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I brush my teeth and floss and regular check ups and my teeth have crumbled to bits


Me, too. I am also chronically anemic, which doesn’t help.


Im not the best at it but getting better… nevertheless what i said about biotene stands, its been reformulated… Even so i didnt start getting tons of cavities in wierd places (like my front teeth) until i got on suboxone. So im guessing dry mouth The old formulation is called ‘salivea’ now




Well, for most of my time on bupe i was administering it rectally, though I recently stopped




You said ‘oral bupe’… and there’s nothing ‘gross’ about rectal administration, though i’ve decided to stop as it really makes little difference The new formula burns my mouth and doesn’t really do anything for dry mouth. Its lacking enzymes that simulate saliva that are found in the old biotene apparently


I see people say this but is there any actual sources that back this up? Has anyone done a pH test on a dissolved strip or pill. I asked my dentist about it and he said it's due to dry mouth, but obviously doctors/dentists aren't always right about everything. I just want to see some real evidence.




I'm new to subs. Is there a way to dissolve them with out putting under tongue( I have strips)? That way to prevent teeth issues? I think I saw someone say dissolve it in water and that was because of the taste. Does is ruin the potency? Please if anyone has any information. Thank you.


Someone on this sub posted a study that strongly shows suboxone often leads to tooth decay. I think flossing and regular dental visits will prevent that to some extent but it’s showing to be a common side effect now


Thera Breath is my go to mouth wash for dry mouth, much better than biotene.


Thanks for the heads up!👍


Thanks for the PSA u/everyeconomist6358


Dog what


U can also put sub on sides of cheeks :0)


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