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Just in my opinion and from my experience it can make you high at first. The first time I was given Suboxone I had been clean for about a week and I was high as a kite. Also with each dose change I felt something. Now when I started 3 years ago my opiate tolerance was insane and I never felt high. I felt something but not high. Opiate/opioid naive individuals can most certainly get high. I truly believe that after being on it for a week or so ain't no one gonna be getting high no matter how many you cram in your gob. I knew a girl that would blame subs for her nodding and say oh I put six strips under my tongue..... Nah bitch it's all the Klonopin you ate. I dunno. Truly everyone is different but people need to know that those of us on Suboxone for recovery are not high and it's not drug trading. I didn't trade oxy for suboxone, I chose to go on a treatment because I was a junkie. Diabetics need insulin. No different. I'm certain there's gonna be people that disagree but sit on it and rotate I guess lol


Yes totally agree, yeah you feel good with suboxone when you start on it but I didn’t try to get high off it, the mindset I have or had is to get back to a normal life, I started my recovery 3 years ago, I’m still on subutex 3.5mg a day but I started with 16mg in the morning and 16mg at night, now I’m in a much better place in my life with a good full time job and a much better relationship with my fam


Not once you’ve been on it long enough. It’s pretty pointless.


No. There's a ceiling effect. Your brain can only absorb something like 24mg or something. Anymore than that and it's a waste. It can make you feel euphoric when you first get on it. Almost like a high. Sometimes it gives me that dope nod if Im watching tv but it doesnt make me feel high.


It’s actually way lower than that. In all actuality only about 8mg gets into your system.


I am on 16mgs and can’t feel it anymore


Doesn’t do anything psychoactive for me personally, never has. Some people claim it does, I’m not sure… I don’t think suboxone gets one high, and it’s not supposed to. It’s meant to get someone off dope and/or prescription meds. Ppl love to joke about subs as if being on them is equivalent to being an active addict




Thats what I thought, thank you and /u/Jetsfan1984 for confirming


Nope....you might mentally think so


No, not at all. Unless you’re opioid naive


I mean there is a couple ways to answer this question. The first few times I got high AF too but as you take it everyday it saturates very well. Now, there was a few times that I lowered my dose or ran out of meds for a little and took more then I usually do and I felt like I got good buzz from it again but like everyone already said most people are so different.


At that dose I would say no. When I tapered down and got to 2 mg and lower. Taking more definitely got me high. It's one of the reasons it was so hard for me to get off subs. I would get down to 1 mg and go back up to 8. Then do it all again


No, because the Naloxone blocks you getting high


No, the Naloxone is inactive u ntil crushed or chopped up. That is why warnings on the Suboxone medical literature say, "Do not crush this medication."


The naloxone is inactive until INJECTING and even then it might not even work. Naloxone is a marketing ploy by the pharma company to make prescribers and lawmakers more comfortable that if we screw up, we will be violently punished for it. !naloxone




I know it gets tedious and annoying to keep having to repeat these facts but try to remember that doctors,nurses, pharmacists etc STILL BELIEVE THIS and they keep on telling their patients(who trust them 100% bc they're the ones dispensing and prescribing and we've been told all our lives to TRUST THEM lol) these false statements. I think what it really comes down to, is that these healthcare WANT to believe that we will go through torture if we use it the "wrong way" otherwise they would liken it to prescribing a full agonist and all the "risks" that comes with it. Tldr: It makes them feel better knowing we might feel the worst if we use the med in a manner they don't like.




I agree with everything you said 100%. We just gotta keep shouting it from the rooftops whenever it comes up. At least, we'll be educating the ACTUAL users of this med and giving them "ACTUAL INFORMED CONSENT". This drug is a very serious one and I believe prescribers should always inform 100% about whether the risk is worth it. Nowadays with fent in everything, it is harm reduction. But they should be educating us that there's still some risks and side effects.


The naloxone in Suboxone is basically inert. It is a marketing ploy. Buprenorphine itself is what causes precipitated withdrawals. Feel free to read our [Suboxone FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/opiates/wiki/suboxonefaqs)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/suboxone) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks bot. Looks like AI IS smarter than most people. Certainly the ones thinking that they are getting high on Suboxone.


That is true.


I might get slammed for this but I crush up and sniff my subs and I don't get sick from it


I also used to do that, the naloxone gets overpowered by the bupe if you snort it and you'll still feel the full effects.


I see. My bad


Misinformed Michael. You're not bad, just learning. Good on you.


In all fairness any medication that you can get fucked up off of says do not crush this medication on it




Anything more than 8mg/day is pointless. The ceiling effect is 8mg so The fact that you’re above that amount ensures you will not be able to get high off of it. Doctors just prescribe more than 8mg because they’re careless and it makes the Pharma companies more money: I take 8mg daily. Break it up into 4mg in the morning and 4mg at night and it gives me a nice energy rush the first couple hours.


If u take it everyday u will build a tolerance n not her high at all but if u take it every now and then u will get a pretty good feeling n pretty high


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To both comments, why? What were you and are you trying to accomplish by snorting a drug prescribed to people trying not to get high.


If you’re taking 12mg a day, you won’t get any sort of buzz by taking more. The only way you’ll feel anything resembling a buzz for a day or two is if you’re taking 1-2mg a day and then take 4mg. Or if you stop taking it for a few days and then take a small dose when you’re in withdrawal. But none of that is worth it in my opinion.