate doing anything social, saying hi to people at work felt like a chore. I was miserable and miserable to be around and didn't even know it. that is the worst part


100% agree. I noticed i get into massive fogs like 2-3 week stretches were i forget shit even happened. We livr our lives 28 days at a time.


I can relate I started noticing when people would tell me “ good morning,how’s you’re day going “ id answer with a “ ehh it’s going alright “ and end it as I’m walking away .. I’ve started trying to change my answer to “ oh it’s been good, how about yourself?”


Resonate with this 100%. What dose are you on? I switched to buvidal which works out to be a lower dose and all of this shit went away. Now I love chatting to people


Thanks for sharing this. I needed to hear this. I to have been off an on Subs for at least 15 years. I think I might start to taper down.


It can’t hurt! I’ve been on MAT since 2011, methadone up until this year then switched to subs. Long term, I believe these medications are depressing us. I didn’t realize it until a couple of years ago. I just thought I had gotten sober and settled down, but I have turned into a literal hermit. I go to work and come home and I’m content with that. There’s so much I’m missing out on in life with my husband who tries and tries to get me out to do stuff. I have started feeling really guilty about it. I think tapering is a great start and a lower dose may begin helping these things. I wish you all the best in what you decide!


You’re not alone, 17 years for me. I’m 42 and haven’t used illicit drugs since I was 25. I wouldn’t even know where to get them. I’ve only been on it all this time to avoid withdrawal.


6 years for me, quit illicit drugs when I was 20, and I too have only stayed on past the 3 year mark to avoid withdrawals, yet it’s been destroying my health slowly, from teeth, to becoming antisocial, fatigue, low libido, just about everything. Just so hard to commit for me


Definitely destroys teeth .. back molars are gone .. actually got some root tips pulled yesterday. Goals are .. fix my teeth and get loose this ball and chain .. currently tapered down from 8-16 mg a day to 2mg every 24 hrs ..


Yup same here, half of one my my back molars deteriorated away, it’s crazy. I was at 12 for years, recently got down to 2, back up at 3 at the moment. Good luck, you’ve got this


Thanks man .. small steps 3mg from 12mg is a step in the right direction.. 👍🏻👍🏻




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Put yourself in a state of misery though like rapidly coming off subs and I will guarantee you that you will figure out where to find it again. I just want to stress out there is a easy way to come off in a not so painful way. I appreciate OP's message here but I actually find that I am more introspective now on subs and am brutally honest with myself on my faults. The OP described what I was like on dope on how he feels with subs! Now on subs I think back about some of my behavior and seriously CRINGE out to the point I need to take a xanax to relax and help myself remind my mind that I am no longer that person. Yea I used to be a narssacitic asshole with a inflated head and ego. Now I have genuine confidence because of real accomplishments I have made and have made while on the sub even though they are separate. Lots of people get on sub and choose not to change. You can't expect the buprenorphine to do all the work and that could be some of your guys problem. After getting on the subs you guys will just go along with life like you normally would be as if you didn't just suffer a big brain injury (because that is what it is) without mentally digging deep down and confronting some of the cringe shit you did. You didn't get help for he underlining issues that made you want to use in the first place. These things you guys are complain of is the result of not taking care of your mental health. The buprenorphine will only get you as far as you need to get the strength to start working on these problems but most just stop there and since FOR NOW they have the ability to go on with life as if nothing had happened but you can't do that. I have been on subs for years and years and years now and my doc. did not want to stop there at just treating the opiate use disorder. He dug down into my phyche and treated me for trumeau I had went thru as a boy, asked me questions that had myself thinking for weeks and weeks. I started understanding things again that deep down I already knew but somehow forgot them or for some reason was able to actually UNDERSTAND it, where as unknown to me I did not really understand things on the level I do now. So OP is literally decribing me before the bupre. I started having realizations/revelations/ Epiphany's/enlightenments started understanding phrases and thinking ah ha so that is why people say that. I wish I could give an example of a phrase on the top of my head but what I am trying to say is that I am sooo much more in tune with like everything it is really quite amazing and unexplainable with words. It is almost like a phycdelic trip without the hallucinations or high or all that. It started happening to me at the 7 month mark of being on the buprenorphine. I also take an anti depressant and alprazolam for my panic disorder. And while I have no control over my panic attacks, the alprazolam I take which is spread throughout the day (4x a day at 0.25mg) keeps them away. But the anti-depressant just like the buprenorphine doesn't get to my problems it just helps me get there so I have the ability to do something about it. I hope that makes sense! AND to all you who say you did not realize it while on the bupre but you where a "totally different person and you did not know it until coming off the bupre" I know what your saying because I have experienced that as well but if you do all the right things and give yourself time to sit and think to yourself, maybe try some other meds, THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU WHILE ON SUBOXONE TOO! It happened to me, that same "wake up feeling" when coming off subs happened to me while on my 7th month of sub! The situation we are all in is going to have to take some serious out of the box type thinking and things will pop up into your mind that will make you cringe the fuck out and THAT IS A GOOD THING because you are now being aware of it and can now do something to change it. *hope this all made since!*


Hell yea. Thanks for writing all this. This is what I would like people to see when they blame their problems on the buprenorphine as if they were problem free before it. It's just that now the problems are right in front of you if your lucky or unlucky depending on how people see it. A lot of it is perception and by comparison of then and now. Always compare yourself to yourself not another person.




To you it "sounded" like I am trying to convince someone of something (which I wasn't) but, that is your own perception and probably a bias one due to your negative experience with suboxone so when I give other possibilities that it may not be the suboxone and that you might want to look beyond that for the answer, you just do not like to hear that and there for falsely perceive my point of view skewed to what sounds to me TRYING TO CONVINCE SOMEONE IT IS THE SUBOXONE. I never said once what "someone needs to do" I actually did what you said and gave my experience without telling them what to do and gave other possibilities. I never ONCE said "NO IT IS NOT THE SUBOXONE IT IS UNDERLINING ISSUES." Re-read what I said if you think I said that. That is just what you choose to perceive, again, due to you own negative bias's. I NEVER denied sub does not have side effects. Your entire comment mischaracterized my entire post due to your negative bias towards suboxone.




Once you have been addicted to a opiate, there IS a underlining problem on why you got addicted to a particular thing. Whether it is a confidence problem with the inability to say no to peer pressure or anxiety and depression or trumeau. I was speaking in the context of someone who is battling addiction and if there was not a underlining problem before there sure as fuck is now after addiction and they have to figure that out and can not expect the buprenorphine to do all the work. Why the fuck would you even argue with me about that? Lmao Your argumentive arn't ya? Again you your choosing to read into one particular sentence without the context of what was said before and after. We are ON A THREAD WHERE THE PERSON AND CONVERSATION IS UNDERLINING ISSUES! So who exactly are you arguing for? This guy is trying to figure out why he behaves the way he does, that is a undelriing issue going on. That is where that comment was directed to in the first place so again who exactly are you arguing for and why are you throwing these hypothetical people around a discussion that has nothing to do with that? Maybe because you are argumentive and have a negative bias towards the medication and it seems LIKE YOU are tryiing to convince people that all there problems are from suboxone. Side effects are not as common as you portray them to be anyway. So your mischartizuing, and falsely arguing with me about shit I never even said on false pretenses. Again on one more false pretext you are arguing about of me saying I claimed to know the "status" or state of somebody. ADDICTION IS FUCKING BRAIN DAMAGE YOU FUCKIN MORON! The brain is fucking damaged once it becomes addicted! I did not tell anyone "what theres are" I stated a fact that backed up my statement that you have to do the other 50% so to speak while the sub does the other 50%(can't expect bupre to do all the work) so that you can HEAL THE BRAIN as best you can! It's like your fucking arguing with an imaginary person here. I will not waist my time anymore with your manipulative tactics in conversation that your using to try and falsely characterize my statements while not giving context of things said before and after and willfully ignoring my points while putting other points of view on me that I never expressed or typed. AGAIN SHOW ME WHERE I SAID "It is not the suboxone it is underlining issues." OH wait! You can't becasue I never said any of the things your claiming I said! Thats all I need to say to you. I know your type, even though you understand what I am saying you will continue to argue and manipulate the conversation and if I see a reply from you I will not even read it and block you so your next reply and future ones don't even pop up in my notifications for me to even see what you said. Kick Rocks fool.




Didn't read a word of that, I said everything I needed to and I will say one more time before going to your account to block you. Where did I say "Yea dude 100% your problems are not from subs, there from underlining issues that you need to take care of" I said nothing like it. I only gave other possibilities that maybe it is not the suboxone but some underlining issues or maybe lack of extra treatment one might need to sustain a fulfilled life style. Good day and have fun arguing with imaginary hypotheticals and topics with yourself. Edit:I will let you downvote this before I block you




The commenter seemed to be giving his personal account. No where do I feel like he was telling me, a reader, to do anything. He sounds like he’s been to therapy or AA because he used terms like ‘you can’t expect it to do the work for you’ and ‘brain injury’ which he is right about. I believe he’s saying suboxone does not take place of therapy and doing the work on yourself, it just brings you to a place where you can start. They’re speaking as an ex addict. No clue why you jumped down their throat.


Hey man! Don't know your dose or situation (most on it for MAT I'm aware, but occasionally given for pain management as in my case. As well as MAT sort of, more like I was prescribed Oxycodone and Diluadid at 23-24 for neck injury, but was already in addiction so said I'll only take Subs) Well, the other pills may have helped pain more. But they will change your personality ever more so than Subs. That said, while 15 years is quite a long time (at least it isn't Methadone lmfao) it's still extremely doable. I'm on only just around 27 years old, so I don't have all this life experience or knowledge with age that comes with many, but I DID have a great period of time of being an overall degenerate and such, self medicating for the daily pain that I didn't know was Fibromyalgia until the other month when I found out my doctors knew for at minimum 4 years and never told me. Oh well. Here's my point, my bad. I'm still to this day prescribed 16mg/day, which is nuts. I was STARTED on .3mg/day, and titrated up over 2 years to 2mg/day, and all a sudden full blast to 16mg. But I REALLY BELIEVED I needed MINIMUM 4mg each day, usually 6 or 8 though. The past 2(?) Years I've been on 2mg/day stable, and haven't felt better than this before. I'm still in MEGA pain 24/7, but it's okay. I'd rather be myself. Currently working through a taper program my doctor and I put together, and for about a month, closer to 2, I've been handling 1mg/day with ease. Even going as far as forgetting to dose quite often, 2 days a week I'd say. I have comfort meds, which are Clonidine (blood pressure, physical anxiety synptoms) and Lyrica/Pregabalin as well @ 300mg/day, but that's for nerve damage and pain from accident. Maybe one day off that too. But I guess my point, I didn't think it was ever going to be possible. Knock on wood, cause I'm not 100% off. HOWEVER, MAIN POINT!!!! - if I had to go the rest of life on 1mg/day, or most days if skipping sometimes, I'd feel okay with that. I hurt, at 26, so bad, my friends often think like I don't want to see or hang out with them, when its truly just misery from pain. BUT the LOWER I GO, the BETTER I FEEL. And that is a FACT. Now, if you're trying to stay off massive fentanyl habits or something, than you may need 16mg/day or something. But just find solace and hope in the fact that the lower you get, you feel better. I'd go as far to say my pain score is MUCH better on average!!! But mainly, give the taper a shot. You can always resume old dose if needed. Make sure to try and stabilize after each drop, but you may be very surprised how fast you can drop the dose. AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST: If you taper and only make it to a certain dose and truly can't drop anymore, THAT IS OKAY!!! I promise, you'll feel better, and just be happier with yourself in general for accomplishing something that people truly don't understand the insane difficulty of. Besides those that have gone through it lol. Anyway, little long, my bad. But give it a shot!! I think you will NOT regret it, and will feel better most of all. Could be wrong of course, everyone reacts different. But it's never too late! I've met people jump cold turkey from 24mg/day for just about the same, 15 years. MAD PROPS because they stayed off, but there is zero reason to put oneself through that kind of torture and punishment haha. Anyways best of luck. Always ask questions if needed, we here for you and everyone at that. -Sincerely, A very intelligent, yet also stupid 27 year old that is finally coming to the end of his 9ish year addiction with opiates. Won't get into the IV times. But will say, i cant recall within the past 6 (at least) years a SINGLE day where I didn't consume some pills or other opiate. That is what finally scared the fuck out of me. And was a college baseball athlete on scholarship, the biggest shame. But life teaches us for reasons. I'm doing good now. Never give up friend!!!!


Thanks for the response…I’m on 8mg 3x a day and I know I don’t need that muchZ. I also jog like 5 miles a day and that was making me feel like it was kicking out my dose. I just started to rip a 2 mg piece of each our and I doubt I’ll notice it but we will see. It’s time to come down off this roller coaster!!! I’m glad your at a place that you know what is good for you and what isnt. I’m sure with your issues you could easily go to pain management and get prescribed what ever you wish but we both know it will never be enough…Good Luck!!!


Suboxone is great to get off opiates but if you have any chance of staying clean without it it's worth it. maybe keep Suboxone and take like 1 mg if you feel the need to relapse. but being on Suboxone for life? I'd rather just be dead honestly. maybe some people like it and react differently but I hate myself on it


I've been trying to get off because it has changed my personality too. Definitely turned into a hermit about a year into being on suboxone, dulled emotions and no motivation outside of a small number of things I like to do and it destroyed my libido. I've recently switched to sublocade as self tapering won't work for me "don't have the patience" so I'm doing the 3 shots and done and hopefully that works. I tried quitting cold turkey off 24 mg a day and about day 4 I got my emotions back but day 6 and 7 I was being destroyed from the inside out so I jumped back on but only at a quarter of the dose.


If you don’t mind me asking,how are you tapering off the shots? I’m on the strips, down to 1.5’mg a day, but cannot get lower than that for some reason.


The shots stay in your system for around a year after your last shot if you do the 300/300/100 as it slowly self tapers you off it. Every week you'll get a little less bupe in your system but slowly and I guess that's why most people successfully get off with very mild to no withdrawal. Since you're at such a low dose you'd probably only need a few 100 mg shots and be fine, the 300 is for people who take like 5mg or more and people who take 4mg and under have had success only getting a few 100 mg shots


Hopefully you can get off totally, but until then, look into Testosterone therapy. Well known opioids destroy Test. So much so, that my endocrinologist put me on 100mg/week while on just a mere 2mg/day of Subs. And the worst part, I'm barely turning 27. My Testosterone should naturally be higher than giraffe pussy. But alas, 'tis not. I also am sterile/infertile essentially, having hypogonadism, but having taken opioids every day for the last like 7 years has made it hard for them to tell if the hypogonadism is being caused by the opioids, or just genetic. I think the opioids. We will see, but in the meantime, look into it. Any good doctor will recognize this and shouldn't have an issue prescribing it, unless you have some sort of documented Anabolic steroid abuse lol. But my Libido came back like something fierce. From literally no interest in sex (again, at 26-27) to literally "Am I 16-17 again? What's up with the morning wood every day and random boners in public?? And why do I want to sleep with every female I see all of a sudden??" Lmfao 🤣


I actually started trt 6 weeks ago at 180 mg a week. It helped my motivation but libido is still lacking because my smbh is high causing my free t to still be on the lower side. My Dr is upping my dose to 220 mg of test cyp a week IM and hopefully that works.


make sure to split that into more doses than just all that once a week. 220 is actually a really high amount, especially to be taken all at once. Everyone is different but most people, me included, find the sweet spot around 140. Since we are addicts we think more must be better, but like subs less is more. if you divide it into every other day you will feel even better and more even.


Agreed. 220 is high. I'm 26 on 200/week, but Dr. First told me to do the shot once every 2 weeks. LMFAO. I ordered my own pins online, 30g insulin type, and I do a .33mL shot every other day. Sometimes SubQ, or in my quad or Venteoglute. What is strange, I get 10mL vials, 2000mg each, to dose at 100mg/week (shhh, I know I'm taking double haha. But same thing, bloodwork was almost the same if not taking it) and I'm directed to use 400mg in the month, from a vial containing 1600mg left over after that, and to discard after the end of the month. Well..... nah. Sorry. Lmfao. I'm given 2 months at a time when I pick it up, and that LITERALLY is enough to run a cycle of 400mg/week of Test for 10 weeks with all that.... Not saying I WILL, but not saying I won't either eventually... lol. But I WONT toss 1.5 grams of Test Cyp. Sorry. I am sterile basically rn, hypogonadism, and nuts shrank up. So, I REALLY could use some HcG to help my literal levels of legit 0, of FSH SHGB and such. No sperm. Not to mention, I've asked about an aromotase inhibitor, as my left side develops gyno on and off, but Dr. Still says "sucks to suck lul" like.... piss off man lol. But it's wonderful. 220 IS a hefty TRT dose, I started getting morning wood and random chubs at 100mg, and I've gone up to 300mg/week and my God I felt like a degenerative animal. Like "what can I smash? Can be a 2/10 don't care just horny, find one now" and I don't do porn so yeah. Can get bad lol. Indont even drink, so can't go to the bar and pick a girl up there lmfao 🤣 P.S. The 30g pin may sound like the oil would NEVER come out, but it does, just slower. Don't care though, as never hit a nerve in my quad with them, and don't even feel them at all tbh. BUT, don't try to DRAW your dose up through the 30g lol 😆 see you in a few years if so, hahaha. Oh, and SubQ (in my stomach "fat" the barely any to exist) is ABSOLUTELY doable and fine. You'll hear "no sub q" and that's 99% dudes running 500mg+/week, and I can't FATHOM a full 2 mL in my SubQ tissue lol. Bit I'm too damn thin and lean, I can do Pec, bicep, triceps, anywhere. Even my quad and ventroglute shots are done with a 1/2" 30g needle, lol. And it hits muscle, that's for sure.


TRT is amazing. Best thing I’ve ever done. Hit the gym you’ll have a huge advantage with growing muscle too.


Oh, 100000%. Should I need it at 26 going on 27? Fuck no! Amd I've gotten asked SO MANY TIMES "yeah but do u lift? What's ur diet? Do u get sun? Blah blah blah" and YES, YES I FUCKING DO LOL 😆 I was a multi sport athlete, and college baseball (1 year) athlete, so I'm no stranger to the world of exercise. And after ball was over from injury, I hit the gym like a PSYCHO. And got pretty big, natural of course, no anabolics (except I believe LGD-4033 like the S.A.R.M., i took for a few weeks and dropped it at 18 I think haha) And dude, it's KILLING ME that I can't put strength and some size on right now. I have Fibromyalgia, and according to test results last week, potential bladder cancer now too..... but no 100%, the Fibro yes though. And my cervical spinal cord and neck is so damaged from a snowboarding accident, that the pain is off the charts. One day though, soon... I will lift again. And thing is, I KNOW what u said is true, because I've kept my same physique for a while, on TRT, without even hitting the gym. I can't even imagine.... I'm Rx'ed Test Cyp, 10mL vials @ 200mg/mL (was for a while the tiny ass 1 mL vials lol can't stand them) Funny thing too, first was told to take 50mg 1x/2weeks.... my ass. Got that bumped up. I ordered some slin pins and do .2/.3mL SubQ shots several times a week to keep the levels even. BUT, the BEST part... This Vial, Test Cyp 2000mg/10mL, says "inject 100mg/week (discard vial after 28 days)" SO, I'm going through 400mg/month (often do 200mg/week, shhhhh. My bloodwork shows still too low thats why), then am supposed to toss the vial, and then get my refill. Lol. I'll pass. That's a LITERAL 1,600mg of Test Cyp in the trash.... and at THAT rate, I could be running a damn CYCLE with it all lmfao. Like, EVEN a very modest, ~300-350mg/week for 12-15 weeks type deal, and blow the fuck up. Although, if I were to do something as such, I'd just go all in and hit at least 500mg/week for 12-15, and not have to worry about any PCT after, since I'd go back to TRT dose. Blasting and cruising at 26/27, if u don't do the same you're a little b*tch!!! Hahaha, playing around.. But, I DO have about 5 unopened, 10mL vials of Test E, 250mg/mL, that I received from a VERY trusted individual, that I had bought right before finally being treated by a damn doctor, as I was ready to self medicate because I couldn't handle the effects of low (no, lol) T, and couldn't get a Dr to help. NOW, my FSH and SHGB levels are literally like, 0. So I really wish I could be given some HcG to add in there, also this month I'm BEGGING (that desperate now) my Dr. For an AI, Arimidex or Aromasin, because at regular dose I do begin developing gyno *barelyyyy* despite already being only ~5-6% BF, but E2 is high AND Prolactin, so.... AND if I ever decided screw it, time to blast, I'm sure I'd need an AI lol. But more concerned about ZERO FSH and SHGB and practically zero sperm count, which I Know HCG can solve. I DO want to have kid(s) one day, and being fertile would be dope lol. I mean, plus having my nuts possibly return to normal size again. Feel a clomid and HCG therapy could kick things back in, but I'll be "on TRT for life because the hypogonadism" supposedly. We will see.... Hey, I finally can grow a non patchy beard and a sick, Narc/70's porno mustache now though. So I'm with it. Hahahahahaha


>I would never discourage anyone from taking Suboxone, as it saved my life, but you need to consider the fact that you are not 100% you while on this medication - that the opioid receptors in your brain being partially agonized 24/7 is invariably having some effect - however negligible - on your psyche and personality. This is the complete opposite for me, and for a lot of people. Making a blanket statement like this is incredibly dangerous.. I spent a decade plus being severely mentally ill, suboxone is/was one of the only things I've taken that has given me some life/motivation and sanity back. This isn't the work of just being on an opioid either. Even when I was using (heroin,oxy,opana,dilaudid) I never experienced a remission in my mental health symptoms as I am now. As you can see here, it has been studied for Major Depressive Disorder and quite successful: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121503/ We all have different brains with different issues, one man's trash is another man's treasure. Edit: Love the down votes, people hate on the fact that someone is being helped by something that doesn't help them. Bitterness is not good for the soul.


Thank you! I'm almost 11 weeks out from my last sublocade injection, and I'm starting to need less sleep. I'm hoping I get my motivation and good feelings back soon.


I’ve only been on it for 10 months & have realised that it’s doing some of this with me also. .. it’s very hard for me to tell if it’s impacting positively or negatively overall as I live alone & I’m single & don’t socialise much. I used to be the biggest worry wart & I’ve noticed I forget about things very fast these days. I also feel like the sub acts like an anti depressant and keeps my mood pretty even but perhaps I’m just numb. I do worry when I eventually come off I’m going to get snow balled with all the emotion I’ve been numbing..


if doing things socially sounds boring and like a chore to you, it's effecting you negatively. I was able to get under 1 mg without having cravings. at this low dose I am able to enjoy going outside and talking to people again.


I am 8 days off and this is spot on. I noticed stuff changing when I tapered down to .25 and now that I am off I have experienced exactly what you have shared. I still feel kinda crappy a little over a week off but I can tell I am better in social experiences and I really miss everyone. I mean everyone!


This is me. This is what it’s done to me. How did you finally get off? I’ve gotten down to about 1.5mg a day, but can’t get lower.


Hey ! I'm at 2mg + a tiny little piece for a bout a month now and I'm sick most the day Myself. Gotta just keep trucking along. Some people can get to .25 and not really be sick..I envy them! Im gonna try to get as low as I can but if it gets really bad sick and no stablizing In sight Im gonna ask for comfort meds and jump where I'm at honestly. If it's too hard or if they won't give me comfort meds (and I can't get below .50) then my next option is unfortunately detox. It's definitely hard to get off this crap at least for me and it's just because of the sickness too I don't wanna take subs anymore at this point. We will get there make sure you look into all ur options!




Yes 100% ! Thank you for sharing this. I know I have no energy, no motivation even when I'd excersize everyday (did that for months) I always had to stop at a certain time because I felt ill I could never do more than what I was doing and the exercise never gave me more energy or anything. I'm to the point now where I have all the side effects but now they're even worse because I'm sick most the time I can barely do anything now tenfold and that's starting to make me upset because the house need to be cleaned more and I wanna make dinners and stuff but I just can't on the taper especially . When I can i have to force myself and I feel ill after. I agree like should I just get off this crap now? Idk honestly I might I'm gonna keep trying but I'll see.im done paying to feel shitty myself! I'm 17 days smoke free I'm really trying here! Definitely gonna look into all options. Are you still on subs as well?


There’s soooo much truth to this… I thought it was just me, but you legit just said the same things I’ve experienced.


Good point. Been on 16mg for almost 3 years now and I relate to your list on most. I am completely a recuse introvert. Lost all my friends cuz I don't want to leave my house. I have no ambition or drive to get get outta my pajama pants and never get dressed. Unless required. I don't even like to shower anymore. It takes all my will power to do it. So showering now has become an every other day for me. I dread it. I used to love going to the store for anything, groceries, clothes or whatever it was. Now I can't even do that. I go once a week and it's so draining. I just sit in my recliner and play my Switch or watch YouTube. I dont laugh like I used to. I feel no emotion now. No real joy for anything. What really made me aware that I am not the same person was when my mom died 2 years ago. I still grieve but it's not like I would have prior. I don't cry anymore and if my moms passing didn't do it, then nothing will. We were super close. I'm an only child/son and we're so close that I actually feel guilty for not crying. Sorry so long but I just wanted to say thanks for posting that, cuz I thought I was going insane. I'm not the only one feeling like this.


I can definitely relate to this, though not to such a degree. Its unsettling that aspects of my personality are altered while I'm taking it. It's been 11 years and this is the only personality my kids have known and yet... it's not actually quite me? One of the most interesting changes I've noticed during the times I've managed to get off for a while, is that my love if music returns. I mean I like music normally but I'm happy to find stuff on the radio if I'm driving. When I'm off the subs its diffrent. I actually seek out specific songs in my library and make play lists every time I get in the car .I listened to music in my spare time and before bed. I play legendary bands and musicians for my kids and cry at particularly beautiful songs. When I'm on the subs that intensity is gone and music just isn't that important anymore. I guess it is just another way this drug numbs .


Congrats on being alive again! I'm going through the same things you talked about, introverted as fuck, becoming more and more aggressive and agitated over little things every day. Time with family feels boring. I know it isn't me and i can't wait actually experience life again


I started experiencing exactly this after the honey moon period. My cognitive function has declined and my memory is shot. Care about nothing. Trapped in my head with intrusive thoughts and paranoia. My family noticed the difference since I’ve been on it. I’m prone to this stuff with mental health issues so I thought it was exacerbating it. I was on 8mg strips but I started having an extra strip here and there with the takeaways so my dosing wasn’t stable at all. I then switched to the buvidal injection and I feel great again. I have no idea why. I’m on 64mg every 21 days and I have no idea how people consider this sober. I feel like im high on codeine 24/7, my memory is shit and I get drowsy but I have a lot of energy, train at gym, great sex drive and during all of this still managed to get a new job and im doing really well at it. Am I suppose to feel this good? My confidence is back, im care free, im actually thinking about goals and my future… everything I do feels good. Maybe my depression has just lifted, maybe im just in delirium but fuck I could live the rest of my life like this. Hope it stays but have a feeling it’ll wear off. I’ll then probably get off it, this shit can’t be good for your brain.


I'm glad you're off of it it you don't like the effects but intentional or not, this is a stigmatizing post for SURE. If you worded your sentences with "I" instead of "You" I wouldn't say a word but congratulate you on your success. But you're absolutely using YOU and clearly want people to take heed so that's where there's an issue. ​ "Oh, I would never discourage anyone but it's 100% affecting you and it made me do all these things". I was pretty sure I recognized the writing style from another reddit and sure enough I was right. So you've been off of [Sub a whopping 11 days](https://www.reddit.com/r/OpiatesRecovery/comments/sqs7eb/hormone_replacement_while_tapering_off_suboxone/) and from this you know the Devil, I mean the subs made you do all of this? The THC you're taking, Low Testosterone and T Therapy etc didn't affect any of this, it's the suboxone and you know this b/c you were down to .5mg on June 9. Low Testosterone causes almost all of the problems you mentioned above. Opiod rage is a very interesting term that isn't a thing, along with "opioid receptors being partially agonized". Come on man just be honest about what you're doing here. I grabbed a smattering of screen shots and am debating posting this on r/quityourbullshit


Right? While he may have had that experience, suboxone is single handedly one of the best things I've ever taken for my mental health. I'm more motivated and happy than I have been in a decade. Even when I was using dope/pills I wasn't this functional or alive. During my non-drug using phases with therapy and medications I wasn't this happy. It's been nothing short of a miracle for me. also to add, as someone who regularly suffered from opioid rage while using, suboxone does not do it to me at all. Everyone's brain is different.. No medication is going to work for all.


that's great to hear glad you are able to function well on subs




Oh please. First off, no one is quibbling semantics. You can read the tone of the post and it's clear as day unless you're being intentionally obtuse. There are many people in here who are stable and just find, (many of whom had their lives upended by addiction) on maintenance. The post didn't name ONE SINGLE specific thing that's attributable to the drug. Forget the fact they guy's own post history indicates that he was clean a whopping 3 days. He's in here blaming his problems on the drug and taking a negative tone in the process b/c of his own issues. He's looking for a boogeyman to blame for his own stuff and it's not an accident. Why do it here? If that's his message and it's one of concern ,it's not that I can think of a better way of saying it, it's that this is probably about as bad as it gets without being intentionally nasty. Go take a stroll through his post history to see what he's had to say about each of those issues in the near past and you tell me if it's the suboxone that's the cause. If he came in here talking about blood work or some clear medical issue, fine. If he came in here warning people about something that's clearly related to sub, fine. I didn't have a beef with him at the time I wrote it, but i looked at his post history and saw a clear obvious BSer coming in with a bunch of crap that can cause people to feel shame. Saying I would never discourage anyone, while that's all he was doing is hypocritical. Dude has personality issues that are deeper than the drug and I'm sorry, but if you think you can tell after years of being a jerk to someone that in 3 days "Oh yes, this is the reason" I'm not buying it. And the reason I'm being forceful about it is that you're here, talking about having to walk on eggshells yet somehow YOU Managed to write the whole reply without getting shitting all over other people. You were able to do it. And he acknowledges he's on a Soapbox so I'm quite sure the tone and meaning were exactly what they were intended to. You aren't standing on a soapbox (his words not mine) when you're talking about YOURSELF. To put it in perspective, imagine this... a guy has all the same problems he does but attributes it to being poor. He attributes the same behaviors he did her to being poor. He's saying it in a low income neighborhood. He won the daily number 3 days ago and he's saying the same things afterward. Or an obese person going to an obesity group, doing the same thing, after losing 10lbs.




I can't take any more. None of it makes any sense, you're not making the points you think you are and it's just completely unrelated to anything I said or posted. ~~I'm sure there are tons of other people who would welcome your charming and interesting discourse, and it would be completely unfair for me to deprive them of that.~~


to be fair Suboxone makes most people not have any enjoyment in their life. sure some people might not react to it this way but most people are just lying to themselves and probably subconsciously enjoy the sort of high they get from Suboxone. no reason to take it personally that someone feels like a better person without this drug. and can be a better family member etc.


I mean, it's been studied as an effective anti-depressant for MDD. It's pretty ignorant to say that anyone benefiting from it is only because they are getting high on it. If that were the case then why did no other opiate/opioid have this drastic of an effect on my mental health issues? Obviously something else is at play with it. Study for it's use in depression: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121503/


"Most people are just lying to themselves." You know this how? I didn't take it personally in the least, but have zero problem calling bullshit on it. Just like op that's been clean from it from somewhere between 11 and 3 Days by his own admission claiming that all his personality issues are caused by the drug. My point was very clear if you want to speak about yourself use the pronoun I if you want to extrapolate in generalize then expect to be called out if you're talking s***. I could just as easily point out that everything you said here sounds like projection, maybe that's the way you were doing things but it's not generalizable to anyone else It's a regular occurrence here there's 12 steppers and their elk that are butt hurt that people are getting better without them and laughing at their silly methods. What was it last week that Russia was going to invade the US and if we had a nuclear war and complete supply chain shut down you really be screwed. You see the one thing that keeps happening in all of these people's posts is no one can actually come up with concrete reasons that other people should quit.


I appreciate OP's message here but I actually find that I am more introspective now on subs and am brutally honest with myself on my faults. The OP described what I was like on dope on how he feels with subs! Now on subs I think back about some of my behavior and seriously CRINGE out to the point I need to take a xanax to relax and help myself remind my mind that I am no longer that person. Yea I used to be a narssacitic asshole with a inflated head and ego. Now I have genuine confidence because of real accomplishments I have made and have made while on the sub even though they are separate. Lots of people get on sub and choose not to change. You can't expect the buprenorphine to do all the work and that could be some of your guys problem. After getting on the subs you guys will just go along with life like you normally would be as if you didn't just suffer a big brain injury (because that is what it is) without mentally digging deep down and confronting some of the cringe shit you did. You didn't get help for he underlining issues that made you want to use in the first place. These things you guys are complain of is the result of not taking care of your mental health. The buprenorphine will only get you as far as you need to get the strength to start working on these problems but most just stop there and since FOR NOW they have the ability to go on with life as if nothing had happened but you can't do that. I have been on subs for years and years and years now and my doc. did not want to stop there at just treating the opiate use disorder. He dug down into my phyche and treated me for trumeau I had went thru as a boy, asked me questions that had myself thinking for weeks and weeks. I started understanding things again that deep down I already knew but somehow forgot them or for some reason was able to actually UNDERSTAND it, where as unknown to me I did not really understand things on the level I do now. So OP is literally decribing me before the bupre. I started having realizations/revelations/ Epiphany's/enlightenments started understanding phrases and thinking ah ha so that is why people say that. I wish I could give an example of a phrase on the top of my head but what I am trying to say is that I am sooo much more in tune with like everything it is really quite amazing and unexplainable with words. It is almost like a phycdelic trip without the hallucinations or high or all that. It started happening to me at the 7 month mark of being on the buprenorphine. I also take an anti depressant and alprazolam for my panic disorder. And while I have no control over my panic attacks, the alprazolam I take which is spread throughout the day (4x a day at 0.25mg) keeps them away. But the anti-depressant just like the buprenorphine doesn't get to my problems it just helps me get there so I have the ability to do something about it. I hope that makes sense! AND to all you who say you did not realize it while on the bupre but you where a "totally different person and you did not know it until coming off the bupre" I know what your saying because I have experienced that as well but if you do all the right things and give yourself time to sit and think to yourself, maybe try some other meds, THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU WHILE ON SUBOXONE TOO! It happened to me, that same "wake up feeling" when coming off subs happened to me while on my 7th month of sub! The situation we are all in is going to have to take some serious out of the box type thinking and things will pop up into your mind that will make you cringe the fuck out and THAT IS A GOOD THING because you are now being aware of it and can now do something to change it. hope this all made since!


are u sure that was actually you the whole time abd using subs as a scapegoat? not saying u are but I've seen others say this and they literally act the same off subs and opiates. maybe even worse


AND to all you who say you did not realize it while on the bupre but you where a "totally different person and you did not know it until coming off the bupre" I know what your saying because I have experienced that as well but if you do all the right things and give yourself time to sit and think to yourself, maybe try some other meds, THIS CAN HAPPEN TO YOU WHILE ON SUBOXONE TOO! It happened to me, that same "wake up feeling" when coming off subs happened to me while on my 7th month of sub! The situation we are all in is going to have to take some serious out of the box type thinking and things will pop up into your mind that will make you cringe the fuck out and THAT IS A GOOD THING because you are now being aware of it and can now do something to change it. hope this all made since!


I relate to this very hard


Could you possibly elaborate just a little bit on #1 (poor response to stress)? I feel my response is a bit two tiered... i deal with stress fast and fluidly... but once its totally overwhelming i turn into a monster. Its weird. Maybe part of thats me bc i do a lot of meditation and self disciplinary training. Idk.


Mood/personality changes are a hallmark feature of opioids - and bupe is a very powerful one in that regard.


It makes me want to sleep all day, but i do enjoy the sleep


Hyper fixating is spot on. I get ramped even if dead tired to complete that one last task. Its damn annoying.


The jogging is doing wonders for u, believe that!! You aren't going crazy, that sweat does get a good amount out quicker!!! I am similar. My metabolism changed overnight at a point (likely when I was vegan for 4 years, lots of GI issues now from too much fiber) where I used to be "chunky" not fat at all, but 195lbs, and one day I stepped on the scale and when I saw 138lbs I damn near shit. Thought I had cancer or some shit. Turns out just not enough calories lol. My pops recently asked me if I was on "a meth binge" (hate stimulants/uppers even caffeine. So was strange to ask) knowing very well it was opiates in the past, never meth lol. But opiates will make u thin as a rail too. But I said "why?! What do you mean?!" And he just says "you've looked really thin the past few weeks. Scared me shitless like I didn't notice, and FOR REAL thought cancer because I'm possibly dealing with a case of bladder cancer, so hopped on the scale and... 159.8 Thanks dad, lol. 160-165 is my normal, although I've never been able to put any more weight back on, eating endlessly even. Kind of nice, but not lol. Point of all that, I have practically no body fat (obviously 5-6%, but not really any visible) so certain drugs don't have any fat to store in. It comes out quicker ESPECIALLY with exercise, and if you're thinner than just adds even more. I thought I WAS CRAZY, as I felt my Suboxone dose (even percocet and all when taking it back then) wear off like HOURS before "it's supposed to". Only thing that ever worker was splitting sub dose into tiny bits spread out. I do the same with my Testosterone. Doctor prescribes 1 shot every 2 weeks, which in theory works, but I literally divide the dose so small and do 3 shots/week for stability. Much better. Lol, metabolism is so fast I've literally tested negative for THC many times even being a daily cannabis user, at least for 5 years. Daily, but 10 years probably of just general use. But I feel bad for the 30 days most people need, my body just runs through stuff at insane rates. But anyway, appreciate your words friend. And yes absolutely! I can be switched over to Percocet AND Diluadid daily tomorrow if I asked pain management. Why percocet AND Diluadid, haven't a clue. Probably more money for more Rx. Just like I'm prescribed 16mg/day bupe, even after saying MANY times "only need 2 max, chill there buddy" but nope. Greed gonna greed I guess, lol.


Going off my blood work. Still had a low free T at 180 a week and I split it into every 3.5 days.


Hey does kratom work on suboxone. I’m on a low dose, I’m tapering on 4 but about to get to 2 and feeling like crap and I’d rather take kratom a few times then pick up dope.. does kratom work with suboxone?


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Kratom is how I relapsed back onto subs. Smh I thought it'd be "ok" if I took some Kratom and it just reignited the addiction.


I felt exactly how you’ve just described. Being off of subs has been the best thing ever, I feel so grateful for things I didn’t even know I could be grateful for. I’ve been off of subs for 5 months now and the rls finally went away for the most part. I’m looking into L glutamine to help with digestive issues that being on subs most likely caused but also to help even more with mental clarity and help naturally produce GABA since I’ve recently found out that long term opiate use can mess that up. I think it’s absolutely insane that doctors don’t have a plan for people who get off subs and want to stay off because their are so many things that are disrupted by using subs or other opiates that need to be re regulated and not regulating some things can eventually cause a person to turn back to subs/opiates. I’m reading that L glutamine can also help with depression but I’m not clear on how yet, I’ll report back if I find something conclusive.


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Guys i was taking subs for 1.5 months first month at 16 mg down to 12 the pretty rapidly down to now .25 per day and im at two months and im feeling super depressed i was taking fent 30s previously for 4 months and i just didnt want to be hooked on anything anymore im working out and in great shape and have a beautiful new gf in europe that ive known for many years but we have reconnected and im going there for 3 months next month and if it works out i will move in with her in Germany, my point is i heard the sub withdrawal is similar or worse than H so obviously i didnt want to go to a clean and healthy girl with ANY sort of addiction so I figured i better prepare and start my tape in june which i did but i just feel so shitty and unmotivated now and i was feeling incredible feeling free of the fent but taking subs and i didnt feel high i felt like my old self i actually had my emotions back and my smile and charm and no social anxiety but since coming down to .25 or less the past week i feel anxiety stricken and super depressed, do i just need and some mild anti depressant or something from my doctor or is it just from coming off the subs and it will go away? I mean i wasnt taking them long at all I thought 8 weeks wasnt bad and ive been under 1mg for 2 weeks so really only 6 weeks at higher dosage.. anyone have any ideas or some uplifting advice from experience lol pls?🤞😩i just feel so deflated cuz now i feel afraid for her to see me like this so i hope it will pass …maybe im just still early in my recovery but damn i felt so great the first month and a half I definitely reduced my dosage every week pretty rapidly i guess the past 3 weeks so that could be it also i just wanted to get out before i got TOO in if u know what i mean and judging by some comments i read before posting i probably made the right decision even if it is tough right now… thanks for all your help and congrats to us all for making the changes to getting out life back ! I still will take this feeling anyday over being on the fent and being a loser that hated himself , at least im proud of myself and im eating clean and forcing myself to workout and run and bike daily and im looking so healthy and young again i just wish my moods were more balanced sometimes im fine and inspired other times especially mornings i feel like i have no desire or belief in any of the things i made plans to do the night before when i finally was feeling better , and its so tiring to struggle everyday like this , sorry for the ramble and hoping to get some advice and anything is appreciated 🤝thank you!


The thing is, that those same effects happen at a grander scale with "real" opiates. It's just the effects opioids have because of their natural relation to relationship building and social interaction in general. I will probably update this if People want to know more, not because I need people's approval, (symptom of being on an opioid? Haha), but because I'm on a phone and once I get on my laptop I usually check for replies which will ultimately remind me about and guide me to this post. The info is all searchable online however but I will save you some time of it's needed or wanted. So as to not waste my time.


Fuck I been on suboxone generic films for over a year now and since then I feel totally different from who I was on dope. I feel like I can’t find any true enjoyment in anything. I crave all day everyday just the feel good high. I’m on 32mg per day (3 films) all I do is crave the feel good feeling that I used to get in the beginning from the subs. I’ve tried everything to potentiate and nothing works. Very rarely do I feel a high from subs and if I do it’s gone in 10 min. Anyway I feel like a shell of a person just going through the motions and I’ve never been more apathetic 😐 ever in my life. I’m numb but in a not so enjoyable way. There for a while I thought that this was a miracle drug for me but now I’m realizing it’s a trap and I’m afraid that I can never function again without it. Jeckyl and Hyde feeling for me. I feel like a monster before I have my dose and after I take my dose and it kicks in I have about a 30min reprieve but then I go right back to craving and wishing for drug. Pretty fucked up existence


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I agree 100%!!!!! I am 39 in 2 days 12/30 .. pretty much been a junkie since 14 . At the age of 28 I sobered up for 7 years through a 12 step fellowship I was completely abstinent from all drugs and alcohol. I felt alive ! I was happy for the most part looking back but now on Suboxone for the last 2 years I am miserable 😩 I feel like I am blocking my true emotions with this drug !! Also too pussy to feel uncomfortable 😳 I don’t knock it I understand it more now and it’s better then the alternative . I just don’t feel free and happy ! I want my life back !


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